Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025

Chapter Description: Emily is given an ultimatum. Either confront her problem with Amelia's help or move to the spare bedroom. Whilst Emily goes through turmoil, Amelia heads out to see Catherine and reminisces about their less than innocent past.

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Emily didn’t like this. She didn’t like this one tiny bit. She was sitting on the couch with Amelia perched on her favourite armchair watching her. Just like when the pull-ups had been introduced Emily’s wife had a plastic bag in front of her. Last time this happened she had looked somewhat nervous, this time she seemed more confident.

“Emily, we have to be realistic with the situation.” Amelia stated, “Your problems are getting worse and there’s no sign of them improving any time soon.”

“You don’t know that…” Emily said quietly.

“What will I find if I check you pull-up right now?” Amelia asked with cocked eyebrows.

Emily felt her cheeks reddening. If Amelia were to check her right then she would find that her pull-up was wet. Again. Emily spent more time wet than dry recently. Amelia knew as much as she had taken to checking Emily regularly and more often than not the pull-up was at least a little soggy. Each time a wet pull-up was discovered Amelia would tell Emily to go get changed which only annoyed her more, it was as if her wife didn’t trust her to keep track of these things.

“What’s your point?” Emily asked with obvious annoyance.

“My point is that those pull-ups are meant for small leakages.” Amelia said, “They’re meant for “just in case” situations and the fact you haven’t leaked yet is more by luck than design.”

Emily didn’t want to admit to Amelia that there had been several times where her pull-ups had actually leaked. When her laziness about going to the bathroom or getting changed when she should had got the better of her. Thankfully it had only happened when Amelia was at work or not in a position to find out. It meant that Emily had been given time to hide the evidence.

“Since you seem to need the padding, I thought we should get something more designed to handle these… heavier accidents.” Amelia said as she opened the bag.

Here it came. Emily knew what she was going to see even before Amelia lifted the new rectangular object. The packaging looked very familiar to the pull-ups Emily had become so used to. But this package was larger and the picture on the front was different. As were the words which seemed designed to make Emily feel even worse about what was happening. “Diapers – for urge incontinence and heavy leakage.” Emily felt the muscles in her face twitching though whether she was about to yell in anger or start crying she wasn’t sure.

“I already know what you’re going to say.” Amelia said sternly, “And no, this isn’t optional. I’m tired of having to check you all the time.”

“You don’t have to check me!” Emily retorted quickly, “I never asked you to do that!”

“But I had to otherwise you’d just sit there and stain the couch more than you already have done.” Amelia gestured to the stains of spilled drinks and food that covered large parts of the couch.

“What if I refuse?” Emily asked defiantly.

“Then you’ll be staying in the spare bedroom.” Amelia replied.

“Fine!” Emily stood up angrily.

“Emily, don’t be so childish.” Amelia shook her head.

Emily was already stomping out of the room. She slammed the living room door behind her as she angrily went upstairs. She muttered darkly as she gathered up some things that she would need and noisily carried them to the spare bedroom. She wanted Amelia to be aware of every movement she was being forced to make, to make her feel guilty for these ridiculous impositions.

Sitting on the bed with her arms folded across her chest Emily expected Amelia to come up and try to make amends. That didn’t happen. Instead, she was left alone in the spare bedroom to stew in her own annoyance. The pull-ups were bad enough, there was no way she was going to willingly wear… she couldn’t bring herself to even say the word.

Emily didn’t even go down for dinner. She had opened her laptop and was idly searching when there was finally a knock on the door. At last Amelia must’ve been coming up to apologise and forget the whole diaper thing. The door opened and Amelia was stood there dressed surprisingly well, her make-up had been done and she was wearing a golden necklace and earring set.

“I’m going out.” Amelia said simply, “There’s some pizza you can warm up in the fridge.”

“Where are you going?” Emily asked.

“To see a friend.” Amelia replied vaguely.

“Who?” Emily questioned.

Amelia simply rolled her eyes and left the room. Emily didn’t know what to think. When she heard her wife gathering her things by the front door she tiptoed out of the bedroom and leaned over the edge of the banister. She could see Amelia slipping on her coat and was tempted to go down and talk about what had happened earlier in the day. Before she could give it serious thought Amelia had left the house.

Emily let out a deep sigh. She had felt completely in the right for refusing the diapers and that sleeping in the spare room was a worthy protest but now she wasn’t so sure. Once she was certain that Amelia wasn’t coming back in, she went down to make the pizza.


“Hey Catherine.” Amelia said as she walked into the bar.

“Amelia, how are you doing?” Catherine rose from her seat to wrap her arms around Amelia.

“Not too bad, and yourself?” Amelia asked.

“Same old, same old.” Catherine replied as she sat back down, “You’ve really dressed up, huh?”

Amelia had indeed “dressed up.” Normally when the two friends got together, they kept it as casual as possible, this time Amelia had decided to wear something she usually reserved for dates with Emily, not that many of them happened. The truth was that Amelia really wished these nights out were proper dates. She missed their time together in college.

It didn’t take long for the two women to get into conversation. Amelia and Catherine had never struggled for things to talk about and that night was no exception. Soon enough they were cackling with laughter as they sipped their drinks.

“So, how’s Emily?” Catherine asked eventually.

Amelia was always impressed at how Catherine could compartmentalise her life. She could hear all sorts from Amelia about Emily and yet it apparently never bled over into the therapy sessions her wife had. Her professionalism was unmatched. That said Amelia still tried not to give information to Catherine that might be considered sensitive, she walked a thin line when talking about her partner. But there was an ulterior motive for her going out with Catherine that night…

“She’s… fine.” Amelia said. She made sure to leave a long pause. Just long enough to get Catherine’s attention.

“Are you sure?” Catherine asked, “Is it something you can talk about?”

“Well, I’ve still been struggling to get her to do anything.” Amelia sighed, “Especially her recent “problems”. She’s been acting so… childish about it all.”

Catherine didn’t say anything and instead looked down at her drink. Amelia knew Catherine better than anyone and knew there was something she was thinking that she couldn’t necessarily tell other people. Amelia also knew that a few drinks could loosen the therapist’s tongue.

“What?” Amelia asked.

“I shouldn’t say anything.” Catherine said.

“Well, you can’t just leave something like that hanging out there.” Amelia said with a chuckle, “Can you tell me as a friend rather than a therapist?”

Catherine seemed to be wrestling with things in her mind. It was clear she wanted to say something but was being held back by her professional ethics. Amelia loved her friend but she had no time for things she saw as unnecessary. Doctor-patient confidentiality was important but Amelia knew everything about Emily anyway and only planned to take more control of her life for the good of everyone.

“Alright, well…” Catherine took a long sip from her drink, “The last time I saw her she was acting kind of… No, never mind, don’t worry about it.”

“Catherine, if you know something about my wife I want to know.” Amelia said.

“She just had a bit of a tantrum.” Catherine blurted out, “She was petulant and stormed out when we were talking about… certain things.”

Amelia nodded her head. Internally she was beaming. Emily was acting exactly as she expected and it felt like the dominoes were all lining up for her. She took her own drink to hide the smile she was struggling to keep off her face.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen her get upset or angry but I’ve never seen her act so childishly.” Catherine continued as she shook her head, “It feels like it’s getting worse as well.”

“Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing.” Amelia shook her head, “She can be so frustrating. She takes no responsibility for herself and you have to drag her kicking and screaming to get her to do anything.”

Amelia glanced to the side to see her therapist friend nodding her head as she took another drink. The groundwork was being prepared and Amelia was getting ready to press the issue with her former lover. She waited and watched Catherine out of the corner of her eye, when she saw her friend looking at her Amelia let out a wistful sigh.

“What?” Catherine asked.

“Hmm?” Amelia responded as if everything she was doing wasn’t planned in advance.

