by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: Emily has been stuck in her messy diaper for far long she would've liked and by the time her wife comes home she is MORE than ready for a change. Unfortunately she has to wait just a little longer as Amelia needs help with something first.
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One of Emily’s hands reached around to her rear end underneath her skirt. It felt like the diaper was now drooping so much that the clothing was no longer hiding it. She prodded the rear and felt the poop inside shift around. Emily shivered as she withdrew her hand. She certainly didn’t think she could sit down.
“You just have to distract yourself…” Emily muttered. She tried to ignore the smell that seemed to get worse every time she moved but it wasn’t easy.
Deciding to get a drink Emily went through to the kitchen. Every step was grosser that the preceding one as the muck in her disposable spread. She could feel it up towards her lower back where it was noticeably cooler than in the seat of the padding. She could feel it spreading forwards and touching what Amelia affectionately called Emily’s “princess parts.” She thought she might throw up but she made it, nonetheless.
Emily opened the cabinet above the sink that had their drinking glasses. As soon as the door opened something fell out and it wasn’t a cup. Emily frowned as she picked it up. She’d never seen it before. It looked a bit like an air horn but it was clear plastic. There was a bottle part with the markings for fluid ounces and then next to it millilitres. Then there was a screw on cap which is what the “air horn” part was connected to.
“The hell…” Emily said to herself.
Under typical conditions maybe Emily would’ve examined the strange device further but these were anything but normal times. She shoved the contraption back into the cabinet and retrieved a glass that she filled up with water. In an attempt to not use her diaper too much she had avoided drinking but now realised just how thirsty she was and it seemed pointless to deprive herself any longer. After finishing the first glass she re-filled it and downed another one.
Letting out a loud burp Emily put the glass in the sink for Amelia to clean later and waddled back to the living room. Her usual method of distraction was the television which she turned off her console to watch but it still left her standing in the middle of the room. She looked at the couch and then down to where the full diaper was barely hidden under her clothes.
“To hell with it.” Emily said as she moved over to the couch and lowered herself down. It wasn’t like she was going to get messier after all.
Emily let out a string of exclamations as she used her arms to slowly lower herself on to the couch cushion beneath her. As she lowered herself down her mess was pressed between her body and the diaper just as it had been in the car. The only difference was that the couch cushions were softer which made it feel like she was sinking much further into it.
With a shiver Emily was finally sat down. She reached for the remote and desperately searched for something that would take her mind off her current situation. In the end she settled for some reality television as she put the remote down and tried to ignore the stench that surrounded her.
This was quickly becoming the longest she had spent in a messy diaper and she was discovering that as bad as it was to start with it was only getting worse. The warmth started to eke away leaving the unsettling mud-like squelching behind. She started to get itchy and it was maddening not being able to reach in and scratch. No matter how little she attempted to move she found the poop seemed to get all over the diaper anyway. Emily was at the end of her tether.
Emily looked at her phone. It was strange, in the past she would’ve had no problem picking it up and calling Amelia to demand she bring something home or do something for her, but now it felt scary. She didn’t want to bother her wife. Regardless, she couldn’t stay like this any longer. She reached for the phone and scrolled to Amelia’s number. She was just about to press call when the doorbell rang.
“Crap.” Emily exclaimed as she dropped her phone.
Emily was fully prepared to ignore whoever was at the door when Amelia’s warning from earlier came back to her. Amelia had told her to make sure she accepted the delivery. Emily started shaking as she stood up and waddled to the window. She peeked out between the curtains and saw that it was indeed a person delivering a very large box. Worse than that, he glanced over and waved when he saw her.
“Leave it there!” Emily shouted through the window.
“I can’t.” The man replied. He pointed at his clipboard, “I need a signature.”
Emily closed the curtains and realised what she had to do. Her knees felt weak as she made her way into the hallway and to the front door. Her diaper hung heavily between her legs, she wished she’d at least put on some less revealing clothes. She pulled her skirt down a bit and then made sure her shirt was covering the waistband of her underwear. It was the best she could manage.
“Maybe he won’t notice.” Emily whispered to himself, “It’s probably not as obvious as I think…”
Emily opened the door slowly. She stopped when there was just enough room to stick her head round the edge. The man in a uniform at her doorstep looked confused. Emily reached an arm out.
“I was told home assembly was paid for by…” The man started.
“It’s fine.” Emily interrupted, “I’ll sort it out.”
“Are you sure? It’s no trouble.” The man said with a smile.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Emily replied testily.
“Alright, I just need your…” The man suddenly stopped talking as he leaned forwards with the clipboard.
Emily reached for it and practically had to yank it out of the man’s hand. As she did so she lost her precarious balance leaning around the door and accidentally pulled it further open. She froze up but knew that her skirt was still covering her. What her clothes couldn’t cover, however, was the smell. The man seemed to have been stunned into silence by it as he visibly recoiled.
“Good grief…” The man finally said as he regained his composure, “I’m sorry, it’s not my business but what on Earth is that smell?”
“Sewage leak.” Emily answered quickly. She didn’t know if it made sense or not, it was simply the first thing that came to mind.
Emily quickly scrawled her name on the clipboard ad handed it back. The man seemed reluctant to get too close to the door meaning that Emily had to step out on to the porch. Unfortunately, that just brought the smell with her. Whether the man guessed the actual source of the foul odour was unclear as Emily thrust the clipboard back into the man’s hands and then retreated dragging the box behind her.
“H-Have a good day…” The man called out seemingly remembering his manners.
Emily was long past caring about manners. As soon as she had dragged the heavy box into the hallway, she slammed the door closed. She slumped against it and could feel her heart hammering. Already she pictured the man going back to his workplace and sharing the story of the woman whose house smelled like an open sewer.
The box was huge and it filled a lot of the hallway between the front door and the stairs. It was however relatively thin which meant it could be leant against the wall. Emily made sure it wasn’t going to fall over before going back to the couch and picking up her phone. This time there was no hesitation from her.
“Come on… pick up…” Emily said impatiently as she tapped her foot.
The phone rang and then eventually went to voicemail. Emily let out an angry grunt of frustration. Hopefully it meant Amelia was on her way home because Emily was completely done with this stinky diaper.
“I thought I paid for them to set it up.” Amelia said as soon as the front door opened, “And, Jesus, what is that stench?”
Emily had heard the front door close from her spot on the living room couch. Straight away she got up and walked into the hallway. Her embarrassment about the wretched state of her diaper was nothing compared to her desperate need to get out of it and for that she required Amelia.
“I need a change.” Emily said as soon as she saw her wife.
“I’ll say.” Amelia replied as she faked a cough and waved her hand in front of her face.
Emily didn’t appreciate being made fun of. It wasn’t exactly her choice to be like this. If Amelia just reacted to everything that had happened normally she would’ve been able to use the toilet like any other normal adult. She was annoyed that Amelia wasn’t just dropping everything to change her diaper right away.
“Can we do it then?” Emily asked impatiently, “Now?”
“How long have you been sitting in that? I’m sure it can wait another minute…” Amelia replied as she looked at the large delivery, “How come they didn’t set this up for us?”
“I couldn’t exactly invite him inside.” Emily said with clenched teeth.
“Why not?” A second later Amelia cottoned on to the reason, “Oh, I see. Well, I got a notification when this was signed for. Wow, you’ve really been in that a while, huh?”
“Yes!” Emily exclaimed, “So can we…”
“Right, well, if you help me bring this upstairs, we can get you changed.” Amelia replied.
Emily let out a deep sigh. She couldn’t understand why Amelia was so prepared to keep Emily like this any longer than she had to. The stink had seemed to permeate the entire house and it was obvious she was very uncomfortable. Several times she had been on the verge of bursting into tears but her pride held them back.
“Can’t we sort me out first?” Emily asked in what she hoped was a polite voice.
“This is going in your bedroom anyway.” Amelia replied as she moved to one end of the box, “So we might as well take it up.”
Emily huffed and stomped her foot in annoyance but when Amelia gave her a look with raised eyebrows she fell back into line. Still protesting under her breath Emily took the other end of the box and lifted it up. She had no idea how the delivery man had seemed to carry it with minimal effort because it felt heavy to her.
By then the contents of Emily’s diaper had been spread all over her skin. She was about as gross as she was going to get so even as the diaper slipped against her when she moved, she ignored it as much as she could. If getting this box upstairs was what got her out of the diaper fastest then that was what she would do.
“Alright, three… two… one… lift.” Amelia said.
The two women grunted as they picked up the box. To Emily embarrassment she felt a squirt of urine dribble out of her and into the heavily used diaper. Another symptom of her recent bladder weakness, she guessed. At least no one else was privy to this particular embarrassment and she started backing up the stairs with both her hands underneath the tall box.
“Careful.” Amelia said as Emily nearly tripped.
After much effort and a few swear words from Emily they had reached the landing. Getting the box into the bedroom from there was much easier. As Emily put the box down on the floor, she suddenly realised this was apparently going to be set up in her room and she had no idea wat it was.
“What is it?” Emily asked.
“Hmm?” Amelia replied as she looked for a place to tear the tape.
“What’s in the box?” Emily asked again with impatience.
“You’ll see soon.” Amelia looked at her wife with a smile, “I think it will help us both out a lot going forwards.”
“Whatever. Can you just sort this out?” Emily said as she pointed to her diaper. She was already walking to the bed to put the towel down.
“Of course…” Amelia said with a smile.
“Finally…” Emily muttered under her breath.
“Right after we set this up.” Amelia continued.
“What!?” Emily had been just about to sit on the mattress. Now she stared at Amelia in horror.
Amelia found the place she was looking for and tore the tape with ease. Soon Emily was watching the cardboard fall away whilst still trying to process the fact that Amelia wasn’t going to change her out of this mucky disposable right away. She couldn’t understand the delay.
“This will be much quicker if you help.” Amelia said without looking at Emily. She was leafing through an instruction booklet.
“You’re joking, right?” Emily said with exasperation, “Tell me you’re joking. I need to get out of this thing!”
“And you’ll get out a lot quicker if you help me.” Amelia said as she started sorting the various pieces into piles.
Emily clenched her fists. This wasn’t fair. If she wasn’t allowed to change her own diapers then Amelia could at least change her as soon as possible. As Amelia started to lift up a particularly long piece of wood it slipped and fell back to the ground. This construction didn’t seem like it was meant to be made by one person. Amelia stepped back rubbing one of her breasts through her shirt.
“Are you OK?” Emily asked.
“Yeah.” Amelia replied, “The wood just hit my chest. My boobs have been very sensitive recently.”
As much as Emily resented her situation and felt frustrated about how Amelia was handling it, she didn’t want her wife to get hurt. Even though she wanted to take no part in what seemed to her like a pointless distraction from her much-needed diaper change she stepped forwards.
“Fine…” Emily muttered as she waddled across the room, “What is it anyway? Some sort of desk?”
“You’ll find out soon.” Amelia chuckled, “For now I need you lift the other end of this.”
It didn’t seem like Amelia was keen to answer any of her questions so Emily grudgingly did as she was told. The smell around her was obnoxious and after just a minute or two of starting Amelia went to open the window to allow fresh air in. Emily made a comment that if she was changed the smell wouldn’t be a problem but she was ignored.
The diaper was very distracting. By now it was cold, itchy and very uncomfortable indeed. Emily was desperate to get out of it, she was increasingly worried it would start to leak in some way. She had a feeling she would get blamed if that happened though it would be entirely her wife’s fault. It wasn’t fair. A baby wouldn’t be kept in a diaper like this so why was she?
It seemed like the furniture assembly took forever. Emily was only getting more confused as whatever it was, they were building began to take shape. It definitely wasn’t a desk; it was too long for that. It wasn’t a new bed either because it was too tall. It had a long flat surface with several shelves underneath but it obviously wasn’t a set of drawers or anything. Emily had just finished putting one of the corner shelves together and stepped back when it hit her.
“This… Is this a changing table!?” Emily exclaimed.
“Indeed, it is.” Amelia was beaming, “No more breaking my back bending over your bed.”
“Are you insane!?” Emily shouted, “I don’t want this! I don’t need this!”
“Uh huh.” Amelia grunted sceptically. Her gaze fell on the clearly very used diaper peeking out under Emily’s skirt.
“That wasn’t my fault and you know it!” Emily stomped her foot.
“Emily, I was only gone a couple of hours.” Amelia shook her head.
Emily was upset and frustrated. If she was just allowed to change herself none of this would be needed. She clenched her teeth together as Amelia walked over to her. Emily ignored the wince from Amelia as the smell no doubt became harder to bear.
“Baby, it’s OK.” Amelia said softly as she hugged Emily. Her hands rubbed the diapered woman’s back, “You’re having a little problem and this will help both of us. You won’t have to worry about your bed getting wet and I won’t hurt my back.”
Emily felt frustrated that Amelia was probably right. It was awkward getting changed on the bed. There wasn’t a lot of room and more than once a diaper had ended up on the floor or the wrong way up on her sheets. Amelia had been complaining about having to bend over so much as well. The changing table might actually make sense but it was still hard to accept.
“It’s just a disability aid.” Amelia whispered into Emily’s ear before kissing her neck.
“Really?” Emily asked. She wasn’t sure if she believed her wife but she was definitely being won round to the idea.
“Yeah.” Amelia continued to reassure, “You’d get ramps and a stair lift for someone in a wheelchair. This is just something to help with your condition.”
It just made it all feel so permanent. Building this was like accepting that things weren’t going to get better. Amelia wouldn’t have spent the money if Emily would be back to normal in a week or month. Emily let her head flop forwards against her wife as she signed in resigned acceptance.
“Good girl.” Amelia whispered correctly assuming Emily’s protestations had been defeated.
Emily slumped forwards. When Amelia moved out of the way the stinky woman awkwardly waddled towards the now completed changing table. A long piece of padding with a waterproof exterior had been placed on top of the changing table, Emily felt it, there was a little give but it was still very firm. She looked down the whole length and frowned.
“Where did you get it?” Emily asked.
“Online.” Amelia replied airily, “I’ll fill up the shelves later. For now, I think we need to deal with your diaper.”
Emily was confused. This certainly wasn’t a changing table for babies. She supposed there must be versions for adults who needed them but she hadn’t really thought about it before. The one in the therapist’s office made sense since it was a public bathroom but it was a bit of a surprise to see a version for the home.
Emily awkwardly swung a leg up and over the top of the table. She crinkled loudly and had no idea of the view she was giving Amelia. With her legs split her short skirt didn’t cover anything and the previously white padding now stained brown in patches was shown to Amelia who smiled widely.
Once on all fours on top of the padded surface Emily rolled over and until she was on her back with her legs spread. It felt strange. Like a particularly thin uncomfortable bed. It was higher than she was used to and when she looked to the side to see Amelia, she could see she was slightly above waist height.
“Well, it’s not fallen apart yet.” Amelia said as she pushed against the table to make sure it stayed upright, “So that’s a good sign.”
Emily tried to push away the feelings of déjà vu. Having her stinky diaper changed by her wife on top of a changing table was something that had only happened once before but it had been very fresh in her mind. The only difference was that this was being done at home. In some ways that was better, in some ways worse. She looked to the side and saw her bed, it made the whole situation feel more intimate. In a very literal way, it had brought home the problems she was having.
Emily’s skirt was pushed up over her belly exposing the diaper. Amelia got the wipes and powder ready as well as a tub of cream Emily hadn’t seen before. As the tapes of the diaper were pulled away the smell got worse and Emily looked away in shame. After being in the messy disposable for so long she could only imagine what it must’ve looked like in there.
As uncomfortable and embarrassing as the situation was Emily couldn’t help but sigh as she felt the sticky poop getting wiped away. She’d almost forgotten what being clean felt like and she let her eyes flutter closed as she enjoyed the cool wet wipes. There was one place that was particularly enjoyable. When Amelia’s hands used the wipes to clean Emily’s penis, she found herself doing a little more than sighing.
Emily didn’t want it to look like she was enjoying what was happening in any way. She begged herself not to get excited but as Amelia’s hands continued to touch her sensitive areas that is exactly what happened. It wasn’t long until her dick was hard and bobbing against her tummy. Amelia made no comment about it. After a little extra cleaning she simply moved to start wiping other parts of Emily leaving her frustrated and a little disappointed.
“Don’t worry.” Amelia said as she pulled the used diaper away and folded it up, “I’m sure it’s not uncommon for people to get excited during changes.”
Emily pressed her lips together and turned her head to face the wall. It had nothing to do with the diaper change, it was just a normal reaction to having hands caressing her special parts. It didn’t look like Amelia was too interested in going any further though as a fresh diaper was unfolded. This would usually be the time that Emily argued she didn’t need them, she decided not to bother this time around.
The new diaper was slipped underneath Emily’s butt and she felt the relief of clean and dry padding. After what she had been wearing for the last few hours, it felt like sitting on a cloud. She heard a pop and looked down to see the tub of cream with its lid off. She didn’t recognise it from any of her other changes.
“Diaper rash cream.” Amelia answered Emily’s silent question, “You were in that a while so better safe than sorry.”
Emily blushed. It seemed she was now getting the full toddler diaper change experience. The cream was applied liberally all over her crotch and butt. Just like with the wipes she found herself getting excited as Amelia’s hand slipped up and down her length a few more times than seemed strictly necessary. Before she could stop herself, a little moan escaped her lips. Amelia laughed as she let go.
“We’ll have to do something about this thing if it keeps getting in the way.” Amelia giggled.
Emily knew Amelia was joking. At least she HOPED her wife wasn’t being serious. Exactly what the solution to her princess parts was supposed to be worried her and she didn’t dwell on it. Baby powder was sprinkled over her creamy crotch and into the open diaper before it was finally all closed up.
“There we go.” Amelia said with a final pat to the diaper, “Good as new.”
If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:
Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation