Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam is picked up from school by Isabelle, and neither of them are very happy. In frustration at Sam's bad behaviour, Isabelle tries some negative reinforcement before Sam is busted back to square one.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Isabelle yelled almost as soon as they got home.

Sam had been carried into the living room without pause and was then put down on the couch. She barely had time to adjust her skirt to cover her diaper before Isabelle was shouting at her. Sam had seen Issy angry before, but she looked furious right then.

“I… I can explain!” Sam raised her hands defensively. Very inconveniently for her the command that had reduced her to useless babbling had lifted in the car when it was far too late for her to try and explain what happened to the Principal.

“You had better!” Isabelle replied with her hands on her hips.

Sam tried to explain why she was upset and frustrated. She told Isabelle about everyone knowing about the diapers, she told her about her friends snubbing her and she told her about the boys who had surrounded her. Isabelle’s face softened somewhat but she was still standing over her imperiously. Sam stopped just before the fated push that had caused all the trouble.

“And you resorted to physical violence?” Isabelle asked.

“I did… but I didn’t have a choith!” Sam whined.

“You couldn’t shout for a teacher? Or run away?” Isabelle asked, “Those are two choices right off the top of my head.”

“I couldn’t call for a teacher…” Sam said quietly, “I’m an adult, I could handle mythelf…”

“That’s exactly the problem, Sam.” Isabelle said with exasperation, “You are an ADULT! You can’t go around pushing little kids even if they are your size. I’m afraid I’m going to have to try some negative reinforcement.”

“Huh?” Sam had only enough time to give Isabelle a quick frown of confusion before she was lifted up and then laid across Isabelle’s lap, “W-Wait! No, no, no!”

“I’m sorry, Sam.” Isabelle said, “You’ll thank me one day.”

Sam felt one of Isabelle’s hands on the waistband of her diaper right above her butt. With a pull the padding was lowered exposing her bare skin. This was a position she knew well, it was one Jess had put her in quite a few times in the early days before the triggers had firmly implanted themselves in her head.

The first spank crashed into Sam before she was ready. Instantly it was like a switch had been flicked and she was back to that wailing infant she had tried so desperately to get away from. Her legs kicked out as a second spank landed on her other cheek. They weren’t even hard hits, just enough to sting a little, but her reaction was automatic.

Sam was crying so hard she had snot running down her face and her tears were dripping to the floor. She didn’t even register each individual spank, all she felt was burning humiliation and the stinging that made it feel like her buttocks were on fire. When it finally stopped Isabelle was quick to pull the diaper back up and then lift Sam into a cuddle. The small woman was held against Isabelle’s chest as she cried, getting all the emotions from the day out in one wet mess on Isabelle’s blouse.

“I really, really didn’t want to do that.” Isabelle said once Sam’s tears crying had gone from full-blown tantrum to hiccupping sobs, “It hurt me as much as it hurt you. That’s what it feels like when someone who is bigger or older than you gets physical, it isn’t the same as what you did earlier but do you understand where I’m coming from?”

Sam nodded her head. She still didn’t think she had a choice but maybe she really could’ve done more to alert a teacher before resorting to violence. Sam’s butt was still stinging as Isabelle stood up. She was still letting out the occasional sob but exhaustion was taking over. It had been a very hard day and after letting all of the emotions out Sam now felt very tired.

Sam’s bedroom was a welcome place of safety. She was laid down on the changing table but found it hard to keep her eyes open. As her now loose-fitting diaper was lowered between her legs she fell asleep and didn’t regain consciousness despite Isabelle changing her and tucking her into bed. Isabelle spent a minute standing next to Sam and looking down at her sleeping form.

“Are you getting better?” Isabelle asked under her breath, “Or are we wasting our time?”


When Sam woke up she felt disorientated. It was still strange to not see bars surrounding her bed as she opened her eyes but rolling over revealed that her diaper was soaked through. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep but clearly it was too long for her bladder. The smell of food was coming through the house so it must be nearly dinnertime.

Sam rolled out of bed and on to the floor. She wasn’t sure what to do so whilst she waited for Issy to come get her she decided to find something to play with. There was a doll’s house that looked quite old-fashioned, it seemed much more grown up than the princess ones she had played with in her nursery. She soon found the little dolls that seemed specially crafted for the house and started playing with them. Sitting down on her padded backside produced a few winces as her poor butt complained about any kind of pressure on it. She didn’t think the pain from the spanking was likely to fade any time soon.

