A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024

Chapter 3
CHAPTER 203 .......... Gentle Puberty (Part Four)

Chapter Description: 2 new pictures added 4/3/24 Images for this story can be found at the following web...... https://sites.google.com/view/comedy-ars-characters/home


I heard Dr. Glass addressing the girl.  “Now, Vicki, I don’t believe you for a second.  None of that will happen because all of these boys have clean penises … and he won’t squirt his sperms unless you jack him off.”


There was much laughter in reaction to the principal’s last line … and we knew now that she was talking to Vicki VonVolkenburg.


“When SHOULD we jack the boy off?” asked another girl in the darkness.  (It sounded like Rosemary Reckers.)


Mama Mensah answered, “You won’t be doing that in this lesson.”


“Then can I just smack his balls and see if he groans?”


Papa Mensah interrupted the conversation.  “All you girls, I want you to realize that a boy’s testicles are very sensitive and subject to excruciating pain if you abuse them?”


“Can we abuse them just once to test your theory?”


“Absolutely not.  If any girl hurts a boy’s testicles, you’ll fail both this lesson and the seventh grade.”


The same girl sassed, “Oh, so you’re saying it’s okay if the boy hurts my pussy.”


“Absolutely not,” Papa answered again.  “For right now, I want every boy to move three stations to his right so you will start this off with a new partner.”


“Now, both boys and girls, take a deep breath and put your right hand through the hole in the curtain … and very slowly and calmly, reach forward until you can touch or ‘pet’ your partner’s genetalia.”


“OH MY GOD!!” screamed a girl.  “I’ve got Putz!!”  (I recognized the voice of Manhattan Sneeze.)


“Hey Manhattan,” Showkat called out.  “How do you know it’s Putz?”


“Cuz he’s hung like a horse,” she called back.


“Well, maybe you’ve got a real horse,” Showkat speculated.


“And his public hair is like a jungle,” she continued.


“Public or pubic?” Showkat came back.


“Same difference,” answered Manhattan.  “If he ever stuck that long thing up me, I’d be impaled for life.  Putz, I think you should charge admission for people to see you nude at a carnival freak show.  This reminds me of when Professor Clinkenbeard asked us to touch his whale penis.”


Now everyone could hear Putz groan.  “Manhattan,” he said, “maybe you should make a big speech about it at my bar mitzvah.  I’m sure my parents would be very proud to hear that I have hair on my schmekel.”


(My own partnership through the curtain felt really weird.  Even though I was far more experienced with sex than any of these kids, I was almost afraid to ‘feel up’ her labia lips and stick a finger in her hole.  Whomever owned this pussy was just twelve years old and I shouldn’t be doing this.  Hopefully we would both remain anonymous.)


The girl’s fumbling fingers managed to pick up my penis and wiggle it around.  Although I didn’t mind this, I regretted that what she was doing was starting to give me an embarrassing start of a boner.


“Okay, girls,” said Papa Mensah.  “Now I want you to gently engulf the boy’s scrotum with your right hand … and once again ‘gently’ … roll his balls with your fingers.”


“What’s a scrotum?” one girl asked.


Papa answered, “It’s the boy’s ball sac hanging under his penis.”


“Won’t it hurt him if I touch it?”  (Now I recognized the voice as Sania Nutts.  She wasn’t very knowledgeable.)


“Just be very gentle.”


(My girl’s ‘fiddling around’ got me really hard now, and her hand ‘noticed’ it right away.  I heard a tiny giggle from her as she gripped the length of my shaft and squeezed it both lightly and firmly, alternating the pressure.  She whispered through one of the curtain holes, “Who are you?” … And I whispered back a generic reply, “I’m a boy.” … Then she whispered back, “No shit.”)


“Now, girls, I want to put your right hand under the boy’s scrotum and use your fingernails to lightly scratch or tickle it.  If you do it right, that should put a smile on his face.”


“It’s dark,” said Sania Nutts.  “How do I know if he’s smiling?”


“Whisper it through one of the holes.”


My partner did the whisper.  “Are you smiling?”


“I am,” I whispered back.


“Now boys,” said Papa, “I want you use your middle finger and lightly stroke the center of your partner’s vagina from down to up.  Keep repeating down to up and gradually insert that finger back and forth, farther and farther up into her vagina until it’s fully inserted.  Feel her ridges and slowly move in and out.  If she feels wet and moist inside, then you’re doing a good job.”


One stupid boy asked, “Are we fucking her with our finger?  Is this sex or not?”


The next stupid boy said, “This girl ain’t got no cunt.”


“The term to use is vagina,” Papa told him.


“That’s what I said.  She ain’t got no vagina cunt.”


His partner hissed back, “I’m using a tampon, you batshit moron.”


“Ewwww, gross!  So my hand’s all bloody and I’m gonna catch your diseases?”


(Now I recognized their voices.  It was Cocoa Conley fingering BillieJo Rippatoe.)


Papa explained, “You can still stimulate her clitoris which is not so far up.”


Fingering some strange girl’s pussy sounds like fun, but I was not really enjoying it and wished the lesson to be over.  I found her clit and began stimulating it with my middle finger.  She was getting really wet now and I could hear her gasping for air as I rubbed her magic button. 


Then she grabbed my shaft and started pumping it … the full length, especially the mushroom shaped head.  Blood started rushing to all parts of my body.  This was getting intense.  I was probably doing the same to her.  This girl must be super horny.


Uh oh … She grabbed my shaft tightly and was pulling me toward the curtain hole.  Then she pulled my member through the curtain hole onto her side.  I quickly found myself engulfed by a warm wet mouth and tongue.  I can’t believe this is happening at school … and in total darkness … just like the tunnel of love at a carnival.


This was much more than I bargained for.  She had grabbed my right hand and made sure I kept it inserted in her pussy.  We both must have looked like contortionists if the lights had been on.  The girl had her mouth around my cock, but held on to my hand that was in her pussy … so I just kept rubbing her clit.  It was obvious that’s what she wanted.


My biggest worry at that moment was that if this girl found out who I was, she would try to establish an emotional bond with me and I’d be right back to where I started when I was being stalked as a boyfriend by Sally Sukkemsilli.  Then I thought for second ‘what if it’s Madeline? … and she’s doing this because she knows it’s me?  She was probably ‘counting heads’ and remembered hearing my voice at an earlier station.


But also at the moment, my senses were in ecstasy as she swished her tongue and sucked me like a lollipop.  I had no idea that Madeline could be this good at blow jobs.  She was really creative with it … I should thank her later … but as the pressure mounted throughout my body, my eyes widened and I wasn’t going to be holding back for much longer.


Neither was the girl whom I was sure now was Madeline.  She was grunting now … louder and louder.  And I couldn’t hold myself back much longer.  My mind was transfixed as my classmates and the teacher stopped what they were doing and listened to our sound effects.


“What’s going on there, you two?” asked Papa Mensah.


It was too late.  My partner sucked in my penis all the way to the back of her throat and added a little tiny bite to the base of my shaft … all while I furiously stroked her clitoris with my middle finger.


I shot my load into LaLa land … and prayed that no one remembered my trademarked cry of delight.  “No! No! No! No! No!”


Simultaneously, Madeline, or whomever it was, voiced a similar squeal.  “Yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!”


With our heavy breathing, she and I were exhausted.  I could tell that she had swallowed my cum, so as not to make a mess on the floor … and anyone in the gym could easily imagine what we had just done.


“Are you two finished now?” asked Papa.


“Yes,” I said in a deep falsetto voice.


My female partner whispered, “That was really nice” through the curtain.  And it sort of did sound like Madeline’s whisper.


“Who ARE you two?” ask several classmates.  “Tell us!  Tell us!”


Back to my deep voice, I answered, “A boy and a girl.”


“Let’s get back to our lesson,” said Papa Mensah.  “For dessert, we are going to explore the sensitivity of the inner thigh.  You’re going to like this a lot.”


We were then interrupted again by a very loud ‘ruffling’ sound.  It sounded like the curtain was moving.


“Everybody stay put!” yelled Papa.  “The curtain motor is having a bit of a short circuit and it is folding the curtain closed … scrunching it all together on the far side.  Stay by your own ropes.  Don’t try to cross into the empty middle.  I’ll try to reverse it.”


I could hear Dr. Glass ask Papa Mensah, “Can you fix it and get the curtain to come back?”


“Yes, although this has never happened before.  Can you point me to your electrical box, please?”


I could hear their footsteps in the darkness, and in a few seconds I heard the clink of the electric box being opened.


“Okay, now don’t move, kids,” said Papa.  “I’m going to flip the circuit breaker back and forth one time and that should get the curtain moving back.  Get ready …”


---- CLICK, CLICK ----


(Holy shit!  The curtain didn’t move, but the lights all over the gym came back on. My nude female partner and I stared at each other in total shock and disbelief.  We had just brought each other to an exquisite mutual orgasm … me and Duchess Hartless.)


The girl started screaming bloody murder, “You god-fucking, shit-eating BASTARD!! … That’s the SECOND time this year you’ve spermed my face!”


I yelled back at her, “Well Randy drugged me with Viagra the first time, and this time, you’re the one who stuck my cock in your mouth.”


Our classmates were all screaming at their own predicaments … each girl now appearing stark naked in front of every boy in the seventh grade.  (Talk about pussy galore.)


And a lot of the boys were quite shy too.  What boy would want all the girls in his grade poking fun at his small package?  (All but Putz.  The girls nearby him were positively frightened by his monster cock … and I wasn’t about to tell anyone that I had experience playing with it as ‘Precious’.)


“OMG!” yelled Batty.  “Girl holes look so disgusting.  How can girls stand to walk around all day with a hole between their legs?  That is sick!  They bring their girl holes to all my classes and act as if nothing’s wrong.”

Sania Nutts huffed back, "How can boys stand to walk around all day with something so ugly that it looks like a malignant tumor ... sloshing back and forth between their legs?


About a third of the boys and maybe half the girls ran toward the gym locker doors but were surprised to find out that Principal Glass had locked them from the outside.


Mama Mensah had no idea what to do now.  She asked the principal, “Why did you lock the doors?”




End Chapter 3

A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024


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