Bedwetting Trainer

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2023

Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Phase 2

Day 7

“Boy, your room stinks…” Sean said as he entered Jake’s room to wake him up.

“Yeah, some asshole made me piss on my bed without protection for a week now, so there's that” Jake said, obviously joking. He was glad about his slow progress “I thought I cleared most of the smell, I apparently got used to it”

“Yes, well the smell will be better when we get to Phase 2” Sean reassured 

“Do you think I’m ready? I’m so tired of waking up in the middle of the night to piss…” 

“Well, it depends. How’s it going? Can you let go while you are in bed without thinking about it?”

“No…” Jake looked disappointed “I still need to relax to fully let go”

“Then I’m afraid your room will stink for a while. Let’s say another two weeks of constant bed pissing? We need to make sure your brain knows the bed is a valid toilet”

Day 21

Jake walked into the living room. His eyes barely open, with dark circles engulfing them.

“Still hard to sleep?” Sean asked, worried

“Yeah… I keep waking up to pee. At least it’s gotten easier to just let go, AAAHH I wish my body would just give in and let me piss my bed without waking me every friggin time!”

“I think I can help. But you may not like it…”

“Anything! I just want to sleep already!” Jake was desperate for something that would let him sleep well, he was ready to give up.

“You may need to shrink your bladder a bit. I can get a nurse that will put you in a cath for a while”

“Will I wear diapers?”

“No, that’s a bit unsafe. You’ll need to piss into a bag, but only for couple of days each time until your bladder shrink a bit”

“Fine!! At least I’ll sleep at night”

Day 25

“You think you’ll manage this every weekend?” Sean asked Jake after the nurse put the cath in him

“It’s uncomfortable to say the least, I don’t really care about the bedwetting anymore, I just want a good night sleep”

“It’s working then. You got your diapers every night, you are literally wetting the bed, we just need to fix your sleep problems” Sean reassured.

Day 60

Jake’s phone was ringing non stop. He finally noticed and picked it up, still half asleep, barely managing to move his lips

“Who is that?” Jake answered, trying to make sense of himself

“It’s Aaron. Why aren’t you working?”

“Huh?” Jake was still not sure what’s going on

“It’s 12 Jake!! Working from home means WORKING from home! You were supposed to start at 8:00. What’s going on?”

“I umm sorry, I’m not feeling great”

“If you need to take a day off, that's OK, just tell me!”

“I I’ll soo day off probabloy, juss”

“Get up and talk to me” Aaron hung up the phone.

“I must have overslept,” Jake said to himself. Something else  caught his attention, his bed was completely soaked, his diaper overflowed and some piss even dripped to the floor, like his bedwetting training “Oh fuck! Fuck! YES!”

After cleaning his bed and washing his sheets he jumped from excitement “Finally!! It happened, a true ‘accident’”

He sent Sean a message, and boy was Sean relieved to hear about the progress. He lately began to question himself, whether he really helped Jake or just messed him up.

Day 65

Jake opened his eyes at 6 AM, relaxed. He checked his diaper, only to realise it’s completely wet, as usual. He was a big wetter so he got himself a big night diaper with boosters, but there were still wet patches around the sheet. Luckily for him, he was prepared with a waterproof bed sheet above his mattress. He felt validated, he finally needed diapers for real. It made him feel amazing.

He dressed himself for work, and set to eat breakfast, when he felt a wet dribble. “What?” The dribble got worse, and a stream of piss started flowing through his pants into the floor.

“Oh no” Jake quickly changed into a clean pair of pants, “That’s probably nothing, right?” He thought to himself.

But during the day he noticed he needed to go to the bathroom much frequently  and he tried to stay completely aware of his bladder. 

Getting home, he tried to look for his key, concentrating on where he put it in his bag, when he felt a small twinkle in his underwear “Not now!!” before he knew what to do,  he pissed himself at the entrance for the house “Where did I put the fucking key???”

“Need help?” Sean got home from work “Dude, did you pissed your pants? Are you trying to lose control during the day too?” 

“No!! It just happened!” Jake exclaimed

“Oof we must have overshotted it, quick let’s get inside” Sean opened the door.

“We knew it was a risk, loss of control during the night can cause a bit of loss of control during the day…”

“Yes, it’s just. What Am I supposed to do?” Jake asked

“Isn’t it obvious? You need training pants”

Jake always thought that if he needed diapers he wouldn’t feel shame to wear in public. He was wrong, a deep shame filled him about wearing absorbent underwear to work.

“I see from your face it’s not as fun as you anticipated?” Sean asked

“No… I’m embarrassed” Jake face was red

“Don’t worry, it can be something temporary, you can start and regain control. You’re still, and always will be a bedwetter”


Author's note: This is the last chapter for now as I don't know if it's worth continuing. If I'll get enough comments\messages that want the next chapter, I'll write it.



End Chapter 2

Bedwetting Trainer

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2023


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