A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024

Chapter 4
CHAPTER 204 .......... Gentle Puberty (Part Five)

Chapter Description: 2 new pictures added 4/3/24 Images for this story can be found at the following web...... https://sites.google.com/view/comedy-ars-characters/home


About a third of the boys and maybe half the girls ran toward the gym locker doors but were surprised to find out that Principal Glass had locked them from the outside.


Mama Mensah had no idea what to do now.  She asked the principal, “Why did you lock the doors?”


Our principal explained, “I didn’t want any of the students ducking out in the middle of the program.  Can’t you and Papa fix the curtain?  Can you at least turn off the lights again?”


Papa Mensah tried furiously to turn every switch off and on to no avail.  The lights stayed on.


Meanwhile, Dutchess had blown a fuse too.  She crossed under both ropes and I wasn’t expecting her to apply one of the hardest swats to my buttocks I had ever felt.  She must have hurt her hand too.  Gentle Puberty was turning out to be anything but gentle.


“TAG, YOU’RE IT!” she shouted at me.  (Did she really want me to chase her with my dick flopping up and down?  That would be so undignified.  I was the president of the class.)


So all the naked young female nubiles heard the swat and it became like a chain reaction.  Since they couldn’t get into their locker room they reversed course and attacked the nude boys … swatting their buttocks and yelling ‘Tag, you’re it!’


Embarrassment quickly melted away on both sides as the naked children playfully chased each other around the gym, ducking under the two ropes when necessary and getting in some good spanks to whomever caught their fancy.  Screams and giggles ruled the day.


It wasn’t long before the noise was heard in other parts of the school, prompting more teachers to come down and see what the commotion was all about … with penises flopping up and down, and boobs bouncing (for those who had them.)


Dr. Glass had to caution Senorita Gato and Eppigenia Bullutis to put away their phone cameras.  Obviously, they were scouting out future molestation victims.


Then a new person entered the gym … one I’m sure no one was expecting.  It was MacArthur Bull, the TV host of the Academic Inanity quiz show.  He approached our principal as if everything was normal.


“Hello, Dr. Glass.  I’ve come to present your seventh grade class with the school trophy for winning Academic Inanity last week.  Your three students already received their individual small trophies, but for the big one, we needed to etch your school’s name on the metallic label.”


“Why that’s very nice of you, Mr. Bull,” she told him.  “Please excuse our chaotic gym situation here.”


“Oh, it’s not a problem, Dr. Glass,” he replied.  “A lot of schools have gone co-ed for gym classes.  This way, their clothes don’t get all sweated up.  Can I get your champs to come up here for a photo … Derrek, Madeline, and Hoshiko?”


“Of course.”


“And their academic advisor, Mr. Victum.”


The principal called the math teacher on her cell phone.  “Major could you come down to the gym for a photo, please?”


He did not sound happy.  “A photo with nude children?  Are you serious?  Do I have to take off my clothes too?”


“Just come, please.”


The principal walked onto the gym floor and pointed at the three naked class officers to come to the front of the gym.


“Hi kids,” said the TV host.


“Hello, Mr. Bull,” I replied.


“Okay, we’re here for the official school trophy presentation.  Derrek, since you’re the captain, why don’t you stand in the front with the trophy covering up your penis and scrotum.”


“But won’t it look like I’m fucking the trophy?” I asked innocently.


“Not at all.  Hoshiko, you can stand behind Derrek so his body will cover up your vagina and your breasts.  Just tilt your head to your left so we can see your face.”


“Like this?” Hoshi asked.


“Yes, that’s perfect.  Now Madeline, since you’re flat-chested, do you care if your nipples are in the picture?”


“Yes, I do care.”


“Okay, then just stand behind Hoshiko and tilt your head out to your right.  That’s good like that.  And Mr. Victum, you can just stand behind the kids.”


“Should I put the trophy over my penis?”


“No, you’ve got pants on, so it won’t be necessary.  Ready everyone?  Okay, smile!”


---- CLICK, “one more please” , CLICK ---- … “Okay, that’s great.  Thank you.”


“And thank you, Mr.Bull,” said Dr. Glass.  “But I’m afraid that you may have a lot of nude children in the background of your photo.”


“Not a problem, Dr. Glass.  We’ll use Photoshop to amputate their genetalia.  And thank you for participating in the show.”


“It was an honor.”


Then the principal moseyed on over to the electrical box again and inquired, “Papa, do you think there’s any chance of fixing this thing soon, or should I dismiss the class?”


“Dr. Glass, I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut the lesson short.  The children can learn about their sensitive inner thighs at another time.  Perhaps your custodian can figure out this mess.  But I thought your students did an excellent job today.  You should be proud of them.”


“If anything, Papa, the students did seem to overcome any embarrassment about the human body and this should greatly enhance their social skills.”


“Will you allow them to complete the rest of the school day in the nude?”


“I don’t think so, Papa.  The well-dressed eighth graders would probably tease them.  It’s time I unlocked the locker rooms.”  Then she called out, “Class is dismissed, students.  You may get dressed and report to lunch.”




There was a lot of chatter going on in the lunch lines today.  It felt really good to put our clothes back on … but the boys still stared at the girls as if each was nothing more than a walking vagina and a pair of tits.  Today’s lesson held nothing back for the imagination.  The girls stared at our crotches and it made us very self conscious of our young bulges.


My teammates at the football table were teasing each other non-stop.  Showkat told Putz, “Well the rest of the school finally saw what we see every day.  You scared a lot of those poor girls, Putz.”


Putz retorted, “Yeah, I kind of felt sorry for you little bitty boys with your baby cocks.”


Goro gave me an elbow.  “Hey amigo!  You and Duchess were really going at it muy caliente, no?  (very hot)


“Did you two do ‘the nasty’?” Showkat asked me.


I shrugged.  “I thought that maybe it was Madeline when the girl pulled my junk through the hole in the curtain.  It was like in the movie ‘Porky’s when the female gym teacher pulled the guy’s cock through the hole in the shower room and tried to yank it off.”


“So then what happened?” asked Randy.  “Not in the movie, but with you two today?”


“I was sloshing around in something … very hot and wet.”


“Go on,” said Randy.


“I think it was her tongue.”


“Ooooooooooooooooooo,” said all my teammates.


“And we know you shot your load into her,” Randy added.  “You didn’t even need any Viagra this time.  Derrek, you’re so fucking popular, I’ll bet if you went around the school and asked every girl to suck your dick, they would all do it.”


“Yeah, they’d probably form a long line,” I replied.  “Randy, I think you have an unnatural interest in my penis.”


“No, I don’t.”


I decided to change the subject.  “Hey X, do you know who we’re playing tomorrow?”


“Yeah, Genghis Kahn Middle School.”


“Genghis Kahn?  And how many people did he kill?”


“Maybe 40 million?”


I followed up, “And how many people did Jerry Sandusky kill?”


“None that I know of.”


I raised my eyebrows.  “Wow, he must have been a great man.”


X shrugged.  “I’m just glad they did ‘Gentle Puberty’ day on a Thursday.  For Empathy Day, we had to play in short skirts.  It would have been even tougher playing football in the raw.”




Back at home, I was immediately confronted by Sammantha.  “Okay, sweety, spill the beans.  Don’t make me pry it out of you.”


“The good part is that we won’t have to play Genghis Kahn in the nude.”


“Genghis Kahn?”


“The Mongolian guy who killed 40 million people … They named a middle school after him, and that’s our opponent for tomorrow.”


“I’ll be there.  What about the sex ed?”


“As expected, it was a total disaster.”


“Should I be be surprised?”


“Not at all.”


“Did you really have 120 totally naked seventh graders?”


“Oh yeah … And it might have worked if the curtain hadn’t failed and the lights didn’t come on and 120 kids weren’t running amuck spanking each other in a game of tag.”


“Sounds like great fun, sweety.  Did you participate.”


“Yeah, the first two girls in the kissing part when we began … I never found out who they were.  But the next girl when we were told to flick our finger nail against our partner’s nipple … I couldn’t help it.  My giggle gave me away.”


“And who was the girl?”






End Chapter 4

A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024


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