Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025

Chapter Description: Amelia is hosting a dinner party and Emily is nervous. Once it's finished Amelia takes the lead in the bedroom to give her wife a night to remember.

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Emily smoothed down her skirt for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon. Her hands passed over the padding underneath her dress, it still wasn’t something she was used to even though a few days had passed since she had first put one of them on. She had extra reason to be nervous that night though.

“Are you ready for dinner?” Amelia asked as she walked through the living room and looked out the window.

“Yes.” Emily responded before continuing in a quieter voice “As ready as I’ll ever be…”

Amelia looked stunning that evening in a long flowing red dress that really accentuated her curves. It was the sort of thing Emily wished she had the confidence to pull off. She certainly had the bust for it, her c-cup breasts rivalling her wife’s in size but she was a little out of shape and felt her tummy stuck out a little too much and her hips not enough. That was why she was dressed in a more conservative combo of a dark blouse and skirt.

“Good, David and Roxy will be here soon.” Amelia continued, “The food is nearly ready.”

This was the reason Emily was anxious. It wasn’t any old dinner; they were having but a little dinner party with a couple of Amelia’s friends. It was something they all did semi-regularly and Emily liked their guests but it was going to be the first time they had come over since her little problem started. To her embarrassment it had seemed to only get worse recently.

Emily was still having to run to the bathroom on a consistent basis with mixed success. She hadn’t failed to make it to the toilet but she had noticed an increasing amount of leakage in the pull-ups padding when she pulled it down, the same way her panties often ended up damp or stained. Fortunately for her it seemed the disposable underwear was more than a match for this small amount of liquid.

“Oh, here they are!” Amelia said excitedly.

Emily stood up but instead of going over to her wife she walked quickly up the stairs. She didn’t really feel the need to use the bathroom but she thought it would be prudent to visit the little girl’s room before dinner just in case. As she sat on the toilet, she was actually heartened to see that her current pull-up was still bone dry. There was a small amount of urine to come out and as she flushed, she heard Amelia greeting their guests.

Emily pulled her underwear back up under her skirt and took a moment to compose herself before heading downstairs. She found Amelia and her friends in the living room. David was a cheerful guy with a laugh that could be heard anywhere else in the house, his brown hair had grown out a bit since the last time Emily had seen him and hung past his ears. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and tan pants. Next to him on the couch was Roxy who was about Emily’s height but very thin, she was in a flowery blouse and a long skirt that went down to her ankles whereas Emily’s stopped at the knee.

“Emily!” David said as she walked in, “So great to see you again, have you been well?”

“I’ve been great.” Emily lied with a smile as she sat in an armchair on the other side of the room, “How have you two been?”

Whilst David and Roxy were telling Emily about a recent weekend getaway they had been on Amelia walked in with a tray of drinks. It was placed on the table in the centre of the room and everyone leaned forwards to take them. Emily sipped at hers and tasted that same weird flavour in her juice. She had to remember to tell Amelia to go back to buying the other kind when she got a chance.

“Dinner will be ready soon.” Amelia said as she took a seat.

The conversation was friendly and David was a very funny guy with plenty of anecdotes. Emily always found it interesting to listen to him and slowly her nerves dissipated as she settled down. The only interruption to the conversation was when Amelia would leave the room to check on the food at occasional intervals.

When it was time to more to the dining table Emily was the last out of the room and instead of following everyone else straight through, she went upstairs instead. She went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet without feeling much need to go but still produced some urine. She was determined to keep herself as empty as possible.

Back downstairs Emily took her seat next to Amelia. The food had been served but everyone had been waiting rather courteously for her to join them before starting. She sat down and after a few words and a toast to Amelia for organising and preparing everything they started eating.

The food was delicious. Amelia had really pulled all the stops out and she was making sure everyone was drinking enough to be “merry” as well. The fruit juice and coffee that had been served soon turned to wine which only served to relax the room even more. Emily found herself laughing along with the conversation though it was Amelia and David that did most of the talking.

It was after they had all finished their food and they were relaxing with their drinks that disaster struck. Emily was leaning back in her chair feeling particularly happy as she listened to David telling a story about a recent trip to the golf course and a bet he had made with his friend. As he delivered the punchline Emily started howling with laughter along with everyone else. However, as she leant forwards over the table she suddenly stopped even as everyone else continued.

Emily had frozen in place staring down at the dinner table just below her. As soon as she had started laughing, she had seemingly lost complete control of her body and, to her horror, she was wetting herself. She tried to clamp down but she couldn’t stem the flow as the pull-up absorbed her leakage as quickly as it could. Unfortunately, it was meant for little dribbles, not the full wetting Emily was currently giving it, and it was only a few seconds until she felt the warm liquid tickling her skin roughly where the papery leak guards were. It was as if a red alert alarm was going on in Emily’s head.

She was still wetting herself and the pull-up couldn’t possibly hold. She waited with bated breath until she felt the feeling of warm urine on the bottom of her thighs and the chair. Everyone had stopped laughing now and were looking towards Emily who had gone as still and silent as a statue.

“Emily? Are you alright?” Roxy asked.

Emily looked around at the concerned faces. Without a second thought she got up and dashed out of the room. She could feel liquid running down her legs and on to the floor, soaking into her clothes and dripping from the bottom of the saturated pull-up. She whimpered as she ran upstairs to hide and hoped no one had noticed what she had done.

What Emily didn’t know was that as soon as she charged out of the room Amelia looked down at the seat she had been sitting in. There was a large and very obvious puddle that had been left behind. She smiled as she pushed the seat in to hide it from their guests.

Emily went straight up to the bathroom. She had finally finished peeing but everything felt drenched, the alcohol had gone right through her. She lifted up her skirt and had to choke back a sob as she saw how swollen the pull-up had become and the obvious streaks of wetness running down her legs. As she started to cry, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and felt the padding underneath squelch causing more liquid to run out of it.

It took several minutes for her to get her wits back enough to get undressed and pull down the sodden disposable underwear. It hit the ground with a wet thump and Emily stepped into the shower.

Emily stayed under the water until it started running cold. It still didn’t feel like it was long enough. She dried herself off and walked down the landing to her bedroom. At first, she considered getting dressed and heading back downstairs but she thought she heard that their guests were still there and she didn’t want to risk that they might have noticed what she had done. It was safer to hide in the bedroom and hope Amelia could make excuses for her.

Emily covered her pillow with a towel and laid down on the bed with a sigh. She couldn’t believe how much she was embarrassing herself recently, she was sure Amelia would be very cross for embarrassing her in front of her friends.

Hours seemed to pass and Emily remained on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Finally, she heard the front door open and faint voices wishing each other goodbyes. When the door closed, she heard footsteps coming up and braced herself. Amelia had every right to be angry with her. She had ruined her night.

The bedroom door opened slowly and carefully and Amelia walked in. Instead of the look of anger Emily expected her wife just looked concerned. She didn’t hesitate to walk around to her side of the bed and then scoot across to wrap Emily in her arms.

“I’m sorry…” Emily said quietly, “I don’t know what happened.”

“It’s OK.” Amelia replied as she stroked Emily’s hair.

“Did… Did they notice anything?” Emily asked. How could they have missed it?

Amelia didn’t reply and just continued cuddling her. Emily took the silence as conformation that their guests had seen her embarrass herself. She curled up a little tighter. As Amelia pressed closer Emily felt her wife’s large breasts pressing against her back. As comforting as the intimacy was it was also producing other reactions in her body.

Emily felt a little tingling in the area between her legs. She didn’t know if something she did gave that away or if Amelia just knew her very well but she felt her wife’s hand, which had been holding her just under her breasts, starting to slide down the smooth skin of Emily’s belly to her crotch. It wasn’t long until her hand brushed the ultra-sensitive head of her penis.

“At least I can still have this effect on you.” Amelia whispered quietly into Emily’s ear.

Emily hadn’t been in the mood for anything sexual but the moment she felt Amelia touching her she found she was changing her mind. It wasn’t long until Amelia’s fingers were gently wrapped around Emily’s shaft and eliciting small moans from her.

“Why would you want to do this?” Emily asked quietly, “After I embarrassed you earlier.”

“Because I love you.” Amelia replied, “And I want to make you feel better.”

Emily was blushing deeply but her defences were quickly being worn down by her wife’s expert hands. Gradually she started to uncurl from her ball allowing Amelia better and easier access. Normally when it came to sex it was very much a case of Amelia lying back and Emily on top doing the minimum of work to finish and then rolling over to sleep. Emily started to get up but Amelia held her tighter.

“Not this time.” Amelia said, “I’m taking the lead on this one.”

“Huh?” Emily muttered.

Emily felt Amelia finally let go of her and scoot back. As she did so she took hold of Emily’s shoulder and rolled her on to her back. Emily wasn’t used to it but laid flat on her back her penis stuck up into the air as her breasts flattened slightly. Amelia laid on one side propped up by an elbow as she ran her hand over Emily’s belly and back to her dick.

“Why don’t you tell me how to make you feel better?” Amelia suggested in a slightly deeper voice.

“Please…” Emily said as she lifted her head and watched Amelia’s hand.

Amelia giggled as her hand slowly rubbed up and down. This was uncharted waters for Emily who wasn’t at all used to doing this stuff. She felt frozen as Amelia took more and more control. When Emily was fully erect Amelia took her hand away and started undressing herself. Her breasts sprang free and as her panties came down Emily thought she could see some excitement already wetting her lips.

“This time you’re going to have to earn it.” Amelia said as a hand ran down her body. She bit her lip as a finger rubbed against the top of her slit.

“What do you… Oh!” Emily exclaimed as Amelia swung a leg over Emily’s head so that her pussy was just above her face.

“If you do a good job I’ll return the favour.” Amelia said huskily.

Emily was looking straight up at her wife’s nether regions. She barely had time to see just how wet Amelia was when the practically dripping vagina was lowered towards her face. Emily had eaten her wife out in the past but only a couple of occasions and certainly not recently. Now Amelia was basically sitting on her face.

Emily’s head was completely enclosed. Beneath her was the mattress, either side was Amelia’s legs with her knees by the prone woman’s shoulders. Finally, and most pertinently, Amber’s face was now pressed against Amelia’s crotch. Her senses were overwhelmed by the womanhood that now rubbed on her face. It took her a few moments to even realise what Amelia wanted.

Emily hesitantly opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. It almost immediately came into contact with Amelia’s vagina and somewhere above her Emily heard her wife let out a sudden moan. She really didn’t feel confident with what she was doing, she was so unused to not being the one in control of their admittedly vanilla love making, but she tried to react to Amelia’s noises of pleasure to give her more of what she wanted.

“You’re being so good.” Amelia’s voice came from somewhere up above. It was barely audible thanks to the thighs pressing against the sides of Emily’s head, “Maybe you should get a little reward.”

Emily was still working her tongue into her wife’s folds and focusing on the bit at the top that Amelia really reacted to when it was played with. Amelia’s body shifted. Emily felt her wife’s soft hands moving down her body as she changed angle.

“Don’t stop.” Amelia warned.

Emily realised that as she was trying to work out what Amelia was doing, she had unconsciously stopped moving her already tired tongue. She quickly got back to work tasting all the juices that were leaking from her wife, licking them up greedily as she continued to work whilst pinned under Amelia’s body. When Emily felt something warm and wet suddenly touch her “princess parts” she jumped. As she grew used to the sensation, she realised Amelia was going down on her!

“Mmm!” Emily moaned in a slutty manner but her voice was muffled by the pussy that she was burying her face in.

Oral sex wasn’t something either of them took part in often. Sure, in the early years of their relationship it was more common but that was when it had all been new and exciting. Since then, it had all petered out. Their sex went from all night affairs of writhing bodies and making each other feel good to getting it over with as soon as possible as if it was just another chore to tick off a list.

Emily had forgotten what it felt like. To have a warm wet mouth enveloping her penis. To feel Amelia’s tongue flicking and darting over the most sensitive place in her body. She moaned into the slit she was trying to pleasure, her shock at the situation starting to be overcome by lust.

Soon the only sound in the room was of their sloppy making out with each other’s genitals. The occasional moan punctuated when one felt the other hit a particularly nice spot. Emily moaned and groaned underneath Amelia’s body, her face felt hot and sweaty though she knew she was covered in more liquids than just sweat. Her tongue was tired but she strained it even more to try and keep the lovemaking going.

Emily stumbled more than anything on to a technique that soon had Amelia writhing. Her wife’s hips bucked on her face slightly, pushing into Emily’s tongue in a clear demand for more. With a whimper Emily kept up the motion she had been doing as the crotch pushed into her face. She felt Amelia’s lips leave her own pleasure centre as she moaned. Emily’s dick twitched pleadingly and begged to be returned but Amelia was in control of everything, something that was both alien and yet highly erotic to Emily. She wasn’t in a position to complain as Amelia’s hands went to her tummy and she started humping against Emily’s face.

“Yes!” Amelia gasped, “Just like that! Don’t stop!”

Emily’s jaw ached, her tongue was tired and her nose was getting crushed as Amelia rubbed herself against her face but she did as she was told. She silently begged for Amelia to hurry up and cum before her nose was broken. Amelia whimpered and moaned as Emily increasingly felt like a toy being used for pleasure, her own crotch was now being totally ignored and was shrinking sadly despite the undeniable hotness of the situation.

Amelia’s body seemed to go through phases where it would tense up a little and she would stop moving forcing Emily to do the work. Then she would relax again and Emily just had to try and keep her tongue in place as Amelia moved herself backwards and forwards. For several minutes this continued until Emily thought she might eventually suffocate down there.

“Y-Yes!” Amelia cried out, “I’m cumming! Oh, baby, I’m cumming!”

Emily had been working towards this goal but it still felt surprising as it arrived. Amelia’s hips pushed down into Emily’s face and her body shook. For a few seconds it seemed like Amelia was right on the edge as Emily forced her exhausted tongue into one more heroic effort. Then, with a moan that would put porn stars to shame, Amelia’s body relaxed. Emily could feel the pussy rubbing on her face tense and relax slightly over and over again as Amelia let out all kinds of wanton noises and slumped down over Emily’s body.

It seemed like the orgasm went on for at least half a minute and by the end of it Amelia was panting on top of Emily. The trans-woman still had her wife’s pussy right above her face but was equally tired out. Her tongue was aching and she was grateful to be able to close her mouth, she did worry that other parts of her body had been forgotten about. Her cock twitched slightly as if begging for some attention.

Emily heard Amelia chuckle slightly though she wasn’t sure why. The next second she jumped as much as she could under her wife’s weight as a soft finger ran over her semi-hard length. Emily’s body immediately responded by pumping more blood down below.

“Don’t worry.” Amelia said. Her voice sounded a little gravelly after all the shouting she had just done, “I haven’t forgotten about you…”

A second later Amelia’s weight rolled off Emily who could see past her own breasts where her dick stood waiting impatiently. Amelia took her time to look over Emily’s whole body. Her hand went down to Emily’s penis and gently rubbed up along its length and over her belly before cupping one of her breasts.

“I love you.” Amelia said, “Everything I do, I do it for you.”

Emily nodded her head. She didn’t really understand what that second comment was getting at but she was happy to agree if it meant Amelia would start making her feel good again. After a few seconds Amelia got on to her knees and then swung her legs over Emily’s waist. Emily looked down the length of her body as her wife took hold of her cock and started to guide it to the entrance Emily had slickened up so thoroughly with her tongue.

As Amelia lowered herself on to Emily, they both let out a gasp of pleasure. Emily arched her back and bit her lip, the anticipation of this had nearly made her lose control as soon as she felt Amelia’s warmth enveloping her.

Amelia started to slowly grind on Emily as she leaned forwards causing her breasts to sway slightly. Emily looked up into Amelia’s eyes with adoration. She was partly enthralled by her wife’s sexy look and shimmering body and partly trying desperately not to cum immediately. Having been only used to a quick bit of missionary all the foreplay had got her very excited, she simply wasn’t used to it.

“I think I’m…” Emily started to say as Amelia pressed down until she had bottomed out.

“No you don’t.” Amelia replied in a husky voice. She had stopped moving, “Not until I say you can.”

Emily moaned but tried to hold back. She hadn’t seen this side of Amelia in years, a side where Amelia was assertive in bed and ready to get what she wanted. Inside her vagina Emily could feel her dick twitching and wondering why it wasn’t being allowed to fulfil its goal. She had gritted her teeth as he body waited on the precipice, everything twitching and ready to give out.

Amelia continued to ride Emily agonisingly slowly. Emily was focused almost entirely on trying not to orgasm, a task made even harder when Amelia’s hands moved from the bed to Emily’s chest and caressed the orbs of flesh that a strict regime of hormone therapy had gifted to her. Emily felt her nipples harden and stick out as if feeling jealous of her cock and wanting more attention as well.

“Amelia…” Emily gasped. She was so close to the edge that her legs were shaking and a thin sheen of sweat was on her brow, “Please…”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Amelia said with a big smile.

Suddenly Amelia went from slow and deep lunges to a much faster pace. Emily’s cock jack knifed in and out of Amelia’s body as her wife practically bounced up and down on her lap. Emily threw her head back and gasped. The orgasm she had been on the edge of was now barrelling towards her unstoppably. She’d lasted a laughably short amount of time but that didn’t feel like it mattered as she got closer and closer to bliss.

“I’m gonna cum!” Emily shouted.

“Go on, baby.” Amelia panted without slowing down.

Emily felt herself reaching climax and held her breath. All of her muscles tensed up and for a couple of seconds she was left on that plateau. Then with a deep grunt Emily came inside Amelia’s pussy. She clutched the bedsheets either side of her as she felt herself spurting deep into her wife who was finally slowing down.

By the time Emily had fully relaxed she felt like she had just emptied everything into Amelia. After a few seconds Amelia slowly raised herself off the still-erect prick and looked down to see a small globule of sticky white liquid drip down from her opening on to her thigh. She quickly excused herself to the bathroom as Emily laid in bed trying to recover from the most powerful climax she could ever remember.

Emily was still recovering when Amelia came back into the bedroom. Unlike the previous night she made sure that Emily put on a pull-up to protect the bed. As embarrassing as it was Emily didn’t complain. After the climax she had just experienced she didn’t have the energy, she just accepted it and slipped under the covers quickly falling into a deep sleep.

There was no way for Emily to know that the pull-up wouldn’t be enough and the dose of medication given to her by Amelia had gone up. There was no way to know that her bladder wasn’t going to take the strain as urine dripped into it. There was no way to know that the pull-up, not made for major accidents, would fail and flood the bed yet again.


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End Chapter 7

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025


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