“You sighed.” Catherine said.

“Oh, I was just thinking back to those carefree days at college again…” Amelia said with a smile.


Seven Years Previously…


Amelia was flat on her back. Naked but for the diaper between her legs she was spread-eagled with her wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts. Red in the face and anxiously biting into the gag in her mouth she listened to the sounds of their housemates in the corridor and rooms outside her own. She couldn’t do much more as her vision was completely obscured by a blindfold.

Catherine rarely took the dominant position in their sexual games but she had gone all out that day. As soon as Amelia had got home from her final class of the week Catherine had stripped her and put her in a diaper. Amelia let Catherine do as she wanted; she was always keen to encourage her lover’s dominant side.

Amelia squirmed as much as her restraints would allow. She could feel the juices of her excitement mixing with the urine that already wet her padding. Catherine hadn’t allowed Amelia to use the toilet before getting restrained, it hadn’t been long before the diaper was used instead. It left the prone woman feeling desperately horny but completely unable to do anything about it. She’d taught Catherine too well, she thought to herself as she grunted into her gag and smiled despite her predicament.

Time quickly lost meaning as she waited on the bed. Catherine had left the room not long after Amelia had been tied down. She had imparted one final message on her way out.

“I’ll just leave the door unlocked.” Catherine had said from the other end of the room, “Come get me if you need anything.”

Amelia’s eyes had gone wide under her blindfold and she had struggled a little more as she heard the door to the bedroom open and then close. She had been left alone in the room with only her thoughts for company knowing that her housemates could just walk in and see her like this. Needless to say, they didn’t know of her perverted side but if they came to see where she was they would soon get an eyeful.

Time had passed and Catherine hadn’t come back. Amelia pulled on her restraints but they had no give in them. After a while she heard a knock at the front door of their apartment. A stranger was let in by a housemate. And then another. And another.

Amelia felt drool running down from the side of her mouth as more and more people arrived. Music started to get played and she realised there was a party happening!

“Mmmm!” Amelia mumbled around her gag.

This felt so dangerous. The door was unlocked and the apartment sounded like it was full of people. At any moment the door could open and Amelia would be revealed, it would be disastrous, she’d have to drop out as the news about her spread throughout the students. It would be the worst thing imaginable... But it was making her so wet!

The danger, the threat of being caught and the naughtiness was combining to create a storm of pleasure and tension in Amelia’s gut. Her diaper was already wet but she could feel her excitement moistening her skin. She pulled against the restraints, the light chains tingled slightly and it was music to her ears.

It was difficult to tell how much time had passed. All Amelia could do to tell that time was passing at all was listen to the noise from outside the room, the music, the sounds of voices and partying. Most people would feel awful about being left out but Amelia loved it, tucked away just out of sight and yet left on display. It was so risky, entirely unlike Catherine to do, and maybe that was why she found it so exciting.

Amelia had just recently wet her diaper a second time when she heard a sound that made her heart stop. She heard the handle on the door squeak. The hinges creaked as it slowly opened and then closed. Amelia held her breath. There were footsteps coming from the door towards the bed. Amelia had no idea who this person was, it could’ve been Catherine but it could’ve been any of a dozen other people. The sound of music from outside the room seemed to fade away as Amelia’s ears became hyper-tuned to the quiet noises in the room. She hadn’t moved a muscle but the footsteps continued to get closer.

Amelia turned her head as she heard the person stand right next to her. Adrenaline was coursing through her and yet she was completely unable to move or cover herself up. It started to seem like the other person was just going to stare down at her until she suddenly felt vibrations against the front of her padding.

“Mmm!” Amelia moaned into the gag.

A vibrator was pressed against the wet diaper right over Amelia’s pussy. After being teased for so long by her naughty imagination it didn’t take long for the bound woman to start writhing. The unknown person pressing the vibrating sex toy against her quivering sex.

It was less than a minute later when Amelia’s started shaking. Her breathing became shallow as she bucked against the restraints. The pressure in the centre of her being, behind her pussy, grew and grew as she approached the edge of a cliff. Like a runaway train she hurtled over the edge.

“Mmm… MMM!” Amelia froze with every muscle tensed as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her. Soaked with sweat she slumped back against the mattress as the vibrations finally turned off, “Mmmmmmm…”

Amelia felt the stranger lean in close to her. It had always most likely been Catherine coming into the room but now Amelia could smell her girlfriend’s perfume. Fingers played against her hard nipples as Catherine leaned in until she was right up next to Amelia’s head.

“Good girl.” Catherine whispered.

Amelia moaned tiredly as Catherine retreated from the bed. She was left lying on the bed stewing in her own juices as Catherine left the room yet again. It wouldn’t be the last time she excused herself from the party to check on Amelia but each time ended the same way.


Present Day…


“I’ll get us another couple of drinks.” Catherine said as she stood up from the table a little while later.

Amelia had felt a little flustered since her prolonged daydream. If she was honest, she missed those days at college a lot more than she let on. Every day had felt so new and exciting, things just weren’t the same with Emily. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her wife, of course she did, but that love came with a lot of frustration. She was brought back to the ulterior motive she had when she invited Amelia out for a drink. She had to find some way to get the conversation back to where she wanted it.

“Here you go.” Catherine said when she returned with the drinks.

“Thank you.” Amelia replied as she sipped her wine and then placed the glass on the table in front of her.

“We really need to have these dates more often.” Catherine said with a smile.

“Oh, it’s a date now?” Amelia teased.

“You know what I mean!” Catherine replied, “You could bring Emily with you.”

“Getting her to leave the house?” Amelia shook her head, “Good one. I swear, I’m more like her mother than her wife most of the time.”

Catherine froze up. Amelia noticed her friend’s smile slip which was the last thing she wanted. She sipped her drink and did her best not to let on that she had noticed the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Despite the unfavourable winds Amelia felt like this was the only opening she was going to get and she pushed on regardless.

“Speaking of…” Amelia said slowly.

“No.” Catherine said sternly, “No, no, no. Don’t say it.”

“Come on.” Amelia put her hands out imploringly, “You’ve got to admit…”

“I’m not admitting anything.” Catherine interrupted, “Now drop it and move on.”

“But YOU told me you’d noticed Emily acting more childishly.” Amelia ploughed on regardless. Subtlety wasn’t always her forte.

“There’s a difference between that and… and…” Catherine didn’t seem to even want to say the words.

“Regression therapy?” Amelia suggested.

Amelia saw Catherine’s face turn to stone. She picked up her drink and downed it in one go. Immediately afterwards she stood up, and wobbled slightly, as she put her jacket on. She slipped her bag over her shoulder and pulled her purse out to drop some money on the table.

“Catherine…” Amelia said, “Come on. Sit back down, we can talk about this.”

“It’s not right!” Catherine said as she waved her hands in front of her to say that was the end of it.

“It could help her!” Amelia exclaimed.

“You can’t expect me to know everything about you and just buy into it as if it’s a selfless act from you.” Catherine said, “It’s irresponsible, unethical… it’s… it’s unproven!”

“Then help me prove it!” Amelia said as Catherine slid past the table and started to walk away.

Unlike everything else that last sentence seemed to actually appeal to Catherine. Amelia noticed her friend hesitate slightly; her eyes darted to the side. Her professional curiosity clearly piqued by something that had very little research done on it.

“Just… drop it.” Catherine said finally.

Amelia reached out for Catherine’s sleeve but the departing woman simply shrugged her off and walked towards the exit. Amelia watched her go and threw her head back to look at the ceiling. That was twice she had tried to bring up regression therapy and neither time had exactly gone as she wanted.

“Bad date?”

Amelia turned back around to see a young woman with a try collecting empty glasses. The waitress was smiling sympathetically.

“You could say that.” Amelia replied as she finished off her drink and made to get up.


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End Chapter 10

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025


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