Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam's bad day continues. After a warning in the morning for disrupting class she returns to her regular schedule, however there are more problems to come on the playground...

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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Sam climbed up and sat down. She sank into her wet padding slightly as she started thinking about what she had done. Maybe that was the point of having to wait outside the office, to make the students calm down and think. Sam hated that it worked on her as much as it would any of her classmates. She prayed that Isabelle wouldn’t be told about all this. She didn’t need to give her caretaker more reasons to be cross with her.

“Sam? Would you like to come in?” The door had opened and Sam heard the voice but the Principal hadn’t stuck her head through.

Slipping off the chair Sam nervously entered the office to see a desk behind which sat an older woman who looked a lot kinder than Sam had been prepared for. She was gesturing to the seat on the other side of the desk which Sam waddled over to and climbed into. She looked down at her hands that were clasped in her lap as Mrs. Botham read the note Sam had carried with her.

“So, Sam, what’s going on?” Mrs. Botham asked.

Sam shrugged. In all honesty she wasn’t sure how much the Principal knew about her circumstances though she had to think she was aware that Sam was actually an adult. This would surely have been the person Isabelle spoke with to get her in the class in the first place.

“Miss. Hunt said you were naughty and knocked your desk over.” Mrs. Botham continued, “Why did you do that?”

“Angry…” Sam muttered without looking up.

“And why were you angry?” Mrs. Botham asked.

“I can’t do the work.” Sam pouted, “And… well, it wath a bad morning.”

“I see.” Mrs. Botham paused for a few seconds before continuing, “Sam, I know the circumstances that led you to this school. You’ve been through a lot and I’m aware that you are still fighting hard to get back to the woman you were but I cannot have you disrupting classes. I allowed you to go into Miss. Hunt’s class with the express promise from Isabelle that you would behave and that you wanted to learn.”

“I do!” Sam quickly interjected. She didn’t like the way Mrs. Botham was talking, it sounded like she was about to be expelled.

“You must behave, OK?” Mrs. Botham said, “You are a special case but I can’t jeopardise the learning environment of the children.”

Sam nodded her head. She was still angry and frustrated but what the Principal said made sense to her. Mrs. Botham smiled and nodded back.

“Then you are free to return to class.” Mrs. Botham said, “But just know that you won’t get another warning. If you want to be here you have to prove you are mature enough to be here.”

Sam slipped off the chair and left the office. She started to make her way back towards the front of reception when she paused. The nurse’s office was on her left and it was probably best she visit now rather than disrupt the class again.


Sam walked back to her classroom with a new diaper and a new mind set. She was determined to act more like the grown up she was trying to recover. She knocked on the classroom door and when it opened she looked up to see Miss. Hunt looking down at her.

“I’m thorry I wath bad.” Sam said quietly.

“That’s OK, Sam. Thank you for apologising.” Miss. Hunt said as she stepped out of the way.

Sam felt like something was different right away. As she walked in she saw students muttering to each other, she heard a few laugh. At first she thought it was about her but decided she must be being paranoid, or at the very least they were talking about her tantrum which was only to be expected.

Getting back to her seat Sam lifted herself up and sat down. She picked up her pencil and waited for the lesson to resume when she heard whispers behind her that made her freeze. Her blood ran cold.

“Are you sure it was a diaper?”

“Of course I am. My little sister wears the same ones…”

Sam couldn’t turn around to look at who was speaking. All she knew was they were both boys and they both seemed to know her secret. This was a disaster. Her mind went through the possibilities and tried to find any explanation that meant she hadn’t been found out. She was coming up empty handed.

The time in the classroom up until lunch was extremely stressful. Sam was struggling with the work anyway but with the apparent exposure of her secret she found it very hard to concentrate. The anger and frustration that had boiled over and then gone back down to a simmer threatened to overtake her again. She still hadn’t got a handle on her childish emotional overreactions and tantrums. She wanted to turn around and demand to know what the two boys knew but couldn’t.

When the bell went for lunch Sam remained in her seat. As students filed out many turned to look back at her whilst grinning. She had a bad feeling about this. She slipped off her seat and took her packed lunch out of her bag. As she made her way out to the playground she felt very paranoid.

Sam walked out on to the playground and everything seemed quite normal. She walked over to the usual spot where her friends hung out. As she approached she saw them look away sheepishly. She stood a few feet away.

“Hey… What’s wrong?” Sam asked as she clutched her lunch bag to her chest.

“Hey Sam…” Laura said. She still wasn’t looking at Sam and was instead examining the buckle on one of her shoes, “Erm, you can’t hang out with us anymore.”

It was said so matter-of-factly that Sam was taken off-guard. She hadn’t expected a girl so young to be so blunt. She swallowed and felt the motion catch in her throat as emotion thought to get out. It wasn’t anger though. It was sadness. She so desperately wanted to fit in.

“But…” Sam started with a shaky voice.

“Sorry.” Laura said. She acted as if she didn’t have a choice in all this. As if she was bound by the laws of the children’s playground.

The group closed ranks with their backs to Sam. She watched them for a minute with a trembling bottom lip and had terrible flashbacks to when she was a child. She often found herself excluded then as well because she was different, as soon as her peers started to outgrow her physically they seemed to outgrow her socially as well.

“But…” Sam said.

The girls didn’t say anything or acknowledge that Sam was even there. They started walking a few steps further away leaving Sam alone. She felt empty. It was as if she had been hollowed out. To be so callously dropped by her friends as if she meant absolutely nothing to them. Her bottom lip trembled as she tried to think of a way to make it all better. She was coming up empty.

Sam turned away with tears in her eyes. She walked across the playground whilst attempting to avoid being knocked over by the bigger kids. Eventually she reached the wooden fence at the opposite edge of the open space and slumped down until she was sitting with her legs out in front of her. She dropped her lunch to the side, didn’t feel at all hungry.

“Stop being so stupid.” Sam muttered to herself as she wiped her eyes, “They’re just stupid kids. Who cares if they like you?”

Sam tried to convince herself that she didn’t really care but the sobs that kept forcing their way out told a different story. She was only going to be in the class for a couple of weeks before moving on, Isabelle had said as much, so realistically it didn’t matter if she made friends here, she wouldn’t see these people again. It didn’t make the sting of rejection feel any better.

“There she is!” A boy called out.

Suddenly there were four boys stood in front of Sam. With their shirts untucked, their hair messy and red cheeks they had clearly just been roughhousing or something. Sam was immediately uneasy. These were the “bad kids” of her class, as much as kids that young could be bad. They were often disruptive and Sam was immediately on edge.

Sam climbed to her feet but was still shorter than the boys who had closed in a little. She noticed they had blocked off her escape routes. This was all she needed right after being snubbed by her friends. Like a gazelle separated from her herd she felt extremely vulnerable.

“I’m just trying to have lunch…” Sam said as she looked around, “Ple-…”

“Is it true?” The biggest of the boys asked.

“Ith… Ith what true?” Sam played stupid but she knew exactly what they were talking about. The stress was bringing her lisp out again.

“Alex said he saw that you were wearing a diaper.” The boy continued. The others laughed a little as if just the word was funny, “Are you?”

“What?” Sam acted indignant and tried to laugh off the suggestion, “N-No, of courthe not.”

“She’s lying!” The boy Sam presumed was Alex said, “I saw it after her little tantrum earlier.”

“Excuthe me.” Sam picked up her lunch and tried to walk through a gap between two of the boys but they closed up in front of her. She tried the other side and they shifted to block her again. She stepped back until she was against the fence. What was she supposed to do in this situation? Call for a teacher? Would any hear her? She couldn’t see any around.

“Well, if you’re not wearing one you can show us.” The leader of the group said.

“Eww, groth.” Sam replied as she did her best to emulate how the other girls would speak, “I’m not doing that.”

“She is wearing a diaper!” Alex exclaimed. To him, and seemingly to the others, Sam’s refusal to flash her underwear was as good as an admission. Trying to reason with children was not easy.

“I’m not!” Sam shouted.

The leader of the group reached forwards and towards Sam’s waist. She reacted automatically. She was shorter than the boys but not so much that she was physically overmatched. She reached forwards and shoved the boy as hard as she could. He stumbled backwards, fell, and landed on his rear end.

For a second everyone seemed to hold their breath and then the boy burst into tears as he laid on the ground. He was holding his elbow though there didn’t seem to be anything wrong besides a small graze.

“I’m telling!” Alex quickly said before running across to the teacher.

The teacher on duty that lunchtime just happened to be Miss. Hunt who looked down at the boy who was getting her attention and then over to where Sam was standing. The other boys, apart from the one still crying on the floor, had scattered. She started marching over looking very cross indeed.

“Ben, are you alright?” Miss. Hunt asked as she crouched down next to the crying boy.

“She pushed me!” Ben cried with an accusatory finger pointed at Sam.

“OK, get yourself to the nurse to clean that up.” Miss. Hunt helped Ben back to his feet and he hurried away.

The teacher turned to Sam. They were the only two people there now and Miss. Hunt had her hands on her hips. Sam needed to defend herself.

“I can explain…” Sam said slowly. She could feel her emotions bubbling up again.

“We do not tolerate violence, young lady.” Miss. Hunt said, “Come with me.”

Before Sam could argue her case her hand was taken and she was pulled towards the school building. She started sobbing, still tried to explain why her actions were justified but because of the crying and effort to keep up it largely came out as an incomprehensible mess. At first Sam wasn’t sure where she was being taken, that was until they reached the reception. The teacher led her straight through to the Principal’s office for the second time that day.

“Sit.” Miss. Hunt said as she pointed at the chairs outside.


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End Chapter 13

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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