Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 26

Chapter Description: It's Sam's first day in high school and she has plenty to be nervous about. Never has the size difference between her and other students been so pronounced and the teenagers seem decidedly rougher than she's used to. Just as she is starting to feel lost a friendly hand reaches out and offers her a lifeline.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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Sam clutched her bag close to her chest. She looked around at all the teenagers around her and felt more out of place than ever. A couple of muscle-bound young men opposite her were having a loud and lively conversation. After one particularly offensive comment they started rough-housing with one, in a sports jacket with the school’s mascot embroidered on it, putting the other in a headlock and being pushed against the lockers. Other students quickly surrounded the pair and were shouting encouragement.

Sam felt scared. It was like watching two animals fighting at a zoo with an audience baying for more violence. Sam hurried away from the action and towards the bathroom just down the hall. She passed someone listening to loud rock music as they leaned against some lockers, the guy looked down at her with a smirk that suggested he had found prey. On the other side of the corridor was a guy and a girl engaged in a passionately kissing irrespective of how many people were watching. Sam whimpered as she carried on past.

She pushed through the bathroom door feeling her heart hammering only to be confronted by three older girls right in front of her. One was sitting on the edge of the counter that held the sinks, one was leaning against the wall next to her and the other was loudly talking about a sexual encounter she had apparently recently had. All three were, in Sam’s opinion, wearing far too much make-up and smoking.

The smell of cigarettes filled the room and Sam hurried past them towards the cubicle. She felt like she needed a small space to just sit down for a moment and get her anxiety under a control. She pushed open the door of the nearest cubicle and let out a little squeal. Leaning against the side of the stall there were two girls, one with short hair and piercings, vigorously making out. They saw Sam staring in with wide eyes and separated.

“Get lost.” The girl with piercings said as she pushed the door closed again.

Sam wasn’t going to find out what happened if she disobeyed and hurried back past the smoking girls and into the corridor. She was tearing up and feeling overwhelmed. This was nothing like the previous schools. Everything felt so alien and scary. She didn’t belong there at all.

High school wasn’t what Sam had hoped for. With how mature her friends in middle school had been she had hoped that high school would be the same, she was being quickly shown the error in her thinking. These teenagers, hormones raging like storms, towered over her like adults did and seemed very… hostile.

As Sam wandered towards where she had been told her home room was she kept her eyes down towards the ground. She heard the comments people said about her, they were practically the same as when she had been in high school the first time. She was powerless and had never felt so self-conscious about how small she was then right then. The pull-ups she had felt so grown up wearing now felt ridiculously infantile.

“Hey! Elementary school is a couple of blocks over!” Shouted one guy as Sam passed. The corridor echoed with laughter as Sam hunched her shoulders and hurried past.

Sam wished she was back in elementary school. Middle school would’ve been better though. She thought of Becky, Caitlyn and Chloe. Right now they would be getting ready for a new week of school, good friends who would look after each other and have fun. It was a million miles from where Sam was now. She wondered if her old friends would wonder where she had gone or if they would quickly move on as if she had been a weird collective dream they had woke up from.

Sam reached her home room and looked at the wall of lockers opposite. She checked the paper she had been handed to see which of the lockers was hers. When she walked along the lockers and found the one assigned to her she let out a big sigh.

“Typical…” Sam muttered.

The locker was on the top row and out of Sam’s reach by some way. She looked up at it and pouted, it was the last thing she needed when she was already so on edge. She leaned forwards and placed her forehead against one of the lockers and closed her eyes as she tried to keep calm.

“Oh my god! She’s sooo cute!” A female voice made Sam jump.

Looking around Sam saw a teenage girl with long blonde hair. She was chewing gum and wearing a crop top that showed off her pierced belly button and jeans with holes in them. She was flanked by four other girls who were dressed in similar ways. Sam swallowed nervously.

“Hello, little one. Are you lost?” The young woman said with a sarcastic smile as she bent down to get closer to Sam.

Sam knew she was being made fun of and ignored the comments. She was about to turn and walk away when the girl in front of her chuckled and put a hand on Sam’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, girl. I’m just playing. You are really, REALLY short though. You new here?” The girl asked.

“Y-Yes.” Sam said quietly, “My name’s Sam.”

“I’m Roxy.” The girl replied, “Need some help?”

“Yeah, they put my locker up there…” Sam said.

“Not a problem.” Roxy replied, “Are you in Mr. Flanagan’s class?”

Sam nodded.

“Awesome.” Roxy said, “Stick with me, kid. I’ll look after you.”

Sam knew she should be annoyed. She was older than Roxy and although this other girl didn’t know that she should be assuming they were the same age. Being called “kid” was the sort of thing that annoyed Sam greatly. Yet in the chaos of that morning in this scary place Sam actually felt incredibly relieved that someone was offering to look after her. She smiled a little as Roxy held out her hand.

“Here, pass me your bag.” Roxy said.

Sam was a little hesitant. Her bag had the usual stuff a student would need but it also included a spare pull-up for “just in case.” She didn’t think this new girl would open the backpack though so she handed it over. Roxy took it and put it up in the locker.

“Thanks.” Sam said, “I’ll ask them to move my locker when I get a chance.”

“Don’t sweat it.” Roxy said as she closed the locker.

“So you get boosted up a bunch of grades because you’re smart?” Roxy asked.

“Huh?” Sam grunted in response.

“No offence but my brother in kindergarten is bigger than you.” Roxy said, “Are you really in twelfth grade?”

“Yes.” Sam replied, “I’m just… small.”

“That’s an understatement.” Roxy laughed, “Let me see your schedule… Cool, we share nearly all the same classes. Stick with me, Sam, I’ll show you the ropes.”

The bell for home room rang shortly after and Sam hung back a little as people started filing into the nearest classroom. Roxy, chewing her gum rather obnoxiously, gave Sam a wink and tilted her head in the direction of the classroom. Sam followed the girls in and went with them to the back row. She climbed into her seat and looked across to see Roxy and her friends leaning back in their seats. One of them had immediately got out a compact mirror and was checking her make-up.

This was uncharted territory for Sam. When she had been in high school before she had been a bit of an outcast. No one wanted to hang out with her and she was often the subject of ridicule. She had remembered though that the students with the worst behaviour usually sat at the back of the class. Roxy and her friends acted similarly to girls Sam remembered being particularly mean and yet they seemed to accept her. Maybe times had changed. The thought they were going to turn on her lingered in the back of her brain, paranoia that her time in middle school had been unable to completely undo.

Sam had been enrolled in the twelfth grade with the oldest of the students. These were people that were only a few years younger than her. A lot of them hardly looked like high school students at all. As people walked into the room talking loudly to friends Sam noticed that a lot of them looked over at her with shock or amusement, then they’d see Roxy and quickly turn away.

Roxy was as good as her word that morning. It seemed she and Sam shared the same classes and in each of them she invited Sam to sit next to her. It didn’t take Sam long to notice that Roxy didn’t seem to do a lot of schoolwork. In fact, she spent most of the lessons gossiping with the people around her, when she did do work she seemed very interested in what Sam had written and copying it herself. Sam was OK with that though because Roxy was proving to be funny and protective. She had a charm about her that meant she just seemed to get away with things more than other people. It wasn’t until lunch time that Sam had any reason to think differently.

“Let’s cut math.” Roxy said at lunchtime.

“You don’t need to ask me twice.” Said Kerry, one of Roxy’s friends. She had died blonde hair and, in Sam’s opinion, tried a little too hard to emulate Roxy.

“Meet in the usual place?” Jane asked.

“Sure.” Roxy replied, “Right after home room.”

“Sam?” Roxy and the other girls turned to face Sam whose eyes widened.

“I, erm…” Sam stuttered, “I’ve never really cut class before…”

The girls laughed. One of them said Sam was adorable which rankled a little bit. Roxy knelt down to be on the same level as Sam, she was smiling warmly as she put out a hand and placed it on Sam’s shoulder.

“I get it.” Roxy said, “But it’s just one class, right? No one would care. You’re new, you can say you got lost or something.”

Sam bit her lip and looked away from Roxy. She had always been diligent at school and made sure to do her work and never skip classes. She was feeling peer pressure now that she had never faced before in her life. She pictured how disappointed Isabelle would be and it was almost enough to make her turn down the girls’ proposition… but then she remembered why she was here in the first place.

It wasn’t Sam who had chosen to be in this scary new environment. She hadn’t chosen to leave the comfortable cosiness of her middle school friends to be dropped in at the deep end of a high school full of hormone-fuelled teenagers. Sure she would need to move on from middle school but it didn’t have to be so soon and with so little preparation. Isabelle wanted her to socialise with people this age then she had to do what they did.

“Forget it, Roxy.” Jane said with a smirk, “I think Little Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes thinks she’s better than us.”

“Hold on.” Roxy said as she glanced over her shoulder. She looked back at Sam, “I know it’s scary. A new school and you being so… small and all. But we’ll look after you, no one’s going to try anything with us there.”

Sam’s resolve was wavering. Maybe Isabelle would never have to know. Roxy and her friends seemed cool and Sam would’ve been lying if she said she didn’t feel safer with these bigger girls. When she had been in high school for real girls as popular as Roxy wouldn’t give Sam the time of day. In fact, Sam spent most of her time in high school avoiding people like Roxy, to have her on side would make this whole thing a lot less scary.

“I guess… Just once.” Sam said.

Roxy smiled toothily and nodded her head as she stood up again. The girls continued eating and talking until the bell rang for the next period. Students started heading out but as the crowds went towards the classrooms down the corridor Sam stuck next to Roxy who ducked into a girl’s bathroom.

“We just need to wait in here for a few minutes.” Roxy said.

Sam waited anxiously. She expected the door to open at any moment and a teacher to come in to tell them off. She nervously picked at her fingernails as she waited, Roxy meanwhile was sat on the edge of the sink and leaning back against the mirror looking at her phone. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

“Right, follow me.” Roxy said as she jumped down.


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End Chapter 26

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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