by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025
Chapter Description: The slumber party continues with the girls now knowing about Sam's secret and, despite being supportive, Sam is feeling extremely self-conscious. That's bad enough but surely things can't somehow get worse?
Commissioned by: diaperboy187
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As it turned out there wasn’t a lot of attention paid to the movie regardless. Caitlyn started gossiping about some of the boys at school which had the girls giggling. Sam stayed on the beanbag the whole time. Even though it seemed like her friends genuinely didn’t care that she was wearing a diaper she felt like she couldn’t move and make it more obvious, she didn’t want to break the delicate balance that was currently happening. Her pajama pants didn’t leave a lot to the imagination, the stretched material basically didn’t cover the white diaper underneath.
By the time the film was over the pizzas were all eaten and the girls were ready to do something different. Becky suggested they play some four-player video games. Sam didn’t have a lot of experience playing any games newer than the classics seen in arcades but was happy to try to learn. She took a controller and looked down at it, there were a lot more buttons than she was expecting.
“Sam, do you mind if I sit on there?” Chloe asked as the game was loaded up, “It’s just my butt is hurting a bit from sitting on the floor.”
“I… I guess…” Sam answered.
Chloe quickly stood up and stretched but Sam was a lot slower. She was aware people were looking at her as she slowly stood up. Her face was red as her diapered crotched pushed out her PJs almost as if they were demanding attention from everyone else in the room. Sam looked down at the ground and just waited for the comments she was sure were coming her way.
“Here we go.” Becky said as the title screen of the video game loaded, “Everyone ready?”
Everyone turned back to the screen and nothing was said about the diaper. Sam was so not used to this she temporarily forgot she was supposed to sit down next to Becky on the floor. She just stood awkwardly in the way of the beanbag.
“Come and sit down.” Becky said as she pat the floor next to her.
Sam crinkled as she walked and it was pointless trying to ignore it. Everyone could hear her but no one said anything as she sat down next to Becky with her controller. Whilst Becky started to set up the multiplayer session Sam and the others waited in silence. That was, at least, until Caitlyn spoke up.
“I have to ask about the diapers…” Caitlyn said.
“Caitlyn!” Becky turned and looked at her warningly.
“Hey, I’m not saying anything bad!” Caitlyn replied defensively.
“It’s OK.” Sam said. Her heart was hammering, she didn’t really want to talk about them but it felt like until it was out in the open they would all be thinking about it.
“Have you always needed them?” Caitlyn asked.
Sam shook her head.
“What happened?” Caitlyn continued with the curiosity of a child.
Obviously Sam couldn’t tell the truth. That she had been out of diapers for a couple of decades before having to go back into them due to some weird brainwashing. She was at least armed with a fake story she had been ready to give since she met these friends.
“A-About a year ago…” Sam stuttered nervously, “I started having some problems and my… mom said I should try these to help.”
“That sucks.” Caitlyn nodded her head slowly and sympathetically, “So do you need them for… everything?”
“No!” Sam quickly denied the suggestion as her eyes went wide, “I only wet them!”
Sam realised what she had blurted out a moment after the words had left her lips and she cringed at herself for being so blunt. She looked away from Caitlyn and at the screen where the game seemed ready to start.
“Alright, everyone pick your characters.” Becky said.
Thankfully that ended the conversation about the diapers. The game appeared to be a first-person shooter where each of the selectable characters had different stats and powers. Sam didn’t know what she was doing so selected a character she thought looked cool. After a few moments of loading where Becky did her best to explain the controls to Sam the game started.
It turned out to be a lot of fun. Sam took a few turns to get the hang of things but she was able to get a few kills. It was clear she was the worst of the players, her small hands struggled with the controller and in tense situations she tended to panic and just start mashing all the buttons but she was having a good time and when she did manage to get a kill it felt great.
After a minute or so of their third game Sam’s bladder released into her diaper. She could’ve probably held it back for longer but it seemed pretty pointless. Everyone knew she used her diapers after all and it wasn’t like she could use the potty easily in this situation. Sam just continued playing and enjoying the warmth.
“Ha! I got you!” Caitlyn, easily the most competitive of the four, exclaimed as she took down Chloe for what seemed like the eighth time in a row.
They were having a lot of fun and Sam had at some point gone from a sitting position into laying down on her front. She knew the waistband of her diaper was probably peeking out but she was actually pretty comfortable with it. Everyone seemed cool with Sam’s underwear which made her feel really good. It felt like it had been a long time since she felt so confident, where she hadn’t been constantly worried about something going wrong.
What didn’t feel great was Sam’s tummy suddenly rumbling just as they were starting another round. Sam ignored it, she was having too much fun to interrupt the game, it could wait the ten minutes or so until the round ended and she could excuse herself from the room. She wasn’t looking forward to it but Sam assumed she would have to go to the bathroom, pull her diaper off and then go down to Nikki for another diaper.
Five minutes later there was another rumble but this was a lot more urgent. As the rumble passed it left a strong need to empty her bowels, Sam had barely a moment to register what was happening before her body started pushing without her say so. Her last thought before disaster was that she had totally overestimated her potty training.
Sam felt a semi-soft lump of poop pushing out between her cheeks and into the diaper. She stared dead ahead in shock as her body pushed down, an involuntary grunt left her mouth as she pushed again. The controller dropped from her hands as she focused entirely on her bowels. Perhaps having a greasy pizza after a long time of eating healthily with Isabelle had done a number on her digestive system but her bowels wanted to empty everything and weren’t taking no for an answer. This was a disaster. She had got away with the wet diaper but this was a different thing entirely.
“I got you again, Sam!” Caitlyn said excitedly.
“We should team up to stop her.” Chloe replied with a giggle.
Sam wasn’t paying any attention. Her face went red as she pushed again. She lifted her diaper area off the ground slightly to give her better leverage as she felt another rush of poop push out the back of the padding. She closed her eyes as she pushed down with her tummy muscles, it meant she didn’t see Becky looking over to her and then double-taking. She could feel her pants moving as a lump grew in the back of her disposable.
In her mind Sam was sure her diaper was bulging out cartoonishly. It sure felt like that as she pushed and fully emptied herself. With a shudder she raised her rear end a little more until her knees were partially underneath her. She finally felt like she was done, it was a good thing too because she wasn’t sure how much her underwear could take. Sam opened her eyes and stared at the floor, she was breathing a little heavily from the effort she had expended.
“Eww, who farted?” Caitlyn asked. Typically she hadn’t taken her eyes off the screen.
“I don’t think that was a fart.” Becky replied. Her voice was flat with shock.
Sam was mortified. Her face was radiating heat and she was already starting to sob again. She couldn’t believe she had just wrecked a diaper in front of her friends like this. She wanted to curl up into a tiny ball and hide.
Sam could feel the gazes of her friends falling on her. The heavy weight on ass felt bigger and heavier as attention was brought to it. No one said anything as Sam remained rooted to the spot. She felt a pressure on the back of her diaper quite suddenly and as it moved a little she realised it was Becky’s hand. Tears fell out of her eyes and rolled down her cheek. She was so ashamed.
“You pooped yourself.” Becky said flatly.
Sam couldn’t get a reading on what Becky thought. The tone of sympathy that had been there when Sam’s diapers had first been seen was gone but there didn’t seem to be ay malice either. The hand poked Sam’s diaper a couple of times before withdrawing again. The room was silent except for Sam’s loud sobs.
The group of friends had the empathy to accept a person who had accidents but a friend who filled their pants like this seemed like a different prospect altogether. Sam was just waiting to be told to get lost. She felt like she was letting everyone down, especially Isabelle who had believed in her more than she believed in herself.
“I’m… I’m sorry!” Sam exclaimed through her sobs.
“I’ll get your mom.” Chloe said as she suddenly stood up and hurried out of the room.
“I’ll open a window…” Caitlyn said. From her nasally voice it sounded like she was pinching her nose closed.
Sam brought her arms out in front of her and buried her face in shame. How many humiliations was she going to have to suffer? It always felt there were more to come no matter how many she endured. She didn’t know how long everyone sat in shock but she eventually heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Sam welcomed it. Let Nikki see her like this and then let her get taken home where Isabelle would rebuild the crib she clearly belonged in.
The door opened and Sam rubbed her eyes. She turned her head sideways to see Nikki looking in with more shock than the kids seemed to experience. Chloe was standing to Nikki’s side nervously playing with her fingers.
“Sam… Y-You need a, erm… A change?” Nikki asked haltingly.
Sam nodded her head and slowly got on to her hands and knees. The contents of her full diaper shifted and she felt the mass slip slimily over her skin as it settled into a new position. She pushed herself up to her feet and felt the poop get pressed between her body and the diaper. After swaying for a second she waddled towards Nikki.
Sam went right past Nikki to the stairs. She heard the mother asking the others questions about what happened as Sam headed towards the living room where the changing bag was. She didn’t want to do the butt bumps down the stairs again so reached up and held on to the rails as she awkwardly tried to waddle down. It was hard work with her full diaper and tear-filled eyes. She had barely made it down three steps when she heard Nikki arrive behind her. She continued to struggle for another few seconds.
“Do you want some help?” Nikki asked, “I don’t want you to fall.”
Sam let out a whine. She didn’t want help, she wanted to do this herself but she was already struggling and she really didn’t want to fall. Her shoulders slumped as she turned and nodded her head.
Nikki reached down towards her and Sam raised her arms almost instinctively. She was lifted off the stairs with ease, she felt the woman’s arm going under her butt as she was sat on her hip. The diaper was squished even more making Sam shudder as she leaned forwards and into Becky’s mom.
“It’s alright, Sam.” Nikki sounded somewhat bemused that one of her older child’s friends would be in this situation, “We’ll get you sorted in no time.”
Sam needed the reassurance. Like a baby, hearing a grown-up say it would be alright helped to calm her down. She wiped her eyes and sniffed loudly. As they reached the bottom of the stairs Sam looked back up and saw the three heads of her friends poking around the top of the bannister. When they saw Sam looking they pulled their heads away.
Sam was carried into the living room where she saw Becky’s younger brother playing on the floor in a small playpen area. Sam was carried over to the table where the changing mat was still laid out and ready. Nikki carefully lowered Sam who looked away in shame.
As Sam laid in her own mess the smell that she must’ve been trailing behind her finally caught up. She grimaced as she lightly sobbed. Nikki retrieved all the supplies needed for changing a dirty diaper and returned to Sam.
“She’s poopy!” The baby next to the table said as he looked over.
“She is, Ash.” Nikki replied.
“Stinky!” Ash continued as he giggled.
Sam wanted to tell the little boy to shut up but held her tongue. This was humiliating enough without the running commentary of the child making it worse. Nikki pulled the tapes away from the padding and slowly lowered the front to reveal the disaster within. The smell got much worse and Sam sobbed even harder.
“I’m… s-sorry…” Sam said between gasping sobs.
“It’s OK.” Nikki replied, “It’s just with your mommy had warned me that… Never mind.”
“W-When you’re done could you call Is-… Mommy?” Sam asked as she felt the first cold wipe start cleaning away the terrible mess.
“I can.” Nikki said. She was grimacing as she looked up at Sam’s face, “But why?”
“So… So she c-can pick me up.” Sam sobbed.
“You don’t want to stay?” Nikki asked.
“The girls won’t want me here after… this.” Sam said despondently.
“I disagree with that.” Nikki said as she pulled some more wipes out of the tub, “They were very concerned for you.”
Sam didn’t say anything. She felt like such a burden. Here were a group of young girls trying to have a fun slumber party and then she came in ruining it for everyone with her useless body. There was no doubt that Sam WANTED to stay, she just didn’t think anyone else wanted a stinky big baby like her around.
“How about when we’re done you go back up for a little bit and if you still want to leave I’ll call your mommy?” Isabelle suggested.
Sam shrugged. She didn’t really want to face the others again, it seemed impossible that Nikki was telling the truth and these girls actually didn’t mind everything she had done. She remembered when she had been a child, if someone had done what she had they would’ve been mercilessly teased about it. They wouldn’t ever have been allowed to forget it.
The cleaning continued in near-silence for several minutes. As Sam let Nikki do the work she listened to the occasional thump as Ash played with some building blocks. She gradually grew used to the smell, it was almost nostalgic for her, it reminded her of her days in the nursery. She was starting to wonder if trying to grow up and be an adult again wasn’t just a massive mistake. Perhaps she would’ve been better accepting she was just a useless baby now…
“There we go.” Nikki said, “Not so bad, eh?”
The used diaper was lifted away. Sam saw it folded into a ball, the previously white padding was very discoloured. The new diaper was slipped under Sam’s compliantly raised hips and was taped on in no time at all. She sat up with a sigh.
“Can I ask you a question?” Nikki asked.
“Sure.” Sam replied.
“Why didn’t you go to use the toilet?” Nikki continued as she dropped the dirty diaper in a plastic bag and tied the top, “Your mom said you had a problem with staying dry but she never mentioned anything else.”
“Oh, erm, well, I got a little distracted…” Sam flushed red, “We were playing games and I wanted to wait and…”
“It’s alright.” Nikki said, “I remember when potty training Becky we had similar problems where she got too wrapped up in something. Why don’t you go back up? If you still want to leave in a little bit I’ll call your Mom and you can go.”
“OK.” Sam replied with a deep breath. She pulled up her pyjama bottoms though she honestly didn’t know why she bothered at that point.
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Sam's Crawl To Adulthood
by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation