Tales from the ARVInn, 1

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 22
ARVInn--Guys on the Roof

Chapter Description: As the ARVInn developed, residents filled many jobs on campus. Some were office work, while others were more crafts work. Even work on the buildings had its mix of AR-Adults and others, once again showing that being child-sized did not necessarily limit what they could accomplish.

                                                      Tales from the ARVInn:  Guys on the Roof 

Almost every job at ARVInn has residents in some positions.  The roofing crew at work here is a good example, with a six-man crew which includes 3 residents.  With the increase in private dwellings on the campus, they are kept busy with jobs both small and large.  Some of them are ready for a second roof, having been built as long ago as 2075.  Shown at work in these images, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, are Allen Jakes, Sammie Purwell and Jeff Coates, along with Fred Swafford, a local resident.

When not climbing on roofs, they are also part of the regular maintenance staff.  Various projects involving siding, gutters, and ceilings occupy their days.  All of them enjoy continuing in the same line of work they previously had. 

Continued at: Tales from the ARVInn--Guys on the Roof (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 22

Tales from the ARVInn, 1

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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