Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Despite Sam's excitement at getting a new bedroom things aren't all going her way. A few days later she has the morning from hell...

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Sam woke up the next day with a smile even though her diaper was soaked. She was very happy with her new bedroom, she hadn’t realised just how much her nursery left her feeling like a baby. To be in surroundings of a bigger girl did her confidence a world of good.

That wasn’t to say that all Sam’s problems had been solved. The next few days were full of the usual struggles for her. Isabelle had been happy to hear that Sam was getting extra tutoring after school from Miss. Hunt, however progress was still slow and Sam was getting increasingly frustrated. In better news her friends seemed to see the improvement in Sam’s wardrobe, she told a little white lie and said she chose them herself which seemed to gain her a little extra respect.

At home things had gotten a little better as well. It wasn’t just the bedroom that had changed. Sam was no longer fed her meals in the highchair, instead she sat on a big booster seat that allowed her to feed herself. The baby bottles were gone ad had been replaced by sippy cups and Sam was even allowed to bathe herself a couple of times. After so much trouble she finally felt like she was doing well.

Progress, however, is rarely a straight line. After a week in this new schedule and just as Sam was getting used to it she suffered a setback. Her bowel control had grown to be good so it was a great and unwelcome surprise when Sam’s eyes blinked open one morning with a big sticky feeling in the back of her overnight diaper.

Sam couldn’t believe it. She sat up and felt the sludge in the back of her padding squeeze between her legs. Immediately it felt like the progress she had made had slipped away. She needed attention right away and with her emotions still very volatile she started crying loudly. She wailed as the smell filled the air around her which only upset her more.

“What’s going on?” It took a minute or two for Isabelle to walk in to Sam’s bedroom. She looked very tired and was likely still asleep until Sam childish crying woke her up.

Sam was too upset to use her words. She raised her arms up for Isabelle to pick her up. The guardian looked confused at the sudden reversion to childish behaviour. She walked halfway across the room when it was clear she was hit by the smell of Sam’s diaper. She came to a stop as she breathed in through her nose. After a second her shoulders slumped and her face changed to one of frustration as she looked down at the bed.

“Really?” Isabelle said with obvious annoyance, “I thought we were past this.”

This only made Sam more upset. This was a time when she needed a cuddle and to be told everything would be alright, instead she got Isabelle muttering and clearly annoyed as she got a new diaper out and put it on the changing table. Sam was lifted on to the padded table none too gently and felt angry at her caregivers lack of maternal instincts.

The only sound in the room was Sam’s sobbing as her messy diaper was changed. Isabelle looked annoyed the whole time and Sam couldn’t express well enough why she was so upset and why it wasn’t all to do with the poopy disposable.

Once in a fresh diaper Sam was dressed for the day and taken downstairs. She was in a foul mood as she was placed on her booster seat. Isabelle made her some cereal for breakfast but the tension remained.

“Hopefully you don’t need me to feed you.” Isabelle said as she placed the bowl in front of Sam.

Sam glared up at Isabelle. When the tall woman turned around to get her own breakfast Sam stuck her tongue out at her. She started eating and made a show of it to make sure Isabelle saw that she could do it herself. Isabelle seemed nonplussed which just irritated Sam even more. With the caretaker getting ready for work Sam was left alone in the kitchen. She found herself getting distracted quite a bit as she felt her diaper warming between her legs.

With a sigh Sam could only hope that the next time she needed to pee she was given a little bit more warning. She reached for her drink but it was frustratingly just out of reach on the table. She leaned forwards and reached out but couldn’t clasp the glass. She got her feet up to climb on the seat and reached again. Her fingertips could just about touch the drink.

“Come on…” Sam grunted.

Sam jumped slightly to give herself a little extra reach. It still wasn’t quite enough. She tried once more and disaster struck.

Sam instantly lost her balance and started falling backwards. Her arms flew out and she knocked the bowl off the table and on to the floor causing the remaining half of her breakfast to splash on the floor and the nearby cabinets. That was the least of Sam’s problems though, she was still falling and she toppled off the chair to land in a heap in a puddle of milk. She immediately started crying like a baby.

“Sam!?” Isabelle called out as she hurried down to the kitchen, “Sam? What happened?”

Sam was still laying in the milk and crying loudly when Isabelle came into the room and lifted her up. She haltingly explained what had happened in between sobs whilst Isabelle surveyed the scene. She seemed annoyed.

“For Heaven’s sake, Sam…” Isabelle said as she picked the soggy woman up, “You could’ve just called for me.”

If Sam hadn’t been so upset she would’ve told Isabelle she wanted to do it by herself, that she hated having to rely on others for everything. Unfortunately she was far too upset to make any such comment. She simply sobbed in her wet clothes.

“We’re going to be late.” Isabelle said, “I’ll have to clean up this mess later.”

Sam was carried upstairs by a visibly annoyed Isabelle. She was changed out of her wet clothes and into a new outfit so rapidly that at first she was given mismatched socks. Told to wait in her room whilst Isabelle changed Sam’s bottom lip stuck out as she wiped her eyes. As she waited she felt a rumble in her tummy. Learned behaviour took over and before she even thought about what she was doing she had squatted on the floor.

Before even thinking about trying to make it to the potty Sam was pushing and quickly filled up the back of her diaper. The hot mush spread all over causing her to shudder in relief as she fully emptied herself. She was still squatting as the door to the bedroom opened again.

“Sam, we have to-… What are you…?” Isabelle’s face turned into one of disbelief, “Sam! Don’t tell me you’ve just pooped your pants!”

Sam’s little hands balled up into fists. Of course she had, there was no disputing the position she was in or the smell that was circulating around the room already. She wanted to ask what Isabelle expected when she wasn’t fully potty trained still. Isabelle was looking at her phone and shaking her head.

“You should’ve done this earlier.” Isabelle said rather grumpily as she lifted Sam up and placed her on the changing table.

“I didn’t need to.” Sam replied as she pouted. She folded her arms across her chest and looked away from Isabelle in a sulk as her pants were pulled down.

“We’re going to be late.” Isabelle said again, “You should’ve done this in your last diaper.”

Isabelle kept muttering whilst Sam laid back passively. The caretaker was in a rush to get this change done, that much was obvious. She was none too gentle in cleaning Sam up and taping her into a fresh diaper. As soon as she was dressed again Sam was lifted up and Isabelle rushed her out of the room.

The drive to school was tense. Isabelle was clearly in a hurry and Sam was taking a small amount of joy in inconveniencing her. It felt like a satisfactory punishment for Isabelle who, in Sam’s opinion, was much too strict for her own good. She tried not to think about how petty she was being, blaming it all on the conditioning that she was still working to get rid of.

Once at the school Sam was quickly taken out of the car ad lifted on to Isabelle’s hip. There was no one else around, Sam realised they were later than she had imagined since everyone appeared to already be in class. Isabelle marched up the steps quickly and took her through the doors into the building.

“Put me down!” Sam hissed desperately as they started passing classrooms. This wasn’t the nursery anymore, she couldn’t be seen being carried like this!

Isabelle ignored her until they reached Sam’s classroom. She knocked on the door as Sam squirmed to try and drop down to the floor. When the door opened Sam froze up.

“Sorry she’s late.” Isabelle said rather quickly, “It’s been a hell of a morning.”

“Oh, erm, it’s no problem. Is everything OK?” Miss. Hunt replied.

From Sam’s point of view things were definitely not OK. She could see some of her classmates, some of her friends, staring at her in shock. No doubt they were shocked to see a girl of Sam’s supposed age being carried like a toddler. Sam’s face burned bright red and she hid it behind her hands. She had worked so hard to prove to these kids she wasn’t a baby and it felt like it was all being undone.

“Come on in. You haven’t missed anything.” Miss. Hunt said with a trepidatious smile.

Sam was finally put down and she hurried to separate herself from Isabelle. She didn’t even look back as she walked between the other students to her desk. She felt humiliated and angry, when she heard some of the kids whispering about how she was being carried she shot them a look that could’ve turned them to stone. She was still fuming once she got to her desk and the teacher had handed her the worksheet everyone else was working on. It was all about spelling, one thing Sam was decidedly bad at.

“Just do your best.” Miss. Hunt said quietly to Sam.

Sam took the paper and immediately knew she couldn’t make head nor tail of it. She had made a little progress with her after school sessions with Miss. Hunt but it was still a frustratingly small amount. Any words longer that three letters were a real struggle for her.

The room was quiet except for the sounds of pencils on paper. All around her children were answering questions whilst she stared uselessly at the paper. There wasn’t a single one she could answer. She had already been pushed to the end of her tether that morning and she was getting exceptionally frustrated.

The sounds of pencil scratching seemed to get louder as she continued to struggle with even the first question. She found her eyes shimmering with tears, a childish response to the stress which she hated and served only to make her more cross. It had been the morning from hell and she felt like she was about to explode.

This was stupid. It was all stupid. Sam shouldn’t be there. She was an adult who had been kidnapped and forced into all sorts of horrible humiliations that she had no control over. Getting better was taking far too long. She should’ve been at college with her friends or at home with her family, instead she was sitting in a stupid classroom full of stupid children and she couldn’t even keep up with them…

Sam’s heart hammered as every muscle was tensed. She was angry at Isabelle and her stupid meanness, she was angry at Jess for kidnapping her, she was angry at the world for being born this way. More than anything though, she was done doing this stupid work!

Sam hit out with her arm and knocked the worksheet and all her stationary off the desk and on to the floor. She heard some gasps but she wasn’t done. She hopped down off her seat and upended the whole desk which fell to the floor with a clatter. One of the nearby students yelped as the desk nearly hit their leg.

“Sam!” Miss. Hunt looked shocked at the sudden outburst, “What do you think you are doing?”

“I’m done!” Sam yelled as she stamped her feet, “I’m finithed with thith thtupid clath.”

Sam’s lisp was only making her even more upset. The other students seemed to be shocked into silence as she stood there breathing heavily and feeling righteous anger. If she could’ve done she would’ve upended every desk. After everything she had been through she deserved to make some other people suffer.

“Go to the Principal’s office.” Miss. Hunt said as she took a form and quickly filled it out. She looked more upset than angry and Sam actually started to feel bad. The teacher had only tried to help her and was clearly taking Sam’s behaviour as an insult.

But those feelings of regret for the teacher were nothing compared to the anger that was still boiling inside her. She stomped over to the desk and took the slip of paper. She heard children muttering as she passed, what she didn’t know was that in all of the commotion her shirt had rode up and exposed the back of her diaper to the room.

Sam stormed off without looking back and made her way down the corridor to the Principal’s office. It was behind reception and as she approached she saw the usual receptionist look up and wave at her in recognition as she approached.

“Ah, Sam, come to see the nurse?” The receptionist asked.

Sam shook her head and held up the note she had been given by the teacher. The receptionist took it and read. As her eyes travelled down her face seemed to harden a little.

“I see.” The receptionist sounded a lot less friendly now, “Come with me.”

Sam waited by the side door as she usually did for diaper changes until the receptionist opened it for her. The diapered woman followed the older one into the administration area, past the nurse’s office and to a particularly private and grand looking room. On the door was a brass plaque that read “Mrs. Wendy Botham – Principal.” Sam suddenly felt a little afraid as the adrenaline rush of her anger faded. Faced with the consequences of her actions she started to regret losing her cool in such a big way. The receptionist knocked on the door and then walked in, Sam went to follow but was stopped by the door closing. A few seconds later the receptionist stepped back out.

“Have a seat. The Principal will see you in a minute.” The receptionist said indicating the chairs next to the door.


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End Chapter 12

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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