Justice League: Little League

by: doctor anguish | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 14, 2021

Chapter 2
Little League

Chapter Description: The Menace of... Redusa!

Superman! Batman! Aquaman! Flash! Green Lantern! Aquaman! Six heroes who, seperately or banded together as The Justice League of America, strike terror into the hearts of evildoers... Usually.

At the moment, however, they weren’t feeling particularly powerful or impressive. Regressed into eight-year-old boys and shrunken down to five inches tall, they fretted and fumed helplessly, gathered on their meeting table like so many dolls, as floating feathers comprised of pure energy furiously tickled their bare backsides.

"Well, this... YAH-HOO-HOO! ...really fixes things!" The preppish little blonde child who had been Green Arrow shouted, hopping from one foot to the other. "How are we... HEE-HEE-HOO! ...going to get back to normal?"

"We need help! YAH-WAH-HOO!" The thin, chubby-faced boy who had been Superman danced manically, his spit-curl and pre-adolescent organ bobbing in rhythm. "J’onn J’onzz would be... HAW-HOO-HAH! ...away on a... YEE-HEE-HOO! ...space mission!"

"We’ll... HEE-HEE-HEE! ...have to contact... YEE-YAH-HOO! ...someone else! HOO-HOO-HAH!" The wide-eyed, dark-haired lad who had been Batman paced back and forth with a desperate quickness, trying futilely to ignore the feather torturing his wiggling little rump. "Perhaps The... WHO-WOO-HOO! ...Doom Patrol or..."

"What about... YEE-HEE-HOO! ...Wonder Woman?" The curly-haired blond who had been Aquaman swatted at the feather. His hands passed through it as if it were a ghost. Yet, it felt solid enough as it continued its tickle-torture. "Perhaps her Amazon science..."

"Are you... HOO-HAH-WOO! ...crazy?" The sandy-haired kid with the pronounced tanlines wiggled and bounced. "The ...HEE-HOO-HOO! ...less people who see us like this.. WHA-HAH-HAH! ...the better!"

"Well, we... WEE-HEE-HEE! ...have to do... OOO-HOO-HOO! ...something!" The snub-nosed blonde with the crewcut who had been The Flash skipped in place. "We can’t just sit and wait... HEE-TEE-HEE! ...for something to happen!"

"Yeah!" Green Arrow groused. "We ...HOO-HOO-HEE! ...can’t even sit at all!"

"Very... HAH-HOO-HEE! ...funny!" Superman hopped about, rubbing his arms. "One... WOO-HAH-HAH! ...thing for sure! When we... HEE-HOO-HAH! ...get back to normal... YAH-HEE-HOO! ...we’ve got to insulate this cave better! There’s a horrible draft!"

"First... YEE-HEE-HEE! ...things first!" Batman growled, shaking his hips. "We don’t... HOO-HOO-HEE! ...have our powers, we... WHO-HOO-HEE! ...don’t have our... WEE-HEE-HEE! ...weapons, we don’t even have... HAH-HAH-HOO! ...our signal devices!"

"We don’t... YIE-HOO-HAH! ...even have our dignity!" Green Lantern punched the air. "Oh, someone is going to... HAH-HOO-HOO! ...PAY for this!"


The heroes turned to discover a normal-sized woman in a crimson and black spangled costume and a domino mask looming over them. In one gloved hand, she held a glistening silver wand. She smirked down at the astonished little super-heroes, who covered themselves with their hands as best they could.

"Hey!" The Flash peeped up at her. "HOO-HOO-HOO! Who are you? How’d you GEE-GEE-GEE! ...get in here?"

The woman smiled. "Call me Redusa! And I got in with this!"

She opened her other hand to reveal Aquaman’s signal-device.

"I could’ve just teleported in, but I wanted to make sure you were surprised."

"So... WHA-HAH-HAH! ...you’re the one who did this to us?" Batman glowered up at the villainess, his fabled menace defused somewhat by the fact he was a tiny, stark naked eight year old boy in the midst of being furiously tickled.

"An astute guess, my little cotton-tailed crusader!" Redusa laughed.

"Turn us... BWEE-HEE-HEE! ...back!" Green Lantern squeaked, waving his miniscule fist at her. "Or we’ll..."

"You’ll what? Kick me in the ankle?" Reduca laughed. "Thanks to my regressa-beam and my reduso-ray, you’re as helpless as newborn babies!"

"What are you... HOO-HOO-YOO! ...after?" Superman demanded. "Revenge? World conquest?"

"Oh, nothing so grandiose." She raised her wand. "Actually, I’m more of an entrepeneur."

The tip of her silver wand glistened and sparked. There was a flash of light and the League found themselves teleported to Redusa’s lair. Futuristic computers whirred and hummed, and the Leaguers’ costumes were suspended in indivisual display cases, each neatly labeled.

The six Leaguers discovered each of them was now wearing a specially colored baby bonnet: Grey and black for Batman, orange and green for Aquaman, green and red for Green Arrow, green and black for Green Lantern, blue and red for Superman, and red and yellow for the Flash. They were now imprisoned in a, to them, huge playpen. Plastic toys and building blocks were scattered about the soft, yellow and white floor. Redusa gloated over them. A syrupy chime-version of ’Rock-A-Bye Baby’ played from a musical mobile spinning overhead.


The Leaguers tried to remove their bonnets, only to find them locked into place.

"I hope you don’t mind," Redusa smiled. "But it is hard to tell you little fellows apart. Those help make it easier."

"What’s your... YEE-HEE-HEE! ...game, Redusa?" Aquaman shouted. "Do you plan to hold us prisoner here?"

Redusa cocked her head to one side. "Well, yes. That’s part of it. But, you see, as I said, I’m an entrepeneur. A


She gestured with her silver wand. A door on the far side of the room opened, and several costumed figures entered. The Leaguers gasped.

"The Ocean Master!"


"Captain Cold!"

"The Clock King!"

"Star Sapphire!"


The six deadly enemies of The Justice League surrounded the playpen, looking down at the dancing little heroes in amusement.

"Aw, look at the little things!" Catwoman purred. "Aren’t they adorrrrrable?"

"They certainly are," Captain Cold growled. "But how do we know they’re the real McCoy?"

"Yeah!" Clock King chimed in. "We paid you a lot of money for this, Redusa! How do we know they aren’t fakes?"

Redusa smiled. "Perhaps you’d like a closer look." She waved her wand over the playpen. "Bottoms up!"

Instantly, each Justice Leaguer felt his rump rise into the air as if suddenly transformed into a helium balloon, pulling him along with it. Kicking, struggling, and squirming, the six heroes were soon floating in midair at eye-level with the amused super-villains.

"Yes," Ocean Master smirked, studying the tiny, wiggling Aquaman. "That certainly looks like my half-brother hero as a child..."

"And I’d recognize little Superboy anywhere!" Luthor sneered at the helpless mite, then fished in his pocket for a scanning device. "But this will make certain it’s on the level."

Clicking on the scanner, he ran its beam along the line of squirming boys, the feathers still tickling their upended rears. Finally, Luthor nodded.

"It’s them, all right!" He laughed at tiny Superman’s struggles, chucking the little hero under the chin. "Not so invulnerable now, are you, Super-Shrimp?"

"You just... WHO-HOO-HOO! ...wait, Luthor! You may think you... WHA-HAH-HAH! ...have the upper hand now..."

"Oh, I know we do," Luthor responded, turning to Redusa. "I must admit, my dear, I doubted you. But this is definitely worth the twenty thousand I paid."

"Indeed," Catwoman purred, leaning down to examine the captive Batman. "To have Batman right in the palm of my hand!"

"You... YEE-HEE-HEE! ...treacherous vixen! You...YOW!"

Batman kicked at the feline felon’s claws, which had just grazed a tender area. "Now CUT THAT OUT!"

"The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes," Star Sapphire chuckled. "Reduced to mere playthings for our amusement!"

"Oh, this is only the first part of the amusement," Redusa said, waving her wand. The six Justice Leaguers’ feathers suddenly disappeared. Before the heroes could breathe a sigh of relief, however, they saw each had been replaced with a paddle.

"Oh no..."

The chimes changed from ’Rock-A-Bye Baby’ to ’The Anvil Chorus. The paddles went into action, striking the Leaguers’ bare backsides in time with the music. The villains laughed at the Leaguers’ squeaks of pain and outrage.







"Aquaman! The King of the Seven Seas!" The Ocean Master gloated. "Getting a bare bottom spanking! Oh, this is rich!"

"Yeah, it’s funny, all right!" Captain Cold growled, leveling his freeze-gun. "But why fool around like this! Let’s just kill them while they’re helpless!"

Redusa struck the gun from his hand with her wand. "You try and you’ll be joining them in that playpen!" She let Captain Cold retrieve his weapon, smiling down at him. "I’ve got a lot more clients lined up. And they’re going to get a show every bit as good as yours. And after all..." She sauntered over, smirking down at the Leaguers’ reddening rumps. "...Memories like these are enough to last a lifetime!"

"You won’t... OW! ...get away with... OW! ...this, Redusa!"

Redusa turned to her guests. "So, would you like the commemorative photo on the bearskin rug? We can do singles and group shots."




End Chapter 2

Justice League: Little League

by: doctor anguish | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 14, 2021


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