A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024

Chapter 5
CHAPTER 205 .......... Gentle Puberty (Part Six)

Chapter Description: 2 new pictures added 4/3/24 Images for this story can be found at the following web...... https://sites.google.com/view/comedy-ars-characters/home


“Yeah, the first two girls in the kissing part when we began … Mom, I never found out who they were.  But the next girl when we were told to flick our finger nail against our partner’s nipple … I couldn’t help it.  My giggle gave me away.”


“And who was the girl?”




“Oh shit.  I’m sorry, sweety.  Was she pissed?”


“Royally.  She told me not to touch her again.  Others had problems too.  Everyone knew that Major told us not to give titty twisters or purple nurples to our partners, but one girl started it and it became a chain reaction.”


“Those things are painful no matter who you are.”


“And Randy and Starline got their braces stuck together.  They had to pull his head through the curtain after they cut a hole in it.”


“In his head?”


“No, in the curtain.  It was with the lights on … on the girls’ side.  And the girl who grabbed Putz’s dong screamed with glee like she had just won the lottery.”


“Then Goro farted, which nearly killed all of us.”


“Did someone grab your dong?”


“Yeah, but the whole time I thought it was Madeline cuz whomever it was, was really horny.  She pulled my penis through the hole in the curtain and gave me an enthusiastic blow job while my middle finger ‘made love’ to her clitoris.”


“So was the girl on her knees?  A contortionist?  Derrek, that must have been very exciting for you.”


“Not for long.  All the other kids stopped to listen to the heavy ‘sex’ sounds we were making, and they kept asking ‘who are you two?’.  I just answered in a fake voice, ‘a boy and a girl’.  Mom, we achieved the miracle of a simultaneous orgasm.”


“Wow … So Madeline finally ‘got you’ and it was all nice and legal, nothing sneaky … all sanctioned by the principal and the school.”


“Not quite, Mom.  The curtain then malfunctioned and drew itself back so there was nothing between the naked boys and girls except two thin ropes.  Then the owner, Papa Mensah, tried to fix the curtain, but instead, he accidentally turned on all the lights.”


“Did the kids panic?”


“A lot of them did, but not Duchess Hartless.”


“Why not her?”


“Because she realized that I had just ejaculated into her mouth and she was still pissed off at me for jizzing her face during Health class.”


“What?!  So it wasn’t Madeline after all? … But it does sound like it was an exciting program … very progressive.”


“And then Macarthur Bull showed up with our school trophy for winning the quiz show and insisted on taking a picture of the three of us still naked with the trophy.”


“Did he get arrested?”


“No, he was discreet about it.  The trophy covered my junk, and the two girls stood behind me so their tits and pussies didn’t show in the picture.  Major was in it too, but he didn’t have to take his clothes off.”


“Oh, that Major is so modest.  Sweety, can you explain to me why the 60 naked girls didn’t just run back into their locker room?”


“Oh that was kind of rude. Principal Glass had locked the doors so none of the kids could ditch the program.”


“How thoughtful of her.”


“Yeah, so the girls all decided to run around the gym, spanking all the boys.  Some got spanked back but most of the boys just laughed.”


“So you got a good look at sixty naked twelve-year-old girls.”


“Mom, it wasn’t that big of a deal.  Remember when we flew to St. Thomas and went to the picnic at Gladstone Point Dajour’s home?”


“Oh yes.  I can see where you’re going with this.”


“Yeah, I played volleyball and went swimming with all the naked kids there … so I’m kind of used to the routine.”


“Did Dr. Glass allow you to get dressed again?”


“Oh sure.  She knew that the eighth graders would be teasing us if we had to walk around the school nude all day.  I’m sure she’ll send out another post-event email again.”


“Why don’t we go take a look now?”


(Sure enough, Dr. Glass’s email had arrived on Sammantha’s laptop.)




Dear parents:

I am pleased to report that Gentle Puberty Day was a resounding success.  Not only did the the students learn how to stimulate a wide variety of erogenous zones on their opposite gender’s bodies, but they thoroughly enjoyed all the lessons that Papa and Mama Mensah had prepared for them.


The children had no trouble at all adapting to the touch of their organs when separated by a vinyl curtain in the darkened gym.  And they enjoyed sharing their experiences with multiple partners … kissing, French kissing, nibbling on the ears, massaging their breasts, tickling their nipples, and grabbing their asses, … except for the girl who was matched with the Big-O, not that there’s anything wrong with having a big ass.  Ass size does not preclude other talents.


All of this prepared them for the ultimate climax, actually reaching forward and touching a penis or a vagina for the first time.  With my night vision goggles, I closely studied the childrens’ efforts on both sides of the curtain.  The girls enjoyed playing with the boys’ scrotums and cupping their balls.


The boys seemed to have a few more problems, fumbling around in the holes and trying to figure out where to poke their middle fingers.  I would say that the majority of boys were unable to locate his parner’s clitoris.


It was, however, gratifying to see that about two thirds of the boys became staunchly erect.  The girls who caused these errections were quite proud.  But I suppose I should have brought tissues to the lesson because later, when the lights came back on, I found five little white puddles on the boys’ side of the curtain.  A few of these girls may have gotten carried away, but what I’d like to know is … who taught them what to do with a boy’s penis?  Perhaps in the past, they caught their brothers masturbating in their bedrooms at home.


There was a rumor that one young couple was able to achieve simultaneous orgasm.  The girl was certainly loud enough.  I thought that perhaps she was trying to imitate Meg Ryan’s fake orgasm in the movie ‘When Harry Met Sally’.  Students adjacent to the pair were claiming that the girl was performing fellatio, i.e. she was giving the young man a blow job … but then how could she verbally express her own pleasure at the same time?  I believe that the children were exaggerating their claims.


Near the end of the program, there was a teeny tiny glitch in the curtain motor which caused the curtain to fully slide down to the opposite wall … and then the lights in the gym accidentally turned on.


But surprisingly, none of the children panicked.  They just frolicked excitedly throughout the gym for the remaining fifteen minutes, proudly displaying their penises and vaginas with not the slightest hint of embarrassment.


To top off the wonderful morning,  Macarthur Bull, the host of Academic Inanity came by to present our school with the big trophy for winning the quiz contest last Saturday … and in the attached photo, you can see that he expertly covered up the genitals and nipples of Derrek, Madeline, and Hoshiko, our three winning contestants … speaking of which, do not pack a lunch for your children tomorrow because we will be hosting the prize KFC luncheon, yum yum, with all the fixin’s … along with a surprise dessert, thanks to Derrek who figured out that Penis’s mom had three children.  Congratulations, kids.  You certainly earned it.


Best wishes from Dr. Tiffany Glass, Principal … Jerry Sandusky Middle School





“Well, sweety, that was a pretty thorough report.  What I’d like to know was … How did Duchess express her pleasure verbally while she was giving you the blow job?  Can she walk and chew gum at the same time?”


“Oh, she could still make sounds from the back of her throat … Uh oh. Mom, we’ve got another problem.”


“Like what?”


“See the attached picture of us with the trophy?  In the background, there’s about a dozen kids with their junk showing.  Mr. Bull said he was going to use Photoshop to amputate their genitalia, but Dr. Glass must have posted the original photo.”


Sammantha looked in close at the picture.  “Well, all those genitals are pretty far away.  I doubt that anyone would recognize who they belong to.”


I groaned.  “That may be true, Mom … except one of them is Putz.”


“I see … Well, amputating his junk would have been a very big job.”






Dear Papasan,

I have given up trying to understand American culture.  I am doing what American slang calls that I … ‘go with the flow’.  That means I just do what all the other kids are doing and not complain about it.


Today in the gymnasium, the entire seventh grade class received a lesson in advanced sexual education.  We were told to take off all our clothes except our shoes and socks and enter the darkened gym separtated from all the naked boys by a curtain with holes.  Then we had to reach through the holes and touch each other’s sexual organs.  This made me very nervous.


The teacher told one boy to put his finger inside my vagina.  Darakatoms touched my nipple, but I can not be angry with him because he did not know it was me.  Last week, he, I, and Madeline won the TV quiz show and the host gave us a school trophy today and a school KFC lunch while we were all still naked.  We had to cover our genitals for the photo.


But I have to say that Little Buddy Day with five-year-old Ling Ling was fun and we all went together for Halloween candy last week.  Please do not be angry with the teachers of my school.  I am learning a lot.  I have good friends.  And I am glad that Shilo is near.  You are a respected scientist. … Love, Hoshiko





Dear Hoshiko,

Your mother and I are very pleased that you have adjusted so well to your schooling in America.  We realize it has not been easy for you but the experience will benefit you.


Japan has nude bathing in the hot spring onsens, and at some of the older onsens, they do mix the sexes together.  Body modesty is a relatively new innovation in Japan, brought over by Western values during the Meiji rule in the late 1800’s.  So you have no need to be embarrassed by your education.  You will have this knowledge when you go out on dates with boys when you are older.


Your mother and I wish you well … Love, Papasan




Friday morning felt good.  I wouldn’t have to take off my clothes till we changed for the game against Genghis Kahn.  My biggest concern was nothing more than wondering what our surprise dessert would be for lunch.




End Chapter 5

A Comedy of AR's (Book 2)

by: Sammderr | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 14, 2024


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