Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 25

Chapter Description: Sam is given a huge boost before she is set to go to high school.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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“I’ve thought about it…” Isabelle said from the couch. She let the words hang in the air as tension built.

“And!?” Sam was stood in front of her caregiver. She was repeatedly raising and lowering each foot as she bounced on the spot in anticipation. Her hands were clasped in front of her chest as if praying.

“You’ve worked very hard over the last week and I think you should be very proud of that.” Isabelle continued.

Sam tried to read between the lines to guess where this was going. Was she going to end up happy or upset? It was all down to what Isabelle decided. She felt like a child waiting to be told if they were going to be getting a desperately sought after toy or not. Isabelle’s poker face didn’t give anything away.

“Please, please, please…” Sam muttered repeatedly.

“I’ve gone back and forth on this but-…” Isabelle said.

“Just tell me!” Sam practically begged. Her impatience spilling over.

Isabelle reached around the side of the couch and pulled out a plastic bag. Sam’s eyes went wide as she saw the heavy rectangular package within. She hardly dared to hope that this was truly happening. It had felt so impossible for so long but now, right in front of her, was something that represented her progress more than anything else.

“I think you’re ready.” Isabelle said as she grabbed the handle of the package and pulled it out of the bag.

“Pull-ups!” Sam exclaimed. She was practically jumping up and down in delight.

“Now, Sam, listen to me a second.” Isabelle said as she tried to calm the overexcited girl in front of her.

Sam had to force herself to stop bouncing. Her eyes were focused on the package in Isabelle’s hands, the smiling girl on the front could’ve been a mirror for her right then. She was finally getting out of diapers and it was just in time to start high school. The last step before she could really consider herself a grown-up again.

“Sam? Are you listening?” Isabelle asked the obviously distracted woman.

“Uh huh.” Sam replied, “Can I hold them? Can I put one on now?”

“In a minute.” Isabelle replied, “First, we need to go over a couple of things.”

Sam nodded quickly. She would’ve agreed to anything if it meant getting her little hands on those pull-ups. It wasn’t long ago that this type of underwear felt helplessly out of reach, that she would never be able to get there. Next to the diapers Sam had been wearing for what to her felt like forever these pull-ups felt like big girl underwear.

“Alright, well, firstly these are reward for your progress with potty training.” Isabelle said, “But they ARE still protection. Think of them like a test, you need to keep them dry or you’ll end up back in diapers again.”

Sam nodded. Her last week of middle school had been hard work. The work in class had been fine, at that point it was easy, but there were other things to improve and potty training was Sam’s biggest focus. Both at school and at home Sam was paying more attention than ever to when she needed the potty and by the end of the week she was reliably keeping herself clean and dry. The one time where she was still struggling was overnight where she woke up wet a lot more often than not still.

“Secondly, this is me showing faith in you.” Isabelle said seriously, “This is me expecting you to be mature enough to handle them. You’re not a baby anymore, alright?”

“I know. I’m ready.” Sam said.

Isabelle handed over the pull-ups and Sam snatched them away. She could already see that they were thinner than what she was used to, there were butterflies in her tummy. She had better be sure she was ready for them because they wouldn’t hold much in terms of accidents. She had kept her diapers mostly dry and clean for a while but it still felt like a bit of a gamble.

“Alright, you can put one on now and then we need to head out to the store.” Isabelle said.

“Go out… with a pull-up?” Sam asked hesitantly.

“If you think you are ready.” The way Isabelle spoke make Sam think this was a test, “If not you can stay in diapers.”

Sam looked down at the pull-ups and bit her lip. She wanted to prove she could be a big girl but it was scary. If she was caught short they wouldn’t do too much to protect her. Leaking all over the place in public would be so humiliating that she would probably want to go all the way back to her crib and non-verbal babbling.

“But if you don’t think you can wear a pull-up to the store I don’t know if you’ll be able to wear it to school…” Isabelle continued.

That quickly made Sam’s mind up. She clutched the pull-ups a little more closely. If not wearing a pull-up now meant not being able to wear them later then she was going to put them on right away. Sam left the room and headed upstairs. Once in her bedroom she quickly pulled her skirt down and placed the pull-ups on the bed. Her diaper, still dry, could be the last one she would ever need to wear. She almost thought she should keep it for posterity. Frame it and hang it on the wall as a reminder of how far she had come.

Sam ripped off the tapes and let the diaper drop to the ground. She reached over and tore open the packet in front of her, the disposable padding packed tightly within already looked and felt different to the diapers Sam was leaving behind. They were so much thinner and the paper-thin elastic sides would be completely hidden. She pulled one out and held it up as if it was a precious artefact.

It was still a pull-up for children. Sam may have been growing in maturity but physically she was as small as ever. The pull-up was white and on the front was some grown-up depictions of flowers. It looked very sophisticated and grown up to Sam who beamed at it. She opened it up and stepped through the holes. As she pulled it up she felt how soft and small it was, they felt almost like real panties!

With the pull-up in place Sam looked in the mirror and did a little twirl. She started bouncing from happiness again. This was what she had been working towards. She could’ve stared at her reflection for hours but when Isabelle called on her to get a move on she pulled herself away and got dressed in a skirt and a pink t-shirt.

Sam walked down the stairs with space between her thighs that she was completely unused to. She found that if she wasn’t concentrating on how she walked her legs automatically opened as if there was still a thick bunch of padding there. Waddling felt weird when there was no reason to do it.

“Ready?” Isabelle asked as Sam reached the bottom of the stairs and started putting on her shoes.

“Yep!” Sam replied. She was excited although there was also some anxiety.

“You’re going to be fine.” Isabelle said, “Just let me know if you need the bathroom.”

“Let you know?” Sam frowned, “But… I don’t need any help.”

“I know.” Isabelle replied, “But I don’t want you to get too far away from me.”

Sam pursed her lips. She thought about arguing that she didn’t need Isabelle to supervise her but it seemed a small price to pay for the opportunity, she would just have to be extra vigilant with her bladder. Still, she felt like she was mature enough to be trusted to go by herself…


In the mall Sam felt strange. It was the first time she could remember that she was out of the house and not at all concerned that someone would notice her underwear. They walked through to the clothing store that they had visited each time they had needed a new wardrobe. This time Sam was pleased they were going to shop in the teenager and young adult section.

Some things hadn’t changed though and Sam was annoyed that Isabelle seemed to be picking a lot of the clothes without consulting her. She had a very conservative style of dressing. Sam was pouting a little bit when she felt her bladder twinge. Her eyes widened and a hand went straight down to her crotch.

“I need the potty!” Sam exclaimed suddenly.

Eyes in the busy store turned to face what they saw as a little girl needing their mommy to take them to the bathroom. Isabelle put a pastel pink blouse into the shopping cart and turned to Sam who looked up at her with wide eyes.

“OK, come with me.” Isabelle said as she reached out and took Sam’s hand.

Sam had one hand over her pull-up and the other took Isabelle’s hand. They walked quickly towards the entrance to the store and then out into the main concourse. Sam’s bladder was telling her she needed the potty NOW. The bathrooms were nearby and Isabelle took Sam into the women’s restroom and straight into one of the cubicles.

Without hesitating and whilst Isabelle locked the door Sam pulled down her skirt and pull-up. She hopped up on to the toilet seat just in time as the sound of tinkling on the porcelain was the reward for her effort. She sat back on the seat and clapped her hands as relief washed over her.

“I did it!” Sam said excitedly, “I made it!”

“Well done.” Isabelle replied. The corners of her lips twitched upwards.

Sam blushed as she realised how embarrassing her sudden outburst was. She dropped her head to look towards the floor and covered her face with her hands. She felt Isabelle gently pat her hair. The bathroom was busy and whilst no one obviously reacted to what she said she knew people heard her.

When Sam was done she cleaned herself under supervision of Isabelle before pulling up her completely dry pull-up and skirt. She tried to avoid looking at anyone else as she quickly washed her hands and then followed Isabelle back to the store where their cart was still waiting for them.


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End Chapter 25

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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