Regression Therapy

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 6, 2024

Chapter Description: Emily and Amelia share a night of "passion" that leaves only one of them satisfied. Amelia goes online to find some interesting things and, perhaps, an idea is formed.

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“Come on…” Emily whispered from next to Amelia.

“I’m not sure I’m in the mood.” Amelia replied. Her eyes closed and facing away from Emily.

“I could get you in the mood if you wanted.” Emily said. She slipped a hand under the cover and over to her wife’s belly.

It was late and the couple were in bed. They were both naked under the covers and Emily had slid over so that she was pressed against Amelia from behind. Emily was feeling horny, she had always had quite a high sex drive and not even her course of hormone treatment could completely dull it.

“I don’t know if you could.” Amelia replied simply.

Emily had noticed that her wife had been a bit cold and distant ever since they had got home from the therapist’s office. Amelia had said nothing over dinner and then went straight to her home office instead of staying in the living room to watch television.

“Come on…” Emily said again.

“Fine.” Amelia said with a bit of a sigh, “But you’re going to have to work pretty hard to get me interested.”

“Leave everything to me.” Emily said with a grin in the darkness.

Emily slipped under the covers and climbed awkwardly over Amelia’s legs until she was close to her private area. As Amelia opened her legs Emily could smell the slightly sweaty and musky scent of her wife. She wasted no time in shimmying forwards, her penis already semi-hard rubbing against the sheets beneath her.

Emily had to admit to a little bit of “genitals envy.” She didn’t dislike having a penis, it gave her a large amount of pleasure after all, but she did sometimes wish she had the private parts which matched up with her gender. She pushed those thoughts away as her felt the short fuzz of her wife’s pubic hair against her lips.

After nuzzling against Amelia’s lips for a few seconds she extended her tongue and made contact. She felt her wife’s thighs tensing slightly and heard a soft moan from above. She worked her tongue against Amelia’s most pleasurable areas. Hands came down under the cover and pressed against the back of Emily’s head.

Emily was now fully hard herself and she pulled her head away quite suddenly after a few desultory licks. She sat back on her heels causing the cover to fall off the pair of them. Amelia was looking at her with a surprised and disappointed frown.

“What?” Emily asked as she scooted her knees forwards so she was close to her wife’s opening.

“Was that it?” Amelia asked.

“Well, I mean, I went down on you and now I’m ready.” Emily shrugged as she gestured down to her crotch.

Emily saw Amelia sigh and roll her eyes. Since her wife didn’t say anything else Emily continued with what she was doing. She pushed Amelia’s legs a little further apart until the head of her penis was inches away from its goal. Emily lowered herself over Amelia until her small breasts brushed against her wife’s much fuller ones. If she had questionable genital envy there was no doubt about her jealousy of her wife’s chest.

Emily saw Amelia pucker her lips and lean up for a kiss but she was preoccupied down below. Sitting back Emily used her hand to guide herself and then pressed forwards. As Emily looked up and closed her eyes, she just about saw her wife wince slightly.

“Are you alright?” Emily asked.

“Just… Maybe needed a little more warming up.” Amelia replied.

Emily pushed slowly forwards until she was fully embedded in her wife. Then, after waiting around fifteen seconds, decided Amelia must be ready for her. She pulled back and then pushed in again. She quickly built up her speed and started grunting. She kept her eyes closed so she didn’t see Amelia’s reactions, in truth she wasn’t hearing much from her but she was more focused on herself.

Soon Emily was pushing into her wife as quickly as she could. She was getting close and was breathing heavily. Her breasts swung underneath her as she reached the peak of pleasure in just a couple of minutes.

“Maybe if you touch my-…” Amelia started.

Amelia was cut off as Emily grunted and dropped on top of her wife. She could feel herself pumping into Amelia as she panted. The hormones may have meant that she wasn’t shooting as much as she used to but the orgasm itself was still powerful. She felt Amelia underneath her let out a deep breath through her nose before rolling off the top and going back to her side of the bed.


Amelia rolled her head to the side to see Emily fast asleep and loudly snoring. She wished she could say she was surprised by her wife’s complete failure to satisfy her in bed but, in truth, it was a fairly typical experience for them. Emily would give the barest hint of foreplay, get on top and go at it until she finished without thinking about the other person at all.

After a couple of minutes Amelia sighed and sat up. She could feel Emily’s stickiness leaking out of her, she shook her head and headed to the bathroom to clean up. As she waited for the water in the shower to warm up Amelia sat on the toilet resting her head in her hands. She couldn’t forget about what she had overheard at the therapist’s office which, combined with her other frustrations with Emily, was making her think long and hard over whether the relationship was working.

She stepped into the shower and looked up into the water. She didn’t realise how tense she was until the hot water started to relax her. She spent several minutes cleaning all over, including between her legs. Her hands lingered down there. Whilst the sexual experience had been extremely disappointing the small amount of foreplay had woken her up somewhat. She bit her lip as one hand went to lean on the wall and the other gently tickled between her lips.

After teasing herself for a few minutes Amelia turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. She towelled herself dry and then wrapped her gown over her shoulders. Rather than heading back to her bedroom Amelia quietly made her way downstairs and into the living room. In the darkness she sat down on the couch and opened the lid of her laptop. As the computer booted up, she opened her gown and used her hands to gently caress her breasts.

As soon as the laptop was on Amelia went on the internet and to an adult content site she knew very well. She clicked on the search bar and typed “ABDL”. After a second of loading, seemingly endless numbers of pictures, art, stories and videos of adults in diapers and dressed like babies came up. Amelia started scrolling and as she did so her hand went back down to her pussy.

Amelia had never told Emily about her fetish. She was a little embarrassed by it and she didn’t think Emily would like it. Hell, she knew that even if Emily was tolerant of her kink she was unlikely to ever join in or indulge Amelia’s desires. She had once experimented, back when she was in college, but since then her ABDL activities were done solely online.

With her fingers working around her opening Amelia scrolled to a story she felt like she had read a thousand times. It was about a woman being turned into a big baby by her husband, it wasn’t particularly original in the genre but it hit all the right buttons for Amelia. She started scrolling through the lines of text.

Amelia’s breathing quickened as she went to her favourite part of the story. Her eyes scanned the lines quickly as she pushed two of her fingers inside herself, her thumb was up and over her clit which she rubbed with ever increasing speed. Her face was red and she felt a thin sheen of sweat all over her body as she got to the hottest part of the story.

The husband, having slowly regressed his wife over many weeks, was now bringing home a new woman. The wife was sat in her playpen as her husband came in with his girlfriend and they started making out. All the wife could do was cry and poop her diaper as the girlfriend pulled down the husband’s pants…

Amelia laid back on the couch and spread her legs. Having read the scene, she was now watching it play out in her mind. The delicious humiliation of the poor wife as she was made into a complete baby forced to watch her husband and the new woman get increasingly frisky. Amelia had read the passage so often she could remember it word for word.

“Ah…” Amelia let out a soft exhalation had pleasure rippled through her body.

Amelia’s legs tensed and her breathing became hitched and uneven. A smile crossed her face as she felt the bliss of orgasm roll over her. She idly played with herself for a minute or so afterwards as the powerful waves of pleasure slowly ebbed. By the time she relaxed she felt very tired but also extremely content.

Amelia had always tried to be patient with Emily in all aspects of her life but it was getting increasingly hard. Her wife’s dismal sexual performance truly felt like the icing on the cake, Emily didn’t even respect her enough to try and properly please her in bed. She brought one of her hands up and placed it on her forehead. Even in her moments of greatest relaxation she couldn’t stop thinking about Emily’s shortcomings.

Amelia found herself wishing life could be as straightforward as the stories she found so exciting. She closed her eyes and fantasised of a world where people who didn’t pull their weight suffered the consequence, where the hard workers were rewarded. It was an unfortunate reality that these stories were just stories and nothing more. Not something that could possibly happen in real life…


“God damn it!” Emily hit the table in front of her loudly causing a bag to fall over and spill candy all over the floor, “What the fuck are you doing!?”

Emily threw her controller down in disgust as she watched her teammates get killed with ease. “You Lose!” appeared on the screen briefly before Emily could exit back to the main menu. She was still cursing as she joined a queue for another match.

The console was Amelia’s Christmas present to Emily the previous year whilst the huge television was Amelia’s present to herself. Technically it was Emily’s gift to her wife but since Amelia thought of it, paid for it, ordered it and took delivery Emily couldn’t really claim to have had much involvement. She heard a loud sound that meant her queue had popped and she was soon in another game.

Twenty minutes later the process repeated itself. Emily watched her stupid teammates die as she screamed at them through her microphone and then quit out. She was just queuing up again when she heard Amelia’s car rumble into the driveway.

“Great…” Emily muttered to herself, “And now I’m going to get nagged as I try and relax.”

That morning Emily had awoken to find that her wife had already left for work. A note had been left on the living room table, now buried under candy and soda, asking her to go to the store for some food and to remember to look for a job. Needless to say, Emily had done neither of these things. It wasn’t that she was deliberately ignoring the note, she had just sat down to play a couple of rounds of her favourite shooter and got distracted…

Emily was at the start of another game when the door opened and Amelia walked in. She didn’t turn around and when Amelia said hello Emily merely grunted in response. She carried on trying to carry her useless teammates whilst Amelia walked through to the kitchen, a few moments later she was coming back into the living room.

“Emily, did you-…” Amelia started.

“How can you not see them coming!?” Emily shouted into the microphone, “Are you blind!?”

“Can you listen to me for a minute?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, yeah…” Emily said to her wife.

“Did you see the note I left you?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, I…” Emily stopped talking as the screen went red. She threw her controller against the ground, “Hackers! They’re hacking! I hate this game!”

Emily cursed at the screen and bent down to pick up the controller. As she lifted it by the wire she saw that several of the buttons were hanging out and the seam of the two plastic halves was splitting. Emily grumbled; she would have to get Amelia to order her a replacement. She probably went through two or three of them a month.

“Hey, could you…” Emily finally looked towards her wife only to find she wasn’t there.

A second later Emily heard the front door slam and when she stood up to look through the living room window, she saw Amelia getting into her car and pulling out of the driveway. Emily frowned.

“What’s her problem?” Emily muttered to herself.


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End Chapter 2

Regression Therapy

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 6, 2024


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