Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam has been left alone for her first day at a new pre-school. For a woman who is actually in her twenties it is a difficult adjustment, made even worse when Sam realises she is perhaps the only one there in diapers. It proves to me a very trying day...

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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“Well, Sam, I can’t deny this isn’t an unusual situation.” Carol said. Sam turned her head and saw Carol looking at her with curiosity, “But your Mommy asked me to look after you and treat you like any other baby here.”

“No Mommy!” Sam exclaimed angrily. She only had one Mommy and that was Jess.

Sam paused. No, Jess wasn’t her Mommy at all. She knew that and yet kept forgetting. It was like there was a part of her brain that still believed that Jess was truly her Mommy and that eventually she would go home to her. She knew it was wrong but there was a large part of her still clutching to that idea.

“Well, the point still stands.” Carol said, “So I’m going to need you to play nice, alright?”

Sam didn’t reply but it didn’t seem to matter as Carol carried her through the door and into the main hall. In many ways it reminded Sam of the pre-school she had attended. The room was large and spacious which caused all the loud noises from the children to echo a little. There were bright colours everywhere and no matter which direction Sam looked in she saw activities and toys. The main difference between the pre-school and her previous pre-school was that she was now not in a baby’s “mind set.” She could feel some attraction to playing with the toys but she forced herself to ignore them.

Sam was placed on the ground where she wobbled dangerously. One of the things that had improved during her time with Isabelle was the strength and coordination in her legs. Whilst not too confident doing so, she could walk a little bit even if these short trips usually ended with her falling back on to her butt. A benefit of the padding she wore was that it was a mobile cushion for her.

Sam waddled away from Carol and looked around. She decidedly didn’t want to play or do anything with the babies. She wasn’t like them, she was simply a temporarily embarrassed adult. As she used chair legs to keep herself upright she felt herself wetting her diaper. She could picture in her mind the Sesame Street characters adorning her disposable fading slightly as her urine splashed around her underwear.

It wasn’t long until Sam had found a quiet corner of the room. Surrounded by shelves and with several big beanbag seats Sam walked over and almost collapsed into one. She folded her arms across her chest and pouted, she tried to look as surly as possible to stop any of the other kids from coming to talk to her. She just wanted to be left alone until it was time to be picked up.

From Sam’s position in the quiet corner she could look out and see most of her “classmates”. They seemed similar to the ones she had spent so much time with before Issy had come to get her, but whilst they were the same she was completely different. She had her adult mind back now and even if it couldn’t do most of the things she needed it to it knew enough to not want to play the baby games the toddlers were playing. Maybe the kids sensed that hostility because Sam was left alone for most of the morning.

The problem for Sam was that sitting quietly in the corner was incredibly boring. She didn’t know how much time had passed but she soon grew restless enough to climb off of her beanbag chair and start to slowly waddle around. She still couldn’t bring herself to actually play with anyone but she found some small amount of preoccupation in watching them.

“Hello.” A little girl said from behind Sam, “My name’s Olivia.”

“I’m Tham.” Sam replied. Her lisp made the other girl giggle which instantly made Sam pout.

“You sound like my little sister.” Olivia said. It was clear she was trying to be friendly but the words stung Sam nonetheless, “Do you want to come play with the blocks?”

The answer was, of course, no, but Sam didn’t have any alternatives and sitting on her own for the rest of the day made her think she might lose her mind from boredom. She reluctantly nodded and then followed the young child, who was the same height Sam was, over to the blocks that were on a low table.

“What shall we build?” Olivia asked as she pulled some blocks over to the pair of them.

Sam shrugged. She really didn’t care, she was just looking to take up time until Isabelle came to pick her up. Olivia suggested they build a castle and Sam agreed just to get things going. Sam was given some of the bigger blocks and told to make the outer wall. She realised she was being fobbed off with an easy task whilst Olivia worked on the trickier stuff, she was insulted until she realised just how uncoordinated her hands were. Sam had to concentrate very hard to stack the blocks without knocking them all over.

“Well done!” Olivia praised Sam as she managed to stack three blocks on top of each other after quite some time of trying.

