A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024

Chapter 2
CHAPTER 202 .......... Gentle Puberty (Part Three)

Chapter Description: 2 new pictures added 4/3/24 Images for this story can be found at the following web...... https://sites.google.com/view/comedy-ars-characters/home


“Could I have a talking penis?” asked one boy.


“What would be the point?” asked a girl.  “Since it would only say stupid stuff.  Boys go to Jupiter so they can get stupider.”


“Let’s get back on task, students,” said Papa.  “Tongue action can be very erotic for both parties … but you want to make sure that you’re not slobbering or sword fighting with the other person.”


“Wouldn’t that be more fun?” asked an unknown boy in the darkness.


“Actually, no,” answered Papa.  “You’re big boys and girls now.  You’re not competing to see who wins.  You’re trying to arouse your partner and make them feel good.  So we’re going to start out slowly and gently.  So raise your mouth flap in the curtain and ease forward slowly like before until your lips meet. 


“If you’re all good now, I want the boy to use his tongue to trace the outline of the girl’s lips.  Then let the girl do the same back to you.  That should feel good to both of you.  Now both of you should press forward and touch the other person’s tongue.  Move your tongue around and get to know each other.”


“Now I want the boy to reach in and glide his tongue around and against the girl’s lower teeth.  First go on the inside of the teeth and glide back on the outside of the teeth so that your tongue is in between both her lips and her lower teeth.”


“Good, now I want you to back your tongue up and allow the girl to do the exact same thing to your lower teeth.”


Then suddenly, there were awful sounds blaring out about three stations to my left.


First, a girl’s schriek.  “BLUHHHH!! … MAHH BEHHH! … UHHH!  WUHH!  MUH!!”


Then a boy’s panicked voice, “MEHHHHHH!!  ECHHH! … GEH AWWWWW!!


“What’s going on?!” Papa asked with alarm.


Mama Mensah quickly ran down to the station with the noise and used her night vision goggles to figure out the problem.  “Papa!  The boy and girl have their braces hooked together!  They’re tangled up.”


More noise followed, “NAAAAAAAHH!!  WAANNNA MEHHHH!  GEHH!!”


I then heard Goro’s voice joke, “You may as well get in some kissing practice while you’re at it.”


“Can you separate them?” Papa asked Mama?”


“No,” she answered.  “The night vision goggles are too blurry for close up work.  We’re going to have to turn on the lights.”


“Okay,” said Papa.  “But I’m warning all you kids, when the lights go on, do not look through the holes in the curtains to try to see your partners naked.”


When Papa flipped the light on, the first thing we heard was a girl, peeking through the curtain, yelling, “Oh my god!  There’s so many penises!  And they’re all so different!”


Of course that triggered many of the boys to do the same.  One yelled, “Oh my god!  Those pussies look like alien organisms.  Another boy yelled, “I can’t believe how ugly those holes look!  That’s not what they showed us in Health class.”


“Oh yeah?” said his female partner.  “Just give me a scissors and I’ll cut off ALL your penises.”


“Why?” said the boy.  “Are you hungry?”


“How are you doing on the braces, Mama?”


“Papa, I’m going to have to cut a slit in the curtain so that the boy’s head can poke through into the girl’s side, and I’ll be able to work on them.”


“NUHHHH  NUHHH!!’ yelled the boy … but he had no choice.  Mama grabbed his hair and yanked his head through to the girls’ side of the curtain.


Some girls screamed, “It’s Randy!  It’s Randy!”  … and they tried to cover up.


“Who’s he stuck to?!” yelled Showkat.


Several girls yelled back, “He’s stuck to Starline!”


(I was thinking, ‘When did those two get orthodontia?  It must have been recently.)


“Randy and Starline?” said Goro.  “A perfect couple.  Why bother separating them?  They can finish the rest of the day just like that.”


Mama Mensah actually had to lift Starline’s nude body horizontally, so she could try to wiggle the two students free from each other.  The process took about a minute, but they finally separated.


Starline then screamed, “You did that on purpose, Randy, you fucking dumbass!”


“Shut your cunt!” Randy yelled back, still with his head on the girl’s side of the curtain.  “You were the one who was tonguing ME!”


“Randy!” yelled principal Glass.  “You stick your head back on your own side, right now.”


Papa turned the lights back off and told the boys, “Let’s get back to work.  Move two stations down to your right now, please.  I’ll guide the last two boys back to the front of the line.”


(At least on Empathy Day, I could try to escape my tormentors.  Today, I really didn’t want to continue touching these twelve-year-old girls, but I had no choice.)


“Now I want both the boys and the girls to put their right arms through the flap at shoulder height.  Now gently and tenderly, I want you to locate your partner’s left breast.  You boys must understand that your partner may or may not have her training bossoms yet and it would be extremely rude of you to make a comment if your female partner is still flat-chested.  So keep your mouths shut.”


 Now all of you, I want you to use your index finger to draw circles around their left nipple, nice and slow.  This is one of the most erotic things you can do with your partner during foreplay.”


“Now, you have to be extremely light to the touch for this next movement … Using a fingernail like a feather, I want you to ‘flick’ your partner’s protruding nipple back and forth.”


(Not surprisingly, there were giggles all the way up and down line on both sides of the curtain.  I tried to suppress mine but was unable.  I couldn’t help it.  It just tickled.)


“Derrek?” said the female voice on the other side of the curtain.


“Hoshiko?” I also replied as a question.  Could anything possibly get more awkward?


“Ewwwwwwww.  Derrek, I hate this school!  This would never happen in Japan.  Don’t touch me!”


“Sorry,” I murmured.


“Very good, students,” said Papa Mensah.  “It sounds like most of you got the idea of how to give pleasure to your partner.   Now boys, switch one station to your right again, please.”


“Now, I’d like both sexes to put both hands through your arm holes and gently place your palms at the base of your partner’s breasts.  We are now going to learn the art of sensual massage.  This maneuver will make both of you feel very good.”


With thumb and forefinger, my newest female partner made little ‘squishy squeezes’ on my chest.  I was more than a little surprised till she whispered through the curtain, “I know it’s you, Derrek.  I heard Hoshi yelling at you.”


“Then who are you?” I inquired.


“Cathy Gallops,” she answered quickly.


“Don’t yell at me, Cathy, but I think you have nice boobs for age twelve.  They’re very full.  They feel nice to the touch.  Your five-year-old brother must enjoy them a lot.”


“Thank you, Derrek.  He does.”


“Okay, ready?” asked Papa.  “I want you to lightly press forward toward your partner’s ribs and then lift your partner’s breasts upward a few inches till they stop.  Then move your palms upward and around their breasts, pushing the breasts slightly inward, till the fingers of both your hands meet above, near their collar bone.”


“Good, good, good … Now bring your palms together and slightly press inward toward the ribs again, as you glide your palms downward, between the two breasts, forcing them slightly outward.”


Then came our next interruption … a girl’s horrible scream from way down the curtain on my left.


“Quit pawing me like an animal, you fucking retard!!”  (That sounded like Doll Furbush.)


From the bellow of her male partner, my guess is that she was retaliating by giving him a titty twister.




(That definitely was Goro.  I guess having such big hands made him kind of clumsy when he tried to grasp her boobs.)


But the major problem with their exchange was that it created a chain reaction.  Many of the girls, and a few of the boys, heard Goro’s scream and they figured that they better dish out a purple nurple to their partner before it was done to them first.


I heard from many voices, “OUCH!!  AAAGGHH!!  NOOOO!!  “OWWWWW!!  AACKKKK!!   STOP IT!!  GET AWAY!!   OW   OWWWWW!!”


“Separate now!” yelled Papa Mensah.  “I’m sure your teachers warned you NOT to do titty twisters or purple nurples.  It’s very rude and painful.  When I consulted with your principal, Dr. Glass, last week, she assured me that her seventh graders were a very mature group of students.  Was she wrong?”


Randy Pantz answered very clearly, “Yes.  She’s wrong about a lot of things.”


“Boys, move again, one station down to your right and I now want both partners to put both arms through the waist-high holes.  This will be a very playful lesson that we think you’ll all enjoy … stimulation of the buttocks.  You must not cause any pain to your partner, but I want you to reach forward and around till you have both palms firmly gripped on your partner’s ass ...  buttocks to be technical.”


“That’s impossible,” said a girl’s voice, whom I recognized as Latanya Leapheart, one of the cutest girls in school … and if I wasn’t 28 years old in real life, I would do her in a western New York minute.


“Why do you say it’s impossible?” asked Papa Mensah.


“Because I think my partner is the Big-O … His ass is bigger than a Jolly-Ball. (a three foot diameter rubber ball used in a gym class kicking game.)  “OHHHHH!!!  I think he just farted through the hole in the curtain on purpose!”


After the laughter died down, Papa answered, “Do your best.  Now students, I want to very very gently, drag your fingernails across the surface of your partner’s buttocks.  Then squeeze and release their cheeks over and over.  Doesn’t that feel good?”


This time, Randy called out, “Hey, my girl is putting her finger up my rectum!”


Showkat yelled back, “Don’t worry.  You won’t smell it till she pulls it out.”


Papa ignored the giggling and stated, “Students, we will now continue on to the climax of our lesson.  For most of you, you will be touching the genital region of the opposite sex for the first time … and you must go about this very seriously.”


I heard a girl’s voice cry out, “My mother said I’m not allowed to touch any boy’s penis.  They’re full of filth and desease … and then it gets worse.  He could squirt out his sperms and get me pregnant or give me his pet crabs.”


I heard Dr. Glass addressing the girl.  “Now, Vicki, I don’t believe you for a second.  None of that will happen because all of these boys have clean penises … and he won’t squirt his sperms unless you jack him off.”


There was much laughter in reaction to the principal’s last line … and we knew now that she was talking to Vicki VonVolkenburg.



End Chapter 2

A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024


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