by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025
Chapter Description: Sam is back home from the party... and she is wrecked. Isabelle sees the state Sam has gotten into when given the smallest amount of independence and decides that maybe Sam wasn't ready for it after all.
Commissioned by: diaperboy187
“Thank you, officer.” Isabelle said, “I’m sorry for the confusion. I’ll take it from here.”
“No problem, ma’am.” The officer replied. He looked down at Sam who was looking very much the worse for wear, “You look after yourself.”
The officer turned away and Isabelle closed the door. Sam was still swaying on the spot. She looked up at Isabelle with half-lidded eyes. Even through her drunkenness she could feel the bruises covering her from her fall down the stairs and grazes on her knees from hitting the pavement. She could feel the urine that was now cold against her legs and her new clothes and hair scruffily pointing everywhere.
“Good lord…” Isabelle shook her head, “Look at the state of you.”
“I’m fine.” Sam said as she leaned against the wall.
“Fine?” Isabelle put her hands on her hips, “You are a mess. Is this what happens when you’re given an inch of independence?”
“Oh, fuck off!” Sam exclaimed. Her drunk mind unable to stop her mouth in time. She knew Isabelle abhorred swearing.
Sam had just enough time to realise what she had said before Isabelle’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. She stumbled forwards into Isabelle’s arms and was roughly lifted into the air. She was carried into the living room under one of her guardian’s arms. Her limbs flailed in the air as she was carried over to the couch.
“I should’ve done this when you first started disrespecting me.” Isabelle said crossly.
Sam grunted as she was placed across Isabelle’s lap facing the ground. She tried to pull herself off the bigger woman’s lap but was pinned in place. She felt the back of her dress get pulled up her back to reveal the rear of her thoroughly soaked padding.
“Get off! I’m not a baby!” Sam yelled.
“You’re acting like one.” Isabelle growled in response.
Before Sam could say anything in reply she felt Isabelle’s hand smack against her butt. She let out a yelp like a wounded puppy and tried to reach back to defend herself. The second spank landed with a slightly wet splat on her soggy rear. The third, fourth and fifth all landed on the same spots. Sam was starting to sob as she was helplessly spanked, it was as if all the progress she had made was being removed with each whack of her behind. The alcohol had loosened her emotions and she started screaming and crying as she tried to kick her way free.
A mixture of Sam’s distress and the amount of alcohol she had ingested was quickly doing a number on Sam’s digestive system. With the merest hint of warning Sam started to throw up on to the floor beneath her.
“Isabelle… Stop… I’m sorry…” Every couple of words more vomit splashed on the floor and on to Isabelle’s legs. This seemed to only anger Sam’s caretaker even more.
The spanking continued unabated and Sam felt the other end of her digestive system lose control. As her ass was tanned she felt her bowels push down before she knew it a very loose slurry of poop started to uncontrollably vacate her body. The disposable started to fill and as Isabelle’s hand spanked against her the squishiness was spread over her backside.
Sam had never felt so gross and disgusting. She was exhausted and when the spanking stopped she was limp and breathing heavily through the tears that were pouring down her face. She could feel darkness overtaking her as her exhausted little body yearned for unconsciousness.
“You’re… not my Mommy…” Sam muttered tiredly just loud enough for Isabelle to hear her before she passed out.
Isabelle was left with a little girl snoring on her lap covered in poop, urine, vomit and a lot of cuts and bruises. She sighed as she picked Sam up and started walking towards the stairs. It was going to be a long night but she had to make sure Sam learnt her lesson before she went home.
Sam felt incredible pain. It was as if she had just gone twelve rounds with a heavyweight boxer. Every inch of her body was a mess but by far the worst pains were in her head and on her butt. She still hadn’t opened her eyes or moved as the events of the previous day slowly started to come back to her.
The second feeling Sam felt was an incredible thickness between her legs. Opening her eyes felt like a herculean effort so she substituted her eyes for hands. She reached down between her legs and instead of the thin pull-ups she had grown used to she felt a huge sphere of padding. Clearly diapers, they seemed to be layered many times to create the biggest and thickest underwear she had ever worn.
“Why…?” Sam whined.
“Because you need to learn that actions have consequences.” Isabelle’s voice came from the opposite corner of the room.
Sam slowly opened her eyes and immediately could tell things were wrong. Above her she saw a baby’s mobile, on all sides were the tall bars of the crib she had left behind what felt like a lifetime ago. She tried to sit up but that was much too adventurous and as she nearly threw up she laid back down again.
“I’m sorry, alright.” Sam said. Her hand patted the side of her pillow expecting to find a baby bottle to go with her new surroundings. She wasn’t disappointed.
“You will be.” Isabelle said as she stood up from the chair in the corner.
Sam gratefully sucked down the juice to hydrate herself as Isabelle appeared looking over down at her over the top of the bars. Sam drained the whole bottle and felt a little better. She tried to sit up again and this time she was able to do so though her head pounded in complaint. Her butt throbbed from the bruises she had received from her punishment the previous night.
“Alright, alright…” Sam said as she put her hand up to block the sunlight coming through the curtain, “You’ve had your fun.”
“Fun?” Isabelle replied with raised eyebrows, “You think this is fun for me?”
“You know what I mean.” Sam said dismissively. She could’ve done with some painkillers with her bottle.
“You don’t seem to understand what’s happening so let me spell it out.” Isabelle said, “You went out last night and got yourself into such a dangerous state you had to be driven home by a police officer. What if he hadn’t come along, hmm? Would you have spent the night on some park bench somewhere?”
“I was walking home!” Sam raised her voice and instantly regretted the decision when her head throbbed harder.
“I blame myself.” Isabelle continued, “We’ve been so focused on you growing up and getting back to where you should be that I forgot there are other things to consider. Emotionally, I think we’ve moved too quickly. I think we need to put everything on pause.”
“W-What do you mean?” Sam asked. She started feeling nervous where all this was heading.
“You’re going back to pre-school next week.” Isabelle spoke as if she was a judge pronouncing a sentence, “And your potty privileges have been revoked.”
“What!? NO!” Sam shook her head and ignored the pain that came with it
“Maybe when you see what you can lose it will remind you to be more responsible and respectful.” Isabelle said.
“You can’t!” Sam had tears in her eyes. A mixture of sadness and anger, “I’ll tell everyone what is going on! I’ll MAKE them take me home, ready or not!”
“I was afraid you would threaten something like that.” Isabelle shook her head sadly, “You do seem to have a habit of sabotaging yourself when you make progress.”
“J-Just one more chance…” Sam pleaded, “I messed up but I can do better.”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t make me do this.” Isabelle sighed.
Sam saw what was coming and her eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. She felt the innermost layer of her diaper suddenly flood with warmth, the fear of what was happening causing her to lose control.
“You don’t have to!” Sam scooted forwards and grabbed hold of the bars, “I’ll be good! I’ll be…”
“H U S H L I T T L E O N E.” Isabelle said over the top of Sam’s furious pleading.
Sam slid down the bars until she was sat back down. It was only the partial regression trigger but it was enough where Sam’s progress was locked away leaving her feeling like a prisoner in a body that lost all its coordination and everything she had learnt in the last few months. Her thumb went to her mouth automatically as she looked up at Isabelle who was staring back with sympathy.
“I’m sorry.” Isabelle said, “But you’ll thank me in the long run.”
The rest of that weekend was a humiliating nightmare for Sam. She was completely aware of everything that was happening but, for all intents and purposes, she was back to square one. She used her diapers helplessly, she was fed in a highchair and she was bathed by Isabelle. Her speech was reduced to childish lisping and she was completely helpless.
“I don’t wanna!” Sam cried out.
“Well you’re not using the potty.” Isabelle said with her arms folded across her chest.
“No fair!” Sam pouted.
“I’m just impressed you have any control with this trigger used on you.” Isabelle said thoughtfully, “It seems like they are actually fading from your mind.”
Whilst that was good news it didn’t exactly do a lot to assuage Sam. She needed the toilet, the pressure on her bowels had reached emergency levels but Isabelle had told her that the toilet was completely off-limits. No matter how many times Sam had begged she still wasn’t allowed to go there.
Sam whined as a hand went down to the back of her diaper. It was already too late, there was no way she could make it. She waddled desperately towards the couch and ducked behind it. Almost as soon as she felt she was out of sight she was practically forced into a squatting position as her bowels pushed beyond her control. She let out a moan of humiliation as she felt something she had hoped she would never feel again.
The sticky warmth of a fresh bowel movement squeezed out of her body and into the waiting arms of her diaper. Images of her high school friends, lessons and the party filled her mind. She had felt so big and grown-up but now she was right back to square one humiliating herself helplessly. She would never forgive Isabelle for reducing her to this level again.
“All done?” Isabelle had at some point walked up behind her.
“I hate you!” Sam screamed childishly as her bottom lip trembled.
“No you don’t.” Isabelle replied.
“I do! I do!” Sam yelled.
Even as Sam ranted and raved she automatically raised her arms to be lifted by Isabelle and carried to her room for a change. She shuddered as she felt her care giver’s arm press against the seat of her diaper.
The end of the weekend would’ve been a relief in that she was leaving the house except where she was going would be just as embarrassing. For the third time since being taken in by Isabelle she was going back to the pre-school. She had cried and begged for mercy but Isabelle had insisted it would be good for her. Sam didn’t know how this humiliation could possibly help her but she was entirely unable to stop what was happening.
The pre-school was exactly the same as when Sam had last left it. A bunch of babies and young children toddling around engaging in mind-numbing activities. She clung on to Isabelle, not because she was afraid but because she was desperate to be taken back home.
“I have to go to work, Sam.” Isabelle said as she pried the girl off her and placed her on the ground, “Just… have fun. I’ll see you later.”
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Sam's Crawl To Adulthood
by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation