Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024

Chapter 14

Chapter Description: Daniel has a second chance to show Sarah and Amber he can be a big boy. The challenge is for him to walk across his playpen, can he do it?

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Daniel shivered. His Mommy always often referred to Amber as his sister even though they were in no way related. As far as he knew he hadn’t ever even been formally adopted by the two women he lived with.

“I’m… I’m not sure I’m ready…” Daniel admitted bashfully. He had only managed a few steps and inevitably ended up on his butt. He had wanted more time to practice.

“Of course you are.” Sarah nodded and a smile split her face again, “I have just the thing for this occasion.”

Daniel felt nervous. It was like having a test sprung on you at the last second. He was totally unprepared and didn’t feel confident at all that his weak legs were stand up to the scrutiny of the two women. As Sarah turned away from the changing table and dug through the deepest parts of the closet Daniel tried to stay calm and picture himself walking. He closed his eyes and in his mind could see himself proving that he was a big boy, Sarah and Amber were forced to concede and he then lived a normal life…

“This seems like a good idea.” Sarah said as she returned to the changing table.

Sarah was holding up a onesie that Daniel didn’t recognise. It looked fairly standard for the most part but there was one area that was very different and Daniel immediately noticed it. The crotch area looked a lot thicker than the regular material, in fact it looked like it had a built-in diaper!

“W-What’s that?” Daniel asked dumbly.

“It’s a onesie, baby.” Sarah smiled indulgently.

“But… it isn’t like my other ones…” Daniel frowned with concern.

“That’s right.” Sarah nodded her head as she placed the onesie on a nearby chair, “I bought a bunch of these a while ago for this very occasion. It’s extra thick to help protect you if you have an oopsie and fall down.”

That seemed suspiciously kind to Daniel. He fully expected his efforts to be sabotaged rather than encouraged. He didn’t know how most babies learned to walk, perhaps it was common for them to wear some extra padding when trying in the same way a cyclist wore a helmet. It didn’t really matter either way. Daniel wasn’t going to get a say in what he was going to wear.

The discussion about walking had allowed Daniel’s penis to wilt somewhat. He felt more frustrated than ever as he felt the rubber cage get pushed on to his dick. He winced as it tried to expand against its prison. His balls were threaded through the loop underneath and just like that he was caged again. Despite his surging frustration and one of the worst cases of blue balls known to man Daniel was assuredly not going to get to cum.

A fresh disposable diaper was pulled out and unfolded. After a liberal sprinkling of baby powder the diaper was taped on to Daniel and he started to sit up. Sarah put a hand on his chest and shook her head. Daniel slowly slumped back down to a horizontal position. He watched curiously as Sarah reached to one of the lower shelves of the table.

“Better safe than sorry.” Sarah said to herself as she stood up again.

“Mommy…” Daniel moaned.

Daniel felt his chances of impressing the women with his walking lessening all the time. Sarah was holding up a thick cloth diaper. Daniel was rarely put in the cloth diapers but there were a couple kept on the bottom shelf of the changing table for when they were needed. The thick extra padding was placed on the edge of the changing table and then Daniel’s butt was lifted again so it could be slipped underneath him. The front was lifted up and it was all closed by Velcro tabs.

The thickness was already forcing Daniel’s legs apart. He looked down his body and could see his diaper bulging crazily. Sarah took Daniel’s hands and pulled him into a sitting position, he could barely even maintain that position let alone standing upright.

“We’ll just get you dressed and you’ll be ready to impress us.” Sarah said cheerily.

Daniel knew that his Mommy was deliberately making this as hard as possible. The onesie came next. It was pulled down over Daniel’s head and he could immediately feel the weight of it. He let out a whine as he looked down. The poppers were pushed together with some difficulty, Sarah had to pull the front and back together as the mammoth amount of padding pushed them apart.

“There we go.” Sarah stood up and looked down at Daniel’s legs which were forced far apart.

“This isn’t fair!” Daniel exclaimed, “I can’t walk in this!”

“But I thought you told me you had been practicing…” Sarah said as she tilted her head to one side, “You weren’t lying to Mommy were you?”

“No… But…” Daniel said slowly and quietly.

“Do you think your sister and I could walk in the onesie?” Sarah asked.

“She’s not my sister!” Daniel whined petulantly. Sarah just smiled at him and waited.

Daniel didn’t think that was exactly fair either. Sarah and Amber would both probably find it easy to walk in a onesie like this despite the padding. It was different for them thought. They had been walking for decades and they were so big their powerful thighs would make it easy regardless. Not to mention they would never be asked to do such a ridiculous thing, especially not with multiple thick diapers on as well.

When Daniel said nothing Sarah leaned down and lifted him into the air. His arms and legs wrapped around the large woman automatically, he was held close to his Mommy’s chest as he was taken from the room and down to the living room.

“Amber!” Sarah called out of the living room, “Come here. The baby has something he wants to show us.”

Daniel was feeling very nervous and regardless of his actual leg strength they felt like they had turned to jelly. He was placed in the playpen with his legs wide apart, he turned to the bars and tried to use them to get up but even that was made very difficult by all the material between his legs. As soon as he let go of the playpen’s bars he wobbled dangerously.

“Amber, did you know your baby brother has been teaching himself to walk?” Sarah asked pleasantly. The tone scared Daniel.

“Really?” Amber sounded disbelieving.

“Apparently so.” Sarah continued, “So I thought he could show us what a big boy he is.”

Daniel swayed dangerously and then fell back on to his backside. At least the massive amount of padding meant that it didn’t hurt too much. It was bruising to his ego though, not to mention his confidence.

“Well, no time like the present.” Sarah said.

“Maybe I could get a bit more time…” Daniel muttered.

When Daniel looked around he could see that his Mommy had sat on the couch and crossed her legs. She leaned forwards as if anticipating a spectacular show. Meanwhile Amber remained in the doorway frowning as she looked down at him. The pressure was on now.

Daniel was trembling as he pulled himself back up to his feet. As he straightened his legs as much as everything he was wearing would allow he felt his diaper growing warmer as he freely wet himself. Yet another thing that made being a “big boy” seem as far away as ever. He wobbled again and tried to work out exactly how he was going to do this.

“Go on.” Sarah said with a nod, “If you can make it all the way across your playpen we’ll call it a success.”

Daniel was too busy trying to stay upright to really listen to his Mommy. He lifted a leg and almost immediately toppled over. He closed his eyes and put his hands out as he dropped and landed face first on the carpet.

“Oh dear, poor baby, are you alright?” Sarah hurried over to the side of the playpen.

Daniel quickly started to get up knowing that his Mommy was about to end this whole thing before he even had a chance. He got on to his hands and knees before using the bars to pull himself upright again. The padding between his legs forced him to waddle like crazy but he adjusted his technique and was able to take a tentative step.

Daniel took two proper steps and then stumbled forwards and fell on his butt again. When he looked up he saw that Sarah’s face had changed from a smug smile to looking concerned. Daniel took a deep breath and turned to get on to his hands and knees to crawl back to the side of the pen. He started pulling himself back to his feet again.

“You don’t have to keep trying.” Sarah said. Her condescending joviality had evaporated.

Daniel stuck his tongue out of his mouth and bit it as he stood up. As he took a couple of breaths to recover his energy he saw his Mommy and Amber exchange looks. Amber walked up to the side of the playpen and leaned on the top. Daniel was sweating from his effort. He was struggling more than he had previously thanks to the waddler and diapers but he really felt he had a chance to get all the way across.

“Daniel, maybe you should give up and I can take you upstairs to make milkies.” Sarah suggested, “You know how much you like that…”

It was obviously true that Daniel enjoyed his milkies but this was something more important. This was about proving he was ready to be a big boy. His legs felt tired but he was going to do it this time for sure. He started taking tentative steps. His legs wobbled and he held his arms out and away from his body for balance. He moved slowly but with each shuffling step he got closer to his goal. As he drew level with where Amber was standing he caught her looking at his Mommy with wide eyes.

