Tales from the ARVInn, 4

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 11
Tales from the ARVInn: World--Joe Hamilton, Working Through Depression

Chapter Description: Joe's situation hit rock bottom with his dad's rejection. He had to find his own way forward.

Joe Hamilton, Working through Depression 

Joe Hamilton (14/2063) was feeling crushed by the turn his life had taken since the AR Virus.  He’d lost twenty years and ended up back on his parents’ farm in upstate Michigan.  He’d basically been an aimless wanderer ever since his teens, bumming from odd job to odd job and state to state.  With no really strong skills to fall back on, he’d tried to hitchhike from western Kansas back home.  It had been a frightening experience, with one-near kidnapping and a wreck that put him in a Missouri hospital for a week and left him with enough pain that standing for any length of time was difficult. 

Joe’s mom, Elizabeth, had simply grabbed him and hugged him tight when they picked him up at the hospital.  The way she acted just made Joe feel even smaller than he’d become. Henry, his dad, hadn’t had much to say, then or now.  When he did talk to Joe, it was to tell him what to do next.  Joe tried to do what he could to help, but his dad just wouldn’t warm up at all.

To read the remainder, go to:  Tales from the ARVInn--Joe Hamilton, Working through Depression (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 11

Tales from the ARVInn, 4

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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