by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: Amelia goes to meet her friend and reminisce on the past whilst things continue to get stranger for Emily back at home. Emily finds herself feeling exasperated as her situation gets worse.
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“Amelia, how are you?” Catherine stood up and welcomed her old friend with a hug as Amelia walked into the café.
“Oh, you know… Same old, same old.” Amelia replied as she sat down opposite the therapist, “How about you?”
“Rushed off my feet.” Catherine said, “One of the other therapists quit and I’ve been picking up extra patients.”
The café was relatively small at the end of the high street in town. As Amelia glanced over Catherine’s shoulder, she saw the pharmacy she had visited several times now. It felt somewhat fitting that she was meeting Catherine here with the spectre of what she was doing to Emily hidden behind her.
Amelia ordered a coffee and a donut whilst Catherine continued to sip her own drink. It was a strange situation for Amelia. On the one hand she really wanted to talk to her best friend and former lover about what she was doing but on the other she was certain the therapist wouldn’t like it. So as Catherine vented about her work Amelia played the good friend and smiled and nodded in all the right places.
“But how about you?” Catherine asked eventually, “How are things at home?”
“Oh, things are… fine.” Amelia replied.
“Really?” Catherine asked with a raised eyebrow.
Catherine always assured Amelia that she didn’t analyse her friends and that she could turn off therapist mode when not in the office but Amelia wasn’t so sure. She got the distinct impression that Catherine knew something was up. Amelia hid any potential signs of guilt behind her coffee cup as she drank some more.
“Yeah, things have been going alright.” Amelia said as she lowered the cup.
“Well, I have to say I’m relieved.” Catherine let out a deep breath and seemed to relax a little bit. Amelia hadn’t even noticed she had been tense, “I have to admit to worrying over… well, what you said to me in the office.”
“Yeah, well, I was just throwing ideas out there.” Amelia replied. It didn’t feel good to be lying to her old friend but it was necessary for the time being, at least.
“I have to admit though… What you said did get me thinking about the old days.” Catherine was looking down at her drink but Amelia could see her cheeks turning rosy, “Back when we, well… you know…”
“Oh yeah?” Amelia replied with a smile.
“Do you remember that time we brought those two guys home?” Catherine asked as a naughty grin appeared on her face.
Seven Years Previously…
It had been a wild night. Amelia and Catherine spent their Saturday nights at a club on campus. It wasn’t unknown for them to bring guys or girls home but usually that meant the other one would make themselves scarce or at least know not to walk in on the other. That night was different though, they had met two hot guys who were friends and had hit it off really well.
The two men were on the football team but didn’t seem to have the ego that usually turned Amelia off. If anything they seemed quite shy, though as the drinks flowed, they had both opened up considerably. Eventually they paired off to dance where Amelia got very hot and sweaty with her partner. After just a few songs they were very close together and by the time Amelia was ready to leave they were essentially grinding together on the floor.
“Wanna come back to mine?” Amelia asked in a short lull between songs.
“Hell yeah, baby.” The man had replied. He had no way to know just how exciting that particular term of endearment was for Amelia.
Amelia had started leading the man from the dancefloor. She wanted to be home as soon as possible for a night of passion and impatiently tugged him towards the exit. Leaning against the wall by the door Catherine had the other man’s tongue deep in her mouth and she was reaching around to grab at his ass.
“You two are getting on well then.” Amelia giggled. She wasn’t completely wasted but she knew she was at least a little drunk.
“Yeah, we were actually about to head back.” Catherine said as she pulled herself away from her man. Amelia saw the two males smiling toothily at each other. They probably couldn’t believe their luck.
“We were just doing the same.” Amelia said. Then a second later a thought hit her like a ton of bricks, “Wait a minute…”
Fifteen minutes later all four people were back at the apartment and they wasted no time getting down to business. Clothes were strewn all over the floor between the entrance and the bedroom door. They practically fell through the door as they hugged, touched and kissed and kissed each other. The men seemed to react even more when Amelia and Catherine started kissing each other.
Amelia had been drunk but she remembered that night very well. There were a lot of highlights but Amelia particularly remembered being on her knees next to Catherine who was similarly topless and waiting. The two men stood in front of them and they immediately got to work with their mouths. Blowjobs were never Amelia’s favourite things in the world but looking to the side with a mouth full of cock and seeing Catherine likewise pleasuring a man made her feel so horny.
There were all sorts of shenanigans that night. They all swapped partners with each other often, with the one exception being the two guys refusing to do anything with each other directly. A situation that led Amelia to jokingly refer to them both as prudes.
All four of them orgasmed multiple times over that evening of debauchery. It was a situation where nothing outside of the dorm room existed and all of them were reduced to chasing their most base desires. It felt like nearly nothing was off the table, a free-for-all of sexual ideas that everyone was only too willing to try out.
The night ended as the sun came up, with Amelia and Catherine kissing whilst the men finished inside them one more time. They ended up naked and cuddled together on the covers as they fell asleep that night. Amelia and Catherine in each other’s arms with two men spooning them.
Present day…
Amelia and Catherine had a great time reminiscing about the past. The subject of Emily didn’t come back up and Amelia was happy about that. She hated lying to Catherine but there was no way her friend was ready to hear the truth either. The lunch went well and they ended up sitting there for a couple of hours laughing and talking.
By the time the two women had paid their bills and gone their separate ways the sun had started to set. What had started as a lunch meeting had grown into taking up a lot of the afternoon. Amelia and Catherine both promised to meet up again soon before hugging. As Catherine started walking down the street back towards her car Amelia stayed in front of the café watching her go. Every time the slowly shrinking Catherine turned around Amelia simply waved.
“Right…” Amelia said when Catherine’s distant form turned the corner of the high street.
Amelia looked across the street at the pharmacy and then hurriedly crossed when there was a small break in the traffic. She pushed through the doors and immediately started walking towards the aisle for stomach remedies. She knew exactly what she was looking for as she walked past various remedies for indigestion and heartburn.
In front of Amelia was a vast array of laxatives, stool softeners and fibre supplements. Amelia scanned the various small boxes and briefly wondered what to get before deciding that the easiest answer was to simply get a bit of everything. She picked up half a dozen boxes of medicine and carried them to the checkout where an older woman looked down in mild surprise.
“Normally just one of these would work…” The woman said, “Are you sure you want all of them?”
“Yes, thank you.” Amelia replied easily.
Amelia had to smile a little bit. This old woman must’ve thought she was the most constipated person in the world to be buying everything she had brought to the checkout. Little did the woman scanning the barcodes know that Amelia had no plans to use them to relieve constipation. It was simply to initiate the next phase of her plan.
“Have you been practicing the calming techniques we’ve been going over?” Catherine asked in her soft but authoritative voice that was always saved for her work.
“Yeah, but it hasn’t been helping.” Emily replied rather moodily.
Emily had been anxious when turning up for this appointment. It was the first time she had gone to therapy whilst wearing a pull-up and was very self-conscious about it. Catherine, however, showed no signs of noticing anything was different which had allowed Emily to relax a little bit.
“Why do you think that is?” Catherine asked.
“I don’t know.” Emily shrugged. Her legs were crossed and her arms folded across her chest, “It just feels like my anxiety is a tidal wave and doing some deep breathing is like a person on a beach watching it coming and just shouting at it. It’s just not enough.”
“It does take a lot of practice.” Catherine pursed her lips in a sympathetic smile, “But it is designed to calm you down when that irrational anxiety is taking over so your rational mind can take control again.”
Emily just shrugged. In truth, as much as she liked Catherine personally, she was still under the impression that she couldn’t be helped all that much. There was a part of her that was actually resistant to potentially getting better. Right now, her anxiety provided her with an excuse to stay at home all the time. It was certainly debilitating at times and she didn’t doubt her life would be better without it but it was also scary. What she had now, she knew. It felt like getting better would mean she would have to push out her boundaries and take risks. It was a very scary prospect!
Just as Catherine seemed like she about to say something else Emily felt a twinge in her bladder. She jumped up quickly.
“I’ll be right back.” Emily said quickly as she hurried for the door.
Fortunately for Emily the bathrooms weren’t far away and even with her limited control she was able to get there on time. She sat down on the toilet just before the stream started. As she peed, she tried to clench her muscles a little to stop the flow but could only seem to hold it for a couple of seconds before it started dribbling out anyway.
Emily finished up and returned to Catherine’s office. When she sat back down, she immediately closed her body off by essentially hugging herself. The therapist was regarding her in a curious way, as if trying to work out how to word what she wanted to say. Eventually Emily got impatient.
“What?” Emily asked.
“I was just thinking…” Catherine said before pausing, “How is the problem you mentioned last time going?”
“Fine.” Emily answered defensively. Trying to pretend everything was normal when she had just practically run to the bathroom was a stretch.
“Are you sure?” Catherine asked.
It was Emily’s turn to pause. She could feel her face going red. Before arriving, Emily had really hoped the incontinence issue wasn’t going to be brought up, she had no idea what she should say. She didn’t really fancy telling Catherine that it seemed to be getting worse, that she was wetting herself often and had been reduced to wearing thin protection at all times.
“Yes.” Emily finally said, “Its fine.”
“OK.” Catherine nodded her head. Emily didn’t think she was being believed.
As Catherine continued with the session Emily rocked slightly back and forth. She hoped it wasn’t noticeable, but she could feel dampness in the padding of the pull-up from a small leak. She had no idea when it had happened.
Emily sat on the couch with her feet up on the table in front of her. She was playing video games as was usual for her. Amelia had gone out for lunch with a friend which meant Emily was free to do whatever she wanted, not that what she was doing then was all that different to what she would usually be doing if her wife was around.
Emily had been sat on the couch for a few hours and had been snacking as usual. It was inevitable that she would, sooner or later, feel the now familiar sudden urge to urinate. She didn’t move. In fact, all she did was spread her legs slightly wider and if anyone had been sitting where the television was, they would have very clearly seen up her short skirt to the padded pull-up she was wearing.
Emily didn’t try to hold back like she normally did when she scrambled for the bathroom. She relaxed herself and almost immediately her bladder started voiding. She could feel the heat of her bladder’s contents rapidly moving down and out to warm the padding, the wet patch quickly spreading down over her butt as the material absorbed it all. She shivered slightly as the padding expanded between her legs. She hadn’t even paused her game.
It was something that had started happening more and more. Emily knew her pull-ups could take a wetting or two from accidents, it meant having to sprint for the toilet wasn’t always necessary. It wasn’t long after this revelation that Emily’s innate laziness took over. Sometimes she didn’t want to have to stop what she was doing and run away.
As Emily’s “accident” trickled to a stop she heard the front door open as Amelia came home. She closed her legs as much as she was able in the now wet pull-up. The warm padding pressed into the skin of her inner thighs as she continued to play her games. She felt the liquid trickling around inside the pull-up but it was managing to do its job.
“Hello.” Amelia called into the living room as she went towards the kitchen.
“Hey.” Emily grunted in response, “Could you bring me in a drink?”
“Sure.” Amelia called through.
Emily leaned back on the couch. This was far from the first pull-up she had intentionally wet, it had become somewhat of a regular occurrence for her. It was just so much more convenient to use her disposable underwear, she always made sure to get changed before she leaked and no one was any the wiser. Nobody had to know she was getting used to the feeling of wet padding or that she was not trying to get to the toilet quite as hard as she used to. That she found it easier to be lazy than running up and down the stairs so often.
Emily barely registered when Amelia walked into the living room. She was concentrating on her game, it didn’t let her save very often and she was battling a particularly tough boss that had been making her rage for most of the day, a few times she had only narrowly avoided throwing her controller across the room. This was the furthest she had got though, the boss’s health bar was flashing red and it would only need a couple more hits…
“Did you take out the-…” Amelia started.
“Shush!” Emily quickly interrupted, “I’m trying to concentrate.”
“I’m just asking…” Amelia said as she placed a drink on the table.
“Shut up!” Emily replied like a moody teenager. She was so close now. The health bar was practically completely gone.
Emily was barely blinking as she saw the boss start launching a heavy attack that she needed to dodge to survive. She was waiting for the correct timing; the victory was so close she could practically taste it. Just as she was about to press the button to dodge-roll she suddenly saw Amelia lean over next to her.
“What are you…” Emily gasped.
Emily’s character on screen was hit by the boss’s massive axe and the little avatar was cleaved in two. Normally that would be enough to cause her to rage but she very distracted as her wife’s hand had sneaked up underneath the bottom of her skirt and was now pressing against the warm and spongy padding.
Emily froze in place with her eyes wide open as Amelia first prodded the pull-up and then cupped her hand over the very warm padding. Emily’s face went a bright red. She couldn’t believe her wife had just done that!
“It seems you need a change.” Amelia stated.
It was enough to snap Emily out of her impression of a statue. She scooted back along the couch away from Amelia’s hand, the controller fell to the floor but Emily was already off the couch by the time it hit the ground. Emily saw her wife rubbing a couple of fingers against her thumb as if testing for wetness.
With a groan of humiliated defeat Emily ran out of the room and to the stairs. The recently wet padding rubbed against her as she took the stairs two at a time. She didn’t stop until she had reached the bedroom and closed the door behind her. If she had the things necessary, she would’ve nailed the door shut.
“Why didn’t I just go to the toilet?” Emily moaned as she slumped on to the bed.
Emily had only wanted to be lazy. She didn’t WANT to wet herself but she didn’t want to have to keep running to the bathroom at the slightest twitch from her bladder as if she was a barely continent toddler. However, having been caught in the wet pull-up she knew it would’ve been much better to just go to the toilet. She covered her face with her hands. At least Amelia hadn’t followed her upstairs.
Thinking about Amelia made Emily moan with fresh shame. What could her wife possibly think of her? Emily must’ve looked so utterly pitiful and useless. For several minutes all Emily could think about was how pathetic Amelia must think she was. Emily figuratively kicked herself. She felt like such a… she froze. A word threatened to the front of her brain but she quickly shut it down before it shut her down. It was a word that held incredible power over her, a word that not even Amelia or Catherine knew the power of. There was trauma associated with the word, a trauma she didn’t want to confront.
B-u-r-d-e-n. Even spelling it out in her head left her legs shaking and on the verge of tears. She shook her head and pushed the word and everything it meant into a box that she kept locked and hidden in the back of her mind.
After a little while Emily realised she would have to change her pull-up. Sooner or later, she would need to pee again and she didn’t know if the pull-up could take anymore. Emily stood up and pulled down her skirt. Her thumbs hooked under the waistband of the pull-up and started lowering it down her legs. Almost as soon as the padding left her crotch the smell of the fresh urine bloomed all around her. Emily turned her nose away in disgust.
Stepping out of the pull-up Emily looked down at it sitting on the floor. She could see the yellowed padding and even some moistness that hadn’t yet been absorbed. She quickly reached under the bed where she kept the packet of pull-ups and took a fresh one, she pulled it up and over her crotch without bothering to clean up after the last one. She didn’t seem much harm in it.
That was how things went for the next week or so. Emily continued to use her pull-up whenever she was too lazy to get up and run to the toilet. She didn’t think it was her fault, no one wants to have to keep hurrying to the bathroom all the time. Sometimes Emily had only just sat down after going to the bathroom just to feel like she needed to go again.
Along with the increased usage of her pull-ups came more checks from Amelia. At first it was only an occasional look up the skirt or quick hand on the padding at opportune times, Emily complained but her wife didn’t seem to take these complaints seriously. She guessed it was hard to take complaints seriously when just as often as not Emily was wet. After a few days Emily wasn’t even particularly embarrassed by it. She complained but not very much.
However, there were signs that her little problem was getting worse. Whilst running to the bathroom to pee had become almost the norm, she found that she was having trouble from the other side as well. Quite suddenly she would feel a strong need to poop that would have her scurrying for the toilet even more desperately than normal. Just like when the problems with her bladder started Emily went to the doctor, this time she did so without telling Amelia. The last thing she needed was her wife finding out things were getting worse.
“What do you mean there’s nothing wrong!?” Emily said with exasperation. She leaned forwards to put her head in her hands.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” The doctor replied, “We’ve done every test we can think of and ruled out any physical problems. You seem to be fit and healthy.”
It had been humiliating. Emily had to sneak out of the house, she chose a day Amelia was at work so it wasn’t too hard, and then submit herself to a barrage of tests whilst wearing her pull-up. The doctors already knew of her bladder issues from her previous trip but it was no less embarrassing to be seen in them even if she did everything she could to avoid being seen.
Emily was beyond frustrated. Despite all of the tests and inconveniences the doctors had been useless in finding an actual problem. Apparently, it was perfectly normal for a twenty-seven-year-old to suddenly lose control of her bladder and bowels. She did her best to keep it a secret from Amelia but wasn’t sure how successful she always was. The worst part was when she would go to change her pull-ups she would notice skid marks in the padding. She felt lost and unsure what to do.
It was a very warm day when things came to a head and the inevitable happened. Emily was lying on a lounger in the garden. Amelia was at work and Emily was doing her best to relax. With the tall fences and trees surrounding the backyard Emily felt safe enough to strip down to her pull-up. She let her generous breasts feel the warm air with just a pleasant breeze cooling things down a little. It was a shame she had to keep the pull-up on but she imagined Amelia would cry and moan at her if she left a wet patch on the chair. At least when she felt the sudden need to pee, she could go over to the bushes at the side of the yard rather than all the way up to the bathroom.
It was nice. Emily had her phone, some drinks and a magazine with her but right at that moment she was simply lying back with her eyes closed underneath her sunglasses. Amelia would be home soon and the hottest part of the day was over but Emily didn’t want to move, she felt so completely comfortable. So, when she felt the need to pass wind it didn’t seem like anything to worry about. She rolled her body to side slightly, pushed a little and…
“Oh no…” Emily gasped as the warm day suddenly seemed to turn ice cold, “No, no, no… Fuck!”
The rear of the pull-up had absorbed quite a bit of sweat as she sunbathed but this was an altogether different and much more disgusting feeling. A lumpy, sticky warmth covered the back of her underwear and caused it to stick to her skin. She sat up and felt it squelch underneath her, at the same time the smell confirmed the undeniable. She had crapped her pants, something she hadn’t done since she was a kid.
Emily was frozen to the spot. She covered her face with her hands as she felt little air bubbles in her waste tickle against her skin, every tiny movement causing more of her skin to feel the hot mud-like mush as it spread. She couldn’t believe that it had happened. One moment she was having a very relaxing afternoon and the next she was in this terrible state. She hadn’t felt like she needed to go!
“This can’t be happening.” Emily moaned as she covered her face.
It was just like her bladder. She had run to the bathroom plenty of times but an accident had seemed inevitable. Now she had soiled herself helplessly. It made wetting her pants feel positively pleasant in comparison. The smell was awful and Emily thought she might throw up, she had to get out of this pull-up and cleaned up as soon as possible with Amelia due home soon.
Emily lifted herself off the lounger and was heartened to see that, at the very least, the pull-up had kept containment. She winced as she started waddling towards the house. With every step she felt the poop acting as a foul lubricant causing the pull-up to slide against her. She kept her legs as wide apart as possible but she couldn’t stop the mess from spreading and the smell getting worse. She swore with every step.
As quickly as she could with her unusual gait Emily went into the house and up the stairs to the bathroom. She opened the window as wide as possible but it didn’t do much for the air in the room. Emily was so disgusted she thought she could even SEE the smell coming off her, as if what she had done had been bad enough to literally pollute the surrounding air. Turning on the shower Emily was faced with the unenviable task of having to take the pull-up off. There was no other way to do it than to just push on through.
“Oh… god.” Emily choked out as she turned her head away in disgust.
The pull-up was lowered between her legs and she could feel how heavy it was now. She tried not to look at what had happened inside but she couldn’t avoid it forever. Even worse was how much felt stuck to her skin. Little bits fell away from her but thankfully landed in the padding rather than on the floor. She nearly threw up as she tried to get through it all.
Emily stepped into the shower and watched as the crystal-clear water turned brown as it ran down her body. As the water washed her off some of the larger lumps refused to go down the drain on their own and Emily, to her disgust, had to use her foot to break it up. The whole ordeal took a lot longer than she would’ve liked. She had to soap herself up several times before she started feeling at all clean.
Knowing that time was ticking Emily got out of the shower and dried herself as fast as possible. She avoided the soiled pull-up on the floor for as long as possible but it couldn’t be left on the floor forever. She picked it up and watched it sag as she left the bathroom.
“Ew, ew, ew…” Emily said repeatedly under her breath as she went through to the kitchen and pulled out an old plastic shopping bag.
The pull-up was dropped in the bag and then Emily hurried out towards the front door. She skidded to a stop just before opening the door. In her haste she had been about to run outside whilst completely naked!
Dropping the bag by the door Emily ran upstairs and quickly put on whatever clothes were lying on the floor. She then went back down and took the bag outside. She felt very self-conscious as she walked towards the curb where the trash can was waiting, she tried to act as casually as possible. Her stinky trash in hand she nervously looked around as if expecting to be seen. She lifted the metal lid of the trash can just as a car pulled up nearby.
“Shit…” Emily muttered.
Emily quickly dropped the poopy diaper into the trash and put the lid down. She then turned with an exaggerated smile on her face to see Amelia stepping out of her car and closing the door. She looked very confused that Emily seemed to be doing a chore of her own free will.
“Hello… What’s going on out here?” Amelia asked.
“Just taking out some trash.” Emily replied. If Amelia tried to open the lid Emily was more than ready to jump and sit on it.
“That’s not like you.” Amelia laughed as she started walking towards the house.
Emily followed her wife with one last look over her shoulder to make sure the trash was hidden. She went back through the front door where Amelia was hanging up her jacket and taking her shoes off. Emily was still feeling on edge but seemed to have got through a potentially humiliating situation without anyone finding out.
“How have you been today?” Amelia asked.
“Not too bad. Just… Hey!” Emily jumped as she suddenly felt a hand pressing up between her legs.
Emily looked down to see Amelia’s hand groping her from behind, reaching up between her legs and cupping her genitals in her soft fingers. Emily automatically stayed in place as she was given a check of her pull-up… without wearing a pull-up.
“Why aren’t you wearing your padding?” Amelia asked as she withdrew her hand.
“I was going to, I just-…” Emily started.
“You were just playing more video games and not caring if you ruin the couch I suppose?” Amelia grabbed Emily’s wrist and started pulling her towards the stairs.
“It’s not like that!” Emily complained, “I can make it to the bathroom if I need to!”
“Then why is your pull-up wet more often than not when I check you?” Amelia asked accusingly.
Emily had no reply to that. She could either say she had accidents in her pull-ups or that she just couldn’t be bothered to get up to use the toilet sometimes. Neither of these options sounded good to her.
“Honestly, Emily, I’m just trying to help you.” Amelia said with a calmer tone, “You need to stop fighting me on this.”
Emily was led to the master bedroom but before she could bend down to get the packet of pull-ups out from under the bed Amelia was already doing so. Emily folded her arms across her chest and huffed as Amelia pulled out one of the pull-ups and opened it up.
“What?” Emily asked as she saw the way Amelia was holding it.
“I’m helping you. Come on.” Amelia said as she nodded towards Emily’s pants.
“I don’t need your help!” Emily exclaimed. She could feel embarrassment raising her temperature.
“And yet I come home to find you without a pull-up on…” Amelia replied, “This doesn’t have to be a big thing. Let’s just get this done and we can go downstairs and carry on with our days.”
Emily clenched her hands into fists but could see that Amelia wasn’t going to fold on this one. Compared to what might’ve happened if her wife had been home just five minutes earlier this seemed like a small thing to get hung up on. She took a deep breath before reaching up and hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her pants. A second later they were down by her ankles and she stepped out of them.
In the grand scheme of things this wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as it could have been. She put her hands on Amelia’s shoulders as she stepped forwards and felt the papery cuffs rubbing against her legs. The pull-up was raised up her legs until it was over her crotch.
“There we go.” Amelia said as she cupped the pull-up with her hand to check the fit, “All safe.”
“Thanks…” Emily muttered, “But I could’ve done it myself…”
“Of course.” Amelia said with a smile and sympathetic nod.
As Amelia left the room Emily sat down on the bed. She was too embarrassed to go back downstairs and wondered if this was how it always would be from now on. Would she need to constantly run to the bathroom for everything? Wetting herself was something she had got used to but pooping herself? That wasn’t something she could just hide. She bit her lip anxiously as she prayed that the accident she had just had was simply a one-off.
Unfortunately for Emily things didn’t improve. She didn’t full on poop her pants again but her pull-ups were frequently left with brown stains when she went to change them and they were nearly always wet. She had no idea if Amelia had noticed the recent escalation but she hoped not.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation