Old Habits Die Soft

by: ChrisMyst | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2012

Chapter 9
Final Treatments

Chapter Description: Chris receives his final treatment.

[img align=left; footer=’’; border=0; showfooter=1;]http://i.imgur.com/n8JmX.gif[/img]

Chris sat on the stool next to his mother, finishing up the juice she had poured for him before he woke up. As he sat there, his mother turned off the sink and faced him, smiling broadly.

“Are you happy?” she asked.

“Happy about what?” Chris replied, still feeling hazy from the night before. He had almost no recollection of the treatment.

“The results, so far?”

“They’re good, I think! I don’t chew with my mouth open anymore. I don’t spit when I talk, anymore, either, right?”

“That’s right, you’re almost completely fixed, honey.”


“Almost,” she said, still smiling, “We’re still waiting on the results of the final treatment.”

“When are we going to do that? Next week?”

“No, you’ve just finished it,” she replied cooly, pointing to the empty glass on the counter that stood in front of him.

“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice raising nervously.

“Why do you think I wanted you to have the treatments, sweetie?”

“So…so I wouldn’t chew with my mouth open anymore?” he asked, innocently.

“Haha, close! It was more so you wouldn’t have to chew at all.” She narrowed her eyes and stared intently at her son.

Chris felt a tingling sensation rising in his chest. It felt warm, like sunbeams through a window. He couldn’t feel the floor any longer, his feet swinging slightly on the stool.

“I missed you, Chris. After your father left, I realized that I really couldn’t do this without you.”

“Mom? What do you mean?! Was there something in my juice?!” Chris’ voice felt even higher. He sounded like he was about to go backwards through the turnstile of puberty, his voice crackling and hitting higher pitches.

“I just meant to say that I saw your friend Ben moving on, becoming more independent and, since you two are so close, I knew you wouldn’t be far behind. I can’t have you leave me, honey,” she said, rising to her feet.

“I don’t want to get younger! I don’t want to be a teenager again!”

“A teenager? Oh, heavens no, I don’t want that. You were a rebellious brat! I want my sweet angel back, and that’s exactly what you’re going to be.”



End Chapter 9

Old Habits Die Soft

by: ChrisMyst | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2012


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