Sam didn’t know how long she was sat there before the door opened and Isabelle came in. She walked over and without saying anything lifted Sam up and sat her on her hip. It was a bit disconcerting for Sam to be carried like this when recently she had been allowed to walk everywhere.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked.

“It’s time for breakfast.” Isabelle replied simply.

“Breakfast!?” Sam exclaimed.

“Indeed.” Isabelle said, “You slept right through the night.”

“Why are you carrying me?” Sam asked as she rubbed her eyes. She had been asleep for a long time, “I can walk…”

“We’ll talk about that downstairs.” Isabelle said with a slight terseness.

Sam didn’t like the sound of that. She was taken to the kitchen where she saw something she didn’t think she would ever have to see again. She whined out loud and started struggling a little to get put down. It did her no good as Isabelle sat her in the highchair and quickly lowered the tray.

“I don’t need this stupid thing!” Sam complained as she tried to move the tray but it was already locked into place.

A bowl of mushy cereal was placed in front of Sam but there was no spoon. Issy sat down next to the highchair with the small pink plastic piece of cutlery Sam was used to using. Her eyes widened in alarm.

“You’ve been suspended from school for acting like a brat.” Isabelle said, “So maybe we need to bust you back down to pre-school for a bit.”

“What!?” Sam exclaimed, “Y-You can’t do that!”

“I can and I have.” Isabelle replied sternly, “I’ll be taking you there after breakfast.”

Sam almost burst into tears. She couldn’t believe that after all the work she had put in she was being demoted right back to the start. It felt like all her progress had been for nothing. All she had done was defend herself and now she was being made to pay by being a baby again.

“For the next week we will go back to basics.” Isabelle said. It was clear she wasn’t thrilled about it either, “No potty, no doing things for yourself and as much supervision as possible. I’m not going to put your nursery back together for just a week but in all other ways you are a baby again.”

“That’th not fair!” Sam cried out, her lisp returning with her anger. She banged the tray with both her fists causing a little milk to spill over the sides of the bowl.

“If you don’t want that week to be extended to two you’ll calm down.” Isabelle said authoritatively, “This is what I mean. You can’t keep lashing out and expecting there not to be consequences.”

Sam was pouting but even she had to concede that maybe Isabelle had a point on that front. Not that she was going to admit that fact as a spoon was raised to her mouth. She made sure Isabelle knew she was very unhappy with what was happening by sticking her tongue out at her before finally opening her mouth and accepting the food.

It was humiliating to be back to square one. Sam hated every moment of being fed after taking so long to learn to use cutlery herself again. She would’ve almost preferred it if Isabelle used one of the triggers so that she wouldn’t have to think about what was happening. Instead she was very aware that she was being treated like a baby again and once dinner was over and her face was wiped clean she was carried back upstairs and to the bedroom to get a diaper change and to be dressed.

Sam groaned as she was put in a yellow onesie covered in little ducks and then a denim skirtall that had an embroidered duck on it as well. Sam had her arms folded in front of her chest angrily whilst she waited for Isabelle to get ready and then they were finally on their way to the pre-school.

Once in the car park Sam was let out of her car seat and turned immediately to face away from Isabelle. She wanted it to be very clear that she wasn’t speaking to her. She stayed that way until she was picked up and carried into the main playroom.

“Sam, nice to see you again.” Carol said with a smile as Sam was put down.

Sam didn’t respond but at least this time she refrained from the childish response of sticking her tongue out at the person annoying her. Isabelle and the head of the pre-school spoke for a minute or two before Issy knelt down in front of Sam.

“I just want you to know that this isn’t a punishment.” Isabelle said, “I want you to get better and I think a bit more time here would help with that.”

Sam didn’t reply and as soon as Isabelle was finished speaking she turned around and stomped away looking as angry as a little girl covered in cute ducks could look. She had barely made it ten waddling steps when she heard a little girl to her left squeal. She turned just in time to see Olivia barrelling towards her and wrapping her in a big hug. Her best friend in the pre-school clearly remembered her well.

“Sam!” Olivia said happily.

“Hey…” Sam said quietly. She smiled despite her circumstances. She may not have wanted to come back but it was nice to see Olivia again.

“Wanna play?” Olivia asked.

Sam nodded and followed Olivia back to the toys she was playing with. As she waddled she looked over towards the entrance where Isabelle was still watching her. She seemed a little concerned before turning and leaving to go to work. Carol went straight over to Sam and Olivia’s table.

“Hi girls, are you having fun?”

“Yes.” Olivia replied without looking up from her doll. Sam just looked up at the caretaker.

“Sam, I was just talking to Isabelle…” Carol said slowly and softly. Sam wondered if she was able to turn off that voice when she went home, “I can’t treat you any differently from any of the other children, OK?”

Sam shrugged. She had suspected as much. She waited to see what it meant in practice. Of course she had some idea. After being sent back to the pre-school she assumed everything had been basically reset which meant any of her progress was gone which meant… She shuddered as she felt a rumbling in her tummy. In recent times that would have her hurrying to the potty but as Carol walked away she knew that for the time being that simply wasn’t an option for her.

In the end it was half an hour before Sam finally lost control. She was acting out a scene of two dolls getting married when her body decided it couldn’t take the cramping anymore. She had been sitting on the floor with her legs apart and the dolls between them but she got up on to her knees and stuck her butt out as she pushed down. It must’ve been obvious to Olivia and any of the other potty trained kids what she was doing.

Sam hadn’t done this for a little bit and it felt strange knowing she could go to the potty but was still squatting in place filling her pants. The hot sticky lumps dropped into the diaper making her shiver, a familiar and yet unwanted feeling of stickiness filled her padding. She pressed down and forced everything out in a quick rush of waste, as she did so she let out the breath she was holding and shivered.

As soon as Sam was done she shivered. She opened her eyes and was surprised that her friend, Olivia, wasn’t in front of her. She frowned and was about to look around when she felt a small hand on the back of her recently filled disposable.

“You had an uh-oh!” Olivia said as she pressed the diaper against Sam’s butt.

Sam shuddered as she felt the padding stick to her a little. It was anything but comfortable and her eyes were already watering. It was hard to believe she had been reduced back to this. No better off than a baby playing with dolls and pooping her pants. Laura and the other girls had been right to exclude her, she was just a little baby after all. Sam started to sob.

“Aww, don’t cry.” Olivia said, “My little sister can’t get to the potty on time either. I’ll tell Carol.”

Carol dutifully came over a minute later and picked Sam up without checking her. It was doubly embarrassing for the diapered adult now. Not only did she know that Carol knew she was really a woman that should’ve been in college but there was now the added layer that they both knew she could make it to the potty if she needed to poop. Having a full diaper now was more shameful than when she couldn’t hold it at all.

“Don’t cry, Sam.” Carol said as she carried her over to the changing room, “This may not last as long as you think.”

That statement did indeed get Sam’s attention but no further information followed as she was changed into a clean diaper. The rest of the day followed a familiar and demeaning pattern. Sam wasn’t allowed to do anything herself. She made no attempts to go to the potty, she was fed her lunch by helpers at the nursery and she played baby games. After her brief spell at elementary school this all felt beneath her yet she had to remember that it was her own fault she was here. This was her sentence for her crime.

When Sam was picked up that afternoon she saw Carol and Isabelle talking before her caretaker came over and physically picked Sam up off the ground. Issy seemed in a better mood as she took Sam home.

“Have you learnt your lesson?” Isabelle asked as she was changing Sam’s afternoon diaper before dinner.

Sam nodded her head. She truly had. She had resorted to violence when there might’ve been another way out and she had realised how quickly she could lose all the progress that she had worked for if she didn’t put effort into being better and bigger. There was no time to coast and Sam had come to the conclusion that she had been doing exactly that before going back to pre-school. She had been getting frustrated because she expected the progress would just happen without her putting in special effort. Having her meagre progress stripped away was a reminder of what she was trying to get to and how fragile her development was.

“Alright, well, Carol seems to think you’ve learnt your lesson.” Isabelle continued, “You’re still going to the pre-school for the next week but if you can make it to the potty on time you may use it. The only condition is you must have Carol or one of her staff helping you. I see no reason to purposefully degrade your potty training.”

It was an embarrassing concession but it was the only deal Sam was going to get and she nodded her head. She needed to put the childish want for everything to get better without putting the effort behind her and start actually working for it all. It was time to recognise that she wasn’t simply going to grow up if she waited long enough. By the time Sam was in a new diaper and being taken downstairs for dinner she felt a renewed determination.


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End Chapter 15

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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