Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025

Chapter Description: Amelia wants to make some changes but to say Emily is hesitant would be an understatement. It quickly becomes clear, in more ways than one, that Emily simply may not have a choice.

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Emily felt depressed. She hadn’t left the house, except for therapy, since the incident in the bar and still found herself having to run to the bathroom. Her panties were now becoming habitually wet and the urges to urinate were stronger and more frequent than ever before. She was reaching her wits end.

On the Monday after the ill-fated bar date Amelia came home from work and when Emily looked over the back of the couch, she could immediately tell something was different. Amelia was looking a little shifty and had a plastic bag with the logo of the nearby pharmacy on it. Her eyes narrowed. Amelia took off her jacket and shoes before coming into the living room as usual.

“Hello.” Amelia said with a smile, “Busy day?”

Emily looked around at all the snacks and empty drink cans on the table as well as the video game paused on the television. She wondered if Amelia was being sarcastic. That was all of secondary importance. What really got Emily’s attention was the bag. Why would Amelia have reason to go to the pharmacy?

“What’s in the bag?” Emily asked suspiciously.

“Oh, this?” Amelia paused for a couple of seconds as she looked down at what she was carrying, “Well, I’ve been thinking about your little problem and I found something that might help.”

Emily had a feeling she knew where this was going. She could see the distinctive rectangular shape of whatever was in the bag and she could only imagine one thing. She swallowed nervously. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t thought about these as a solution to her problem before but Amelia buying them and bringing them into the house was a whole different matter.

“Amelia…” Emily said slowly.

Amelia sat in the armchair with the bag between her feet. She opened it up and reached in with both hands. Emily watched as time seemed to slow down. The top of the rectangular package emerged and she could see it was a deep blue in colour and the plastic was tightly packed around what was inside. More of the rectangle emerged and started to show the smooth torso of a young woman and just below her belly button the skin gave way to a white papery waistband. As the packet came totally free the awful truth of what Amelia had bought was revealed.

“No!” Emily shook her head and waved her hands in front of her, “No! No! No! A thousand times no!”

“Emily, listen…” Amelia started.

“I’m not wearing some god damn pull-ups!” Emily’s face went red at the very thought.

“You can’t ignore your… problem.” Amelia replied with a mixture of compassion and exasperation.

Emily shook her head. It wasn’t something she could even think about. Sure, she had been having some problems but that was no reason to degrade herself and wear those… things. She couldn’t even bring herself to think the name of them. To Emily it was like admitting defeat, it was like admitting that she wasn’t a woman but instead just a little girl.

“Emily, I’m worried about you.” Amelia said, “Running off to the bathroom all the time, and the incident at the bar. The laundry basket is constantly full of damp panties and I know they aren’t coming from me.”

Emily’s face went a darker shade of red. She didn’t need reminding of all those incidents. Whilst she could see the logic in what her wife was saying it felt like Amelia was ignoring the emotional side of things that was also very important. Wearing those pull-ups would be like admitting defeat, telling the world you couldn’t hold your bladder like some sort of baby.

“I just… can’t.” Emily said with a pathetic desperation.

“Why not?” Amelia asked.

“Because…” Emily looked at the ground, “I don’t want you to think less of me.”

“Sweetie, you know I won’t.” Amelia replied, “In fact I’ll think MORE of you for taking control of the situation.”

Amelia held out the pull-ups and Emily reluctantly took them. Even touching the packaging felt wrong. She could feel the folded-up pull-ups inside, they felt so thick, she was sure they would be instantly recognisable to anyone who saw her.

“The pharmacist said they were perfect for people with…” Amelia hesitated, “leakage issues.”

Emily felt herself burning up with embarrassment. Whilst she knew the pharmacist had no way to know who the pull-ups were for it still felt like an invasion of her privacy, like somehow the pharmacist just knew. It was worse because Emily assumed Amelia was talking about the pharmacist, they both usually went to, the one who gave her the hormone pills she took daily.

“I didn’t say they were for you.” Amelia quickly added.

Emily picked the pull-ups up and marched out of the room. She knew she was being rude but didn’t care, she wanted Amelia to know she wasn’t happy. She took the pull-ups up to their bedroom and slipped them under the bed. Out of sight, out of mind. A place where they could both forget them.

When Emily returned downstairs and went to the kitchen, she saw Amelia was starting on dinner. She turned around as Emily walked in and glanced noticeably down at Emily’s crotch.

“I haven’t put one on!” Emily said with annoyance her wife, “So you can stop staring.”

“Alright, sorry…” Amelia put her hands up as a peace gesture. As she turned away Emily thought she saw her wife smile slightly.

The rest of the evening was awkward. Emily didn’t want to talk through dinner and was glad when Amelia went to bed soon after. She herself remained awake and in the living room for quite a while afterwards. Before going to bed Amelia had reminded Emily about the pull-ups and suggested she should put one on for bed, obviously Emily had reacted with disdain. There was no way she was going to do such a thing.

Eventually Emily could barely keep her eyes open and even video games were failing to keep her alert. She stood up with and switched the television off before heading upstairs. Amelia was sound asleep, her soft breathing just about audible as Emily approached the bed. She stripped down until she was nude, always her preferred way to sleep and then looked down at the side of the bed. The pull-ups she’d hidden under the mattress had been pulled out and placed on her bedside table. She pouted in annoyance. She didn’t need Amelia to remind her about them, it wasn’t like she was likely to forget. She picked the packet up and shoved it roughly back under the bed.

“As if…” Emily muttered as she picked the packet of pull-ups up and slipped them back under the bed.

Emily climbed into bed and was almost asleep before her head hit the pillow. As she snored away completely lost to the world, she was completely unaware of what was happening in her body. All the diuretics were building up and making her bladder increasingly less reliable. In fact, it was that very night that Emily was about to suffer a new humiliation that couldn’t have come at a worse time…


Amelia’s eyes fluttered open. She could tell immediately that something wasn’t right. The room was still dark and normally she had no problem sleeping through the night. She was facing the window and behind her she could hear her wife snoring which wasn’t unusual in the slightest. What WAS unusual was the cold and damp feeling she could feel on one of her legs.

Sitting up and pulling the covers back Amelia saw the culprit. It was obvious even in the darkness but Amelia reached over for her phone anyway. She turned on the screen and pointed it at the middle of the bed where a large wet patch was slowly creeping over the cotton sheets. She gasped and covered her mouth. Despite what she had been doing she hadn’t expected something like this to happen. She had to get her excitement under control before reacting though. She took a couple of deep breaths.

“Emily!” Amelia exclaimed as if she had just woken up, “Emily! Stop!”

Emily jumped at the sudden loud noises as she rolled over into her wet patch with eyes only half-open. It seemed to take her a few seconds to work out why Amelia was so upset. She suddenly became alert and sat up. When she saw the stain, she had left she immediately started to shake her head.

“For goodness sake!” Amelia yelled as she scrambled to get out of the bed pulling the cover with her, “Look what you’ve done!”

“I… I…” Emily stuttered dumbly.

“You’ve wet the bed!” Amelia continued.

Amelia could see that it was as if Emily had been hit by a flashbang grenade. She seemed stunned and completely unable to grasp exactly what was going on. Amelia kept on the offensive.

“Come on, get off the bed.” Amelia said crossly, “Unless you like sitting in your own pee.”

Amelia took Emily by the arm as she climbed off the mattress. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide and shimmering with tears. Amelia had to admit she felt sorry for her wife, especially as she had been engineering these situations, but it was for her own good in the long run. She was certain everyone would be happier when all was said and done.

Amelia started stripping off the bed whilst Emily stood naked and looking dumbly at what had happened. She always looked cutest when she was embarrassed and confused in Amelia’s opinion. When Amelia turned around Emily looked at her like a lost little kid that needed guidance.

“Didn’t you feel that you needed to go?” Amelia asked. It was an unnecessary question because clearly Emily didn’t notice but it seemed to make Emily blush even more.

Emily shook her head and looked down over her naked body. It was a body Amelia could appreciate. Certain things had shrunk thanks to the potent hormones Emily was taking but other parts had certainly grown. At the last measurement Emily had discovered she had c-cup breasts, more than a handful and not far off rivalling Amelia’s in size.

“Go have a shower.” Amelia said with a softer voice, “I’ll deal with this.”

Emily didn’t say anything in response. She simply nodded her head and then followed Amelia’s instructions and left the room. Once the bedroom door was closed Amelia let the smile, that had been threatening to break out, take over her face. This was perfect.

