Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 22

Chapter Description: Sam goes back upstairs intent on not staying the night. Her friends, on the other hand, want to play a game.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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This was not something Sam was looking forward to. After humiliating herself several times she was keen to leave, she certainly didn’t want to face her friends, well, former friends she assumed. As she climbed the stairs with her fresh diaper crinkling she kicked herself for not just visiting the bathroom like a normal person.

As Sam approached the bedroom he could hear the voices of the other three inside. She pressed her ear to the door but it was too thick to make out anything that was being said. With a deep breath to steady her nerves Sam pushed on the door and let it slowly open. Immediately the voices stopped as everyone turned to face her. It was hardly a warm welcome.

“Erm, I’m sorry.” Sam muttered as she walked inside, “I should just grab my stuff and go.”

“Go?” Becky repeated.

“Well, yeah, I…” Sam started.

“Aw, don’t go!” Chloe said from the bed, “We were having so much fun!”

“Yeah, we’ve still got so much time for games.” Caitlyn said, “You haven’t even seen the racing game we play yet!”

Sam couldn’t understand the empathy of these girls. After everything she had subjected them to she was still being given more chances. She had just returned from getting her dirty butt cleaned up and these girls were already talking about the fun they were going to have for the rest of the evening and eating more pizza. They acted like Sam wasn’t just a big baby for the accidents she was having, it didn’t make any sense to her.

Sam looked at her bag. She knew she could still go. If she just picked up her stuff and went downstairs Isabelle would come and pick her up. Back at home she would be away from possible embarrassment, she would be safe. On the other hand the whole point of Isabelle’s attempts to get her to grow up had been about pushing her boundaries. If she never tried or risked anything she would never get better. Besides, what more could she possibly do to embarrass herself after what had just happened? If these three girls would accept Sam comprehensively filling her diaper to the brim then it seemed they would accept anything.

“Hey, Becky, do you remember when we were little and we used to play family?” Caitlyn said with a big smile.

“Oh, yeah.” Becky laughed, “And we always made Chloe be the baby because she’s the smallest!”

“I hated that game…” Chloe said though a rueful smile showed she had at least some positive memories of the experience.

“Well you aren’t the smallest anymore.” Caitlyn said with a laugh, “Maybe we should play that old game again.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Becky said as she looked at Sam thoughtfully.

Sam obviously didn’t not want to play this children’s game. She certainly didn’t want to be the baby in it either, that was something she had been desperately trying to get away from. She was glad that Becky, at least, wasn’t getting carried away by things.

“Sam can decide.” Caitlyn said, “What do you think, Sam? You wouldn’t mind being our baby would you? You’re already nearly dressed for it!”

“Caitlyn!” Becky railed against her friend’s lack of tact.

“I… I don’t know if…” Sam stuttered.

“Oh, B E H A V E, Sam.” Caitlyn waved a dismissive hand, “It’s just a bit of fun!”

The effect was instant. Sam just had time for her eyes to widen in shock before an overwhelming need to do as she was told overtook her. She tried to resist but could feel her brain succumbing to the effects of the suggestions. She couldn’t hold it back forever, she needed to please the people in front of her.

“OK.” Sam said as a smile spread across her face.

“What?” Becky frowned, “You want to play the game?”

Sam nodded her head quickly causing Caitlyn to clap in excitement. Chloe and Becky shared a look of surprise but Caitlyn was rapidly taking over. In the depths of Sam’s mind she was shouting at herself to stop going along with the girls but the trigger they had inadvertently used had put Sam’s free will in a box. She would do as she was told for the foreseeable future.

“And you want to be the baby?” Chloe asked.

“Uh huh.” Sam said.

The girls all looked at each other. Sam was begging someone to suggest something else but when Becky simply shrugged she knew she was left without a choice. It looked like the girls would be reliving a game they played years ago with Sam facilitating it.

“Becky, get some of your little brother’s stuff.” Caitlyn said quickly, “I bet at least SOME of it will fit our new baby girl!”

“Really?” Becky muttered, “Sam? Is that OK?”

“Yeah!” Sam was forced to say with enthusiasm.

“Alright then…” Becky shook her head a little and then walked out of the room.

“This is a bit weird.” Chloe said, “I mean just because Sam is wearing… Well, you know, it doesn’t mean she’s a baby.”

“We’re just playing.” Caitlyn said, “Don’t you remember what we used to do? Dress you up in your little sister’s things, play with you and everything else. We even made those makeshift diapers with towels!”

Caitlyn burst into laughter as she remembered their old games. A couple of minutes later Becky came back dragging a large box behind her. Despite her initial unease at playing this game with Sam she seemed to be warming to the idea. She was smiling widely as she closed the door behind her.

“Hopefully mom doesn’t shout at us for borrowing this stuff.” Becky said as she pulled the box into the centre of the room.

“Oh this is great!” Caitlyn said as she hurried over and started looking through the stuff Becky had collected.

As the other three started to sort through the box Sam stood back and watched. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine, every item in the box was a reminder of her recent past, things she was trying to move past and forget. Pacifiers, bottles, baby clothes and toys tipped on to the floor as Becky upended the box.

“Alright, well, first we need to dress her.” Caitlyn said as she started getting all the clothes into a pile, “It’s a shame your brother is a boy. Ooh, wait a minute... THIS doesn’t look like it belongs to Ash.”

“Oh, I had no idea Mom still had this…” Becky said as she reached deep into the box and pulled out some pink clothing.

“What is it?” Chloe asked.

Sam was still stood a little back from everyone else so she was the last to see what was being held up. As the pink clothing unfolded she saw that it was clearly a onesie, one that wouldn’t fit any of the other girls there. It looked like the colours were a little faded and it was a bit dusty but the image on the front of a princess riding a unicorn over a rainbow still stood out as if it was brand new.

“It’s the onesie I used to wear when I was little…” Becky said. She looked a little embarrassed, “I remember it being my favourite. Mom has loads of photos of me wearing it.”

“Well, I think it would be perfect for our baby!” Caitlyn said as she took it from Becky and walked towards Sam, “What do you think, Sam?”

“I think it would look great!” Sam’s outward enthusiasm was very different to the dread she felt inside.

“Hold on…” Cloe was still looking into the box and she lifted something else out.

The girls all turned to see a diaper that was bigger than any baby one but not quite adult-sized. It had a relatively grown-up design on it compared to the ones Ash and Sam wore. Becky’s face seemed to drain of colour when she saw it. Remembering the conversation between Nikki and Isabelle Sam could guess that was one of the diapers Becky wore during her apparently recent bed wetting troubles.

“What’s that?” Caitlyn asked as she looked at Becky.

Becky seemed at a loss for words. Despite being so accepting of Sam she was clearly worried about admitting that she had recently needed diapers as well. With all eyes on her she was stuttering, Sam could see she desperately didn’t want to have to reveal what was clearly an embarrassing secret for her. Becky had been so good to Sam, she had to try and spare the poor girl’s blushes.

With only a momentary hesitation Sam reached down and pulled on her pyjama bottoms. They slipped down over the smooth plastic of the diaper and then dropped around her ankles. She felt very exposed as she looked up at the others. She had to get into the role of she was supposed to be excited to play.

“Dress me!” Sam said loudly.

The exclamation was enough to get all eyes to turn back to Sam. She bit her lip and tried to keep her smile on her face as she saw her friend’s eyes widen I shock.

“Alright!” Caitlyn said as a pick smile crossed her face, “See? I told you guys Sam wants to play.”

Sam saw Becky take the diaper from a distracted Chloe and she shoved it back into the box. Sam swallowed nervously as she was approached with the onesie. She pulled her top off and felt grateful, for once, that her small size meant that her chest had never developed. It certainly didn’t give away her real age.

“Do you mind us dressing you?” Becky asked as she looked at her old pink onesie in Caitlyn’s hands.

“Go ahead.” Sam said out loud. Internally she was screaming the opposite.

“Huh.” Becky grunted. She was looking down to Sam’s waist with her head tilted.

“What?” Caitlyn asked as she tried to work out which way the onesie was supposed to go.

“Oh, it’s just Sam wears the same diapers as Ash.” Becky said, “I mean, they’re a bit bigger but they’re the same brand.”

“See?” Caitlyn replied, “She’s perfect to play baby… Hey, Chloe, do you want to get one of Ash’s diapers too? You can be a baby too if you want.”

“Shut up!” Chloe stuck her tongue out at her friend. It was pretty clear she had no interest in reprising her old role and Sam couldn’t blame her.

Sam’s arms lifted compliantly when she was asked to do so. Her body was bypassing her brain to listen to the instructions of others. She felt mortified to be standing in front of her friends like this but every time they asked if she wanted to continue she was helpless but to say yes. As the other three laughed and had a good time she felt like she had become the butt of their jokes.

The thin material of the onesie was pulled over her head and down her body. It immediately took her back to her time with Jess and her early days with Isabelle. The feeling was so familiar to her it was as if no time at all had passed. The girls were giggling as they knelt between Sam’s legs and sloppily pressed the front and rear flaps together.

“Oh my god! She looks SO adorable!” Caitlyn gushed.

The onesie was pulled taught a little because Sam was a bit bigger than Becky had been when she wore it but the poppers held the onesie in place and encased the diaper underneath. The giggling girls stepped back to look at her and Sam, unable to tell them she didn’t want this, was forced to smile along with them as if this wasn’t tremendously embarrassing. She could only hope that none of them would tell anyone at school what was happening here.

“Babies shouldn’t stand.” Caitlyn said with a giggle.

Sam immediately dropped on to her hands and knees causing yet more giggles. As the girls encouraged her she crawled around the room, her large padded rear end swaying behind her and crinkling with each movement.

“Alright, Chloe you should feed her!” Caitlyn said as she held up the bottle.

Chloe took the bottle and sat down with her back against the bed frame. When she patted her lap Sam crawled over. It seemed like any misgivings the girls had about playing this game had disappeared as Sam appeared to them to be having a great time. Internally, Sam was feeling horrified. She had no control of the situation and felt that the girls were making fun of her.


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End Chapter 22

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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