Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam is still sitting in the corner when she decides that if she wants to get out of her situation she's going to have to put a little more effort in. That said, it is easier said than done and the next day shows just how difficult it will be.

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Sam stubbornly stared at the list of rules but couldn’t read it. To her embarrassment her literacy seemed to have evaporated during her regression. The pictures made each rule obvious though. She saw one picture of a little girl with her hands over the front of her pants talking to an adult, then the next picture had the child smiling on a potty as the adult gave them a thumbs up. She pouted again and turned her head away. Her diaper was wet and those pictures felt like they were taunting her about that fact.

It felt like Sam was stood in the corner for hours. She huffed and puffed but she just wasn’t going to be let out. I didn’t seem fair at all to her, she was an adult and deserved the same respect as the teachers. She did start to notice a few things though. As time went on she saw more and more of the kids go to one of the adults when they needed the potty, she could hear them ask and then get led to the bathroom. When they came out a few minutes later they were invariably smiling and quick to run off and start playing again.

Sam soon realised it was quite possible she was the only person there in full diapers. She pouted as she turned back to the wall, her diaper was warm and droopy around her waist but she hadn’t even realised she had needed to go until it was too late. Maybe she did deserve to be with all the little kids after all…

When Sam felt a complaint from her bowels a little later her first instinct was to just push into her diaper as she had done every day since her regression. Just before she reached the point of no return she stopped herself. She should tell Carol that she needed the potty!

Sam started to raise her hand but it was already too late. She felt the slurry in her bowels empty into her diaper. She winced as the lumpy mess pooled in the padding and pressed against her skin. With a sigh of annoyance and defeat Sam lowered her hand and leaned against the wall, she grunted and tensed up. She pushed down and finished filling her pants, the disposable sagging down even more than before. It was only a few minutes later that Issy came in to the room. Sam didn’t see her enter but she heard her voice.

“Yes, they let me out early.” Isabelle’s voice drifted over from Carol’s desk, “I thought I’d pick my little girl up early since it’s her first day.”

“Of course.” Carol replied, “Unfortunately she’s in the naughty corner at the moment.”

“The naughty corner?” Isabelle’s voice seemed a little harder and Sam cringed into herself.

“Yes, she had a bit of a tantrum after lunch.” Carol said, “I feel like she was perhaps a little overstimulated by the new surroundings.”

“I see.” Isabelle replied.

Sam almost instinctively felt like she was letting Issy down. She heard the two women approach her and she let out a little whimper. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she spun around with tears in her eyes. She saw the two women sniffing the air. Isabelle sighed.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” Isabelle said as she reached down.

Sam was lifted off the ground. Isabelle’s arm went under her diaper and she felt the hot mush getting pressed against her. She shivered as Isabelle and Carol discussed a few things, she had already tuned out. As Isabelle left Sam looked behind her at all the children still playing. She wondered if they could smell what was in her diaper, most seemed too engrossed in their playing to look over.

“See you tomorrow, Sam.” Carol said with a cheery wave, “And think about what I said.”

Sam did. In fact she thought about Carol’s words as she was taken home, as her messy diaper was changed, as she was fed and after she was put in the crib. Carol’s words seemed to bounce around her head constantly until she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


“Good morning, Sam.” Carol said with a smile, “Ready for another day of playing with your little friends.”

Sam nodded her head but unlike the previous day she was full of determination. Issy undid the restraints on the stroller and Sam lifted her arms so that she could be easily lifted out and placed on the floor. She stumbled a few steps but managed to remain upright. Her cream shorts bulged over the thick baby diaper underneath whilst her princess pink t-shirt rode up at the back showing off the waistband of her baby pants.

“Be a good girl for me, OK?” Issy said as she looked down at Sam.

“Yeth, Ithy.” Sam lisped shyly.

Sam had a plan. She resented Isabelle for making her come to this place, she hated that she wasn’t making better and faster progress but she also knew that she had to get better one way or another. Sam had seen the other children using the potty the previous day and decided that if little kids could do it there was no reason she couldn’t. She would simply focus all her attention on her bladder if need be.

As soon as Isabelle left the room Sam made the decision that she would have to stay close to Carol. As the older woman walked around checking on the children Sam toddled along trying to keep her concentration on the job at hand, it was rendered difficult by the amount of distractions all around her. Every bright colour and loud noise seemed to demand Sam’s attention.

“Hi Sam!” Olivia’s voice came suddenly from behind.

Sam jumped and as she did so she felt herself lose control and start wetting. She squealed and reached down with her hands to hold the front of her disposable. She couldn’t stop the flow and after a few seconds of fruitless fighting what little fight Sam had drained away as the diaper got wetter. She had literally failed her task immediately. How was Sam supposed to get better when even the smallest task seemed so impossible for her?

“Do you want to play?” Olivia asked. She was completely unaware of the turmoil her surprise had caused.

Sam glared at the little girl with a pout. She was about to respond angrily when she heard Carol clear her throat. Sam looked over her shoulder and up to see the caretaker giving her a warning look. Sam’s shoulders sagged in defeat. Her attempts at making it to the potty that morning had failed almost before they begun and she knew the teacher was warning her not to be naughty again. With a deep sigh Sam nodded her head and waddled along behind the little girl as she hurried off to the toys.

Around halfway through the morning Sam was checked and then taken for a diaper change. Normally she hated this humiliating task but she felt it might actually give her a second chance at asking for the potty. It was a lot easier to show progress when she wasn’t already soaked. So once Sam was in a fresh diaper and sitting with Olivia she started concentrating hard on her body. Carol handed out drinks to everyone before lunch but Sam ignored the baby bottle she had been left with, she didn’t want to hydrate if at all possible.

“Drink up.” Carol said when she returned a few minutes later to see Sam’s bottle untouched.

“No.” Sam said without her usual defiance, “I wanna potty-…”

“You need to be a good girl.” Carol said as she cut Sam off, “Good girls make sure to drink often so they have lots of energy for play. Look at Olivia, she’s been very good and finished her cup already.”

Sam turned to her grinning friend who held up the pink cup with two handles. Of course, no one else in the nursery was given a baby bottle, it was just another example of how Sam was so far behind these kids in development. None of this changed the fact that Sam was desperately trying to prove she COULD get out of diapers just like all the others.

With Carol watching her Sam reluctantly put the nipple of the bottle between her lips and slowly sipped her drink. She stopped as soon as the teacher turned away. Every drop of liquid entering her body felt like a ticking time bomb.

Once Sam was sat with Olivia again she concentrated on her body. She tried to remember back before her prolonged regression what the signals that her bladder needed emptying felt like. It felt like a different lifetime that she had to worry about such a thing.

Sam was barely paying any attention to Olivia who, after a while, noticed that she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted. She wandered away to find a more attentive play partner whilst Sam focused internally. She barely even registered the fact that she was playing alone.

Despite focusing as hard as possible Sam was still struggling. Even though she was concentrating as hard as possible she was easily distracted just like a baby. Whenever there was a loud noise nearby she’d immediately look over and on one of these occasions as she watched a boy crying after tripping over she felt her bladder release into her diaper. She squeezed her legs together to try and slow the flow.

“Mith. Finney! Mith. Finney!” Sam cried out using the teacher’s surname, “Potty! Potty!”

Sam waddled forwards desperately but it was already hopelessly too late. By the time she had reached the head of the pre-school she was soaked. Carol kneeled down in front of her with a smile as she placed a hand up and under Sam’s skirt to feel the freshly warm diaper.

“Aw, baby, you nearly made it.” Carol said condescendingly, “You did a great job for trying. You’ll get there soon, let’s get you changed.”

Sam sighed and looked at the floor as her eyes watered. She knew she hadn’t been close. The encouragement and praise stung Sam’s pride as much as the accident itself. She was lifted up and taken to the changing room for yet another fresh diaper.

“You’re doing great.” Carol said as she changed the pouting Sam’s diaper.

“Can’t.” Sam pouted.

“You don’t think you can do it?” Carol asked.

Sam nodded her head. Despite trying she didn’t think she was making any progress and was quickly growing impatient. It didn’t matter to her that she had been basically brainwashed into being a baby, she was an adult and this stuff was supposed to be easy for her. No girl in her twenties should have to struggle with this stuff.

“You have to be patient.” Carol said as she taped up the fresh diaper, “These things take time.”

Sam just continued to pout. As soon as she was back in the main play room she went over to Olivia and started playing. The next time she needed to pee she wet herself without a moment’s hesitation or any attempt at asking for the potty. She was frustrated by her earlier failure and decided that it was less embarrassing to just not try than it would be to fail.

It was only after lunch that something broke the routine. Sam had utterly failed to make it to the potty when she needed to pee but when she felt a fullness in her bowels she knew she might have a chance. She dropped the dollies she was playing with, much to Olivia’s annoyance, and jumped to her feet. With her hands clamped to the rear of her diaper and feeling gas being passed without control she ran as best she could towards Carol.

“Potty! Potty!” Sam cried out.

The children all turned to watch as she ran straight into Carol’s hands. She was struggling already as the older woman lifted her up and laid Sam against her chest with one arm right under the seat of her diaper. They were moving quickly towards the toilets at the back of the room but it wasn’t fast enough.

Sam tensed as her tummy muscles started to fail. Her little hands grabbed Carol’s shirt as her face scrunched up. She was trying as hard as she could but her sphincter was quivering and slowly it started to open. She was fighting hard but the battle was lost, she was going to poop herself no matter what, it was only a matter of whether it happened quickly or slowly.

“Oh dear…” Carol said with a sigh as she started to slow down.

Sam whined as she lost control. There was an audible sound of breaking wind muffled only slightly by the thick padding, a moment later the stuff coming out of her bowels was much more solid. She gripped the tall woman’s shirt harder as she grunted and a quickly expanding mass of mushy mess ballooned her diaper out. She knew Carol must be able to feel it as the heat of the stinky accident pressed against her hand. That wasn’t mentioning the smell that very rapidly engulfed the air around her.

With a whimper Sam tensed her whole body and pushed down without a second thought. She knew people were watching her infantile display and that made the whole experience a hundred times worse. None of the children there had accidents like this, it was only her, she was littler than all of them.

“Get it all out.” Carol said soothingly as her spare hand rubbed Sam’s back, “There’s a good girl.”

Sam wanted to resist the command. She didn’t want it to look like she was following these humiliating instructions but there was nothing she could do to prevent her bowels finishing the job. She took a deep breath and pushed through a cramp and finally felt the last of her poop push out and into the slippery diaper. She panted slightly as she finally relaxed. As she laid the side of her head against Carol’s chest she shivered slightly and her bladder freely opened warming the front of the disposable just like the rear.

“It’s OK.” Carol said softly, “Accidents happen.”

“No!” Sam suddenly blurted out angrily.

Sam’s humiliation had turned to frustration at her failure. The condescending advice from the woman holding her didn’t make Sam feel any better. Her eyes were watering and she was kicking her feet. She beat one of her little fists against Carol’s chest.

“Now, settle down…” Carol said.

“No!” Sam repeated loudly. She was quickly dropping into a full on tantrum.

Sam was wriggling so much that Carol had to lower her to the ground before she dropped the stinky girl. Sam immediately fell back on to her padded rear into the big pile of poop that formed around her butt. Adding the physical discomfort of the situation only made Sam’s mood worse and as she started loudly wailing she fell on to her back banging her hands and feet against the floor.

“Sam!” Carol called out trying to get the young woman’s attention, “Sam, please…”

Sam wasn’t going to listen. She felt defeated and that she would never ever be potty trained again. Right at that moment she felt her world shrinking around her. Without being able to potty train she would be stuck with Isabelle forever, trapped going to pre-school everyday…

“Come on, Sam…” Carol said as she crouched down, “Come on, H U S H  L I T T L E  G I R L.”

The change was immediate. Sam’s mind clouded over and all of a sudden she had trouble concentrating on anything. She forgot why she was crying and instead wanted to crawl over to play with her friends. She was looking up at the caretaker for the pre-school who seemed confused before her eyes widened.

“Oh shi-…” Carol stopped herself from swearing, “Sam, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to!”

Sam wasn’t paying attention now. She had just noticed her messy diaper again and her bottom lip was trembling. She wanted a new diaper so she could go back to playing with her toys. She didn’t know why Carol was looking at her with such sad eyes.


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End Chapter 7

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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