This was it. Daniel was a few steps away and felt certain he could do it. A smile broke across Daniel’s face. He could see his future opening up in front of him and this was just the start. Once he had proven he could learn to walk he would get another, fairer, chance at potty training. Then he could go to school or…

Daniel’s foot suddenly connected with something very solid. His arms started wind-milling as he tried to keep his balance but he was already on the way down. He let out a yelp as he fell forwards and landed face first in a small pile of stuffies. He looked behind and saw Amber’s foot withdrawing between the bars.

“Oh! Poor baby!” Sarah cried out as she sprung to her feet.

“She… She tripped me!” Daniel pointed an accusatory finger as his bottom lip trembled.

“Don’t be silly.” Sarah replied as she opened the gate to the playpen and strode inside, “You just fell because you’re not ready to walk.”

“That’s not true!” Daniel exclaimed as he started to sob. He stared up at Amber who had stepped back and turned away.

“We’ll have to make extra sure you don’t try this again and end up getting hurt.” Sarah said.

“No!” Daniel scrambled on his hands and knees away from his advancing Mommy, “I can do it! I can do it!”

Daniel desperately scrambled for the bars to pick himself up again. He felt two large hands grab him by the midsection and lift him up. His legs and arms still moved as if he could continue crawling until he was turned around and held against Sarah’s chest.

“I can do it!” Daniel wailed.

Daniel had burst into tears. It was all so unfair. He knew he could walk if given more practice and if Amber hadn’t sabotaged him. It was just like the “potty training” all over again. Daniel felt his head getting pressed between Sarah’s huge breasts and though he tried to resist he was soon left deafened to the rest of the world. In that dark prison Daniel’s tears and snot mixed with the sweat of their closely pressed skin. He could tell he was being carried out of the living room and felt defeated. As he slumped in despondency against his Mommy he wet himself yet again. His diaper grew warmer and heavier as he sobbed, he wondered if Sarah could feel the warmth on her hand through all the layers separating his crotch from her.

Daniel felt himself being pulled away from Sarah’s chest. His hearing and sight returned and he looked around to see he was back in his nursery. Sarah took him to the changing table and placed him on the edge.

“You were very brave for trying.” Sarah said as she turned away and went to the closet, “But you’re just not ready.”

“I am!” Daniel whined as he wiped at his face with his arm, “Amber tripped me!”

“And you could really hurt yourself if you keep trying to walk.” Sarah said as she ignored Daniel’s complaints.

Daniel fists were balled up angrily as Sarah came back over to him. In her hand was a new onesie. He moaned as he saw the thickness around the flaps and leg areas, if his current onesie made walking very difficult this new one would make it completely impossible.

“I can WALK!” Daniel screamed as he tried to scoot away from his Mommy.

In a fit of anger and frustration Daniel got on to his hands and knees on top of the padded table top and started to push himself up to a standing position. He was going to prove he could walk if it was the last thing he did!

“Daniel! No!” Sarah called out.

Daniel took a couple of steps when he stumbled again. He belatedly realised what an awful mistake he had made. He was tired out physically and emotionally from his efforts in the playpen, he couldn’t catch himself in time. He stumbled and then fell over the edge of the changing table. He seemed to fall in slow motion and closed his eyes just before he hit the ground.

Except Daniel didn’t hit the ground. He had expected a hard landing but he stopped before hitting the floor. He opened his eyes to see himself hovering inches above it.

“Oh my goodness, are you alright?” Sarah asked with concern.

Sarah’s hands were holding Daniel’s sides. It seemed that she had reacted with motherly instincts and managed to rush forwards and catch him before he landed. That hardly mattered to Daniel though. He had been desperate to show his Mommy he was able to walk but his fall seemed to suggest anything but, he had been foolish and given Sarah all the ammunition she needed to do whatever she liked with him.

Daniel’s diapers weren’t changed but once he was back on the changing table his onesie was replaced by the waddler that made standing up impossible. Daniel’s legs were forced so far apart even crawling was a lot of work. He was placed in his crib and left to sleep off his disappointment. He cried until long after Sarah had left eventually falling into a fitful sleep.


If you've enjoyed this and want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW on the links below!

And you can see my BRAND NEW 10,000 word subscriber exclusive story "Jimmy's Babysitting Job" where a young college student takes a very strange babysitting job that sees HIM become the baby. Featuring physical and mental regression, diapers and humiliation!



End Chapter 14

Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024


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