by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: Emily discovers some new additions to her wardrobe which shock her. However, that is NOTHING like the shock she experiences when she goes downstairs for dinner...
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Emily clambered on to the table as soon as the stereo was out of the way. She looked over to the wall on the far side of the room that was still drying. The pink felt accusatory. Sure, it was a nice colour but it wasn’t one associated with adulthood or maturity. When she felt her wife’s hands back on her diaper, she turned her head the other way to see the familiar cream colour that was disappearing.
“Why can’t I move back into your bedroom?” Emily asked as wet baby wipes cleaned her private area.
“I’ve been sleeping much better with the bed to myself.” Amelia replied, “I’m sure you have as well.”
Emily wasn’t sure. She hadn’t been having problems sleeping but she hadn’t been having issues before either. In fact, Amelia had never complained about sharing a bed until all this stuff started. Emily hadn’t even come close to leaking in her sleep since her first accidents either. Her overnight diapers were still soaked when she woke up but the fact that the mattress remained dry must’ve counted for something.
As Emily’s old diaper was pulled out and balled up her head flopped to the side again. She looked to the foot of the bed where she saw a couple of large bin bags that seemed full. Emily didn’t remember having any trash in her room.
“What’s in the bags?” Emily asked as she pointed across the room.
“Oh, I just bought you some new things and needed to make some space in the closet.” Amelia said casually as she slipped a fresh diaper under Emily’s raised butt.
“You… what!?” Emily sat up quickly and tried to get off the table
“Calm down.” Amelia said as she put a hand on Emily’s chest and pushed her back down, “You can look at your pretty new outfits once I finish this. In fact, it will be the perfect opportunity to try one of them on.”
“You can’t just do that…” Emily said with exasperation, “Those are my clothes!”
Emily couldn’t believe what her wife was doing. Despite her annoyance she didn’t really feel much attachment to what was getting thrown out, she’d never been particularly into fashion after all. That said she didn’t like how casual Amelia was about drastically changing her wardrobe without even asking her. As the new diaper was pulled up and over her crotch Emily folded her arms across her chest and impatiently waited.
As soon as the last tape was placed and Amelia moved to drop the used diaper in the trash can Emily sprang to her feet. She rushed over to the closet and pulled open the door. The first and most obvious thing that caught her eye was the colours. Emily had always worn dark colours, mostly blacks, but there was a whole rainbow on display now. It seemed every colour was represented. It turned out Amelia hadn’t been lying either, it seemed that almost exactly half her outfits had been thrown in the bag and replaced. It looked like the closet belonged to two different people, one a bright bouncy outgoing girl and the other an introverted goth.
“What is this stuff?” Emily asked. The more she looked the more she realised a lot of the new clothes didn’t look like her regular shirts, pants and whatever else.
“Some new outfits.” Amelia replied simply.
“Yeah, but…” Emily reached forwards, “They look weird.”
“Well, I think they’re fashionable.” Amelia shrugged.
Emily unhooked one of the hangers and pulled it out. For the most part it looked like a normal shirt, it was pink and had a rather childish picture of a unicorn on the front but otherwise seemed normal. That was until Emily looked down to the bottom of it and saw that where a shirt would normally end this piece of clothing simply narrowed around two legs with flaps on the front and back. Her mouth dropped open and she tossed it away from her on to the floor as if suddenly realising she was handling something radioactive.
“What the hell!?” Emily yelled, “That’s a… It’s a…”
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” Amelia said with a big smile as she walked over and picked it up for the floor.
“Cute!?” Emily backed away as Amelia walked towards her with the clothing, “It’s for babies!”
“Come on…” Amelia shook her head as if she couldn’t possibly understand where Emily was coming from, “If it was for babies why would it be in your size?”
Emily had no answer to why such a childish onesie would be sized for an adult. Frankly she didn’t care, all she wanted was for it to be taken away from her. When she looked back at the closet the new colourful clothes took on a much more sinister turn. She now noticed the other onesies, the childish dresses, the skirtalls, the shortalls…
“I… I’m not wearing this stuff!” Emily exclaimed.
“Relax.” Amelia said calmly, “Look, we both agreed that it’s good to normalise your diapers, right? And I have to be able to check you. It’s much easier with clothes like this.”
Emily could see the logic in Amelia’s thinking even if she thought that the idea of wearing any of these clothes was insane. She had still been backing up but now she hit the bedroom wall, there was nowhere to run or hide.
“Wouldn’t it be better to cover the diapers a little bit?” Amelia asked, “They won’t be hidden away completely so we can still work on making them normal for you but you’ll be more comfortable.”
Emily let out a whine. She knew she was defeated. Amelia wasn’t going to replace half her wardrobe if her mind hadn’t already been firmly made up, but it didn’t feel right. Clothes like the onesie Amelia was holding wasn’t for adults like Emily, they were for babies. Even the justification of them making diaper checks easier hardly made Emily feel like an adult equal to her wife.
“Besides I think these look cute and you’ll look utterly adorable in them.” Amelia said as she stood in front of Emily.
“I don’t want to look cute!” Emily complained.
“Don’t be silly, baby.” Amelia replied dismissively.
“Don’t call me that!” Emily stomped a foot and then immediately regretted it.
“Come on. Put your arms up.” Amelia instructed as she pulled the poppers apart and opened the bottom of the onesie.
Emily knew there was no getting out of this no matter how much she wanted to. Amelia had clearly made up her mind and invested a bunch of money in this latest change to Emily’s life. Emily stripped off her clothes and dropped them on to the bed. She looked at Amelia who raised her eyebrows expectantly. Emily tossed her head back and lifted her arms, almost immediately the onesie was getting pulled over her head.
With her eyes closed Emily felt the thin stretchy material come down over her. It was tugged down over her tummy until her head emerged out of the top. She could instantly feel how different this was from her “normal” clothes. It hugged her curves tightly and the short, cuffed sleeves only went halfway to her elbows. It wasn’t over though as Amelia kneeled down and pulled the rear flap between Emily’s legs. She was tugged forwards as the poppers started getting pressed together.
“This looks even better than I imagined!” Amelia said as she scooted back on her knees, “And it’s so practical! Look!”
Emily watched with a look of disgust on her face as Amelia moved forwards and easily slid her fingers between the diaper and the onesie to check her. As horrible as Emily thought this new outfit was, she could understand the practicalities of it. It did make diaper checks easy whilst also covering herself up a little bit. Weirdly, Emily would’ve preferred to keep her diapers fully in the open.
“What do you think?” Amelia asked as she pulled her fingers out and stood back up.
“I hate it.” Emily groaned, “Can I take it off now?”
“Take it off?” Amelia looked scandalised, “It would be a crime to take away all this cuteness!”
Before Emily could argue any further Amelia had launched forwards and wrapped her arms around her in a big hug. Emily could hear Amelia giggling happily before she pulled her head back and planed a big kiss on Emily’s lips.
“It’s perfect.” Amelia whispered, “You look beautiful.”
Amelia let go of the hug and picked up the bag of Emily’s clothes. She walked away humming happily leaving Emily stood in the middle of the bedroom wondering what on Earth had just happened.
“Emily! It’s time for dinner!” Amelia called down the hall.
Emily was sat on the couch playing video games and trying to ignore the embarrassing reality of her situation. Things felt out of control. Just a few weeks ago she had been living a normal life and now everything had been turned upside down. She was in diapers every hour of the day, had to rely on her wife for changes and found that the longer things went on the less control she had over things. It felt like she was sliding down a mountain and there was nothing to arrest the fall.
Pausing her game Emily reached for the sippy cup on the table and finished its contents. After the first time the infantile cup had been used Amelia had been bringing her all her drinks in them. Emily had just stopped complaining and learnt to enjoy not having to refill her own cups. If there was one upside to everything it was that Amelia seemed to have stopped complaining that she was being lazy. Emily was, for the most part allowed to do whatever she wanted, which was usually nothing at all. It seemed Amelia had simply stopped expecting Emily to do anything. That would’ve suited her just fine if it didn’t come with all the weird baby stuff.
“It’s not baby stuff… It’s not baby stuff…” Emily repeated, “It’s NOT baby stuff…”
Emily shook her head as she put the cup down. It wasn’t a baby stuff. She tried to keep repeating this to herself. The diapers were necessary because of her waning control, the changing table was practical, the sippy cups were because of the spills…
Emily wasn’t sure how much she believed her own mantra but she repeated it nonetheless. As she turned away from the couch she caught sight of her reflection in the window. It didn’t do her confidence a lot of good. The skirtall she was wearing was denim with a pink shirt underneath. It didn’t quite cover the whole of her diaper but Emily’s eyes were drawn to the paw prints going up the side. It looked so childish.
Emily sighed and carried on into the hallway. She could hear herself crinkling. None of the new clothes seemed to do anything to hide the noise her diapers made but then again, they were obvious to anyone who looked regardless. Thankfully Amelia hadn’t gone completely insane and expected Emily to leave the house dressed in these ridiculous outfits.
Emily entered the kitchen to see that dinner had already been served. It looked delicious. A mountain of mashed potatoes, an assortment of vegetables and a couple of juicy looking sausages. Only… there was a difference between the two plates. Whilst the food in front of Amelia’s usual seat looked completely normal Emily noticed a change to her own dinner. The sausages on her plate had already been cut up into small bites.
Emily went over and sat down. Such a small thing wasn’t worthy of grumbling about but it reflected just how much things had changed recently. It felt like Amelia was doing all she could to make Emily feel worse about her recent need for diapers. She seemed to have this crazy idea that Emily was a useless baby and needed everything to be done for her. Emily was at a loss for how to stop it from happening and start making things normal again.
“Here you go…” Amelia said as she placed one of Emily’s sippy cups next to the plate. As usual it was filled with the thin white milk that had become so deliciously moreish to Emily.
Emily drank some down as Amelia took her seat. Soon after they were both tucking in to the meal and Amelia was talking about something that had happened on a work call from her home office. Emily didn’t really care and wasn’t really listening. She drank some more of the milk and decided, when there was a break in the conversation to ask a question that had been bothering her for some time.
“This milk we’ve been drinking…” Emily started.
“You’ve been drinking.” Amelia interrupted.
“Huh?” Emily frowned.
“I don’t drink a lot of milk; it’s been you mostly.” Amelia said, “Well, “completely” might be a better word.”
“OK, well, this milk I’VE been drinking…” Emily said again as she looked through the translucent clear plastic of the sippy cup, “It tastes great. Is it the usual stuff you buy?”
“It comes from a different source.” Amelia said casually as she lifted her fork to her mouth. Emily thought her wife’s cheeks were looking a little rosy.
“Like… goat’s milk?” Emily asked through a mouthful of her own dinner.
“No.” Amelia was smiling, “Not like goat’s milk.”
Emily grunted in response as she ate a little more and then drained her cup. Amelia was watching and as soon as the sippy cup was empty she retrieved another one that had been pre-chilled in the fridge. As much as a lot of the recent treatment annoyed Emily she had to admit it felt good to be waited on like this. It was definitely something she could get used to.
Before long Emily had drunk half of the second cup. By now her bladder was full and after a few seconds warning it released into the diaper. Emily didn’t stop eating as the heat spread over her crotch and down between her legs in the now familiar way. She went back to eating but the source of the milk still perplexed her. It was unlike any that she could remember tasting.
“So where does the milk come from?” Emily asked as she speared a piece of sausage on her fork.
“Do you really want to know?” Amelia asked. Emily noticed she seemed conflicted as if unsure if she really wanted to reveal her secret.
“Yes.” Emily nodded her head.
“Well, to be honest, I think looking after you as done… interesting things to my brain and body.” Amelia said. She looked at Emily as if expecting her to connect the dots.
“And?” Emily replied with a frown.
“How can I put this…” Amelia sighed and looked at the table. A few seconds she looked back up and straight at Emily, “It’s my milk.”
Emily stared at Amelia who looked right back at her. Amelia started to frown when Emily didn’t react but the diapered woman was waiting for her wife to finish.
“I know it’s your milk. You bought it. Where did it come from?” Emily asked.
“Me!” Amelia exclaimed as she lost patience, “It came from me.”
“But…” Emily said before falling silent. It suddenly dawned on her what Amelia meant and for a second it felt like the world had stopped spinning. She looked at the milk in her sippy cup, already half-drunk and just a fraction of the total amount she had swallowed since this new drink appeared. Not for one second had she imagined it was coming from Amelia’s breasts!
Emily’s stomach turned as the reality set in. Had Amelia gone crazy? Why on Earth would she do this!? Emily’s breathing quickened and she felt almost like she was panicking. When she thought about how much of that milk she had drunk it made her feel sick.
“Baby, it’s OK.” Amelia said quickly as she stood up and walked around the table. She hurriedly wrapped her arms around Emily in a tight hug, “You’re fine.”
“I’m not fine!” Emily pulled herself free of the embrace, “I… I can’t believe you would feed me… THAT!”
“It’s just milk.” Amelia said as she tried to calm the situation.
“It’s YOUR milk!” Emily practically shouted. The words made her feel unwell again.
“Look, you can’t blame me for how my body reacted to looking after you.” Amelia said sternly, “I guess cooking, cleaning and changing you awoke a nurturing instinct or something. Would you rather it went to waste?”
“Yes!” Emily answered emphatically.
“You’re being silly.” Amelia shook her head, “Just finish your dinner.”
Emily couldn’t believe her wife was acting so casually about something so… weird. She hadn’t drunk breast milk since she had been a baby. Emily imagined that practically no adult would willingly drink it even if it did taste nice, the sweetness making her mouth water for more. No, it was weird. There was no way she was going to drink any more of that stuff now that she knew where it came from.
Without speaking or looking up at her wife Emily finished off her dinner as quickly as possible. She wanted to get away and try to process what on Earth was happening. She was still chewing her final bite of food when she put her knife and fork on the plate and stood up.
“What are you doing?” Amelia asked.
“I’ve finished eating.” Emily said through the food she still hadn’t swallowed.
“You haven’t finished your drink.” Amelia replied as she nodded at the sippy cup.
“You can’t seriously want me to continue drinking that stuff!” Emily argued.
“I can.” Amelia replied calmly, “And I do.”
Emily looked at her toddler cup. Half the milk was still inside. She debated what to do, wondered what the consequences of ignoring Amelia’s instructions would be and then belatedly sat back down. She would just get it over with. A few more gulps of Amelia’s milk and then never again. It wasn’t like it tasted bad after all…
Emily picked up the cup. Her face was turning as pink as her bedroom walls as she lifted the little spout to her lips. She knew Amelia was watching her and it made the simple act of drinking that much harder. She couldn’t believe Amelia had never told her what it was she was drinking. She wasn’t a dumb baby that needed nourishment from their parent like that.
Emily tipped the sippy cup back and felt the cool, watery milk spill over her tongue. It was very sweet and moreish. Like a cold glass of water on a hot day it was the sort of drink that you wanted to keep swallowing until you were past full. It took three mouthfuls to empty the cup and Emily put it back down on the table. She let out a milky belch and tasted the milk again.
“No more.” Emily finally said before standing up.
Expecting Amelia to call her back or tell her off Emily stormed out of the room. To her surprise her wife didn’t even try to stop her, instead she remained at the table drinking her coffee. A hot drink that Emily felt sure hadn’t been made with breast milk.
Instead of going straight to the couch like she normally would’ve done Emily retreated all the way up to her bedroom and didn’t plan to leave it again. She sat down on her bed and tried to ignore the way her taste buds wanted more of that milk, she tried to ignore the churning in her stomach as the milk was digested and, most of all, she tried to ignore the diaper sagging beneath her.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation