by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: Emily is about to be taken to another therapy appointment when disaster strikes. Can she and Amelia navigate the minefield with minimal embarrassment?
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Emily was weaker than Amelia and that was shown by how easily she was pulled over to the bed. When Amelia sat on the edge Emily tried to pull away but only succeeded in unbalancing herself and falling forwards over her wife’s lap. Emily’s legs kicked and she used her hands to try and push herself upright but Amelia already had one hand in the small of her back holding her in place.
“Stop!” Emily exclaimed, “This is stupid! What are you doing!?”
Emily felt Amelia’s hand grab the waistband of both her pants and her diaper. With one big pull they both came down her legs leaving her backside exposed. The tapes on the diaper tore and it fell loosely to the floor whilst her pants settled just below her knees holding her legs together and reducing the opportunity of escape to zero.
“If you aren’t going to follow the rules you are going to be punished.” Amelia said as her hand rubbed against the smooth skin of Emily’s backside.
Emily froze up and her eyes went wide as she realised what was happening. She was into a few different kinks but being spanked was decidedly not one of them. She hated pain, even when it was mild. Amelia must’ve been playing kinky games with her; she felt some relief that her wife wasn’t really mad but she had to stop this play time quickly.
“Banana!” Emily squealed, “Banana!”
It was the couple’s safe word. The signal to stop what they were doing right away. Emily waited for Amelia to let her up but the hand remained on her back. Amelia hadn’t moved or said anything. After a couple of seconds, the hand started rubbing against her backside again.
“This isn’t a game, baby.” Amelia said eventually, “I’m not doing this to turn you on, I’m doing this to punish you.”
“You can’t!” Emily exclaimed as she kicked her legs in panic, “I’m a grown woman!”
“I’m doing this to teach you a lesson.” Amelia finally said.
The hand on Emily’s ass moved away and she had just a second to tense up and prepare before it was swung forwards and against her skin. Emily let out a yelp as she instantly felt the sting of the smack travelling through her buttocks underneath her skin. She was in shock. This was really happening. She had done something wrong and now she was being spanked!
“You. Must. Listen. To. The. Rules.” Amelia said. Each word was punctuated by a fresh spank that drew a further grunt of pain from Emily. Each spank had a gap between them creating horrendous anticipation of the next one landing.
“Get off me!” Emily yelled. Her eyes were filled with tears. The pain and humiliation stinging almost as bad as her ass.
“You. Do. Not. Touch. Your. Diaper.” Amelia continued.
Emily let out a shriek of frustration and then fell limp in Amelia’s lap. She sobbed and grunted with pain at each spank but knew she was going nowhere. She had never been spanked, not even as a child and now she was being treated as if she was nothing more than a naughty toddler. Her butt was going numb but the stinging crashed like lightning through her nerves with each impact. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she waited for it to stop.
One last spank landed on Emily’s rear end and Amelia’s hand stayed there. Emily sensed the punishment was over and relaxed limply. She was still sobbing as tears mixed with snot and saliva on her face. Her ass felt hot and now that the spanking was over the stinging seemed to be getting worse on the surface of her skin.
“Are you aware you wet yourself?” Amelia asked.
Emily nearly choked on her tears. The answer was no, she hadn’t been at all aware that in the midst of everything that had happened her bladder had given up. As if this moment couldn’t have got more humiliating.
“It’s only a dribble.” Amelia said, “No matter.”
Amelia’s hands came away from Emily and she started to push herself off her wife’s lap. She was stopped as she was getting up and pulled back into a seated position on Amelia’s lap. Emily squeaked as she ducked her head away in shame. She was sitting perpendicular to her lover who was now rubbing Emily’s back. This was doing nothing to make Emily feel better about everything that was happening. She could feel the small wet patch she had left on Amelia’s leg.
“Do you know why I had to do that?” Amelia asked softly.
“No.” Emily sniffed, “I’m not a child. You can’t just… spank me.”
“Then let me rephrase…” Amelia sighed, “Do you understand why I spanked you?”
“Because I took off the diaper.” Emily muttered, “But that’s beside the point! I’m not a chi-…”
“I just want you to know it hurt me to do it.” Amelia continued, “I don’t want to have to spank you. It’d be a lot easier if you follow the rules. You need to be a good girl.”
Emily was upset. She wanted to tell her wife that everything that had happened was stupid and that she didn’t need to be treated like this. Every time she opened her mouth to say something she just closed it again; she couldn’t think of the right words. That word was floating around her brain again. The “B” word that triggered all the negative emotions. She was feeling it right then, with Amelia having to punish her like she was a child. The locks on the box that held the word in were threatening to break. She closed her eyes just trying to keep a lid on emotions.
“Right, let’s get you in a fresh diaper and then we can go downstairs.” Amelia said as she pushed Emily into standing up.
Emily stood up and stepped out of her pants. She was grateful that Amelia was taking control again, it focused her mind away from her thoughts of being a b-u-r-d-e-n. The diaper she was wearing slid down her legs until she could step out of that as well. She laid back on the bed not even bothering to argue that she should be allowed to change herself or even that she didn’t need a diaper. The arguments only fell on death ears after all.
Emily was put in a new diaper with remarkable speed. Amelia had gotten very efficient with these changes. As Amelia folded up the two used diapers Emily stood up and reached for her pants.
“I think you should leave those pants there.” Amelia stated without looking away from the diapers she was balling up.
“But… what will I wear?” Emily asked.
“You don’t need to cover up.” Amelia said simply, “It’s just us. Besides, it will make it easier to check you.”
“Amelia!” Emily’s eyes were bulging. As if the diapers weren’t embarrassing enough when hidden now Amelia wanted her to walk around with them on display!
“Go on.” Amelia said as she gestured to the door.
Emily was pouting hard as she stared at her wife. When it became clear that Amelia wasn’t going to change her mind she turned and left the room feeling a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. With her rear end still feeling exceptionally sore she didn’t want to try Amelia’s patience and end up over her lap again. The fact she had been spanked at all was still taking time to settle in. She bowed her head as she crinkled noisily down the stairs.
Amelia was about to burst. She was balling up two diapers but out of the corners of her eyes she was watching Emily waddle out of the bedroom. As soon as she heard her wife on the staircase than she stood up straight and let out a deep breath.
“You did it.” Amelia muttered to herself. A proud smile twitched at the corners of her mouth.
Like many of the things Amelia had done there had been no plan. She had simply taken advantage of an opportunity. She felt like she may have been pushing too far but when she saw that diaper on the floor it was like instinct took over. Somehow, she knew how far she could push without going over a line.
Amelia’s hand went down the front of her pants and she caressed her kitten; it was soaking wet. Each spank had turned her on more and by the end it was all she could do to keep from moaning out loud. She felt like a puppet master pulling the strings of those around her. She was playing a dangerous game, she knew that one wrong move could bring everything down but the excitement was exhilarating, it was addictive. A few weeks before the idea that she could reprimand Emily in any way that she listened to was a pipedream, now she had cowed her wife with a spanking and she had accepted it. The success only made Amelia want to push further. A world of opportunities felt like it was opening up in front of her.
Amelia was certain it was all for Emily’s own good as well. The transition Emily was going through was difficult and causing her problems, but once everything had settled down Amelia was sure her wife would prefer the new way. She just had to get there.
It had been Amelia’s expectation that there would’ve been more resistance. Emily was stubborn and used to getting her own way, Amelia had thought there would be more tantrums as she tried to discipline her wife. She wondered if Emily even realised what was happening, if she could see the big picture. Maybe she was simply rationalising everything that was happening and ignoring how the pieces fit together. The road she was unwittingly walking down.
Amelia’s hand moved rapidly back and forth inside her damp panties. She was still leaning forwards over the bed as she closed her eyes and let the building sexual excitement wash over her. It was dangerous. Emily was just downstairs, she could come up and appear in the doorway at any time and yet Amelia couldn’t help herself, she was just too turned on!
Amelia dropped down to her knees which she spread as wide as possible. Right beneath her was Emily’s wet diaper, still warm from her body. It felt so dirty and wrong but she couldn’t help herself, she had worked herself up into such a degenerate mood. The sexual freedom she had been experiencing was making her want to push boundaries.
With barely a second thought Amelia shoved her other hand down her pants and leaned forwards against the frame of the bed. She took a breath and leant forwards burying her face in the used diaper. It was balled up and closed so she wasn’t getting wet but her other senses were overwhelmed.
The smell of Emily’s urine filled Amelia’s nostrils, the warmth pressed against her face and the padding compressed like a sponge as she pressed into it. More than the physical sensations it was the naughtiness that really pushed her sexual bliss up another level. The taboo had always been a turn on for Amelia and this felt very much like something she shouldn’t be doing. Heck, if Emily crept back upstairs and caught her, she would have no way to explain it.
Amelia moaned into the padding as her fingers moved rapidly. The thought of being caught was turning her on even more, her perverse pleasure only heightened by the thought of being seen. She was quickly peaking and as the tension within her grew she grunted into the diaper right below her face. Finally, the orgasm boiled over and she felt bliss flood through her whole system. Her fingers kept working for another few seconds before they finally stopped. She rolled off the diaper and breathed the unsullied air of the room.
With eyes half-lidded Amelia smiled. She sat on the floor with her back to the bed. The post-orgasmic heaven was only made better by what had happened before it, the events that had led to her getting so worked up in the first place.
Whilst just the action of telling Emily off and spanking her had been enough to get Amelia wet, what really got her going was the effect it had on her wife. The spanking had done exactly what spanking a toddler would do. It made Emily compliant; it made her listen to Amelia and she’d even left the room with her diaper on display with minimal complaint. It felt like the more the diapers became normalised the more Emily could push the boundaries.
And Amelia really didn’t plan on stopping any time soon…
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation