Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 2, 2025

Chapter Description: Emily is sulking in the spare bedroom expecting Amelia to come apologise to her. That night is another tough one for Emily and in the morning radical action is required of both of them.

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Emily was sat in bed with her arms folded across her chest. She checked the clock. It was half past ten and Amelia still wasn’t home. The spare bedroom felt strange, it was a little too empty so sounds echoed a little bit and the surroundings just felt unfamiliar. Despite that, there was no way Emily was going to return to the master bedroom, not when she knew that would require putting on one of… those things.

The pull-ups were one thing but Emily couldn’t countenance the diapers at all. She flat out refused to wear one no matter what happened, it was a step too far. Whatever problems she had it didn’t require such extreme measures. Sure, her urgency to use the bathroom had seemed to get worse and there had been more accidents and leaks but that didn’t matter. Diapers were for babies and old people. Emily was neither.

Emily heard the front door downstairs open. She contemplated going down to see her wife but decided not to. She was still mad at her for suggesting those humiliating diapers, as far as she was concerned it was up to Amelia to come and apologise to her. She decided to wait.

Eventually Emily heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She quickly sat up and put on her best annoyed expression as she waited for Amelia to come in and apologise. She was sure she would get apologised to; she may even get something out of her wife to make up for it. The footsteps came closer to the bedroom door and Emily folded her arms across her chest ready to be magnanimous and accept the apology.

Amelia’s footsteps carried on past the bedroom door and towards the master bedroom. Emily frowned and looked at the door, that wasn’t how this was supposed to go. After a few minutes it became clear Amelia wasn’t going to come and see her.

“Fine.” Emily muttered.

Emily pulled back the cover and slipped underneath. If Amelia wasn’t going to come in there and make amends then Emily wasn’t going to do it either. A night in the spare bedroom didn’t sound too bad even if the bed wasn’t as comfortable as the one she was used to.

It took Emily a little while to fall asleep in the unfamiliar surroundings. No matter how much she tried to ignore it the room just feel wrong. Eventually she was able to fall into unconsciousness and drift off into a deep sleep.

The next thing Emily felt was the covers sliding over her body slowly. She frowned as her breasts became exposed. She reached up with her hands to grab the edge of the sheet and yank it back into place. Covered up again she let out a contented sigh. She relaxed her grip and prepared to return to her dreams.

The sheet was suddenly yanked hard and Emily was woken as she was suddenly uncovered. Her eyes opened and she saw Amelia standing next to the bed looking down at her. She rolled to the side away from her wife and curled into a ball. She was still mad with Amelia and wasn’t prepared to talk to her, especially when she had woken her up so rudely.

“You’ve wet the bed… again.” Amelia stated. She didn’t sound shocked or angry, it was just a statement of facts.

“I… What?” Emily sat up and looked down.

With a gasp Emily realised she had indeed wet the bed. She hadn’t even noticed. Her pull-up had swollen up and clearly at some point had been pushed too far. Around her crotch was a stain that had seemingly mostly dried, it was unmistakeable. Emily bit her lip, she had no idea how she hadn’t even noticed it.

“I came to wake you up for your therapy appointment and I find you like THIS.” Amelia shook her head.

“I… I didn’t know.” Emily stuttered as if that made the situation any better.

“And who is going to wash these sheets?” Amelia asked, “And flip the mattress?”

“I can do it…” Emily said quietly.

“Oh, please.” Amelia said with a dismissive shake of the head, “You wouldn’t even recognise the washing machine yet alone know how to use it.”

Emily felt a surge of anger mixed with embarrassment. She wanted to say her wife was wrong, that she could do basic chores but her lack of help around the home was a well-known issue. She bowed her head. She was annoyed that she had been robbed of her righteous anger about having to sleep in the spare bedroom, she had proven that Amelia was right.

Emily looked up as Amelia turned away from the bed. She went straight over to the packet of diapers she had bought the previous day. Emily had thrown them across the room contemptuously but now they were being retrieved.

“I’m not wearing those.” Emily said.

“Excuse me?” Amelia replied as she bent over and picked up the diapers, “I don’t think you’re in any position to say what you will and won’t be doing.”

“But…” Emily started to argue.

“No.” Amelia said decisively, “How many times are you going to leak everywhere before you accept you need more help?”

“You can’t make me!” Emily exclaimed as she climbed out of bed.

The effect of Emily’s defiance was somewhat diminished by the pee trickling down her leg. Amelia was looking her up and down and that was making the wet woman blush and shrink back from her defiance. She was the first to look away as she closed her eyes.

“I don’t want to have to force you.” Amelia said, “But you can’t keep doing this. You can either put one on yourself or I’ll do it for you. Your choice.”

“I don’t want to do either!” Emily stamped her foot.

“Then I’ll choose.” Amelia said.

Emily watched with wide eyes as the thin plastic encasing the diapers was ripped open. Inside she could see the tightly packed disposables, they were squeezed so closely together that Amelia had trouble pulling one out. When she had done so Emily saw exactly what the dreaded diaper looked like. It was nearly all white with two yellow lines running from the front to the back, it looked very clinical.

“Lay down.” Amelia said as she pointed at the dry end of the bed.

“L-Look, Amelia, I can stay dry!” Emily’s stubborn anger had melted away to be replaced by fear and embarrassment. How had it come to this?

“That’s good.” Amelia said, “Then you won’t have to wear these for too long. Lay down.”

Emily hesitated. She looked at the door and considered just running away but she wasn’t sure what good that would do. Eventually she’d have to come back, she had nowhere else to go and she really didn’t want to leave. A small part of her whispered that what Amelia was doing made sense, that she needed more protection than the pull-ups offered.

“Come on.” Amelia’s voice was softer as she reached out and stroked Emily’s arm, “We don’t want you to be late for therapy.”

When Emily still didn’t move Amelia started guiding her over to the bed. Emily’s heart was hammering. She looked at the diaper in her wife’s hand, it looked so big compared to what she was used to, it seemed impossible she could wear such a thing without everyone she went near finding out.

Without giving Emily time to come to terms with what was happening, Amelia reached down and started lowering the sodden, urine-soaked pull-up down Emily’s legs. As it passed the naked woman’s knees Amelia let it drop to the floor where it landed with a squelch. Emily stepped out of it feeling more naked than she had ever done in her life.

Emily felt like her brain was in automatic. She slowly shuffled back to the bed and after some hesitation she laid down. She was still completely naked as she looked down past her breasts to where Amelia now stood with the diaper.

“I… I don’t really have to wear it, do I?” Emily asked. She was embarrassed how small her voice was.

“Emily, sweetie, this isn’t a punishment.” Amelia said as she walked over and dropped the diaper on to the bed next to her.

“It feels like one.” Emily muttered.

“It’s just until we get this little problem of yours sorted out.” Amelia smiled, “Besides… It doesn’t have to be ALL bad.”

Emily was beet red as Amelia pushed her knees apart and opened her legs. Amelia unexpectedly knelt down between Emily’s knees and started running her hands up her naked thighs. Emily’s eyes grew wide as she felt her dick twitching, she bit her lip. Amelia was trying to get her on-side, trying to make her more receptive to the diapers. She should be screaming no at her and yet she wasn’t saying anything at all.

Emily felt Amelia’s feather light touch moving all the way up to her balls and then to her already half-erect cock. She swallowed as the fingertips danced along her shaft and up to the head where here penis twitched in a desperate bid for more attention.

“See?” Amelia said quietly, “When you do what needs to be done there can be rewards…”

Emily closed her eyes and laid her head back on the mattress. As her wife’s hand wrapped around her tool, she allowed her mind to drift away from her worries. She felt relaxation spread through her whole body, a tingling feeling that started at the tip of her penis and spread throughout her body, carried on an electric current surging through her nervous system.

It was still a big shock when she suddenly felt Amelia’s lips close around her cock. She gasped as she felt the warm wetness of her wife’s mouth. Almost instantly she sprang to full attention, even if the hormone treatment had made that quite unimpressive, and rose her hips to meet her wife’s mouth. A groan of pleasure escaped her mouth as she felt Amelia’s hands on her thighs.

Emily could feel Amelia’s tongue dancing around the underside of her shaft as she bobbed her head up and down. Despite being a lesbian, she was an expert at this after being with Emily for as long as she had. It also meant she knew exactly what got Emily off quickly.

Emily’s hand went down to the back of Amelia’s head and helped direct the attention as she raised her hips. She heard her wife gag a little and pulled back. She didn’t want to make Amelia uncomfortable but she couldn’t deny the sounds of having her dick sucked was a massive turn on.

“I… I think I’m gonna…” Emily gasped.

Emily let go of her wife’s head. She knew Amelia well and, although she had grown skilled at giving blowjobs, she didn’t like to swallow. Heck, she didn’t like cum in her mouth at all. Emily expected her to pull her lips away from her cock and finish her off using her hands. That didn’t happen.

Emily realised Amelia wasn’t stopping her tongue movements nor her head bobbing. She arched her back as she felt her balls tighten and then pulse as she ejaculated. She let out a loud groan as she shot her load into Amelia’s mouth and collapsed back on to the mattress. She could hear Amelia swallowing and then felt her tongue cleaning up before finally pulling away.

“Good?” Amelia asked with a smirk.

Emily nodded her head. She sleepily opened her eyes and saw Amelia pulling a face and slapping her lips together. It was obvious she wasn’t a fan of the taste. Emily felt like she needed to apologise even though it was Amelia who had chosen to go down on her like that.

“Sorry.” Emily said quietly.

“Don’t worry about it.” Amelia replied, “I just didn’t want to take too long and I know how you go wild for that. We need to get a move on though, we’re definitely going to be late now.”

As Emily laid back on the mattress Amelia picked up the diaper and started unfolding it. Emily’s eyes opened and she propped herself up on her elbows s she looked from the disposable padding to her wife and back again.

“What are you doing?” Emily asked.

“Getting your diaper ready.” Amelia replied.

“I can… I can do that myself…” Emily could feel her face reddening.

“We’re running late and I don’t want to have to hang around checking your work. It’s easier if I do it.” Amelia said dismissively, “Lift up.”

Emily didn’t move. She knew the blowjob was just an attempt to put her in a more compliant mood and she was annoyed to say it worked. That said, it felt like a step too far for her. Wearing light protection was almost normal, being put in a diaper by her wife definitely wasn’t.

“Emily…” Amelia said softly as she patted the side of Emily’s butt, “Come on.”

Emily was out of options. Clearly this wasn’t going to be something she could argue her way out of and Amelia wasn’t going to change her mind. Slowly and tremulously, she raised her hips and immediately the diaper was slid underneath her. As she lowered herself on the padding, she was hit by a feeling of complete revulsion from the way it crinkled as her weight settled on it. The plastic sides felt wrong, the padding in the middle made it feel like she was sitting on a pillow, everything was telling her to get up and run away.

The diaper was pulled up between her legs. The crinkles intensified and Emily shuddered with embarrassment over what was happening. She had no idea where her urgency problems had come from but she couldn’t believe it had come to this. Her hands came up to cover her face in embarrassment. How on Earth would she be expected to leave home wearing this!?

Amelia pulled the sides up and taped it closed. Emily felt a hand lightly patting the padding as she uncovered her face. She couldn’t look at Amelia, she didn’t even want to move as every small twitch was a reminder of what she was now wearing.

“Right, get yourself dressed and downstairs.” Amelia said as she stepped back, “We really do need to be on the move as soon as possible.”

Emily didn’t move. Not until Amelia had left the room did she dare to sit up. The diaper was loud. She didn’t like the way it felt like it was hugging her, the sides pulled tight almost as if they were a second layer of skin. She could feel the thickness of the material between her legs even whilst sitting down, she could only imagine it would be worse when standing. Emily had to fight the urge to rip it off.

Finally, Emily stood up and, as expected, the diaper felt incredibly bulky. Her thighs were pushed apart and she couldn’t close her legs properly, she wanted to try adjusting it but was repulsed by the idea of touching the smooth plastic.

When Emily looked in the mirror, she was rather shocked to see how symmetrical the tapes were and how well the diaper fit. This was her first time wearing a diaper since she was a child and she assumed it was the first time Amelia had put one on another person but she had done a very good job.

Not wanting to look at the diaper any longer than she had to Emily resolved to get dressed. She took a step and realised that even walking would feel weird with this padding between her legs. She heard the diaper crinkle loudly and felt horrified. There was no way she could wear this out of the house, it felt like there was a megaphone up against the padding causing the crinkling noise to be broadcast to everyone in hearing range.

Emily quickly pulled on a shirt and a pair of pants. Thankfully she liked to wear baggy clothes so getting her pants over her new underwear wasn’t too difficult. Walking, however, was a different story. She took a few steps and cringed at the way the diaper was rubbing against her legs; it was like the pull-up but ten times worse.

The post-orgasm glow of the blowjob Amelia had given her had quickly faded away as the reality of her situation intruded. She felt a pronounced waddle as she left the bedroom and headed for the stairs. Maybe it was her imagination but the diaper sounded so loud and felt so obvious, even when dressed it felt like people would be able to easily see and hear it. Amelia was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her.

“Come on.” Amelia said as she encouraged Emily to move faster.

“I’m going as fast as I can…” Emily muttered sulkily, “It’s not easy to move quickly in this…”

Emily trailed off before she had to say “diaper.” It was just so bulky. She leaned down at the bottom of the stairs to get her shoes and it felt even thicker, she almost fell over trying to get her trainers on. In the end she had to sit down on the bottom few steps to slip her feet inside and tie up the laces. She was red in the face when she stood back up.

“Ready?” Amelia asked.

“No.” Emily replied sulkily.

Amelia simply rolled her eyes as she opened the front door. Emily stepped outside and felt paranoid. She had thought the pull-ups were obvious but this diaper was a whole new level. She became hyper-aware of every sensation. The way her legs were kept slightly further apart as she walked, the way the plastic rubbed against her skin, the soft crinkle that she thought she could hear constantly, it all added up to feeling like there was a neon sign flashing above her head attracting attention.


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End Chapter 11

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 2, 2025


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