by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: The changes feel like they're coming thick and fast for Emily. She still isn't used to the diapers but the two most important women in her life seemed to be increasingly acting as if they were normal. A little accident (of a different kind) means even more changes before Emily goes up to her room and discovers something much bigger going on...
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Despite everything Emily managed to relax a little bit. In front of the television and being a couch potato she was back in her element. She had put her feet up on the table and was getting lost in one of her favourite day time soap operas. It was just nice to not have her attention entirely on her diaper for once.
Emily was almost half-asleep as she watched the TV. She was very deliberately trying to turn her brain off and it was working. She had just closed her eyes with thoughts of a small nap and was slipping into unconsciousness when the doorbell loudly rang. Emily jumped back to full consciousness. Her legs came off the table in front of her and as they did so her foot caught the glass and knocked it over. In slow motion Emily saw her juice spilling, mostly onto the table but also on to the carpet underneath.
“Shit!” Emily exclaimed.
“I’ll get it.” Amelia called as she walked down the stairs. She seemingly didn’t hear Emily.
It was another delivery and as Amelia dealt with it Emily was scrambling to pull tissues from a box on the table to try and mop up the spill. She really didn’t want Amelia to see her clumsy accident but as Amelia walked in with a large box in her hands, she was met by the sight of Emily’s big, padded rear in the air and half a box of tissues soaking up liquid.
“Oh dear.” Amelia sighed.
“I’m… I’m sorry!” Emily quickly said. The word sounded alien, she never used to apologise for things, “It was an accident.”
“Well, we’re getting used to those from you.” Amelia replied, “Clean it up. I’ll take this delivery upstairs and then get you another drink. Thankfully I’ve got just the thing.”
Emily didn’t know what her wife meant but was grateful not to be punished. She continued to do her best to clean up but it was obvious the juice was going to stain the carpet. She heard Amelia go upstairs and then a couple of minutes later she came back down and walked straight through to the kitchen.
“Maybe this would be better for now.” Amelia said as she walked over to the couch and placed a sippy cup on the table.
Emily stopped dabbing at the stain as her eyes went wide with shock. The cup was bigger than the usual ones for toddlers, it was a bright pink with a slightly different shade of the same colour for the lid. A little spout rose up with three little holes to drink through. The cup had two handles, on opposite sides, which were clearly meant for ease of holding for those who might have issues holding things otherwise.
“W-What is this!?” Emily stuttered dumbly. She knew what it was, her brain was just struggling to process what she was looking at.
“Just an alternative cup.” Amelia said casually, “You should try it out.”
An “alternative cup”? Was Amelia being serious? She surely had to know what this cup was. As Emily stared at it the only sound in the room was the slow dripping of juice off the edge of the table and no to the mound of soaked tissues on the carpet.
“I’m not using that!” Emily exclaimed.
“Emily…” Amelia said with a threat of warning in her voice.
“No! This is too far!” Emily stood up and looked down at her wife who was sat on the couch, “The di-… The underwear I can understand but THIS is not normal. I’m not a baby!”
“No one is saying you’re a baby.” Amelia said with a shake of the head, “I just don’t want my carpet ruined.”
Amelia stood up as well and Emily found herself being cowed into submission a little. She wanted to be indignant and full of rage but with her wife’s imposing presence in front of her she was finding it hard to hold on to that righteous indignation she used to be so good at projecting.
“I’ve never spilt a drink before.” Emily pouted.
“That’s not true.” Amelia said, “Remember that coffee last year? You dropped it coming in here from the kitchen?”
“Well, yeah, but that seems like a normal amount to be dropping stuff!” Emily argued. She hated that she was getting flustered, she knew it meant she was losing, “Everybody drops drinks SOMETIMES.”
“I don’t.” Amelia said with a shrug.
Emily couldn’t tell if Amelia was gaslighting her or not. Surely everyone had accidents from time to time. She tried to think of an example of Amelia’s clumsiness but was drawing a bit of a blank. It couldn’t possibly be true that Amelia never spilt a drink or did something equally clumsy and yet Emily couldn’t think of any times she remembered it happening. She frowned.
“Look, I’m just thinking about the carpet and the couch.” Amelia said with a shrug.
Emily dropped down on to the couch again with her hands over her face. This didn’t feel like it could possibly be happening. What was happening in her life to cause everything to spiral out of control? Had she broken a mirror and not noticed? Maybe an army of black cats had crossed her path?
“It’s really not a big deal.” Amelia said.
Emily scoffed. Amelia was saying that a lot these days. The pull-ups weren’t big deal and then the diapers weren’t either. Being moved into the spare bedroom was normal and now there was a changing table in there. Despite all of these things not being “big deals”, it certainly felt to Emily like every part of her life was being changed without her control over any of it.
“Just try it.” Amelia said.
Emily uncovered her eyes to look at the cup again. She couldn’t get over how much like a training cup for toddlers it looked. She wasn’t really going to do this, was she?
“Where did you even get it?” Emily asked quietly.
“That doesn’t matter.” Amelia batted away the question.
“Alright, WHY did you get it?” Emily continued.
“Look, Emily, I’m trying to be understanding here but as we’ve seen before you are not mature enough to take care of your problems.” Amelia placed a hand on Emily’s upper back but her voice was stern, “Which means someone else has to help you. You don’t have to make everything such a big disaster.”
It felt like a disaster to Emily’s self-confidence. She reached forward and picked up the cup via one of the handles. She wanted to convince herself it was basically just a normal drinking vessel with a small change but it was difficult. The diapers weren’t regular underwear with a little bit of padding after all, it was impossible to ignore that what she held was much more infantile than what she had used right before it.
Emily brought the cup to her lips and lifted it up. She was surprised by the amount of liquid that poured out through the three holes and into her mouth. It had looked like only a small amount of liquid would be able to escape but it actually flowed pretty quickly into her mouth. What she hadn’t been expecting was the taste. This was not her usual drink.
Emily coughed and spluttered as she swallowed the liquid and lowered the cup. It didn’t taste bad, it just was not what she was expecting. Instead of juice it was milk, a particularly thin and watery milk that made her worry it had gone off or something.
“Is that milk?” Emily asked, “It tasted weird.”
“Yeah.” Amelia replied, “I’m trying out something new.”
Emily lifted the cup and drank some more. The milk was super sweet. After a few mouthfuls she was quickly getting used to it but it was still a little strange. She wasn’t sure if she liked it more than regular milk but it was very moreish, soon she had drained the whole cup.
“Woah there…” Amelia chuckled, “You drank that like you’d just wandered out of the desert. Want me to get you some more?”
Emily felt a little embarrassed but nodded her head. Amelia took the cup and went back out to the kitchen. It wasn’t what Emily was used to but she could see herself drinking a lot of it. She assumed milk was better for her than juice anyway.
“Try to make this one last a bit longer.” Amelia said semi-teasingly as she put the cup down on the table, “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
Emily nodded her head and put her feet back up on the table. She tried to ignore the voice in her head yelling at her that she was crazy, that she was accepting far too much change and that something was wrong. She looked at the sippy cup and decided to test something out. She moved her foot over and knocked it off the table to the floor. Lo and behold only a couple of drops of liquid escaped. Emily sighed. Maybe her wife was right.
Emily blew out a long breath as the words “Game Over!” appeared on the screen. She’d never been the greatest gamer in the world but since the diapers had been introduced it seemed like she had become much worse. She just had more trouble controlling her character and her aim seemed generally worse. It was hard for her to know whether she had actually got worse or if she was just distracted.
As the game went back to the main menu Emily felt her diaper blossom with fresh warmth. Little rivulets of urine running down between her legs and soaking into the padding. By now it was a feeling she was exceptionally used to, she couldn’t quite remember how long she’d been in them now.
Emily’s diaper was exposed. Catherine and Amelia were right, the more her padding was on display the less weird she found it. She hated to say that the diapers were indeed being normalised but she was no longer mortified when she saw Amelia looking down at her crotch. She was still able to avoid messy diapers for the most part with her tactically timed changes as well. She was fine as long as Amelia was at home, it was when Amelia was out that Emily became very worried.
Speaking of Amelia, she had been upstairs for most of the morning. Emily had been woken up by Amelia coming into her room and telling her to go occupy herself. Emily had asked what was up but received no answer. Since Emily had been downstairs, she had heard music being played through a stereo but hadn’t been up to investigate. That would soon have to change though.
Emily put down her controller and stood up. She felt like she was soaked and at risk of leaking, reaching down and feeling the padding only seemed to confirm that fact. Amelia had asked her not to go upstairs but she was sure leaking all over the couch wouldn’t be looked upon too kindly either. How she missed the days when she just didn’t care what Amelia said and was free to live her life however she wanted.
The music got louder as Emily climbed the stairs. She was rather surprised to hear that it was coming from her own bedroom. The door was closed so she knocked but there was no answer, Amelia probably couldn’t hear her. She questioned whether she should go in or not. The diaper was hanging low and, in the end, necessity dictated her actions. Emily pushed open the door.
“What the hell…?” Emily muttered as she looked round in surprise.
Amelia, dressed in a pair of old denim overalls and with her hair tied back, was on the far side of the room on a little step ladder with a roller paintbrush. She was reaching up above the window to spread a very light pink paint on the wall. Emily saw that the wall her bed was usually up against was already coated, the bed had been pulled away whilst the paint dried. The whole room smelt of paint, the wide-open windows the only mitigating factors.
“Amelia!” Emily called out.
The music was too loud. The stereo was sitting on top of the changing table and seemed to be on full volume. Emily waddled over and slid the volume all the way down to zero. That was finally enough to get Amelia’s attention and she turned around. Emily’s wife had a few bits of errant paint on her face and clothes but when she saw Emily she smiled a little ruefully.
“Ah, Emily.” Amelia stepped off the ladder and put the paintbrush in a nearby tray, “I had been hoping to have the first coat done before you came up.”
“What the hell are you doing!?” Emily demanded as she pointed at the painted wall as if there could be any doubt what she was complaining about.
“I was trying to surprise you.” Amelia replied. She was looking a little hurt that Emily’s reaction wasn’t positive, “I’m painting your room. That boring cream colour had to go.”
“But…” Emily started.
“Besides, it’s your favourite colour.” Amelia said with a toothy smile.
“It isn’t!” Emily complained, “My favourite colour is purple!”
“Well… this is kind of like purple.” Amelia replied with a shrug, “Just a really, really light shade of it.”
Emily looked at her giggling wife with disbelief. More and more of her life was decided by others these days but she was still shocked that Amelia would do all this without even telling her. The pink didn’t look particularly bad on the walls, Emily had to admit, but it did give the room a decidedly “little girl” look. With the changing table against one of the still unpainted walls it was starting to give off a distinct nursery vibe. Emily realised she wasn’t helping matters by standing in the room with her soaked diaper on display.
“Anyway, did you want something?” Amelia asked.
“I need a change.” Emily replied. She still blushed when she revealed her need for a new diaper but it was less mortifying than it once was.
It wasn’t something that really needed to be said. The diaper was obviously soaked but that didn’t stop Amelia reaching down and feeling the weight of it in her hand.
“I’ll say.” Amelia smiled, “Alright, I’ll move the stereo and you can hop on up.”
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation