Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 24

Chapter Description: The slumber party is over and it's time to go home. At least Sam knows her new friends will have her back no matter what. However, when Issy comes to pick her up she brings some less than welcome news.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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The woman had known things couldn’t go well forever. She knew how she would look if anyone saw her as she currently was. It was something everyone had seen in the most generic sitcoms. In the darkness she was sitting high up in a tree with a pair of binoculars. It would certainly be difficult to explain if she was caught but she had been meticulously careful.

Every mother had a right to keep an eye on their baby. That was all the woman was doing. Looking through her binoculars into the bedroom where the girls were staying to make sure Sam was alright, and if an opportunity arose to bring Sam back home she would, of course, grab it with both hands.

The first half of the evening had been quiet. She had watched Sam having a good time but could see how anxious she was. When her diaper was exposed the woman had sat with baited breath gripping the trunk of the tree and wanting to spring into action. When Sam had started acting like a baby she was confused. At first she thought she was just playing along but the longer it went on the more she thought she must’ve been regressed.

In some ways the woman was pleased that Sam hadn’t truly forgotten who she was. The little one was a baby, she had always been a baby and always would be one. As she watched Sam being bottle fed by children she felt like it was vindicating her beliefs. Sam would always be a baby deep down and trying to disguise that fact would never work. Sam’s true nature would always come out.

The woman waited and watched in the darkness. It was a chilly night but such was the woman’s devotion to Sam that she hardly felt it. She remained motionless like a predator watching for prey but she didn’t want to hurt the small woman in the bedroom, quite the opposite. The day when she would get the chance to take Sam home, to put her back where she belonged was drawing closer and closer.


Sam was awoken when she felt a foot pressing into her leg. She rolled over and away from it with a grumble. Her diaper crinkled wetly between her legs as she pulled her cover up closer to her head. She didn’t initially remember where she was until she recognised the smell of a baby’s bedroom in the air.

With a groan Sam slowly opened her eyes to see the bars of the crib right in front of her. She was reminded of where she was and how she had ended up there. She remembered the regression but as she sat up and flexed her fingers she felt like it had worn off. She whispered a few words and when it wasn’t simple baby babble she felt relief run through her, she had been genuinely concerned all her progress would’ve been undone.

The room was bathed in early morning light and after rubbing her eyes and yawning she saw Ash laying on his side sleepily sucking on a bottle. When she looked to the other side of the crib she saw a second bottle tucked between the mattress and the bars. Even though the regression had worn off she was feeling very thirsty and had no idea when she might be let out of the baby bed. She reached over and picked up the drink. Laying back down so she was on her side like the baby boy Sam placed the latex teat between her lips and sucked down some juice. It was room temperature but still very refreshing.

For a little while the only sounds in the otherwise silent nursery was the suckling of the baby bottles along with the occasional crinkle of a diaper when either Sam or Ash moved. Sam was only really half-awake when the door opened and she reacted slowly as Nikki walked in with the girls following. Sam quickly sat up as she blushed and then remembered the bottle in her mouth that she let drop on to the mattress spilling some of the liquid within.

“Good morning.” Nikki said as she came in.

“Hi Sam.” Becky said brightly.

Sam shyly hello as the nursery’s visitors crowded around the side of the crib that came down. Nikki reached through the bars to check her son’s diaper and declared it to be damp. It seemed like an almost automatic movement for her to reach across and press a hand to Sam’s diaper. In an equally unthinking move Sam simply moved her legs apart to give easier access. She only noticed what she was doing when Chloe and Caitlyn looked at each other.

“I’ll have to change you both.” Nikki said as she withdrew her hand, “I’ll take Ash first, girls, could you keep an eye on Sam?”

“Sure.” Becky replied.

Ash was lifted out of the crib leaving Sam feeling like a prisoner with visitors just the other side of her bars. It was awkward and embarrassing. She had been aware of everything that had been happening the previous evening but today it was worse because she was back to normal.

“How are you?” Chloe asked, “Did you sleep alright?”

“I’m OK and yeah.” Sam replied as she looked down at the mattress.

“You should get an award.” Caitlyn said with a big grin, “Like an Oscar or something.”

Sam smiled shyly. It hadn’t been acting but she wasn’t going to say that. It was better for the girls to believe she was a naturally talented actress than to know she was always a few words away from complete regression even after everything that had happened. She saw how excited and impressed Caitlyn was though and it made her anxious. There was something she should probably say before it was too late.

“Erm, guys, could we keep all this between just us?” Sam asked, “I really don’t want anyone to know about… well, any of this.”

“Aww, but…” Caitlyn started.

“It’s OK.” Becky said, “Your secret’s safe with us.”

