by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Chapter Description: Amelia has manufactured a situation for her wife and now she swoops in to play the hero. Later, Amelia decides she doesn't want to stay cooped up at home and decides it's time for an impromptu evening out with Emily.
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Amelia waited. Her heart was hammering. This was really it, the moment the first phase of her plan was leading to and where the second part would begin. She had stepped out of the shower minutes ago but had left it running and now that she was hearing the banging on the door, she knew it was finally happening.
Amelia sat on the toilet with the lid down nervously and waited. She didn’t really know what she was waiting for. She supposed it was some sign that Emily had lost control but without being able to see through the door that was difficult to predict.
A stab of conscience ran through Amelia. She shouldn’t be doing this, she knew that, and yet she wasn’t stopping it. Several times in the previous days she’d had second thoughts about what she was doing but it hadn’t stopped her. She wondered what that said about her as a person. She didn’t think she was bad or evil, in fact she very much believed that this was all in everyone’s best interests. The devil on her shoulder had won out but Amelia could still see the angel looking at her and shaking their head.
There was a sudden crescendo in the knocking and then it stopped. Amelia stood up and wondered if it was really happening. She couldn’t open the door too early and give Emily what she wanted but she didn’t want to miss the show either.
Amelia quietly stepped across to the door and pressed her ear against it. She could hear Emily whining almost like a dog that needed to be let out. Still, she waited as even the whining stopped. Just as she was wondering what was going on she heard a strangled gasp and somehow knew what it signified. Her wife, a foot away and separated only by the wooden door, was helplessly wetting her pants. Amelia tried to ignore the stirring in her sexuality as she thought about that. This wasn’t for her; this was for Emily’s own good.
Another two seconds passed and then Amelia opened the door.
It was a strange feeling. Amelia knew exactly what to expect, she had engineered the whole situation after all, and yet it still felt like what she was seeing couldn’t be right. Things seemed to be going in slow motion. Emily was standing in front of her with a beet red face, her knees were ever so slightly bent and there were long dark stripes of wetness running down from her crotch all the way to her ankles. Upon seeing her Emily moaned and brought her hands up to cover her face which only gave Amelia an even better look at the accident that was still ongoing.
Amelia didn’t know what to say. Her eyes fixated on her wife’s soaked pants and she bit her lip. Thankfully Emily’s eyes were covered so she didn’t see this strange reaction. Amelia could feel a dampness of her own between her thighs but it had nothing to do with her bladder. She waited. She didn’t want to act until she was sure of what she was doing. Finally, the urine seemed to stop and Amelia supposed Emily was finished. There was a steady dripping on to the carpet at Emily’s feet that Amelia knew would cause a stain that would be tough to remove.
“I… I…” Emily stuttered. She was sobbing gently, her face still covered by her hands.
Amelia was hit by the smell of the urine. She was instantly transported back to her days of college experimentation and the strong smell of a drenched diaper being opened up and changed. A smell that set of a lot of feelings in Amelia, most of them very naughty. But she had to contain herself. It was very important that she did the next part correctly.
“Oh dear…” Amelia said softly, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I’m… I’m sorry…” Emily said between sobs, “I couldn’t hold it!”
“It’s alright.” Amelia put her arm around Emily and led her into the bathroom, “Why don’t you take those wet things off and step into the shower.”
Amelia had never turned the shower off partly because she knew Emily would need it but mostly to hide the sound of her footsteps as she approached the bathroom door. It was very important that Emily not know that she had engineered this situation to make sure she had an accident. She had grown impatient waiting for this to happen naturally even if it did have Emily scampering for the bathroom so often.
Amelia helped her wife disrobe and put the clothes on the floor in a pile. She paid extra attention to Emily’s formerly white panties, they seemed unsalvageable. The wet clothes were quickly giving off the ammonia smell of a public bathroom and as soon as Emily was naked, she was stepping into the shower.
“I’ll take care of all this.” Amelia said as she gestured at the discarded clothes, “Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Th-Thank you…” Emily replied haltingly.
Amelia gave her wife a reassuring smile and a pat on the butt before turning down to scoop up the wet clothes. She left the bathroom and as she closed the door, she allowed a big smile to cross her face. Looking down she could see the wet patch in the carpet, it would always be a reminder to Emily about what happened. This was only the start but now that the ball was rolling Amelia was eager to continue.
Amelia took the clothes down to the laundry room. After starting the machine, she finally allowed a hand to open her bathing robe and touch her sensitive area, it felt like it was throbbing with need. There would be time for that later though, right then she had other things to do.
Back in the living room Amelia picked up her phone and scrolled down to Catherine’s number. She dialled and then held the phone up to her ear, as she waited for Catherine to answer she glanced around the bottom of the banister at the stairs to make sure Emily was still in the shower. Everything seemed clear.
“Hello.” Catherine said as she answered.
“Hey, Catherine.” Amelia replied, “I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for drinks this weekend?”
“Of course.” Catherine said with enthusiasm, “Usual time and place?”
“Sure, I’ll see you there.” Amelia replied.
After their goodbyes Amelia hung up the phone and walked out to the kitchen. She poured a tall glass of apple juice and then opened the medicine drawer under the sink. With a conspiratorial look over her shoulder she popped out another two of the diuretics and dropped them into the drink where they dissolved.
Amelia watched the dissolving tablets fizz until the drink was calm again. Just to make sure it was done she pulled out a spoon and stirred the drink some more. Then she took the drink upstairs to await her wife when she came out of the bathroom.
Emily had been much more subdued than normal. She knew she was acting strangely but she didn’t think anyone could blame her bearing in mind everything that had happened. It had been a few days since “the incident” and things hadn’t got better for her, sure Amelia was being very understanding but that didn’t seem to help her.
After helplessly wetting herself, Emily had decided she couldn’t ignore the problem any longer and booked a doctor’s appointment. They did a few tests but found nothing wrong, she’d done a few scans as well and the doctors told her she was absolutely fine. There was no explanation for her control problems. She couldn’t miss the implication from everyone. That it was her fault. That she was just lazy or something.
Without any actual explanation as to why she was having trouble Emily was left having to wait and hoping it would pass on its own. So far, she hadn’t had any luck. Several times a day she was still having to race from wherever she was to get to the toilet and the problem only seemed to be getting worse. Previously a damp spot on her panties had become a semi-regular thing, now every time she got undressed, she found stains. There was only so many pairs she could wash before Amelia noticed.
“Another pair?” Amelia had said when Emily had tried to take some panties she had dribbled into to the washing machine. Emily remained silent and hurried past.
By the time the weekend came around Emily was growing used to the dashes to the bathroom and was pleased that despite numerous extremely close calls, including one incident where she peed on the toilet seat by accident as she positioned herself, she hadn’t had any more full-blown accidents. She felt like that could be counted as a win as she waited for her body to recover from… whatever it was that was happening. It couldn’t last forever… she hoped.
“Let’s go to the bar.” Amelia said on Friday evening after dinner.
Emily had just slowly walked back down from the bathroom after having to sprint up there. Never in the best of shape, she was out of breath as she collapsed into her armchair and looked at Amelia as if she was crazy. She hadn’t left the house except for the doctor since the urgency issues had started. She’d even cancelled her therapy appointment though she didn’t feel like that was much of a loss.
“I can’t.” Emily said, “I need to… you know…”
“There are bathrooms at the bar.” Amelia replied, “I’m sick of being cooped up in here every evening. You can’t let a little problem rule your life. You’ll be fine. Maybe some fresh air will do you some good.”
It didn’t feel like a little problem for Emily. It felt pretty huge from her point of view. She tried to ignore Amelia’s requests for a date and hoped she would forget the idea but she was persistent. Still, there was no way Emily was going to leave the house, there wasn’t a thing in the world that could convince her…
“You know how I get a little excited after a few drinks…” Amelia leaned forward with a naughty smile, “Once we get back here, I’d probably be in a VERY romantic mood.”
The bar was a short walk away from home but Emily had still spent several minutes on the toilet trying to make sure her bladder was completely empty before she left. She felt very nervous and although she didn’t need to pee, she still spent the whole walk looking at various places she could run to and hide if the need arose. If Amelia noticed her discomfort, she didn’t say anything, which was probably for the best since Emily didn’t like when people fussed over her.
The bar, as could be expected on a Friday night, was very busy. Emily followed her wife in nervously. She had never liked crowds even at the best of times. As a transwoman she was always concerned that people would stare, make comments or do something worse. She lived in a very liberal area so these things happening was rare but they could never be ruled out. Still, she trusted Amelia to look after her if anything happened.
“Do you want to get us a table?” Amelia asked, “I’ll get the drinks.”
Emily looked around. She saw where the toilets were and had hoped to get a table near them, however with how busy it was the only free space she could see was in a corner on the opposite side. She made her way over and sat down. Waiting at the table wasn’t fun as with nothing to distract her she could only start worrying about needing the bathroom. She had to try her best to focus her mind elsewhere.
It wasn’t long until Amelia returned with a couple of beers. She passed one to Emily and held up her own, they clinked glasses before starting to drink. After all the tension and stress of recent days Emily actually found herself relaxing slightly. Amelia appeared to be in a good mood and for the first time in what felt like a long time they had some genuine conversation where both of them were fully engaged.
After the first beers there was a second and as Emily was able to relax into things she was able to forget the things that worried her so much. That may have been a problem though, as she loosened up, she stopped paying quite as much attention to her bladder. Not focusing on it completely had helped her but forgetting about it was a big problem and it wasn’t long before Emily was made to pay.
The bar was getting increasingly busy and loud. It was still a nice atmosphere and Emily was enjoying her time but as more people came in, she started to feel on edge again. Amelia seemed to notice as she put down her drink.
“What’s wrong?” Amelia asked.
“Nothing, it’s just…” Emily paused, “There’s just a lot of people here.”
“Sweetie, you’re safe with me.” Amelia said as she placed a hand on Emily’s.
Emily smiled. For all their recent difficulties she was sure Amelia would fight every person in there if she had to. The way Amelia had reacted to the recent events really reinforced their relationship. She reached over the table with the hand that wasn’t being held by Amelia and picked up her drink. She was halfway to bringing it up to her lips when she felt the dreaded red alert signals from her bladder. The drink almost slipped right out of her hand as she stood up and knocked the table.
“Careful!” Amelia said as she lifted her drink to stop it spilling, “What’s going on? Emily?”
Emily was already leaving the little booth. She had one hand clamped to her crotch and the other was trying to move people out of her way. It was busy though and finding a route through the crowd felt like trying to find a way through a maze.
“E-Excuse me!” Emily called out as she pushed past some people.
There were tears in Emily’s eyes already. She was close to the bathroom but not close enough. Her bladder strained and she felt a streak of urine release into her panties. With a whine she came to a stop. The bathrooms were right in front of her but the queue for the women’s was several people long. There was literally no chance she was going to make it.
Another dribble escaped her furiously clenched sphincter and she let out a little yelp as she felt it pass through her damp underwear and stain her pants. She was seconds from disaster. People were looking at her, a woman standing in the middle of a bar with her hands clamped over her crotch was a pretty unusual sight.
“Are you alright?” A man nearby asked.
“I need the toilet!” Emily’s voice cracked as a sob escaped her.
“Well, it’s…” The man started to say as he pointed at the door.
It was too late for Emily though. Her weakened bladder sphincter gave up and just like that she was flooding her pants. With a whine she heard people exclaiming and gasping as dark wet streaks ran quickly down the inside of her legs. She turned on her heels and ran for the exit not caring who she bumped into or whose drinks ended up on the floor. She didn’t stop until she was outside.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation