Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam finishes a tricky first day at elementary school but that isn't the end of things. She is taken to the shops and is then in for a surprise back at home.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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The rest of the day was the same struggle that the morning had been. Sam tried her best not to get frustrated but it was difficult when everyone around her was able to do the work and she felt like she was being left behind. She spent lunch with Laura and her group again, she didn’t talk much just like the morning but it was nice to have somewhere to sit with her food. When the bell rang for the end of class Sam felt exhausted. It had been a day full of anxiety and after feeling like she had run into a brick wall over and over again with the work she couldn’t do Sam was more than ready to go home.

“Remember to ask Isabelle about the special tutoring.” Miss. Hunt reminded Sam as the students all left the classroom.

Sam followed the other students down the corridor and through the big double doors to the playground where parents stood waiting. Sam always had to be careful in crowds, her small size left her vulnerable to being trampled or pushed over so she hung back. When she emerged outside she saw students and parents everywhere. She stood at the top of the steps just outside the door, it was her only chance to see over everyone’s heads. On the far side of the playground by the gate that led to the street she saw Isabelle looking somewhat uncomfortable in the unfamiliar surroundings.

“Ah, there you are.” Isabelle said as she took Sam’s hand. She seemed as keen as Sam to get home, “How was school?”

“It wath fine.” Sam said.

“Good. I brought my car, I need to do some shopping before we head home.” Isabelle said stiffly as she lead Sam down the street.

Sam was immediately reminded of her new friend’s criticism of her clothes. As she struggled to keep up with her long-legged guardian Sam wondered if she could ask the question burning her mind. She was quickly distracted though as they reached the car a little way down the street from the school. The rear door opened and Sam saw her car seat, she looked around at the other students walking home and suddenly felt panicked.

“You can’t put me in the car theat!” Sam lisped desperately, “People will thee!”

“I’m sorry, Sam, you’re too small for the seatbelts otherwise.” Isabelle said.

Sam was lifted up and she hid her face as she was put in the baby seat. Her skirt caught on the raised plastic and as she sunk into the booster chair her diaper poked out prominently, the wetness indicator very clearly showing how wet she was. As the straps and buckles were adjusted all Sam could do was pray that none of her classmates had seen her. She continued to hide her face until after Isabelle had pulled away from the curb and started driving down the street.

“Why do you always embarrath me!?” Sam yelled angrily, “You hate me!”

“I don’t hate you, Sam.” Isabelle replied. She sounded tired, like she didn’t want any part of what she saw a childish tantrum.

Sam sulked. She sank into the baby seat a little further and pouted with her arms across her chest. It certainly felt to her that Isabelle hated her. She had seen all the other students with their parents getting lots of cuddles as the mommy or daddy listened to their kid’s day. Isabelle wasn’t like that at all.

“There’s a pretty big difference between you and the other students too”, Sam’s brain suggested to her, “They’re kids and you’re not!”

Sam’s eyes went wide. Was she really complaining that Isabelle wasn’t acting like a parent towards her? Isn’t this what Sam wanted? Someone who was helping her and trying to infantilise her as little as possible. Sam started to have a lot of complex thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her but through it all she still felt Isabelle was too mean to her.

“Nearly there.” Isabelle said from the driver’s seat a few minutes later, “Is there anything you are going to want?”

“Erm, well…” Sam mumbled suddenly feeling bad about her petulant outburst in front of the school.

Sam told Isabelle about what Laura had said and was thankful when her guardian agreed to get her some new clothes. They pulled into the parking lot and stopped in one of the family spots right outside the main entrance to the mall. Sam had to wait in her toddler seat until Issy came around and let her out. To Sam’s annoyance she saw her carer getting the stroller out of the boot.

“I can walk!” Sam said stubbornly.

“I know you can but we’re going to be doing a lot of walking and…” Isabelle said as she unfolded the push chair.

“No!” Sam stamped her foot on the ground.

Isabelle let out a deep sigh and closed the trunk of the car. She looked from the stroller to Sam’s stubborn stance with her fists clenched and her face pouting. Sam knew she must’ve looked more like a toddler than ever but she didn’t care, she was trying to show she was more grown up than Issy thought.

“Fine, you can walk.” Isabelle said, “But I’m not going to go slowly for you and I’m going to push the stroller in case you need it.”

“I won’t.” Sam said confidently.

“We’ll see.” Isabelle replied with one raised eyebrow of disbelief.

Sam had to move her legs quickly to keep up as Isabelle was good to her word and wasn’t going to slow down for her at all. At first they did what Sam considered boring shopping. They were simply getting food and other things for the house when Sam was anxious to get on to the things she wanted. With each shop they went in her legs became that much more tired and by the time they were leaving the third store Sam was having to hold on to the stroller and felt a little out of breath. Isabelle didn’t even buy anything in the last one!

It was only relatively recently that Sam had graduated from crawling around everywhere and the poor muscles in her legs were loudly complaining about this much work. She wasn’t helped by the fact that she had wet her diaper in the second store either, the swollen padding pushing her thighs apart and making walking just that little more tiring.

As Sam waddled along she started looking at the stroller with longing. She held on to the stroller to keep herself going but eventually could go no longer. She let go and with a frustrated huff she looked down at the ground, Isabelle came to a stop a few steps in front of her.

“Do you want to ride in the stroller?” Isabelle asked knowingly.

It was a loaded question. Sam didn’t WANT to ride in the stroller but that didn’t change the fact that she probably needed to. Her inner thighs felt sore from rubbing on her diaper, her legs ached from all the walking and she felt cranky. It had been a long day and it was starting to catch up with her.

“Yeth pleathe…” Sam finally muttered.

“Come on then.” Isabelle turned the stroller around to face Sam. The seat looked at her invitingly.

Sam slowly limped forwards and climbed into the pushchair. She turned and sat in the seat heavily but felt the relief from her aching legs. The warmth of her wet underwear was pressed against her pleasantly as Isabelle bent down and pulled the straps over her chest. She hoped none of the other students from school were being taken to the shops that afternoon.

“I don’t need the thrapth!” Sam complained though she did nothing to impede Isabelle’s progress.

“I don’t want you falling out.” Isabelle countered, “Honestly, if it wasn’t for your pride you could’ve sat in this from the start and we’d probably be on our way home by now.”

The last buckle was tightened leaving Sam little wriggle room. As Isabelle stood back up and returned to the handles Sam stuck her tongue out at her in infantile rebellion. She folded her arms across her chest and pouted as the stroller was pushed along to what Sam hoped was their final stop before going home. As Sam settled in the stroller she realised her diaper was being pushed out a little bit, her skirt riding up and meaning anyone walking towards them would see her underwear and just how wet it was.

Sam was pleased to see a popular clothing store in front of them and was even happier when Isabelle rolled her inside. They made their way towards the back of the store past the adult clothes until Sam saw what she wanted.

On the shelves and hanging from hangers Sam saw exactly the kinds of outfits her new friends had worn. Much more grown up than Sam’s own wardrobe these clothes looked more like something a teenager would get into. She smiled and reached out her small arms only to be pushed past them all. She whined as she craned around to see the outfits she had wanted disappearing behind her.

“Here we go.” Isabelle said as the stroller stopped.

Sam turned her head to look forwards again and felt her heart sink. Rather than the trendy teenage clothing she was sure she would look cool in she saw stuff for little girls. Most of the clothing had pictures of popular children’s shows or superheroes all over them and Sam let out a whine. Whilst more grown up than what she currently had these outfits would still make her look much younger than her classmates.

“I don’t want that thtuff!” Sam complained as Isabelle went to look at the clothes, “It’th for babieth!”

“Don’t be silly.” Isabelle replied, “This stuff will be perfect for you. Besides I don’t think any of those other clothes are likely to fit.”

Sam hated to admit that Isabelle probably had a point. Finding clothes that fit was hard enough but finding stuff she wasn’t embarrassed about was nearly impossible. That logic didn’t make Sam feel much better though as she watched Isabelle picking out the clothes to buy her.

Sam pouted as the clothes were put on the top of the stroller. The whole point of wanting a new wardrobe was that she wanted to pick out her clothes herself, instead Isabelle was doing everything without even asking Sam what she wanted.

“That should do it.” Isabelle said as she placed a few more outfits on the stroller.

“I wanted to pick them…” Sam said sulkily.

“I just wanted to make sure we got some sensible things.” Isabelle replied.

Sam bristled at the idea that she wouldn’t make good options. Sure, she wasn’t exactly enthused about any of the clothes in that section but at least she would’ve been able to pick some of the plainer stuff. She had seen Isabelle pile some particularly childish clothes on the stroller and didn’t know how she would be able to wear them in front of her classmates.

As the items were paid for Sam found herself feeling bitter that she wanted to impress her fellow students at all. She was more than twice their age, why should she care if they thought she was cool? The fact was that she did care, maybe her emotional maturity had also taken a hit during her regression but she was desperate to fit in.

“I’ve got a surprise for you when we get home.” Isabelle said a little later as the shopping was put on the backseat next to Sam.

“Oh?” Sam perked up a bit.

“You’ll see.” Isabelle said simply, “I think you’ll like it though.”

Sam was interested but it wasn’t enough to stop her ruminating over her lack of choice in the store. If Isabelle truly thought she could grow up properly again then the least she could do was give Sam a little bit of autonomy. That was the problem with her, she didn’t trust Sam to do anything and it was always her way or the highway.

Once back at home Sam had to wait for Isabelle to bring the shopping in before she would be shown her surprise. Isabelle took Sam’s hand and led her to the nursery door. A second later the door opened and Sam immediately found her mouth dropping open.

“Go on and have a look.” Isabelle prompted Sam with a small pat on her head, “I hired some friends to set it all up for you.”

The nursery simply wasn’t a nursery anymore. Sam waddled into the middle of the room and slowly turned around. The crib was gone and instead a single bed with small rails waited with princess bedsheets. There was a desk, presumably for homework, and the shelves had toys that were meant for older kids rather than babies.

The only thing remaining from the nursery was the changing table which was unfortunately still required. Sam didn’t know what she expected the surprise to but it certainly wasn’t all of this.

“What do you think?” Isabelle asked as she walked in.

Sam’s earlier annoyance with her caretaker melted away almost instantly. She turned around and ran the few steps to Isabelle. Her arms were wide open and she wrapped them around Issy’s leg. When Sam looked up she saw that the taller woman seemed taken aback and surprised at the sudden display of affection.

“Ahem, well, we should probably get you changed.” Isabelle said as she cleared her throat and lifted Sam into the air.


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End Chapter 11

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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