Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 2, 2025

Chapter Description: Amelia takes some time to enjoy the fruits of her successes whilst Emily tops off a difficult appointment with her therapist with an more difficult time at home.

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Amelia deserved an Oscar. That’s how she felt anyway. To sit in the driver’s seat with a straight face after everything that had happened that morning was the pinnacle of acting. She had grabbed the unexpected opportunity that morning with both hands. Finding out that Emily had wet the bed and leaked through the pull-up felt like a message from god that he approved of what she was doing.

And why wouldn’t he approve? After all, Amelia wasn’t doing this for her own selfish reasons, not completely at least. Emily had a problem and she was refusing to deal with it. Sure, it was Amelia causing the issues but that was beside the point. Emily needed to take ownership of what was happening and since she was failing to do that, well, someone had to protect the furniture.

“Do you want me to turn the radio up?” Amelia asked pleasantly as they sat at a red light.

“No.” Emily grunted in response.

“Really? I thought you liked this song.” Amelia was pushing Emily’s buttons like a child playing in an elevator.

“I don’t care!” Emily exclaimed with a huff.

“OK, OK…” Amelia shook her head and sighed, “No need to bite my head off, grumpy.”

Amelia kept facing forwards as traffic started moving again but she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see that Emily was looking more annoyed than ever. The opportunity that had arose that morning? She hadn’t finished taking advantage of it yet.

It was a mystery to Amelia why her wife was in such a mood. She’d looked so utterly adorable in her diaper and had received a mind-blowing orgasm, to Amelia that represented a good night. It was still sinking in that she had actually put Emily in the thicker disposable. It felt like she had been trying to craft circumstances for that to happen for a long time and then, all of a sudden, the opportunity presented itself gift-wrapped to her.

Even now, sitting in the car and trying to maintain her poker face, Amelia could feel the wetness between her legs. She had been starved of in person diaper fun for so, so long. The anticipation of what could follow had her tingling with excitement.

For now, though, Amelia needed to concentrate. She could worry about getting herself off when she was alone, she had to keep pushing those big red buttons in Emily’s head to make sure that once they arrived at Catherine’s office everything would be set up for success. Most people wouldn’t take pride in how manipulative they could be, Amelia wasn’t one of them. She was altruistic, everything she was doing was for the good of others and if she just so happened to benefit then that was great as well. The point was, everything she did was for herself, Emily, and Catherine.

“Will you need a change before your appointment?” Amelia asked as they approached the building.

“No! Of course not!” Emily practically shouted. Her annoyance bubbling right under the surface.

“Well, I brought a change for you.” Amelia replied, “Just in case.”

“I’m not a…” Emily tailed off. She seemed to think better finishing that sentence. When she continued speaking it was with clear annoyance, “You really think I can’t control myself for a few minutes!?”

Amelia simply shrugged. She wasn’t even acting there. Thanks to the medication Emily had a pretty short trigger on her bladder and bowels. Amelia hadn’t seen Emily squirming so assumed she was still clean and dry but that just wasn’t something that could be taken for granted these days.

“It’s touching to know you have so much faith in me.” Emily snorted as she turned as much as she could away from Amelia and towards the widow in her door.

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re safe.” Amelia said.

Apart from the radio the car was silent. That was OK with Amelia. Emily was so angry she practically had steam coming out of her ears. She couldn’t control what happened when Emily went into the office, she could only set the dominos up and wait to see how they fell.

Turning into the car park Amelia drove past several empty parking spots to stop at a secluded one in the corner. She switched off the engine and took a look at her watch. They were five minutes late which was honestly not as bad as she expected after all the fireworks that morning. Emily didn’t hang around and opened her door. Amelia looked over and tried to suppress a smile at seeing the tell-tale roundness of her wife’s ass, it took all of her willpower out to reach out and touch it.

“I’ll wait here.” Amelia called out behind Emily.

“Whatever.” Emily replied as she stalked away.

Again, Amelia had to force herself not to smile in case Emily looked back at her. The diapered woman was walking with a waddle. Maybe it wasn’t something most people would immediately pick up on but to Amelia it was very obvious indeed.

Amelia waited in the car. A minute after Emily had disappeared inside, she started unbuckling her pants. There was a reason she had chosen this parking spot that she knew was hidden from view in nearly every direction. After getting herself so worked up diapering her wife she felt like she was about to explode, she needed to relieve that tension.

Adjusting how she was sitting and reclining her seat a little, Amelia slipped a hand down the front of her jeans. Her pussy felt like it was on fire and her finger immediately felt the wetness that dampened her skin and was soaking through her panties. If she were any wetter, she would be the one requiring diapers, she thought to herself with a smile.

Amelia went straight to work. She started rubbing little circles around her clit as she looked out the windows of the car. She was well out the way of the usual thoroughfare but, if anything, the risk of being caught turned her on even more. She couldn’t stop replaying the diapering she had done and thinking what it might mean for the future.

With closed eyes Amelia remembered everything about the diapering process. The way the thick padding felt in her hands, the sounds of it crinkling as she unfolded it, the way it hugged Emily’s body…

A shiver went through Amelia. She was giving herself up to the pleasure now. Her free hand joined the other and started dipping past her labia to her vagina. It had been a long time since she had felt this turned on by anything, it felt like she was about to explode. Throwing caution to the wind Amelia reclined her seat back and lifted her legs so they were on the edge of her seat. If anyone came over now, she would have no way of hiding what she was doing. The risk turned her on even more.

With closed eyes Amelia’s mind shifted the scene that had played out that morning. She started mixing Emily’s diapering with things that had happened in the past with Catherine. Her mind flitted back and forth from her most recent experience to her favourite memories of college. The two halves started to collide until she was imagining all sorts of wild things involving all three of them.

In the end Amelia’s mind settled on a scene of her and Catherine on the bed. She was going down on the therapist in a similar way that she had with Emily, although the mechanics were obviously different, and her lover was moaning wildly. A smile tugged at her lips as she imagined looking to the side and seeing Emily watching on forlornly. Her diaper bulging out under a very short skirt as she watched her wife be intimate with another but doing nothing to stop it.

The pressure built up fast, deep in Amelia’s body. She started to thrust her hips into her fingers, she could feel her excitement leaking on to the seat below her and finally she came. Her hips lifted off the seat and her body twisted to the side as she felt her pussy contract against her fingers. She gasped several times as she imagined her slutty she must’ve looked. Her legs shook as she surfed the edge of the climax for as long as she could manage it before slumping back down.

After a few seconds recovering her breath Amelia remembered where she was. She quickly started getting herself back together. She pulled her panties back up and immediately felt just how wet they were. She bit her lip as she wondered if Emily was wet already too, only her dampness would’ve been caused by something very different. Amelia had no change of clothes and as tempting as putting on the spare diaper was, she resisted.

Amelia raised the chair back into its normal position and wiped her fingers with some napkins she had in the centre console. She checked herself in the rear-view mirror and could say she was noticeably red in the face. At least no one seemed to have noticed her activities and she opened a window to air the car out a little.


“You seem angrier than usual today. Is there any reason for that?” Catherine asked.

“Yes. There are lots of them actually.” Emily replied. With her arms folded in front of her chest.

“Would you like to talk about them?” Catherine continued.

“No.” Emily answered shortly.

“Well, what would you like to talk about instead?” Catherine asked patiently.

Emily looked way. It was had to concentrate on anything when the only thing she could think about was the warmth in her diaper. She had barely made it into the building before her body started sounding the alarm about needing to evacuate her bladder. With her diaper, getting to the bathroom in time was next to impossible, she didn’t even try. it had been a very strange sensation, both very similar and very different to her experiences with the pull-ups. The diaper was much bulkier and swelled up much more, the warmth was more noticeable and didn’t seem to be cooling off. Now she was sitting on the soft couch feeling the warm padding getting pressed up against her body.

“Is it about the problems you mentioned last time?” Catherine asked.

“Huh? What? Why would you say that?” Emily was broken from her thoughts and reacted defensively.

“You just seem distracted.” Catherine smiled.

“I’m fine. Alright? No problems here. Everything is sunshine and rainbows.” Emily threw her hands up.

“Emily, I can understand that you are frustrated but…” Catherine started.

“Oh, I’m so happy you can understand it!” Emily exclaimed petulantly, “Fat lot of good that does me…”

Emily leaned against the side of the couch and then quickly sat up again when she realised her shirt was riding up. She knew none of this was Catherine’s fault and yet she found it hard to not take her anger out on the therapist. When she was in a bad mood Catherine’s soft tone of voice came across as patronising and condescending. Her general anger and frustration found a focal point in Catherine.

“I thought you were supposed to be helping me.” Emily continued after a small pause. She didn’t conceal her anger.

“So, the problem hasn’t got any better?” Catherine asked.

“No!” Emily shouted. She almost had to laugh, “It very much hasn’t!”

Emily grabbed one of the pillows that she was sitting next to and in a fit of impotent rage threw it at the floor. She had got angry in therapy before, but that was the first time she’d done something like that and as she looked back up at Catherine, she saw that something in the therapist’s face had changed.

Catherine remained silent. Emily waited for her to say something but instead she looked down at the cushion with pursed lips. The way the therapist was drawing attention to her moody behaviour was only serving to annoy Emily more. She stood up and grabbed her jacket.

“You know what? Screw all this!” Emily exclaimed, “Nothing you’ve said has helped me! I came to you absolutely fine and now I’m in a dia-…”

Emily stopped but she could tell from Catherine’s raised eyebrows that she had let too much slip already. She pursed her lips and turned away. Without a backwards glance she stomped to the door, threw it open and then slammed it closed behind her hard enough to cause shelves nearby to shake.

Normally, Emily would stop at the reception desk to arrange her next appointment but this time she stormed straight out of the building and went towards the car. The added thickness between her legs was forcing her thighs apart and forcing her into a slight waddle. Amelia looked surprised as Emily walked around the car and opened the passenger side door.

“You’re early.” Amelia said as Emily closed the door behind her.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Emily replied as she looked pointedly out the window.

“Alright.” Amelia replied as she turned the car on.

Emily didn’t say a word for the whole drive home. She was in a very bad mood pretty much everything anyone did was just annoying her more. About halfway home Emily felt her bladder giving her a brief warning, she wondered if she could hold it but it soon became obvious that there was no chance of making it home. She shuddered as she lost control shortly afterwards. She tried not to make it obvious what was happening as her already wet diaper swelled even further. The warmth spreading up the front and back of the disposable. Emily bitterly realised that the diaper was already proving its worth, there would’ve been no way a pull-up would’ve held her two accidents.

As soon as the car stopped in the driveway Emily got out. When she stood up, she felt the heavy underwear sag between her legs a little. The plastic that she could feel with her legs had been pulled smooth and the wet heat was impossible to ignore. She wanted the diaper off immediately but that raised problems of its own. The last thing Emily wanted to do was make it obvious she had soaked the diaper.

“I’ll make us some lunch.” Amelia said, “Do you want to find us something to watch?”

“Sure.” Emily replied.

As Emily sat down on the couch she felt her diaper squelch underneath her. She had to admit she was grudgingly impressed with its ability to hold several accidents. The pull-ups started faltering after one small accident but it felt like these bulky diapers could hold a heck of a lot more. There was something a little comforting in that thought.

Emily shook her head to clear away any positive thoughts she might have about the diapers. She couldn’t allow herself to accept they were needed. They were for babies and that was something she absolutely was not. This was all just a blip and soon she would be back to normal and could forget this whole episode.

It was just as Amelia came walking back into the living room with a tray that Emily felt her tummy rumble. She knew from past experience what that meant and as impressed as she was with the diaper’s ability to soak up her accidents, she had no intention of pooping herself… again.

“Did you find some-… Emily? Where are you going?” Amelia asked.

Emily had bolted up from the couch and was running to the stairs. She could feel the familiar increase of pressure on her bowels, sand was falling through the invisible hourglass counting down to when she couldn’t hold on anymore. She made a beeline for the bathroom and pulled off her pants before she even reached the door. She waddled inside with the heavy diaper beneath her swaying forwards and backwards with each step.

Emily whimpered as she felt her sphincter tremble. She pawed at the Velcro tapes until she could pull her diaper down to her knees. She dropped back on to the toilet just in time, before her butt had even touched the seat she could hear splashing below. Emily let out a sigh of relief. It had been a close call but she had made it.

Once Emily was finished, she cleaned up and then looked down at the diaper. She could see the yellow insides of the padding where she had so thoroughly wet it. Her first thought was to take it off and get a new one, or perhaps even one of the pull-ups in defiance of her wife.

Emily was still thinking about it when she heard footsteps coming upstairs. There was no time, she couldn’t let Amelia see the embarrassing state of her diaper. Emily thought that had wife already had lost so much respect for her since the accidents started, if Amelia saw how wet she was she didn’t think the situation would be recoverable, her wife would never see her as a normal grown-up adult again.

“Emily?” Amelia called as she climbed, “Is everything OK?”

Emily pulled the diaper back up and over her hips. She quickly taped it closed and shuddered, after being exposed to the air the padding inside had cooled dramatically, instead of being warm and comfortable it felt cold and gross. She quickly retrieved her pants and had just finished pulling them up when Amelia emerged at the top of the stairs.

“Sorry. Needed the bathroom.” Emily quickly said. Her face was red and she could feel herself panting slightly from the quick movements.

“OK.” Amelia replied with a smile. She glanced down at Emily’s waist before walking into the bathroom herself.

Emily looked down and saw the waistband of the disposable poking up and out from her pants. She pursed her lips and pulled her pants a little higher to try and hide it. Still, despite the embarrassment, she felt a sense of victory. She’d made it to the toilet and managed to avoid embarrassing herself.

“Emily, honey, next time you use the toilet try to remember to flush…” Amelia called out from the bathroom.

Emily closed her eyes as her shoulders slumped. As Amelia flushed the toilet herself Emily waddled back downstairs and into the living room where her lunch was waiting. She noticed that she hadn’t done nearly as good of a job on taping the diaper up as her wife. The tapes were crooked, the padding felt loose and lopsided. Amelia came down shortly afterwards and they watched television together, it almost felt like a normal everyday situation.

“I need to log on to my work computer and do a few things.” Amelia said after checking her phone for the time, “Will you be alright on your own?”

“Of course.” Emily replied with exasperation. She hated how much it felt like her wife was treating her like a kid these days.

Amelia left the room and headed upstairs to her office. Emily stretched out on the couch and laid down. The morning had been particularly stressful for her, she was still annoyed about therapy and as she closed her eyes, she felt like she had earned herself a nap. She let out a yawn as she rolled over to face away from the television.

Emily had no idea how long she had been lying there. It felt like one second, she was facing the back of the couch and drifting into dreamland and the next she herd Amelia exclaiming and waking her with a start.

“Again!? On the couch too!?” Amelia’s raised voice said.

Emily didn’t need to open her eyes to know what the problem was. She could feel it. The cold dampness over her thigh and the uncomfortable wet patch underneath her, a patch apparently so big and obvious that even Amelia could see it. Her eyes shot open but she didn’t move. She was frozen. Surely it hadn’t happened again. Emily desperately wanted this to be a nightmare because waking up after being found wetting herself in her sleep twice in a day was beyond embarrassing.

Whilst still trying to work out what she should do Emily felt a hand go roughly between her legs. She gasped as Amelia heavily pressed the diaper against her skin, like a sponge it felt like more urine was pressed out of it.

“Stand up.” Amelia ordered as she removed her now wet hand.

Emily didn’t know what to say or do so she slowly complied. As she got up off the couch, she could see that this wasn’t a small leak, it looked like one whole cushion was stained. She felt her face going red with shame. As much as the diaper could hold, she’d still managed to push it too far.

“I… I don’t know what happened…” Emily said with a voice choked with shame.

“You appear to be showing me you can’t be trusted to take care of your own diapers.” Amelia replied. She didn’t sound angry as much as she was exasperated.

“That’s not true!” Emily realised her position was weak but it wouldn’t stop her arguing, “It was just an accident!”

“Just an accident...” Amelia shook her head as she looked at the cushion and saw just how much damage had been done, “And how many accidents has it been now? How many mattresses and cushions am I going to have to throw out?”

Emily cringed. She felt like a little girl who had let her mother down. It didn’t feel like her fault, it wasn’t like she was doing this on purpose after all. She could feel tears filling her eyes but she begged herself not to start crying like an overgrown baby. When Amelia looked away from Emily and closer at the couch the leaking woman took the opportunity to wipe her eyes.

“Right, take your pants off.” Amelia ordered brusquely.

“I, erm… Right here?” Emily asked.

“Yes, I’m not having you traipsing through the house dripping everywhere!” Amelia said with a deep breath.

“But I…” Emily started trying to think of an excuse to save a little of her dignity but it was too late for that.

Amelia reached down and pulled on Emily’s wet pants. Emily just closed her eyes, she felt so embarrassed steam must’ve been coming from her ears. She didn’t dare look at Amelia who must’ve been expecting the damage. When she felt a hand cupping the bottom of the soaked diaper to feel the weight she wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

“Oh my god.” Amelia said. She sounded almost breathless, “This thing is utterly soaked!”

Emily whimpered. She wasn’t wrong but hearing it said out loud made it feel a lot worse. The worst part was that it wasn’t like with the pull-ups where she had chosen to rush to the bathroom. This time she hadn’t had a choice. Her accidents had happened when she couldn’t reach a toilet on time. She had soaked her diaper like a baby because she couldn’t hold back the flood.

“And why are the tapes like that?” Amelia asked, “The whole thing is loose. I didn’t put it on you like that.”

“I… I…” Emily’s lip trembled. She had held back the tears to save her dignity but now that her diaper was being so critically examined that dignity had flown out the window, “I took it off to use the toilet…”

“And THIS is how you put it back on?” Amelia sounded almost amused, “Not only have you drenched your diaper but you’ve left it so loose no wonder it leaked.”

Emily usually reacted to embarrassment by going on the offensive but this incident seemed to have broken her. She just wanted to be out of this uncomfortable and heavy diaper. There was no way she could try and claim this was someone else’s fault no matter how much she might want to.

“Right, step out of your pants and take that diaper off.” Amelia said as she stood up straight again, “And go get showered. I think from now on it would be best if you don’t touch your diapers.”


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End Chapter 12

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 2, 2025


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