With Emily out of the room Amelia stripped the sheets and flipped over the mattress. The wetness had fortunately not seeped all the way through and Amelia went into the closet to get some fresh sheets. In the background she could hear the shower running and once the bed was ready, she picked up the packet of pull-ups that had laid discarded and placed them on Emily’s pillow. She then waited.

It took a long time for Emily to come back into the bedroom. She was naked but with a towel wrapped around her and was looking down at the floor like a shamed puppy. Amelia remained quiet, sitting against the headboard, as she watched her wife slowly shuffle over to the mattress. Emily reached the bed and finally caught sight of the pull-ups. They seemed to make her freeze.

“I think you know what you need to do.” Amelia said softly.

“I don’t want to…” Emily muttered.

“And I don’t want to have to wake up in a puddle.” Amelia made sure her voice was sterner now. That she was not going to accept any argument.

“But…” Emily started.

“Emily, you have to admit you have a problem.” Amelia continued, “I would say you either wear a pull-up or sleep in the spare room but I don’t want you ruining that mattress either.”

Despite the low light of the bedroom Amelia could see Emily blushing a deep red. She had been soft with her words but the ultimatum was clear, put on the pull-ups or find somewhere else to sleep. The conflict in Emily’s head was obvious as she looked around the room at anything that wasn’t Amelia. It looked like she was looking for a saving grace, she wasn’t going to find one.

“Fine…” Emily finally muttered like a petulant child, “But you can’t tell anyone!”

“Of course. I would never tell a soul.” Amelia replied softly. She wasn’t certain how true that was because there was one soul in particular she was interested in talking to.

Amelia watched as Emily picked up the packet of pull-ups as if it was a bomb ready to explode. She took a deep breath before grabbing the top and pulling to tear it open and show the disposable underwear inside. Her hand trembled as she pulled one of the cottony undergarments out and held it in front of her.

“See? They’re not so bad.” Amelia said, “Just like regular underwear.”

Emily gave her wife a look that could be summed up as “Are you serious?” and Amelia had to admit she was stretching the definition of regular underwear. They had two leg holes to step into and pull up between her legs but that was where the similarities ended. They were all white and the elastic came up much higher than regular panties, it looked like they may even cover Emily’s belly button. Between the legs and up the front and back was obvious padding, even in the darkness the increased thickness was obvious. They didn’t crinkle, but Amelia thought she heard a slight rustle.

“Maybe there’s…” Emily started as she looked away from the pull-up.

“There’s no other choice, honey.” Amelia said.

Amelia could see Emily’s face blushing so brightly she could’ve been used as a lighthouse. She was sure it was just her eyes playing tricks on her but she almost seemed to be glowing. Gingerly, Emily opened the pull-up and started stepping into it. Amelia had to work to hide how turned on it was making her. The fetish she had hidden for so long was bursting out, it was like she was getting some live-action porn.

The padding went up Emily’s legs after she stepped through the holes. Amelia could see the papery leg cuffs rubbing against her wife’s shaved calf as the underwear was pulled upwards slowly. The pull-up passed Emily’s knees, then up over her thighs before finally covering her genitals and settling into place at the top of her legs. Amelia was biting her lip and realised the sight of her wife getting dressed like this was making her wet.

“There you go.” Amelia said, “Not so bad.”

“It feels awful.” Emily said mournfully, “It’s weird and I can feel the padding.”

“That just means it will work.” Amelia replied, “Now come back to bed.”

Emily seemed only too glad to slip under the covers and out of sight. Hiding the pull-up seemed to be all she wanted to do. Amelia scooted over to Emily’s side of the bed ostensibly to comfort her wife but, more honestly, to touch the pull-up.

Emily was curled up into a ball facing away from her wife and Amelia smiled at her bashfulness. She slid up behind Emily so her breasts pressed into her back, she felt Emily tremble slightly. She moved her legs forwards so she could be the big spoon and as she did so she felt her skin touch the pull-up. It was enough to send electricity through her. She longed to reach down and grope the padding but she resisted. There would be time for that later, right then she had to be the good wife.

Eventually the two women fell asleep like that. Amelia’s dreams were happy and she slept soundly whereas Emily’s were fitful and she woke up many times in the darkness. As the sun started to peek over the horizon outside Emily rolled over in her sleep and found herself nestled in Amelia’s arms with her head pressing against her wife’s breasts.


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End Chapter 6

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025


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