Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025

Chapter Description: Emily is about to be taken to another therapy appointment when disaster strikes. Can she and Amelia navigate the minefield with minimal embarrassment?

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Emily sat in the passenger seat of the car feeling very sorry for herself. Her happy little life that she had crafted that consisted of sitting at home and enjoying all the free time in the world had been totally transformed. She was still free to watch TV and play video games but the carefree joy had gone. The happiness replaced with crinkles.

It had been ten days since Emily had been spanked and from that moment onwards it had felt like everything had changed. Up until the punishment Emily had been able to pretend everything was fine, that nothing was different except for her underwear, but afterwards she couldn’t help but acknowledge that things were unlikely to be the same again.

Emily looked to the driver’s seat where Amelia was sitting. There had been a time that the two of them seemed like equal partners, even if one of them was pulling their weight more than the other. That illusion had been shattered. Emily felt subordinate to Amelia now. It had become very clear who was wearing the pants in their relationship. A balance that was very much reinforced every single time Emily had to go to Amelia for another diaper change. She hadn’t been making any attempt to the go to the toilet when she needed to pee for some time, it was just accepted that she wet herself.

“Do you have everything you need?” Amelia asked as she turned the car’s radio down.

“Uh huh.” Emily grunted in reply.

“Do you think you’ll stay for the whole appointment this time?” Amelia continued. There was a clear undertone of annoyance. It was her that paid for these appointments after all.

“Depends.” Emily replied.

“On what?” Amelia asked.

“It depends on if Catherine is a bitch to me again.” Emily spat out petulantly.

Emily knew it had been a mistake before the words had even left her mouth but her hair-trigger temper had gone off before she could stop it. She closed her eyes in regret as Amelia started telling her off as if she was a moody teenager.

“Emily! Catherine is my friend and a great therapist!” Amelia exclaimed as she shook her head, “I can’t believe you would say such a thing. We’ll be talking more about this la-… What’s wrong?”

Halfway through her admonishment Emily suddenly leaned forward in her seat and grabbed at her abdomen. Fear and anxiety flowed through her veins. She was experienced enough to know what was going on.

“I need a toilet!” Emily gasped, “Right now!”

The urge had come on so suddenly. It wasn’t uncommon for Emily to suddenly need to run to the bathroom but this need to go was strong even for her. She was already struggling to hold on and they were still only halfway to the therapist’s office. There was no way she was going to make it.

“Toilet?” Amelia replied as a question, “I don’t think we’re going past any…”

“I need it right now!” Emily exclaimed, “Oh god, oh god, oh god…”

This was bad. Emily couldn’t poop in her diaper. That was too low, there would be no coming back from it. She fought to hold on but nothing short of a miracle would keep her pants clean. Already she was having to clench tightly and feared that a particularly big bump in the road would cause her to lose all control. She looked around wildly as the car slowed to a stop at an intersection. Emily felt like she had to get out of the car even though she didn’t have anywhere to go. Her instinct was to run away and hide.

Emily reached for the door handle as the car stopped but before she could pull it, she heard a heavy click. She tried to open the door and nothing happened. She turned to look at Amelia with desperately pleading eyes. She had engaged the child locks.

“You can’t get out here.” Amelia said soothingly as if talking to a distressed kid, “It’s too dangerous.”

“Please…” Emily practically sobbed. She wasn’t even certain what she was pleading for, she knew Amelia was right, that it was far too dangerous to jump out of the car with so much traffic whizzing around.

“You’ll have to use your diaper.” Amelia said. She spoke calmly and with a neutral tone, as if she were commenting on the sun appearing from behind some clouds or something equally mundane.

Emily baulked at the idea. She had come to terms with wetting herself, that had seemingly become pretty unavoidable, but messing was a thousand times worse. Especially in the tight confines of the car. She bit her lip and looked around as if a port-a-potty might’ve suddenly appeared next to the car. The light turned green and Amelia started driving again.

“You’ll be a lot more comfortable if you-…” Amelia started.

“Shut up!” Emily exclaimed.

Comfortable? Maybe Emily’s tummy would feel better but that was it. Everything else would feel worse. It wasn’t going to be something up for debate soon though, her body was going to take over and force the issue long before Emily could get to a bathroom. She was already clenching with everything she had.

A cramp speared through Emily’s intestines and this one wasn’t going away. She let out a sob as she grimaced and desperately tried to fight a hopeless battle. So focused on herself she wasn’t looking to see what was coming up, perhaps Amelia was also distracted because she suddenly had to hit the brakes as they approached more stationary traffic. The near-emergency stop pushed Emily forwards against her seat belt. She hung there for less than a second but it seemed to last forever. She realised she had lost control, even as the forces that pushed her forwards receded, she knew disaster had struck.

As quickly as Emily was forced forwards, she was rebounded back into her seat. Immediately upon impact with the back of her chair she felt her tummy muscles pushing, it was as if they had been waiting for just such a distraction. Emily closed her eyes and half-heartedly tried to clench to stop the messing but it was already far too late, she could feel the stickiness rapidly filling her diaper.

“Sorry about that.” Amelia said as the cars in front began to move again.

Emily wasn’t listening. Her focus was purely on herself. She pushed down and felt the hot muck in her disposable spreading around the padding. Each time she pushed a little more it spread a little further. It was beyond gross and already her eyes were filling with tears as her underwear filled with poop.

Realising her effort wasn’t being helped by the seat underneath her Emily lifted herself up slightly. She grunted as she pushed again. She knew Amelia had heard her but her wife was studiously looking forwards through the windscreen.

A final surge of poop rushed into the diaper. Emily felt the padding ballooning out beneath her until she finally felt empty. She let out the breath she had been holding and slowly opened her eyes as the horror of what she had done registered. The smell was already escaping and turning the air in the car toxic. She felt ill.

“It’s… It’s OK.” Amelia said. Her voice sounded shaky.

“Turn around.” Emily sobbed, “We… We have to go home.”

“Look, we’re nearly at Catherine’s office.” Amelia replied patiently.

“You can’t be serious!” Emily exclaimed. Tears started rolling down her cheek. At the same time her strength was giving out and she was slowly lowering into the disgusting pile she had left in her underwear.

“It would take longer to get back home than to keep going forwards.” Amelia reasoned, “If you want a change it would be quicker to get to Catherine.”

Emily sobbed. Every bump in the road made her sink into the poop that was now holding her diaper against her skin. The smell got worse and Amelia opened the windows and turned on the air conditioning.

“I can’t see Catherine like this!” Emily cried out.

“Shush, it’s OK, baby.” Amelia said soothingly, “You’ll be fine.”

“Don’t call me that!” Emily whined.

As much as Emily protested, she couldn’t exactly argue that “baby” wasn’t the most accurate term of endearment. She certainly felt like a baby. She couldn’t believe what she had done. The nightmare scenario that she had dreaded from the moment her control had started to slip had hit with full force.

The car turned into the parking lot outside the therapist’s office and rolled to a stop. Amelia got out of the car but Emily stayed where she was. This wasn’t right. There were people here, they would all know what she had done, it wouldn’t have been more obvious if she had a glowing neon billboard above her.

“I… I can’t go in there.” Emily said when Amelia came round and opened her door.

“Well, you can’t stay here.” Amelia replied, “The car is too small to get changed in.”

“Then let’s go home and cancel the appointment.” Emily said with a whine.

“Baby, Catherine is expensive, if I cancel now, I have to pay her for the appointment plus the late cancellation fee.” Amelia reasoned, “We can go inside, get you cleaned up and then you can tell Catherine bout it if you want.”

Tell Catherine about it!? Was Amelia insane? Emily didn’t want ANYONE to find out what had happened. She wanted to erase the knowledge from her own head even. However, the longer she sat in the car with the door open the more the smell was spreading. The parking lot was full and it would surely only be a matter of time before someone smelled what she had done. She had to move and go somewhere, even if that somewhere was not a place she wanted to be.

Emily unbuckled her seat belt and slowly climbed out of the car. It was beyond gross. She had thought that once she was standing up again the diaper would feel marginally better but that was not proving to be the case. The padding was stuck to her skin like glue. She felt the overwhelming urge to reach back and pull her diaper away from her but that was impossible with her pants in the way.

“What can I even change into?” Emily hissed as she tried to wipe the tears away and pretend that everything was OK.

“I always bring a couple of spares with me.” Amelia said as she indicated her handbag, “Though I think I’m going to need a bigger bag.”

Emily felt initial relief that she would get another diaper since going commando wasn’t really an option for her weak bladder. However, that relief quickly turned to embarrassment as the information sunk in a bit more. Her wife was carrying around spare diapers for her in case she had an accident, like a mother would for a toddler struggling with potty training.

“Come on.” Amelia said. She reached over and took Emily’s hand.

Emily was led towards the building. She was taking big waddling steps, they would’ve been obvious to any mother who saw them, as she grimaced and tried not to start crying again. As they went through the door into the main lobby Emily felt all eyes were turned towards her though with her face pointed directly at the ground she couldn’t know for sure.

Emily felt her wife squeeze her hand a couple of times before they continued across the entrance area. Emily didn’t dare look up but she felt like she was leaving a trail of stink behind her, surely everyone knew exactly what she had done. That she was just a big baby.

“Amelia?” Catherine’s voice came as a most unwelcome surprise, “Emily? You’re a little early but if you want to go up, I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“Hi Catherine.” Amelia’s tone of voice gave away nothing. She sounded like this was the most normal situation in the world, “Just give us a minute, Emily had an accident.”

The words seemed to silence all other sound. Emily felt like even her own heartbeat had stopped as the words echoed around the large lobby. They were said so casually that she assumed, at first, that she must’ve misheard them.

“Oh… OK.” Catherine eventually responded.

Emily had gone dumb from shock as she was taken to the disabled bathroom and the door was opened. The lights flickered on as they went inside and Amelia locked the door behind them. Emily, finally with some privacy brought her hands up to her face.

“Why did you have to tell her?” Emily moaned. Her face was blazing with embarrassment, “Everyone heard you…”

“No, they didn’t.” Amelia replied easily. Emily had no idea how she could sound so sure, “And I’m not going to lie to my best friend. She’s your therapist, she should know everything.”

Emily felt like this was the perfect opportunity for a little white lie, for Amelia to be vague. She certainly didn’t need to say “My big baby of a wife pooped her diaper!” which is what it felt like she had implied. Certainly, Catherine knew what “accident” meant. She knew about the diapers already but a wet one wouldn’t necessitate an emergency change like this. Emily was somehow supposed to face that woman after this.

“Right, hop up on the table.” Amelia said as she nodded towards the wall where an adult-sized changing table was waiting.

“I don’t feel well.” Emily said, “Can we just go home? Please?”

“You’ll feel better after your change.” Amelia replied as she walked over to the table and opened her handbag. A fresh diaper was pulled out and placed on the edge of the table next to baby powder and wipes.

“Do you have anything in your bag besides the changing stuff?” Emily asked with a frown.

“Hence my need for a bigger bag.” Amelia smiled, “Come on, this will all be done in no time at all.”

Emily could feel what the inside of her diaper was like and to suggest it would all be over shortly seemed wildly optimistic. She waddled across to the table keeping her legs as far apart as possible, rather infuriatingly she saw Amelia seemingly trying to hide a smile.

“This isn’t funny!” Emily shouted. Her voice echoing around the windowless room. Only the extractor fan in the ceiling was providing any other noise.

“I’m sorry.” Amelia said with a small chuckle, “It’s just… You’re waddling like a penguin.”

Emily felt a wave of anger. Amelia never used to talk to her like this, she had always been placating and ready to do as Emily said, this was a new side of her and Emily didn’t like it. If the situation hadn’t been so dire and had she not been so desperate for a diaper change she would’ve turned around and marched out of the room.

Emily moved slowly as she pulled her pants down. She nearly gagged when she had to bend over and her eyes were freshly watering as she stepped out of her clothes. It was fortunate that Catherine’s office was a very modern building which included facilities for changing adult diapers. That said, Emily was still hesitant to jump up on to the table. She remembered squashing the messy diaper beneath her in the car and really didn’t want to repeat the experience.

“We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.” Amelia warned.

“This isn’t exactly easy!” Emily shouted petulantly.

“Then let me help you.” Amelia replied.

Emily didn’t have a chance to ask what her wife meant when she felt hands on her sides. She looked down just in time for Amelia to grunt and lift Emily up. This was a new sensation, and not something Emily was entirely comfortable with. She’d never been the biggest person but she had no idea Amelia could do this even if it was clear, it was taking all of her strength. Emily’s legs kicked out almost automatically as she was turned around and lowered on to the edge of the table.

“Ugh…” Emily groaned as she sank into the stinky mess again.

It was with a red face that she laid down. She looked up at the ceiling and tried to distract herself from the horrible situation by counting the little spots that were on the ceiling tiles. She couldn’t wait till she was changed and out of the room. If nothing else her resolve had been strengthened to never find herself in this situation again.

“You’ve really done a number on this.” Amelia said. She sounded almost in awe.

“Just hurry up.” Emily whined, “This is so gross.”

Emily felt the tapes get pulled and then finally the front was lowered. She immediately pulled her shirt up to cover her nose as the smell became a thousand times worse. It was so bad she worried her nose hairs were getting singed. When she dared to glance at Amelia, she was surprised to see she seemed relatively unfazed by the disaster that must’ve been the inside of her diaper.

Tears started leaking from Emily again. She started sobbing before she even realised, she wanted to cry. It was so embarrassing. There was no way her life could ever have a lower point than where she was right then.

Cold baby wipes started the slow job of cleaning Emily up. She quietly sobbed to herself as she thought about the people in the lobby, what they must’ve seen and smelt as she waddled past. Catherine would certainly know what had happened. How was Emily supposed to go and face her after everything?

“Can you hurry up?” Emily said impatiently after several minutes.

“Excuse me?” Amelia replied as she raised her eyebrows and looked up at Emily’s face, “If you knew what I was dealing with down here…”

“Just… Go faster.” Emily sniffed. Her breathing was still occasionally wracked by sobs though the tears had mostly dried.

It took several more minutes before Amelia was finally finished. It seemed like she had gone through most of the tub of wipes and they were all now balled up in the diaper and dropped in the trash can. Emily still didn’t feel clean, it was like she could still feel the ghostly remnants of her accident stuck to her backside.

“Right, get dressed and go up to see Catherine.” Amelia instructed, “You can do that by yourself, right?”

“Yes.” Emily replied sharply. It was something she had done countless times and she didn’t like the insinuation that she would suddenly struggle with it.

“Good girl.” Amelia smiled.

Without another word she turned and walked towards the door. Emily scrambled, her new diaper was fully on display, but Amelia simply opened the door and walked out. As it swung closed Emily could see people out in the lobby, she could only hope none were looking in at her. She crinkled over and locked the door before leaning her forehead against it. She was trying to keep her composure but it was difficult when she had just been so publicly humiliated.

Emily wanted to stay in the room forever. The air smelled strongly of her messy diaper but in that little cube of a room she was safe, there was no way she could humiliate herself further. She stayed in place so long the motion detecting lights flicked off leaving her in the dark. Emily was quite content with that. She wanted to disappear into the nothingness.

Emily’s breathing slowed down. There was no light, the noise from outside was severely muffled, it felt like her senses were being turned off one by one. She started to feel safe and comfortable, detached from the world in a bubble where no one could find her.

“Hello? Are you going to be long?” A knock at the door and then an older woman’s voice made Emily jump.

“Oh, erm, no, just a minute…” Emily said as she stepped back from the door. The lights came back up and her little pocket of safety was punctured.

Emily hurried back to put on her pants and then finally unlocked the door and stepped out. An old lady smiled at Emily as she muttered apologies and left the room. As she was walking away, she heard the woman exclaim “Good heavens…” as she walked into the bathroom. Emily assumed it must’ve been the smell. It hadn’t been THAT bad, had it? She prayed she wasn’t simply getting used to it.


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End Chapter 16

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025


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