A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024

Chapter 13
CHAPTER 213 .......... Amnesia (Part Seven) Missing Memories

Chapter Description: 2 new pictures added 4/3/24 Images for this story can be found at the following web...... https://sites.google.com/view/comedy-ars-characters/home


Madeline tilted the water bottle and asked me, “So are you ready to apologize to Hoshiko?”


I nodded a bunch of times really fast.  “Yes, Madeline … very much so.”


“Well, don’t do it now, because you have to get to Spanish.  But you’ll see her again in third period English.”


“Okay, okay … Thank you for not pouring the water on me.”


Madeline clicked the door open and told me, “Get your ass out of here, Derrek.”


I sniffed my runny nose.  “Um, do you know where my Spanish class is, Madeline?”


“One floor up, turn left, last room on the right.”


“Thanks,” I said … and then took off toward the stairs, trying desperately to choke back my tears.  I was so close to wearing diapers.


I had to knock for a classmate to open the door for me … and I noticed that my desk and the teacher’s desk were at the other end of the room.  Everyone was staring at me.  I noticed that there were larger students in this class than in my math class so it must be eighth grade … and even with amnesia, I had not lost any Spanish language skills.


The instructor said, “Diego, que pasa?”  (What’s happening?)


I looked around and no one else was answering, so I pointed to my chest and asked, ‘Yo?’ … (me?).  This young Spanish teacher was a knockout … soooooo cute.


“Si, su nombre es Diego.”  (Yes, your name is Diego.)


“I repeated, “Mi nombre es Diego.”


“Tienes amnesia, Diego?”  (Do you have amnesia, Diego?)


I answered, “Si, professora.”  (Yes teacher.)


“Y cual es la palabra en Espanol para ‘amnesia’?”  (And what is the Spanish word for amnesia?)


I had no clue, so I guessed there was no difference.  “Amnesia?” I replied.


“Muy bueno, Diego.”  (Very good, Diego.)  “Y porque llegaste tarde a clase hoy?”  (And why were you late for class today?)


All these eighth grade classmates were staring at me and it made me very nervous thinking up an excuse, so I just told the truth.


“Fui atacado por una chica en el pasillo.”  (I was attacked by a girl in the hallway.)


“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!”  My classmates roared with laughter.


“Me arrastro a un armario y cerro la puerta.”   (She dragged me into a closet and locked the door.)




“Llego me amenazo con hacerme cosas terribles.  (Then she threatened to do terrible things to me.”)




The girl sitting next to me asked, “Diego, amenazo con robarte la virginidad?”  (Did she threaten to steal your virginity?)


I tried to plea my case.  “No, todo lo que dije es verdad.”  (No, everything I said is true.)


To that, all of my classmates began pounding their fists on their desks and yelling out, “Toro Caca!  Toro Caca!”  (Bull shit!  Bull shit!)


The instructor then asked me, “Diego, incluso con amnesia, recuerdas que cualquier estudiante que llegue tarde a clase recibe un detencion?”  (Diego, even with amnesia, did you remember that any student who comes late to class gets a detention?)


I shrugged.  I really didn’t know her rule.  She ripped off a detention slip and handed it to me.


“Deigo, te presentaras en este salon de clases en las 2:40 pm.”  (Diego, you will present yourself in this classroom at 2:40 pm.)  “Tienes practica de futbol hoy?”  (Do you have football practice today?)


“No, professora, porque tuve una conmocion cerebral.”  (No teacher, because I had a concussion.)


At that point, Senorita Gato continued with her lesson.  Later, one boy told me that I was the only seventh grader in the class.  I was very bitter that a bunch of 13-year-old snot-nosed little brats were laughing at me and ridiculing me, a grown man, over something that wasn’t even my fault.  Did they think a concussion was funny?


I hated being lumped together with this group of really immature boys who thought they were ‘tough stuff’ just because they had hair on their dicks and I didn’t.  Eighth graders are nothing … nothing to be bragging about.


Well, I had a date with my Spanish teacher after school.  I’m sure that will be nothing to look forward to even if she does look ‘hot’.


My next stop was third period English and I knew what I had to do, especially if I didn’t want to get fitted for a diaper.  The thought of Madeline feeding me a bottle and putting me down in my crib was terrifying.  What if she decided to spank me as a punishment for being rude?  How the hell did she know about my water curse?  And how did she know Sammantha?


I walked up to Hoshiko.  She did not want to look me in the eye.  I bowed my head (Japanese style) and kept it bowed.


“Hoshiko, please accept my heartfelt apoplogies for the way I behaved toward you in homeroom this morning.  The words I used were hurtful and uncacceptable. Having a head concussion does not excuse a person from being rude and uncivilized.  I will not repeat this behavior and I beg for your forgiveness.”


I kept my head bowed.  Hoshiko would still not look at me.  She sat down at her desk and mumbled, “Fine.”


That was probably the best outcome I could have hoped for in the current situation.  My regular desk was not part of this classroom setup.  I was directed to sit at a two-person table with Randy Pantz.  I didn’t say anything to him, but he had a question for me.


“Hey, Derrek.  Do you remember me poisoning you in fifth period?”


I wasn’t prepared for a question like that.  I responded, “No.  Why?  Is that something you’d like to do to me again?”


“Oh, no.  I’d never do it again … But Duchess was sure mad when you jizzed in her face.”


I gave Randy a funny look.  “Randy, by ‘jizzed’, do you mean …”


“That’s exactly what I mean,” he interrupted.  “You jacked off in Health class and shot your cum at her mouth.”


“But that can’t be, Randy.  If that’s true, then why wasn’t I expelled from school?”


“Because you nearly died that night.  The hospital found out that I had given you a brownie with five times the normal dose of Viagra.  And I know what you’re going to say, Derrek.  You’re going to say, ‘With friends like me, who needs an enema.”


“No Randy.  What I was actually going to say was ‘Thanks a fuck, asshole’ … No wonder I hate the seventh grade.”


“You were a good guy, Derrek.  You asked the football team to reinstate me.”


“Really?  So you’re on the football team too?”


“Yeah, but when I nearly killed you, it was an accident.  When Sally tried to kill you, it was on purpose.”


That sure raised my eyebrows.  “What?!  Who are you talking about?”


“Sally Sukkemsilli … She kidnapped and raped you, trying to make a baby. You refused and escaped.  But then she came back to school with a gun and tried to shoot you.”


“Wait, you said Sally Sukkemsilli?  Randy, I know that girl!  She was my last order when I delivered a pizza to her house.”


“Why would a twelve-year-old be delivering pizzas?”


(I had to come up with a quick answer.)  “Um …I was helping my uncle.  Randy, is this girl on the chunky side? … with brown, scraggly hair?”


“Yeah, you did a great job tackling her in our homeroom.  Her gun went off and you can still see the bullet hole in the ceiling.”


“Holy shit.”


“Yeah, that’s how you got so popular and elected president of our class.”


The English teacher, Mrs. Bullutis, walked over and asked, “Is everything alright here, Derrek?  I heard you hurt your head at football.”


Randy answered for me.  “He’s okay, Mrs. Bullutis.  Derrek’s just regaining some memories piece-meal.”


“I hope you get better, Derrek.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Bullutis.”


When the teacher left our desk area, Randy whispered to me, “Do you remember when she asked you to suck her tits?”


I replied, “Now I know you’re bull-shitting me.”


“Nuh uh … She gave us both a detention for cheating, but I couldn’t make it cuz I was suspended for poisoning you.  Later, you told me the whole story.”


“Randy, I would never on god’s green earth suck that woman’s tits.”


“And you didn’t, Derrek.  You got out of it, and a bare-ass paddling too.”






“Randy, I’m being a lawyer here … Can you please elaborate?”


“You recognized her from a past life that would have caused her great embarrassment, and maybe cost her her job too.”


“I’m still lost here, Randy … what kind of a past life?”


“I don’t remember all you said, Derrek.  I think you called her ‘Burlee’.”


If my eyes were capable of exploding out of their orbital sockets, they would have done exactly that.  I had to cover my mouth with both hands to avoid screaming out her previous name … Burlee Overshown.   I thought about how I called that black kid on the bus this morning ‘morbidly obese’ and then realized there was no comparison.


When my breathing evened out, I whispered back to Randy, “That would certainly do it.  She was a nude professional basketball player in college.”


“Seriously?  So why didn’t you rat her out?  She’s a child molester.”


“I can’t answer that, Randy.  I don’t remember anything that happened in school.”


“You don’t remember Duchess giving you a blow job last week?”


“Jesus Christ, Randy, why would she do that after I jizzed her face?”


“The gym was dark, and it was during a school event called Gentle Puberty.”


“So you’re telling me that the principal of this school is perfectly okay with students giving each other blow jobs during class?”


“What can I say, Derrek?  It’s a progressive school.”



End Chapter 13

A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024


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