Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam finishes a tricky first day at elementary school but that isn't the end of things. She is taken to the shops and is then in for a surprise back at home.

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The playground was a scene of chaos. Sam stood next to the door and looked around as dozens of children ran around together. She noticed quickly that most of the kids were in groups and that the girls and boys tended to stay away from each other. A ball came fizzing past Sam so close it made her yelp and step back, it came from the far side of the play area where some bigger boys were playing soccer. It banged against the wall beside her as Sam jumped back.

“Sorry.” One of the boys called out as he went chasing after the ball.

Sam slowly walked forwards on to the playground feeling rather like a mouse scurrying around at a convention of cats. She felt like she had to be aware of her surroundings in every direction at all times lest she get knocked over being as she was smaller than nearly everyone there.

As Sam looked around she noticed something that made her feel even smaller than she physically was. It was quite clear she was the only person there still in diapers. Even the smallest girls didn’t have the tell-tale bulges around their waist that she did.  Sam bit her lip and found herself wishing she was back at the pre-school, at least she knew her place there and didn’t stick out quite so much.

“Your name is Sam, right?” Came a little girl’s voice.

Sam turned around to see a pair of girls she recognised as having been in the same classroom as her that morning. They were both at least a head taller than she was and were looking at her with curiosity. One had a lot of freckles, glasses and braided brown hair whereas the other’s hair was straight and blonde.

“Y-Yeth.” Sam winced as her childish lisp came out. Something she was still struggling hard to stop.

“My name’s Laura.” The girl without freckles said and pointed to her friend, “She’s Victoria. Do you want to play with us?”

Sam nodded her head. She was shocked just how easy it was for children to make friends, she certainly couldn’t imagine adults just walking up to each like that. Either way, she was grateful to follow the two girls to their usual hang out spot by the wall where they joined a group of three others all of whom came from Sam’s class.

Sam was greeted but she was already struggling to remember the names of everyone. She didn’t think that had anything to do with her regression, she had been bad with names even before that. As the girls started talking about some children’s cartoon Sam hadn’t seen she found herself feeling safer again, like a prey animal she knew there was safety in numbers, on the playground having friends made the world of difference compared to being on her own.

“Sam…” One of the girls said after a little while, “Do you always dress like that?”

There was a little bit of snickering from the others as Sam looked down at her outfit. She had been dressed by Issy in the most grown up clothes she had though that was obviously not saying much. She looked at the others and could clearly see the difference in fashion. She bit her lip and felt unsure of what to say.

“Does your mom still pick out your clothes?” Victoria asked.

Sam expected the girls to laugh at her but instead they seemed interested. She had to remind herself that at this age it wasn’t that unusual for a parent to be picking out most of their child’s wardrobe. She shyly nodded her head.

“That sucks.” Laura said, “My mom was doing that until this year. She wanted me to wear all pinks and yellows like some baby.”

Laura made a gagging motion and everyone laughed. Sam joined in though felt a lot more self-conscious. If they thought pink was a babyish thing to wear at that time what would they think if they found out Sam was in diapers?

Sam stayed quiet for most of the rest of recess. She was just grateful to have a group even if her shyness stopped her from fully joining in. It was difficult to take part in conversations when you had very little idea of the shows and toys being discussed anyway. Despite moving up to elementary school Sam was still watching the baby shows and playing in a nursery. Those were things she absolutely couldn’t share with these girls.

When the bell rang the kids started making their way back into the school building slowly. Sam tried to stay close to her new friends but her little legs struggled to keep up in the crowded hallways. She ended up being the last student back into the classroom. As she climbed back into her seat and let out a deep breath she felt her bladder involuntarily void. The diaper swelled up with fresh warmth as the teacher started teaching the class some basic facts about ancient Egypt.

After a little while Sam started shifting awkwardly in her seat. Her diaper was soaked and she didn’t think she was going to make it to lunch. She had noticed that some of the other children had raised their hands to go to the bathroom during the lesson and figured she could do the same, Miss. Hunt would surely understand what she meant. Sam’s small arm raised slowly into the air.

“Sam?” Miss. Hunt said.

“May I go to the potty, Mith?” Sam lisped.

There was a little laughter from some of the kids for her use of infantile words. She ducked down slightly. She had got into the habit of referring to the bathroom as the potty and it wasn’t an easy one to break. Every time she thought about how much she had to learn and unlearn her head started to spin.

“Of course.” Miss. Hunt said with a smile.

Sam dropped off her chair and as she did so she felt the heavy padding between her legs sag. It was a good job she was going to the nurse when she was because another wetting would’ve probably caused a leak, she thought. She tried not to waddle as she made her way between desks but it was almost impossible not to when she couldn’t press her knees together.

It was only once Sam was in the hallway that she realised she wasn’t sure where the nurse’s office actually was. She didn’t want to go back into the classroom and cause another scene so she started walking down the hall away from the entrance. She came across a reception area but no nurse’s room. She would have to ask.

“E-Excuthe me…” Sam called up to the window to get the attention of the receptionist.

The woman behind the counter had to lean forwards and look down to see Sam. She seemed a little surprised to see a student there, certainly one as young as Sam looked.

“Hello, can I help you?” The receptionist asked warmly.

“I need to thee the nurthe.” Sam lisped.

“Why’s that?” The receptionist asked.

Sam hesitated. She really didn’t want to tell this stranger that she needed to have her diaper changed and yet, at the same time, she was going to be doing this at least once a day. She could say she had a tummy ache but that wouldn’t work in the future. She bit her lip and wished Issy had been there to sort all this out for her.

“Sam?” A woman walking towards the reception said, “Are you Sam Friedrich?”

Sam nodded. It still felt weird responding to Isabelle’s surname but using her real one would only raise a lot of questions that wouldn’t help anyone. The woman smiled, for just a second her eyes flicked down to Sam’s waist.

“It’s OK, Jean, I’ll take her from here.” The woman said to the receptionist. She walked over to the door and put in the code to unlock it.

Sam hesitated until she motioned for Sam to come with her. There was a short corridor that led behind the reception desk to the nurse’s room. The woman Sam was following walked straight in. The room was a standard nurse’s office, cabinets and drawers were full of medical and first aid material, there was a desk with a computer on it, and the long padded table for checking injuries.

“As you may have guessed, I’m the nurse. You can call me Judy.” The woman said as she sat down at her desk, “I apologise for the confusion at reception. The news about you special requirement is spreading slowly to everyone who needs to know.”

Sam looked at her feet. In all honesty she didn’t know how much people knew. Did they think she was a little girl who needed some extra help or did they know she was a vertically challenged young woman who had been regressed and was coming through the school system to try and recover? The truth was likely that different people knew different things and Sam would just have to assume they knew nothing until they said otherwise.

“So I take it you need a change?” Judy continued.

Sam nodded her head. There was a scrape of chair legs on the floor as Judy pushed her seat back and stood up. Sam walked over to the padded table and waited. There was no way she could get up there on her own. Fortunately Judy noticed this and helped Sam by lifting her up. The nurse was professional but also clearly a little unsure of herself, Sam imagined this was all new to her.

“Not a problem.” Judy said, “I’m used to changing wet clothes and the occasional pair of training pants. The kindergarteners are in and out of here all the time.”

That little piece of information did little to make Sam feel better. She had assumed she was the only student at the school in diapers and now she’d had it confirmed. Not necessarily, she thought to herself, but the other students can probably handle their own changes if they need them. Sam tried to ignore the voice in her head that was telling her she was a baby and would always be that way, it was easier said than done.

“So how are you finding things here?” Judy asked conversationally as she walked back across to the changing table.

“It’th OK.” Sam replied quietly. She wasn’t overly keen on talking to the nurse about the massive struggles she’d had that day.

“Stick with it, kiddo.” Judy smiled, “The first day is always the hardest. Once you make some friends everything will be much easier.”

Sam felt Judy tug on the waistband of her skirt and without needing any prompting she lifted up so it could be slid down. She started blushing furiously, it had been an automatic reaction learned from the many diaper changes she had been given by Issy, and now she had exposed her soaking wet diaper to this stranger. She winced and waited for the nurse to comment on what a big baby Sam was.

“Have you made any friends yet?” Judy asked. If she felt shocked neither her face nor voice betrayed those thoughts.

Sam shyly nodded her head. She wasn’t sure if she could really count Laura and her group as friends yet but it seemed a promising start. Laura’s words about Sam’s clothes came back to her, she would have to bring that up with Issy after school…

Sam was brought back to the present by the sound of tapes being ripped off the front of the diaper. She froze up as the front of the padding was lowered down between her legs. There was a chill that she felt on her private areas as her wet skin was exposed to the air. Yet again she waited for Nurse Judy to make a comment but she was completely professional, her small talk was actually helping to put Sam at ease.

“When your mommy told us about your needs I made sure to get the same brand you use at home.” Judy said as she held up the diaper Sam was going to be put into, “We want you to be as comfortable as possible after all. I haven’t changed many diapers in my time but I’ve looked up some tutorial videos.”

Sam thought about speaking up to say that Isabelle wasn’t her mother but it seemed like the moment had already passed. Besides, trying to explain the actual situation would be far harder than just going along with everything.

“This might be a tad cold.” Judy said.

A second later Sam jumped a little as she felt a moist baby wipe cleaning her. Judy was very professional and thorough and when Sam’s butt was raised to pull out the old padding Sam felt as good as new.

“Annnnd down.” Judy said a few seconds later.

Sam felt the soft fluff of a new diaper underneath her. Despite her desire to regain her potty training she felt a certain sense of safety as the new diaper was pulled up between her legs and taped closed. She was really impressed by Judy as well. The nurse seemed very likable and didn’t judge Sam one little bit. How much Judy knew about who the person on her medical table actually was Sam didn’t know but she certainly didn’t seem to have any problems with changing her.

Sam pulled her skirt back up over her new underwear and was swiftly let out of the office by Judy. When the door opened she saw a couple of students waiting to see the nurse and hurried away back to her classroom.

“She was gone a long time…”

“Why is she blushing?”

“The bathroom is only just down the hall…”

Sam walked back through the rows of desks to her own one hearing the whispers that followed her. She hadn’t been thinking about how long she had been away but it was certainly enough to make some of the other students suspicious. She kept her head down and ignored them until she could jump back up into her seat to carry on the lesson.


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End Chapter 10

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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