Sam smiled bashfully. They continued building and were only interrupted once by Carol coming around to hand out snacks and drinks to everyone. Whilst she was at the table and Olivia was explaining what they were doing Sam felt the older woman’s hand slip under her clothes to check her diaper. She knew she was wet but evidently it wasn’t enough for a change as Carol moved on shortly afterwards. Sam noticed Olivia looking down at her waist, when Sam looked down she saw that her dress had rode up showing some of the diaper underneath, she quickly pulled it down.

“So… how old are you, Sam?” Olivia asked. Her interest in building the castle seemed to be waning as the kid’s attention was caught by other games to be played.

Sam froze up. She didn’t know what she should say. Telling this little girl she was really an adult wouldn’t work, she would never be believed. Sam had no idea what age she was supposed to be whilst at pre-school and looking around at the other kids certainly didn’t help.

“Erm, thwee?” Sam said hesitantly.

“You still wear diapers?” Olivia asked with surprise. As with most small children she didn’t have a lot of tact, “I got my big girl pants ages ago.”

Olivia lifted her dress just enough to show Sam a puffy Hello Kitty pull-up. The dress was quickly dropped back down. Sam didn’t know how old Olivia was but she certainly seemed precocious for her age. Sam blushed and looked at the crappy wall she had built in comparison to what Olivia had done, she suddenly felt smaller than ever before. It seemed that in every respect Sam was less mature than the children around her.

“OK, lunch time!” Carol called out as her helpers started rounding up the children.

A group of tables in the middle of the room had been grouped together and plastic chairs were placed all around it. The kids all went to sit down but Sam was looking to the side where a helper was bringing out a single highchair that didn’t look like it had seen use in a while.

Sam shook her head as she looked at Carol. Her cheeks blazed with humiliation and as the kids sat at the table Sam turned on to her hands and knees and started to rapidly crawl away. That was until she was lifted into the air leaving her hands and legs scrambling.

“Where are you going?” Carol said with a small chuckle, “It’s time to eat.”

“No!” Sam yelled as she desperately tried to get away.

It was hopeless, of course. Sam couldn’t dislodge herself from Carol any more than she could Jess or Isabelle. She was picked up with ease and carried over to the highchair. She still resisted as much as she was able but it wasn’t long until she was sat in it with the restraints making sure she couldn’t slip out. She scowled at Carol who didn’t seem to notice.

“Let me just put your bib on.” Carol said as the cloth fluttered down in front of Sam’s face.

This was humiliating. None of the other kids needed a bib, none of them were in a highchair either. Whilst they were fed cut up sandwiches and fruit Sam was giving a bowl of hot baby food. Carol picked up the spoon and started mixing the mushy food.

The room was quite noisy as everyone ate and talked to each other. The helpers seemed to be doing a lot of work making sure all the kids behaved themselves and occasionally took one to a door on the other side of the room. Sam frowned and watched the kids heading that way as she ate her bland lunch.

“Miss! Miss! I need the potty!” One of the little girls put her hand up and exclaimed loudly and without shame.

“Can you wait until there is someone to help you?” Carol asked.

The child shook their head quickly. Carol sighed and put the spoon down. She walked away from Sam and took the hand of the young girl before leading her towards the same door all the other kids had been going to. Sam watched and was embarrassed to realise that pretty much every one of these children had been going to the bathroom whilst she was sat in her thick diaper. Just to make matters worse her disposable was wet and she had very little idea when that had happened beyond the initial wetting when she arrived.

Sam almost felt like crying. She was more of a baby than anyone here. She looked down at the tray in front of her and the bowl of food with the spoon sticking out. Sam needed to do something to give her some pride, to remind her that she wasn’t completely helpless. She poked her tongue through her lips as she concentrated hard on grabbing the spoon. When her fingers wrapped around the plastic she felt like she had won a great victory, such a small sign of coordination felt huge.

Next Sam lifted the spoon and even though it was upside down it still had some of her lunch on it. She brought it closer and closer as it dripped all over the tray and her bib. She missed her mouth a little and some of the hot mush ended up around her mouth before she finally got it past her lips. As she tasted the blandness she felt like jumping for joy. She was doing it! She was feeding herself!

Sam tried not to think about how pathetic it was for a woman in her twenties to be so ecstatic over her own clumsy attempts to feed herself. Right then she just wanted to keep going. The spoon went back into the bowl with a little too much force and splashed food everywhere. When she brought it back to her mouth it dipped and spilled half the contents on the already stained bib. She was concentrating so hard on feeding herself she didn’t notice when people looked at her, particularly Carol who had returned with the boy and was watching the infantile display with something between amazement and pity.

By the time lunch was finished Sam had cleaned out most of the bowl. How much actually ended up in her tummy was a different matter altogether. The formerly white tray was covered in stains, the bib was soaked with food that had spilled on it and the bottom half of Sam’s face was smeared with the mush that sometimes dripped down on to herself or the floor. Despite it all Sam was beaming. It was hardly the most dignified scene but it felt like a huge step for her.

“I did it!” Sam excitedly said as Carol came over, “Look!”

Sam held her hands out as she smiled up at the teacher. The food that had missed her mouth was slowly dripping on to her front, the bib looked like a Jackson Pollock painting and the tray in front of her was pockmarked with the detritus of her lunch. Sam couldn’t understand why the pre-school teacher wasn’t as excited as she was. Of course, she couldn’t see the giant mess she had made. Carol carefully undid the restraints and lifted Sam out of the chair.

“Look at the mess you’ve made…” Carol said as she turned Sam around so she could see just how much of her lunch had ended up anywhere except in her mouth.

Sam suddenly felt embarrassed. She had been brought back to Earth with a crash and now her shame was making her angry. She was going red in the face as she was lowered to the ground. Considering she had wanted to show that she was such a big girl it felt like she had failed in the most spectacular way. Now she just wanted to hide from everyone, especially the kids who were looking at her and frowning as if they couldn’t work out why she had made such a mess everywhere.

“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up.” Carol sighed and shook her head, “Then afterwards we’ll…”

“No!” Sam yelled.

“Sam, please don’t be difficult.” Carol looked exasperated. It was obvious she had never expected looking after an adult to be this much trouble and Sam wondered if she was going to cancel the deal with Isabelle.

Sam folded her arms across her chest and turned her face away as she pouted. She intended to be as difficult as possible. She had tried to do one thing to show she wasn’t a complete baby and it had backfired. Logic had flown out the window, now she was going to be difficult for the sake of it.

“Sam…” Carol warned.

“Will not!” Sam stomped her feet.

Sam didn’t know what her goal was but her emotions were getting the better of her. All she cared about right then was being difficult. She shouldn’t have to be at the stupid pre-school with all the stupid children and their stupid games. She was a college girl! An adult!

Sam felt hands close on her sides and she screamed as she was lifted into the air and carried across the room. She tried to wriggle free as she screamed and cried but all she achieved was attracting more attention to herself. She had her eyes closed and was thrashing so much she didn’t see where she was being taken, nor did she see that every face in the room was turned towards the screaming girl.

When Sam finally found herself descending it was on to a small stall that faced a corner where two brick walls met. She was made to sit down. Directly ahead of her in large writing and with plenty of pictures were the pre-school rules. She immediately tried to turn around but Carol held her in place.

“You’re being very naughty and you need to learn that tantrums will get you nowhere.” Carol said sternly, “You’re to stay in the corner and think about why you are here.”

Sam started to shake her head as she took great breaths that came out as sobs. Carol knelt down beside her whilst making sure Sam stayed in her seat. Sam wiped her nose with her arm and saw it come away with some of her mushy food, she had almost forgotten what a state she was in. If he had hoped her stay with Isabelle was going to be a short one she was quickly realising just how far she had fallen.

“Sam, I was told by Isabelle that you are twenty-two years-old and, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I have no reason to think she would make that up.” Carol practically whispered, “She told me that you need some help growing up, is that right?”

Sam was red in the face. She felt ashamed but slowly nodded her head.

“Then you need to start trying a little harder.” Carol continued. Her tone of voice was honeyed but the words stung, “Take a look at the kids here. You might learn a thing or two.”

Carol stood up and Sam looked over her shoulder as she went back into the room at large. She folded her arms across her chest and huffed with annoyance. She was so much older than these kids, if anything THEY should be learning from HER!


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End Chapter 6

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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