Sam looked up for the first time and whilst Caitlyn looked a little annoyed the other two were smiling. She trusted them. Belatedly she realised that all the girl’s laughter the previous night hadn’t been meant in a mean way. They had been having fun and assumed Sam was having fun as well. She felt an overwhelming amount of positive feelings for these girls who were so kind. Next to her experience with the kids at elementary school the difference was night and day.

Ash’s diaper change was completed and he was lowered to the floor. Nikki came over to the crib and lowered the side. Before anything could happen Sam scooted forwards and dropped to the floor. She stepped forwards and wrapped Becky in a big hug.

“Thank you all so much.” Sam said. She was almost tearful.

“It’s what friends are for.” Chloe replied.

Eventually Sam felt two hands on her sides and she was lifted into the air. She was taken to the changing table for a new diaper. Thankfully Becky and her friends left the room leaving Sam with a modicum of privacy.

“Crazy night, huh?” Nikki said as she taped the fresh disposable on Sam.

Sam looked to the side at the window and subtly nodded her head.


“Did you have fun?” Isabelle asked.

They were walking away from Becky’s house towards Isabelle’s car when the question was asked. It didn’t feel like there was a simple answer. It certainly hadn’t been relaxing. Sam had spent most of the evening feeling stressed for one reason or another. There had been various humiliations and she was now relying on the discretion of three young girls to keep her secret safe.

Yet despite everything Sam nodded her head. She did have a good time. After being so scared to make new friends after her experience at her previous school she had met what felt like genuine angels. It had restored her faith in other people just as she had started thinking the worst of everyone.

“That’s good.” Isabelle said, “I have to say I was concerned when Nikki called me last night…”

Sam reluctantly explained what had happened the previous evening. At the news that the triggers were still holding such power Isabelle looked perturbed. Sam wasn’t too concerned though, it felt like the triggers lasted a shorter length of time and was slightly less powerful. The progress may have been glacial but Sam wasn’t going to let that ruin her good mood.

The drive home was done mostly in silence. Sam was thinking about the sleepover and the potential of going to another one whilst Isabelle was focused on the hypnotic triggers. When the car pulled up back at Isabelle’s home Sam was glad to have a place where she could unwind.

“It’s a shame in a way.” Isabelle said after she had taken off her jacket and walked into the living room.

“Why?” Sam asked.

“You’re just getting to know them and yet you’ll be moving on soon.” Isabelle said as she pressed a button the remote control to turn on the television.

“Moving on?” Sam repeated slowly.

“Yeah, I called your teacher and she said you’d been doing great.” Isabelle replied, “I think it’s time to move up to high school.”

“But…” Sam felt like everything had slowed down. She had just made genuine friends and now Isabelle wanted her to leave them…

“Your teacher said you’re work has surpassed the other students.” Isabelle continued, “You should be happy. You’ve got through this stage really qui-…”

“No!” Sam exclaimed, “I don’t want to!”

“Sam, you…” Isabelle tried to reason with Sam.

“They’re my friends! I want to stay with them!” Sam shouted. She felt tears filling her eyes and she hated it. She didn’t want to cry like a toddler, she wanted to assert her point like a grown-up.

“You can’t hang out with them.” Isabelle said. Her voice was remaining calm but she had seen Sam’s tantrum coming on, “Sam, you are an adult. You can’t stay in middle school forever.”

“You don’t understand!” Sam stamped her foot, “I don’t want to go to high school!”

“It isn’t a choice.” Isabelle replied sternly, “You have to get better and to do that you-…”

“I want to stay with my friends!” Sam stamped her feet.

“What is wrong with you?” Isabelle asked with exasperation. Her patience had clearly come to an end, “You need to get better so you can go home!”

“I hate you!” Sam screamed, “You want me to be miserable!”

“Sam… Sam, come back.” Isabelle said it was too late.

Sam had stomped out of the room as tears started to fall down her face. She banged up the stairs as loudly as possible and went to her bedroom. She slammed the door closed so hard that the objects on the nearby shelves trembled. Unable to keep her cries under control she sobbed as she flung herself on her bed. Screaming into the pillow Sam beat her hands and feet against the mattress.

It felt like the end of the world for Sam. After everything that had happened, just as she had finally found people who accepted her as she was and were fun to be around she was being ripped away from them all. Sam had done everything to make those three girls kick her to the curb and yet they all stuck with her. She was mourning friendships that had barely had a chance to bloom. High school terrified her, she had been bullied a lot the first time through and she could only imagine this second time would be worse.

Isabelle just wanted to get rid of her, Sam thought. She was tired of having to change diapers and look after “a baby” so planned to rush through the rest of the process and push her out. Sam was going to be dumped back at home whilst still not ready for adulthood and was supposed to thank Isabelle for it. She wasn’t ready!

At dinnertime Isabelle called Sam to come down but she refused to move. A little later there was a knock on the door and Isabelle said she was leaving a plate outside the room for Sam. Putting herself to bed Sam hadn’t changed that day and her diaper was soaked. She did a half-assed job at putting on a new disposable before climbing under her covers. She felt betrayed. Not for the first time she wondered if she would’ve been happier with Jess as a mindless drooling infant that didn’t have to think or worry about anything.

That night Sam laid on her bed looking at the ceiling and feeling conflicting emotions. She still felt she had every right to be upset at Isabelle and the situation but she was regretting her outburst. She still really wanted to stay with her new friends but Isabelle was right. When she thought about it logically she knew that she had to grow up, that it was the only way to continue getting better. It just felt like it was too soon.

Sam hadn’t said a word to Issy since she had stormed out of the living room many hours before. Sam sighed, there was just no way she was going to be able to sleep with everything occupying her mind. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the scene of her argument replayed in her head.

Sam slipped out of her bed and pulled up her loose-fitting diaper. She had changed herself again before bed but the tapes were slanted and it wasn’t tight enough. Despite it being past her bedtime Sam walked across her room and down to the living room. The door was closed but she could hear the television inside on at a low volume. She had second thoughts and considered about going back to bed, she was technically breaking the rules to be up late after all.

Eventually Sam stood on tip-toes to reach up and pull the handle of the door. As it swung open she saw Isabelle sitting on an armchair and doing some sewing as she occasionally looked up at the screen in front of her. Sam took a deep breath and looked at the floor with her hands clasped in front of her. The picture of innocence.

“Erm, Issy?” Sam said quietly.

Out of the corner of her eye Sam saw Isabelle look up and see her. The older woman reached for the remote control and muted the already very quiet TV.

“Yes?” Isabelle replied.

“I… I wanted to say…” Sam bit her lip. She felt really embarrassed for her behaviour earlier and yet apologising didn’t feel easy either, “I… I…”

“It’s OK, Sam.” Isabelle replied, “Come here.”

Sam waddled across the room. By this point she had been living with Isabelle for so long she had absolutely no worries about her diaper peeking up and over the waistband of her pants. She kept her face to the floor as she stood in front of the chair so she didn’t see her caregiver reach forwards.

Sam was lifted into the air and sat on Isabelle’s lap sideways. She felt extra small and vulnerable like this and averted her eyes. Isabelle wasn’t known for her warmth usually but she was being surprisingly touchy-feely. For the first time Sam wondered if Issy was changing and learning just like she was.

“What you said earlier hurt me.” Isabelle said softly, “I understand you were upset but growing up means more than just learning your letters and numbers, you have to learn responsibility. You have to remember how your words and actions can affect other people.”

“I’m sorry.” Sam said quietly.

“Don’t worry about it.” Isabelle rubbed Sam’s back a little. It still didn’t feel natural, she was more than a little stiff, “I guess we should expect it if you’re entering your teenage years.”

“Teenage years?” Sam repeated with a frown.

“Well, you’ve been growing up and learning everything but perhaps we underestimated the emotional development you’re going through.” Isabelle said, “Anyway, I think it’s past your bedtime.”

Sam nodded as Isabelle stood up. Sam was shifted on to Isabelle’s hip. She may have been “growing up” in many ways but she was still, and would always be, small physically. Right then she didn’t mind too much, there was comfort in being this close to Isabelle. Isabelle carried Sam back to the diapered woman’s bedroom. She was going straight over to the bed when Sam spoke up.

“Erm, could you change me?” Sam asked in a small embarrassed voice.

“You feel dry to me.” Isabelle replied as her hand started probing the padding.

“I just didn’t do a very good job.” Sam said with a sigh, “It’s not as comfortable as when you do it.”

Sam thought she felt Isabelle chuckle a little before she was taken to the changing table for a fresh diaper before bed. It had been a long and draining couple of days. It felt like so much had happened and now, abruptly she was being told she was going on to a new and scary place. A new unknown where anything could happen. It was terrifying to think about. But Isabelle was right. The goal of all of this was to make her fully adult again. She was so close now and as horrible as it would be to leave Becky and the others behind it was necessary.

With Sam’s diaper change completed Isabelle helped her down from the table and she walked across to the bed. As she slipped under the covers she looked up at Isabelle who was straightening out the bed sheets at the other end of the bed.

“I think you’re right.” Sam finally said, “About going to high school.”

Isabelle nodded her head and gave Sam one of her rare brief smiles.


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End Chapter 24

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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