Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: After finishing her punishment time in pre-school, Sam is going back to class. She's nervous but determined to make a better impression and finally make progress. Will she manage it? Or will something quite unexpected derail her at the last moment? This update is twice as long as usual!

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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The week at pre-school had Sam working harder than ever on gaining her maturity. She tried to get control of her emotions so she didn’t lash out as much, something that had been a problem long before she had been kidnapped. She’d had a chip on her shoulder for as long as she could remember. She saw her size as a weakness and so projected an aggressive front, especially when she thought someone was making fun of her or looking at her weirdly. Whenever her size got I the way of her doing something her immediate emotional response was anger. She tried to really make some progress with learning.

It wasn’t easy. In many ways Sam felt she was going backwards. The partial potty training she had managed up to that point seemed to slip despite her putting more effort in. One of the main problems was that she just didn’t want to have to run in front of all the little kids to an adult to announce she needed the potty right away, especially when she knew she might not make it.

When Sam felt the urge come on she tried to delay having to go speak to one of the caretakers for as long as she could. She was trying to boost how long she could hold it whilst also putting off the embarrassment of having to ask. It resulted in a few more messy accidents as she waited too long or was distracted by Olivia.

However Sam did think she was making some progress overall. Despite her failures she had started being able to notice when she needed to pee and although it was just a few seconds she was even able to hold her bladder back from just emptying into her underwear. It was a small improvement over her complete absence of potty training but it felt like a huge leap. By the end of the week she could reliably hold on to her bladder for a little bit, not enough to come out of diapers by any means, but enough that she actually felt hopeful as her return to elementary school got closer.

One thing that she had made a lot of unambiguous progress on was her speech. By talking slower and really thinking about what she said she had managed to eliminate the accursed lisp that had, up to that point, made her sound like a baby no matter what else she did.

So as Sam went back to elementary school for the first time in a week she was filled with determination. This time she wasn’t going to let herself get in the way of her success. She couldn’t get sent to pre-school again.

As Sam walked down the corridor to the familiar classroom she felt like a prize-fighter on the way to the ring. This was her chance to show that she could learn from her mistakes and that she could get better. She was still in diapers, despite hoping for pull-ups her bladder control wasn’t nearly good enough for that yet and she was still having the occasional messy accident as well, usually when she was distracted.

When Sam opened the door and stepped into the classroom she saw all the same students from before. Miss. Hunt welcomed Sam in and put her hands on her shoulders at the front of the class.

“OK, class, I’m sure you all remember Sam.” Miss. Hunt said, “She is back with us and I’m sure you’ll all be very welcoming.”

What Sam didn’t know was that in her absence the rumours of her diapers had spread so much that her teacher had to have a serious conversation with the other students about not making fun of her before she returned. As Sam walked back towards her desk she did it with the eyes of everyone looking down to her waist where her skirt was the only thing hiding her crinkling disposable.

Sam stopped as she saw the boy, Ben, that she had pushed over. He was sitting a few seats away from her. She took a deep breath and walked over to the boy who looked at her rather coldly. That didn’t matter though, Sam knew she had to be the bigger person. She had to be the responsible adult she was trying to become.

“I’m… I’m sorry I pushed you.” Sam said, “I won’t do it again.”

The boy seemed surprised. Sam guessed it was because kids their age so rarely apologised to each other without be expressly told to. It seemed he recovered after a few seconds enough to reply.

“I’m sorry I tried to see your diaper.” Ben said loudly.

Sam had no idea if Ben was being malicious or not. He looked pretty genuine but she heard giggling from all around her as her face went a bright red. She turned away and walked over to her desk keeping her face towards the ground to hide from the looks she knew she was getting. Sam already guessed that everyone had heard about her underwear but she had hoped the children’s short attentions spans had moved them on to something else by then. It seemed she was wrong.

Aside from that hiccup things were actually quite smooth. Laura and her gang were still shunning Sam but instead of getting upset or angry it actually lit a fire under her. She used the rejection as fuel to really knuckle down and start trying to learn as much as possible. She resumed her after school one-on-one tutoring with Miss. Hunt and started to make some breakthroughs. After a few days she knew her numbers up to ten and most of the alphabet.

On Sam’s penultimate day back in the elementary school class she had a major breakthrough when she wrote out her full name without making any mistakes. Her handwriting was barely legible but that didn’t matter to her. She beamed with pride as Miss. Hunt showered her with praise. When Issy came to pick her up that afternoon Sam proudly showed off her work and was rewarded by one of Isabelle’s rare smiles. It was still a little galling that the older woman couldn’t be more enthusiastic but it didn’t dent Sam’s mood one bit.

Sam actually felt positive when the last day of the week rolled around. Miss. Hunt and Issy had both told her that at the end of the day they would decide what they were going to do next. She had been working very hard and hoped it would be enough for a “promotion” to whatever was planned next for her. It seemed like her progress was like a large snowball, as soon as she got rolling she was able to pick stuff up quickly.

It was only after lunch on that potential final day that things unravelled. Sam couldn’t say for sure what happened but shortly after taking her seat, as the teacher started talking about some basic multiplication, Sam felt a rumbling deep in her gut. This wasn’t unusual though she had avoided having messy accidents recently so she wasn’t too worried. However it soon became apparent that this was different.

Sam suddenly felt panicked as she raised her hand. The pressure in her gut was building quicker than she could handle. She stretched her hand higher into the air as the other one clutched her stomach. She bit her lip as she heard another rumble that was so loud she felt certain the students around her would hear it.

“Sam?” Miss. Hunt said as she saw the raised hand and fidgety girl.

“I need the potty, Miss!” Sam replied desperately. She was in too much of a rush to worry about the language she used. Some of her classmates snickered at her infantile choice of words, it was probably made funnier for them that they knew she was heavily padded under her skirt.

“OK, come on up and I’ll write you a hall pass.” Miss. Hunt said as she opened the top drawer of her desk.

Sam pushed her chair back and dropped to the ground. Almost as soon as her feet touched the floor there was a muffled fart which was heard by the kids around her causing more laughter. Sam was blushing furiously but her dignity was something to worry about later after she had made it to the bathroom successfully. She practically ran between the desks to the front and bounced from one foot to the other as her hand went back to cover her butt.

Miss. Hunt wrote the necessary note and handed it to Sam who turned and quickly hurried towards the door. It all fell apart when she was a couple of paces away from the doorknob. A searing pain made her intestines feel like they were were tied into a knot and stopped her where she was standing. She hoped it would pass but it only grew.

“No…” Sam mumbled to herself, “Not here…”

Sam looked to the side where Laura was sitting and frowning at her. She had once been a friend but abandoned Sam as soon as she realised what a baby she was. Now Sam was going to prove her right, she couldn’t take another step as her legs shook. It was inevitable and she could barely dare to breathe, every slight tremor in her body pushed her closer to the edge. It was like she was walking a tightrope in a gale and falling off in either direction would land her in a big pile of…

“Sam?” Miss. Hunt said from by the desk.

All eyes were on Sam but she couldn’t go anywhere. Her sphincter quivered as it fought to hold on, she uselessly reached for the door handle that was still well out of reach. With a moan of defeat and eyes filled with tears she was forced to bend her knees and stick her padded ass out behind her. The end came immediately.

The poop seemed to explode into Sam’s diaper. It was noisy and very messy, not quite liquid but certainly not solid, it seemed to immediately dirty all of the padding and spread around everywhere. Sam gasped and heard the kids nearest her recoil in disgust. There were whispers as the children further back were told about the shameful display. Sam closed her eyes as she pushed down and felt another torrent of waste surge out of her. Desperate to get this over with Sam grunted as she squatted slightly lower in her mess.

Sam’s poor bowels weren’t done. She had barely any control as a third mudslide fired out of her. The padding was slick with her excrement and the smell was immediately escaping her diaper. She could only imagine she had some kind of food poisoning, it was the only way to explain the explosive lack of control.

A third push filled the diaper even more. The back stuck out and Sam could feel the weight of it starting to pull at the padding. She had the horrifying thought that the disposable wouldn’t contain it all, that it could suddenly start leaking. With her bowels significantly emptier she stumbled forwards towards the door. Behind her the children were in uproar with most of the front rows abandoning their seats to get away from her. Miss. Hunt was desperately trying to martial the children but it was like trying to herd geese.

“Go to the nurse!” Miss. Hunt instructed, “Right away.”

Sam didn’t need to be told twice. As the teacher tried to get the rowdy students under control Sam waddled out of the door and into the thankfully empty hallway. Almost as soon as the door had closed she felt herself let loose into the diaper again. Her tummy finally felt better but now the padding was being pulled down dramatically making her waddle with cartoonish exaggeration.

Sam didn’t know whether to walk or run. She wanted to get changed as soon as possible but it felt like her diaper could give way if she moved too much. As she waddled down the hallway in the familiar direction of the nurse’s room she could feel the humiliation piling on to her. She couldn’t work out why this had happened. Sure her potty training wasn’t perfect but she had managed to avoid messy accidents almost completely. What she had done wasn’t just a messy accident either, it was like a biological disaster in there.

With one hand on the back of her diaper Sam continued to awkwardly waddle down the hallway and turned towards the reception. Her face was beet red and she was very worried that if she tried to say a single word she was going to burst into tears that she wouldn’t be able to stop. Underneath the window Sam raised her hand to get the attention of one of the receptionists. The person who came over suddenly wrinkled their nose when they got near.

“Ugh, what is that smell?” The receptionist muttered as she looked over the counter. She couldn’t see anyone there.

Sam sniffed forlornly as the older woman looked down and saw Sam standing there with her free hand on her rear end. She almost felt smaller in that position than she did at the pre-school. She was expected to do so much better than this in “big girl school.”

“I… I need to see the nurse.” Sam mumbled.

“R-Right… Of course…” The receptionist was very clearly shocked by what she was seeing. Sam guessed wet pants weren’t that uncommon among the youngest elementary school children but full pants probably were.

The door to the side clicked as it unlocked and Sam pushed it open. She started walking down the hallway to the nurse’s room. There was a young boy sitting outside of it with what looked like a grazed knee. Sam knocked on the door feeling shame coursing through her.

“Take a seat.” The nurse called out from inside.

“I… I…” Sam didn’t know what to say but she felt like she needed to be seen right away.

“Oh my god!” The little boy had tear streaks going down his face as he held his knee but now he was looking at Sam with disgust, “Did you poop yourself!?”

Sam didn’t know what to say. Obviously she had, the smell was overpowering and her diaper was bulging to the point of threatening to leak, but she couldn’t tell a little boy that. The boy held his nose and shuffled as far away down the row of seats as he could. Sam wasn’t going to sit down. That would’ve pushed her disposable too far, she was sure of it.

It was an excruciating long minute before the door opened and when it did Sam found herself shrinking even more in humiliation. The person coming out of the nurse’s room was one of Laura’s friends and she looked at Sam in shock until the smell hit her. She no doubt knew that Sam wore diapers so it didn’t take a lot of guessing as to the source of the stench. After a second of stunned silence she quickly turned and ran away.

“Ah, Sam, come on in.” Judy, the nurse, said.

Sam stepped inside with her pronounced waddle and waited by the door. The nurse was already getting a fresh diaper from the cupboard she kept them in but Sam didn’t know how to say this wasn’t a regular change. She had, up till that day, kept from having any poopy accidents at school. In the end, like the children outside, it was the smell that gave the game away. Judy’s smile faded a little.

“Sam… Did you…” Judy said quietly.

“I’m sorry!” Sam burst into loud cries as she nodded her head and confirmed the nurse’s assumption.

“It’s… fine.” Judy eventually managed to say. It was clear to Sam that she wasn’t comfortable doing this.

As Sam continued to cry the nurse came round and knelt in front of her. The smell was only getting worse but Judy put a hand on Sam’s shoulder and smiled weakly. Sam eventually calmed down enough that the nurse lifted her under the arms and took her to the changing table.

“Forgive me.” Judy said.

Judy’s other hand went under Sam’s knees and lifted her so she was horizontal. Sam was now essentially being cradled but she understood why. The nurse was trying to avoid spreading the mess in the diaper any more than she had to, Sam didn’t have the heart to say it was wasted effort and that she could already feel it everywhere. Cradled in a poopy diaper she almost felt the regression take over without the trigger words being used.

Sam was carefully laid down and then had her skirt pulled off. She couldn’t see her diaper but from the way the nurse was looking at it she knew it couldn’t have been a pretty sight. Judy opened the diaper up and looked for a second like she might throw up. As she got her composure back she started long and arduous task of cleaning Sam’s backside.

It took a long time for Nurse Judy to fully clean Sam and the whole time she was working the nurse tried to keep up a steady stream of one-sided conversation to lighten the mood. Sam wasn’t interested in talking but she was happy to listen if it distracted her even slightly from what had happened. By the time the heavily soiled diaper was pulled out from under her the smell didn’t seem so bad. She knew from past experience it was likely as bad as ever but she had adjusted to it. Either way the nurse was quick to tape a fresh disposable on to Sam and then pulled her skirt up. She saw Judy pick up the used diaper, the padding was noticeably discoloured on the outside and heavy.

Sam was quick to hurry out of the nurse’s office once she was changed. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for Judy’s help, she was just too embarrassed to remain. After everything she had done she could hardly believe that her possible final day at elementary school had been blotted with such a humiliating accident. The worst part was that she now had to return to class.

Taking her time Sam kicked her heels all the way back to the door of the classroom. She reached up to the handle and pulled it down. As the door swung open she saw faces turning towards her. She looked down at the ground as she went back to her seat. She could hear some of the kids making fun of her but then she heard a surprising voice telling them to stop.

“Quit it.” Came Ben’s voice as Sam slouched past, “She can’t help it.”

Despite everything that had happened and the shame that was filling Sam to the brim she couldn’t help but smile as the little boy she had pushed defended her. She wanted to speak up to say that she didn’t poop herself a lot but it didn’t seem like that would help. Her reputation was pretty much set, all these children would grow up remembering the strange small girl who pooped herself in class.

The rest of the afternoon passed surprisingly quickly. After the initial noise when she came back into the class everyone just got back on with her work. She tried her best to forget about the explosive failure and just hoped it hadn’t cost her at the final hurdle. The messy accident couldn’t have been worse timed with the decision on her future in just a little while.

When the final bell rang all the kids were grateful to pack their things away for the weekend. Sam started to join them but Miss. Hunt told her to wait at her desk. The students filed out noisily into the corridor that was filled with lots of excitable children. Just as Sam was about to ask why she had to wait the door opened again and Issy walked in. Miss Hunt turned two desks around so they faced Sam and the two women took a seat opposite her. It quickly started to feel like a parent-teacher conference

“Well, I have to say it’s been a pleasure having Sam in the class.” Miss. Hunt said with a warm smile towards the small woman, “Ever since she came back after her little break she has been working diligently and making great progress… even taking into account this afternoon.”

“This afternoon?” Isabelle was quick to latch on.

Sam looked down at her desk as her cheeks blazed.

“We had a little… incident.” Miss. Hunt said, “Sam didn’t make it to the potty on time.”

“I thought that would be expected.” Isabelle replied, “She’s not in diapers for no reason.”

“It was a bit messier than normal…” Miss. Hunt looked almost as embarrassed to relay the news as Sam was.

“I see.” Isabelle replied with thin lips, “Perhaps more time in this class would be appropriate then.”

Sam felt her heart sink. She had worked so hard and learnt all her letters and numbers. She could spell most words up to four letters at least and had been getting great marks. She felt her eyes tearing up as her bottom lip started to tremble.

“Oh, I don’t think that would be necessary.” Miss. Hunt replied, “It very much seemed like a one-off. Perhaps she has a stomach bug or something.”

“But still…” Isabelle replied, “If she is still struggling with that fundamental aspect of potty training…”

“I think this is something you can iron out at home.” Miss. Hunt said, “I don’t think Sam has anything more to gain from being in my class, to be frank. I have to say she is at least at the level of a lot of my students and in some areas has passed them.”

For the briefest second Sam thought she saw a small smile on Isabelle’s face. It was gone in the blink of an eye though. She was waiting with baited breath as to what her next step would be. She prayed she wasn’t going to be kept in this class, apart from wanting to feel like she had genuinely progressed she wasn’t keen on coming back to class in with a bunch of students who had seen her humiliate herself.

“So you think she is ready?” Isabelle asked the teacher.

“I would say so.” Miss. Hunt replied, “Maybe a small break doing some worksheets to try and bridge the gap and to work on her…”

“Potty training?” Isabelle finished for Miss. Hunt, “We’ve been trying but not having too much success on that front.”

Sam ducked her head in shame.

“But if you think she is ready then I suppose she is ready.” Isabelle said though she didn’t sound too convinced, “Sam, how does middle school sound?”


Earlier that day…


The woman had become well-versed in breaking into the elementary school. It was shockingly easy to avoid the cameras and anyone with even a small amount of knowledge about computers could crack the school’s network. It really was something that they needed to fix, perhaps when she was done here she would send an anonymous letter to the school with suggestions.

All of that could wait though. The woman had a job to do. The children were all at recess which left the halls relatively empty. She had been planning for this, it might seem cruel but the ends justified the means and she had to show everyone that Sam didn’t belong in elementary school. Even worse, she had read the principal’s e-mails and saw that they were planning to send the poor baby to middle school. The woman couldn’t let that happen to the delicate little girl. She needed protection and a nursery. It was cruel and unusual punishment to expect Sam to be able to get along with the other children who were so much bigger and rougher.

This was Sam’s last day provided there were no unexpected mishaps. The woman had to act. It was for Sam’s own good. A risky idea but one that would put a stop to the madness that Isabelle was inflicting on the baby.

Printing off a visitor pass for herself had been easy. After that she could climb in through one of the windows avoiding the cameras and Sam who wasn’t ready to see her yet. The woman then straightened her clothes and walked down the hallway to the third grade classroom. A quick check in the window confirmed what she already knew, the teacher was on duty on the playground and the classroom was empty.

The woman walked inside and straight over to the desk that had the bag she had watched Sam carrying everyday underneath it. She picked it up and held the bag to her face as she inhaled deeply. The woman could smell Sam on the fabric, a scent she would never forget and would soon be getting a lot more of.

There wasn’t time to waste though. The woman opened the bag and pulled out the lunchbox within. She reached into her pocket and brought out a vial of powder. Crushed laxatives, stool softener and fibre pills. She opened the vial and then sprinkled the contents between the bread of Sam’s sandwich. When these took effect everyone would see Sam was too small for any of this. Isabelle would give up on her and that was when she would strike and reclaim what was hers.

“I’m sorry, little one.” The woman said as she returned everything to where she had found it, “But it’s for your own good.”


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End Chapter 16

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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