A Tortured Soul

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 11, 2009

Chapter 12
Chapter 12

Eddy snuggled with Mommy as she carried him into the waiting room. When Katie asked, “Is he okay?” in a concerned tone, he wanted to cry. He knew she was only putting on an act for Mommy, and felt powerless to change that. If he said anything, Mommy would get hurt, or worse, and that thought made him mess his dipey yet again.

He didn’t know how Katie did it, but she had made it so he went poopy very often, and it made him want to scream because he would be unable to keep his dipey clean while they were out. Everyone would hear him going poopies, and there was no way for him to hide the smell.

When Mommy answered, “Yes, he’s all right, I promise. He’s just going to need some special care for a little while,” he knew what that meant. Katie would get what she wanted; he would be a baby for a while.

Katie asked, “Is he going to need diapers in the daytime now?” and Eddy was so thankful that when Dr. Stevens asked him to hold it, he had instead just let the poopy go into his dipey. He had had a feeling that Katie would ask about his behavior when she was not there, and was glad that he had acted just like a baby the whole time, even crying for Mommy to kiss his boo boo.

As Mommy filled Katie in on what had happened, and made it clear that he would be wearing dipeys for a while, Eddy snuggled closer to her. He examined his feelings about all of this.

Mommy wasn’t upset at all about how he acted, and even treated him like a baby, kissing and hugging him close, patting his dipey, and talking really nice to him. She hadn’t held him like that in a long time, and he hadn’t wanted to snuggle with her because after Amy went away, it always made her cry. Mommy didn’t even make ugly faces when he was hugging her with a poopy dipey on. She just made him feel good. She had to smell the poopy, and probably could feel it when she patted his messy bottom.

He nursed harder on his paci then, thinking about how it felt. He really liked having it, and was actually glad that Katie had insisted that he ask for it. He didn’t want to be without it now, as it made him feel better when he had to do things that were embarrassing like sit in the waiting room and go poopy in his dipey, or when he was scared that Katie would hurt Mommy.

He had to acknowledge that his ba-ba felt good too, even though having to drink all of it every time Katie gave him one, made him need to go pee pee’s a lot more. Pee pee wet dipeys didn’t feel bad at all, unlike a cold wet bed, or wet pants. A second later, he admitted that he actually liked his dipeys. They felt good when Mommy put them on him, and he liked the warm feeling when he went pee pee in them.

After further consideration, Eddy decided that he would be a baby boy for now, not fighting it. After all, his paci, ba-ba, dipeys and Mister Bear were all comforting, or made the things Katie made him do easier to take, like going poopy in his pants. If he had his way, he wouldn’t ever do that again, and would stay in dipeys until he could safely use the potty again.

The last thought to cross his mind made it all okay. Katie made him do all of these things. He hadn’t asked to do any of them. It was her fault he was nursing his paci, and had just drank a ba-ba. She was the one that made him go in his dipeys instead of using the potty like a big boy. She wouldn’t let him be a big boy, and insisted he be a baby, or terrible things would happen. It was all Katie’s fault and he shouldn’t feel bad because she made him do all of it.

Mommy’s next statement caught Eddy’s attention and he almost started to cry. “I’m going to need you to help with his diaper changes, and you’re going to need to watch him when I’m at work tomorrow. I’ve taken off several days, but need to get back to work so I need you to be responsible, okay?”

“I’d like to help,” Katie answered solemnly. “I would love to babysit Eddy, and I promise, I’ll be a responsible babysitter.”

Eddy saw Mommy smile and say, “I know you will Honey, and I really appreciate the help. Besides, Eddy loves to snuggle with you, so you two should be just fine.”

Katie smiled at him then, and held her arms out. Not wanting to make her angry, he reached out to her and said, “Thnuggweth?”

“Awww...,” Mommy said as he felt her hand him over to Katie. He laid his head down on Katie’s shoulder and nursed his paci, trying to forget about tomorrow. There was no telling what Katie would do when they were home all alone.

“We’ll be going to Walmart in a minute, but first, I need to go to the pharmacy and get some Pedialite for his bottle. The doctor wants him to drink a full bottle every hour, so I’ll be back in just a bit. Do you want something to drink?”

“Sure,” Katie answered with a smile. “Can I have some apple juice?”

“Okay, but please make sure you don’t give him any of it. He’s already making enough messes in his diaper.”

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t. Besides, he’s drinking from a bottle now, so it’s not like we can get confused or anything.”

“I hadn’t thought of that, good point,” Mommy replied, and kissed him on the cheek before telling Katie, “Why don’t you sit down on the bench here, and I’ll be back in just a minute.”

“All right, we’ll be right here,” Katie assured her.

Eddy watched Mommy turn the corner and then felt Katie pat his dipey with a firm pressure, spreading the mess out. “You’ve been such a good boy today...yes you have,” she cooed to him, right in front of the people walking by. “And I promise, we’ll get that poopy butt changed when Mommy comes back.”

The paci never felt so good as it did then. Eddy concentrated on nursing, trying not to blush as she talked to him like a little baby. When she squeezed his bottom a bit, and said, “Let me see my sweet little baby cousin,” he bit the bullet, and turned to look at her, smiling around his paci.

“There’s the baby boy!” she said, way to loud for Eddy’s taste. He continued to smile despite seeing people looking at him as they walked by. When Katie pulled him close again, he was thankful, and closed his eyes, nuzzling Mister Bear.

A second later, he heard Katie whisper in his ear, “When Mommy comes back, we’re going for a ride. When I wink at you Sweety, I want you to unbuckle your seatbelt, understand?”

Eddy heard the steel in her whisper, and tried not to cry. He knew if he did what she asked, that Mommy would get mad. Still, he wasn’t willing to make Katie mad. Katie hugged him a little tighter when he nodded his head.

“That’s a good baby. Each time I wink, you unbuckle. I’m going to tell Mommy that you did, so if she gets mad, you cry like a good baby, understand?”

Again he nodded, wanting to cry right then.

“That’s a good boy.”

“All right, let’s get going, we need to get to Walmart and back,” he heard Mommy say a moment later. Eddy really wanted Mommy to carry him, but didn’t dare make a fuss.

“He’s messy, do you want to change him before we go?” Katie asked.

“No, I’ll wait until we get to Walmart and talk you through changing him in the parking lot. I don’t want to take him in the store, so I’ll need you to sit with him in the car while I go in and get what I need.”


Eddy laid his head back down as Katie carried him to the car. When she buckled him in, he was scared, because there wasn’t any way to keep from getting in trouble now. He saw Mommy put a bag on the floor that had four bottles of juice in it. Mommy took one out, opened it and refilled his ba-ba with it, before giving the ba-ba to him.

“Drink your ba-ba, Baby,” she told him with a kiss to his cheek. A second later, as he began nursing, she got in the front seat and started the car. Eddy watched the buildings start to move by, as they entered the road.

Three minutes later, Katie patted his leg. When he looked at her, she winked at him. This was the moment he had been scared of. Reaching down, he pushed the red button on the seatbelt buckle, and the belt retracted part of the way across his tummy.

“Aunt Laura, Eddy just unbuckled his seatbelt,” Katie said, a tone of surprise in her voice.

“Eddy, you need to stay buckled, little boy. You know we don’t unbuckle when the car is moving,” Mommy told him.

Katie smiled at him as she pulled the seatbelt back across and snapped the buckle in place with a click. “He’s buckled up now.”

“Thank you,” Eddy heard Mommy tell her.

A couple of minutes later, Katie winked at him again. Eddy had to work hard to keep his tears in check because he knew Mommy was going to get really mad. His hand slowly moved down and pushed the button again, releasing the buckle.

“Eddy!” Katie reprimanded him. “Mommy said to leave it alone,” she added as she buckled him again.

“Eddy, don’t make me stop the car. Leave the buckle alone,” he heard Mommy tell him in that tone that said, ’Don’t push your luck.’

He tried to ignore her, but Katie patted his leg, and then pinched him when he didn’t look. When he glanced at her, she glared at him, then winked. He gave in and released the seatbelt again.

“Aunt Laura, he won’t stop unbuckling.”

He saw Mommy turn her head to look at him, a frustrated expression on her face. “Edward Cole Dietz, you leave that buckle alone, do you hear me?” she said in a no nonsense tone.

Just then Katie exclaimed, “Aunt Laura!”

Mommy turned around, he felt the car swerve, and then he was moving forward as the brakes came on hard. When he hit the back of the front seat, he started crying hard.

He never felt the car pull into the parking lot, or Mommy pull him into her arms. He had bumped his head, and it hurt. When Eddy finally calmed down, he was shocked that Mommy was cuddling him close, rocking him back and forth as she said, “Shhhh...it’s alright...it’s okay Baby.” He expected her to be mad at him, not make him feel better.

When Eddy calmed to nursing his paci, Mommy sat him back in the car, buckled him in and told Katie, “Please hold onto the buckle until we get to Walmart.”

Eddy wanted to hit Katie when she smiled at him as they left the parking lot.

When they pulled into a parking space at Walmart, Eddy didn’t like what was coming. Not only was Katie going to see him naked again, but she was going to be wiping him clean down there.

“I’ll be right back to watch you change him the first time. It’s not that I don’t trust you Honey, but I need to know you can take care of Eddy,” Mommy explained.

“It’s okay, I understand. Where are you going?”

“To get a changing pad. The seat has had enough on it today. I also want to get some Desitin for his bottom, it’s looking a little red.”

“All right, we’ll be right here,” Katie replied, and Eddy watched as Mommy walked toward the store.

When Mommy entered the store, Katie turned to look at Eddy, with an angry expression on her face, causing him to go pee pee without even thinking about it. As he discovered the warm feeling, she barked, “You’re in trouble little boy!”

Eddy started to tremble then. “What?” he whimpered, before nursing his paci hard.

“You don’t ever ignore me again Baby. Ever!” she shouted.

Terrified now, Eddy felt more water squirt into his dipey from his bottom. “I thowwyyyy!” he cried.

“Oh, not as sorry as your going to be, I promise you that,” she growled. “You’re going to be a good little baby and lay still, smiling sweetly as I change your dipey aren’t you Baby?”

“Yeth! I be good!” he cried.

“Stop your crying now. Mommy doesn’t want to see a cry baby when she gets out here, she wants to see a happy baby boy playing with his BABYsitter,” she mocked.

Eddy nuzzled Mister Bear, and nursed hard on his paci, trying to stop the tears. By the time Mommy came back to the car, he had gotten control of himself.

“Put this under his bottom, and go ahead and change his diaper. Before you close the diaper though, I want you to put some Desitin on his bottom,” Mommy told Katie as she shifted Eddy so his bottom was facing her, with his head toward the door.

It took everything Eddy had to keep from crying as Katie slowly wiped the mess from his bottom, and then began cleaning his pee pee. It got worse when she began spreading Desitin with two fingers over his bottom, between the cheeks. He almost wished the dipey change would continue so Mommy wouldn’t leave, but when she kissed him as Katie sat him up, he didn’t dare let on that he was scared. With a smile, he said, “I wub you Mommy.”

“I love you too Sweety. I’ll be back in just a little bit. You snuggle with Katie until I get back, okay?”

“Okay,” he replied with a bigger smile.

“That’s a good boy,” she praised, before closing the door and heading toward the store again.

Eddy watched as Katie kept her eye on Mommy. When she entered the store, Katie turned toward him and said, “I guess I’m going to have to punish you again.”

“Pweathe nooooo!” he cried, terrified that Mommy would get hurt, or that he would feel like he did this morning.

“Yes Baby, you need to learn. Because you did what I told you to, I won’t hurt Mommy, you’ll take the punishment won’t you Sweety.”

Eddy trembled, crying hard now. Afraid she would get mad, he sobbed, “Yeth.”

“Good boy,” she praised him, with a pat to his cheek. “It’ll happen tomorrow in the morning once Mommy leaves, Baby. If you’re a good baby boy and make Mister Craig believe you really, really want to be a baby boy, then it won’t be near as bad as this morning, I promise.”

Eddy felt better after hearing that. He would be sure to convince Mister Craig that he didn’t want to be ten anymore.

“You really want to be a baby don’t you?” she asked without a hint of malice.

“Yeth,” Eddy answered solemnly, “I baby!...I good baby!” he told her, desperately trying to convince her what he was saying was the truth.

“All right Sweety, then everything will be just fine,” she replied with a smile. “Come snuggle with me.”

Eddy scrambled up into her lap, letting her lay his head on her chest. Katie pulled his paci out, and offered him a ba-ba. He began nursing and tried not to cry when he tasted the apple juice.

“Awww...don’t cry Baby, it’s nice juicy. It’ll make sure you have nice poopy dipeys for the rest of the day.”

He laid there nursing the juice until it was gone. Katie refilled the ba-ba then with the purple stuff from the bag, and offered the nipple again. He really didn’t want to drink anymore, but nursed the ba-ba anyway. When a little over half the ba-ba was gone, he couldn’t hold it back anymore, and made another mess in his dipey.

“That’s a good boy, you make lots of poopies,” Katie told him with several firm pats to his dipey.

Eddy had just taken his paci when he saw Mommy coming toward the car pushing a shopping cart. Tears threatened when he saw all the stuff in the cart. There were two big bags of dipeys, what looked like a box with sides for his bed, and worst of all, a booster seat for the car in the basket.

“No tears Baby, You be happy to get a car seat. Babies always ride in a car seat.”

Now Eddy knew why she had insisted that he unbuckle his seatbelt. Mommy thought he would keep doing it now, so got him a car seat so he couldn’t reach it. Wanting to make tomorrow’s punishment as easy as possible, he pushed his frustrated tears away, smiled when Mommy opened the door to the car, and said, “Caw theat!” with a giggle.

“That’s right Baby, you’ve got a brand new seat,” Mommy told him with a kiss to his forehead.

Eddy watched as she pulled the seat out of the box, placed it on the seat of the car and patted the cushion, saying, “Come sit, Sweety, Mommy and Katie need to pack all of this up.”

Hiding his anger, Eddy climbed into the seat, sitting down on the mess in his dipey. He watched as Mommy swung the top part over his lap, ran the seatbelt over it, and then buckled it out of sight.

“All right Baby, you snuggle with Mister Bear while we put the stuff in the car.”

When both Katie and Mommy were out of sight, Eddy tried to get to the buckle, but the way the seat was designed, he couldn’t reach it. He couldn’t help it when the tears came. Here he was stuck like a little baby sitting in a car seat until Mommy let him out, and it was all Katie’s fault.

A couple of minutes later, Eddy heard the trunk close. Mommy came around the corner, saw him, and bent down to give him a hug and a kiss, telling him, “Awww...it’s okay Baby, don’t cry, Mommy didn’t go anywhere, I promise.”

Thinking quickly, Eddy whimpered, “Mithed you.”

“It’s all right Sweety, Mommy’s here,” she comforted, before taking another bottle of the purple juice out and filling his bottle with it. “Here, drink your ba-ba and snuggle with Mister Bear while we go back to Mister Gary’s. You remember mister Gary don’t you?”

Eddy took the nipple and began nursing, before nodding his head. He really didn’t know if he could finish another ba-ba so soon, but didn’t want to make Katie mad by not drinking the whole thing. He wanted so badly to tell her what was really wrong, instead of letting her think he was a little baby that was crying for his mommy.

A few minutes later, they were driving down the highway when Eddy saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking over, he started crying the moment he recognized it was two boys about his age pointing and laughing at him. The car seat prevented him from moving, and he couldn’t stop drinking the ba-ba, or Katie would make his punishment ten times worse.

“Awww...Baby, what’s wrong?” Katie asked.

The car slowed down a little, and the other one pulled ahead, as Mommy answered for him, “There were two boys laughing at him. I’m sorry Sweety, but I can’t make them be nice.”

Eddy just cried as he felt himself go pee pee for the third time in an hour. He tried to hold it, but couldn’t. Forgetting about the boys, and his dipey, he closed his eyes, nuzzled his bear, and concentrated on how good the nipple of his ba-ba felt.



End Chapter 12

A Tortured Soul

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 11, 2009


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