A Christmas Miracle

by: ageman | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 3, 2009

When a man is feeling down in the dumps can anything help him?

Chapter 1
The Beginning

Chapter Description: A little short, but it's only the first chapter in what should be a long story.

It’s a few days before Christmas, and I’m sitting on my couch in my living room all alone with the TV blaring. I start to think to myself, "I hate my life. There is not another way that I could put it. It’s as simple as that. I have terrible job with lousy pay, I live in a shitty apartment, and I haven’t had I girlfriend since I was 16 (and that was 10 years ago)."

"I’m tired of this," I shout out loud. I gently get up from my sofa and haphazardly walk to the kitchen. It’s three in the morning and I’m as tired as hell from delivering pizzas all day long. I go to the cupboard and reach for something that will put me out of my misery. The first thing I grab is a container of aspirin that I picked up from my local pharmacy for real cheap, named Ritepirin. I gulp down the entire bottle of pills and then head over to the sofa to die.

My entire life starts to flash before my eyes, I think about the day I dropped out of high school, my first kiss with Kandice Belfiore, my first day at high school, the first time I got a "F" on a test when I was in fifth grade, the day my baby brother was born when I was in second grade, my first touchdown in pee- wee football, the first time I scored a run in little league baseball, my first day of kindergarten, the first time I was able to use the toilet, the first time I tied my shoes...

Then suddenly my mind hit a blank, I started to twitch and had muscle spasms all over my body, so much so that I fell off the couch and landed flat on my face. I was sweating like a mule, then out of no where it stopped. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I was awakened by a loud noise from the TV, and find myself on the floor. I have a throbbing pain in my forehead, and my clothes are drenched in sweat. Then, it all starts to come back, and I say to myself, "I can’t believe what I tried to do last night, what was I think?" I don’t feel like getting up, but I know I will have to go to work soon. I stumble over to the fridge and grab the carton of orange juice only to realize that it is empty. I silently curse myself and go over to the bathroom.

While walking there I think to myself, "I really need to shave it has been over three days since the last time I did it." When I reach the vanity mirror I saw that my facial hair wasn’t as bad as I thought, if anything I could wait another day or two to shave. In fact I’m feeling much better than I was just a few minutes ago. I look closer into the mirror and see that I looked pretty well rested. There are no bags under my eyes, no wrinkles that I can see, and it evens seems like I have more hair on the top of my head.

"It’s going to be a great day," I say out loud to myself. I go into my room and notice my work uniform on my night stand. I quickly put a t-shirt and jeans on, and then a jacket because it’s freezing outside. After that I grab my shoes, my delivery boy outfit, and head out the door with my keys in hand.

On the way to work I finally decide to quit my stinkin job, and start fresh. I would never have the courage to normally do this, but today felt different, it kinda of felt like a refresh. I pull into parking lot for the strip mall that the pizzeria I work for is located. I proceed to open the stores doors, walk up to the counter, throw my uniform in the mangers face, and yell, "I quit!" Then, I storm out of the building, get into my car and head back to my house with a smirk on my face.

To be continued...



End Chapter 1

A Christmas Miracle

by: ageman | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 3, 2009


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