The Uninvited Christmas Guest, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2017

Chapter 4
Chapter Four: Getting Sick

Chapter Description: By Libra

Crystal’s head was hurting so much she felt a little confused of what could be Samuel’s actions so far.

"I make you a deal, Crystal. You stay here with me until after Christmas day is over so that it gives you time to heal and the pill bottle will be yours again on my honor. Besides that bump on the head is a risk since there is no telling what could happen if you use an aP pill? " Samuel asked knowing she wouldn’t risk a sped up infection or worse. Wounds could heal with the pill, but sped up infection could be fatal.

Crystal nodded and felt very sleepy after her little escape attempt.

Morning came and Crystal awoke in the bed not knowing if what happened was real. One look around the room and she knew it had.

She heard voices from the front of the house and figured Sam was talking to someone. Here was a chance to escape or perhaps a rescue.

Making a quick dash for the front door she stopped dead at the sight of Samuel talking with a police officer. He must have changed his mind during the night or something and all she could do was stand frozen like a statue.

"Who do we have here?" The officer said noticing the little girl with a bandage around her head.

"My daughter Crystal and as you can see she had a little climbing accident. She is my little monkey. " Samuel said not missing a second in answering the opened question.

"Well, young lady have you seen a woman with the same pretty hair and eyes color as you around? " The officer asked not expecting an answer. The girl looked to be very shy.

"You know officer I think that is the thief right there. I bet if you check the cookie jar you will find little fingerprints all over it. " Sam joked and the officer chuckled. Crystal felt her heart miss a few beats.

"I’ll let the cookie police know about her. Well, Mr. Bodhi call me if you see a woman in the area as I described. Funny that she would leave her car abandoned, but maybe she left it behind on purpose. Anyways I have to sign off on towing it away. Merry Christmas and good day to the both of you. " The officer said and left the doorstep.

Samuel locked the door behind him and turned to see Crystal breathing hard.

"Let me get a look at that bump shall we?" Samuel said and sat on a lazy boy chair. Crystal walked over to him and he carefully unwrapped the bandage.

"You are lucky if you ask me. I found you in nearly a foot of snow with that bundle of goods on top of you. Another hour and you would have be frozen little girl. " Samuel lectured and Crystal felt real guilt and shame like she used to as a child.

She figured it to be the guilt and shame of being caught and nothing more.

"The wound is healing nicely, already the bump is smaller. Good thing you were out like a light when I cleaned it. Now is for your bath because frankly my dear you’ve been in those clothes for way too long. " Samuel said and started to pull her shirt off.

Crystal screamed with shock and backed away.

"I’m not getting naked in front of you. " Crystal accused and held her shirt with both hands.

"I have a niece dear. Nothing I haven’t seen before. If you think you can manage you have my full permission to wash yourself. I got out some of my nephew’s spare clothes since you don’t mind wearing pants. He is a little older than you are now, but I think with a belt they will fit nicely. " Samuel said and waved her away.

Crystal walked out backwards and went slowly toward the bathroom door. After locking it Crystal got everything she needed.

The one good thing to come out of this was that the bathtub looked very big to her now. Crystal filled it up with warm water and relaxed her stiff body into it.

A quarter of an hour passed and Crystal had stopped splashing around so much. There was a knock at the door and then a click. Crystal figured he just used that mini screwdriver again. The sliding doors to the shower were a good enough cover for anyone in the tub.

"Your new clothes to wear, my lady. Breakfast will be ready in a few more minutes. " Samuel said not looking at her, then left in the same fashion.

Crystal stayed in until her stomach rumbled loudly. She was dressed and had her semi wet hair tied back in a pony tail by the time she sat at the breakfast table.

A measly bowl of chicken soup was waiting for her and what look like milk in her glass.

"Am I to eat this?" Crystal asked ignoring her hungriness for a few more seconds.

"Until I think you are ready for stronger food. It’s a little harder to throw up soup and you need your milk. You’re a growing girl. " Samuel answered and winked on his last comment.

"What do you mean?" Crystal asked after taking a spoonful.

"You were out in the cold and just now recovering from the shock. Your immune system has been weakened and you might get sick if you are not already coming down with something. " Samuel replied with a concerned look on his face.

"I’m fine even through you like to keep it warm in here. " Crystal answered with a nasty tone and saw Samuel’s face go into an ever more worried expression.

"This room is a little cold to me. I think you might have a temperature. " Samuel said in turn and got up from his seat to get a thermometer.

Crystal protested at first, but Samuel suggested the other way to get her body temperature and she agreed to have it in her mouth instead.

"The reading is at 99.9°F degrees my dear. I want you in that bed watching cartoons after you’re done eating. " Samuel ordered and put the thermometer away.

Crystal, seeing no choice, decided to go to bed anyway. There was a restless feeling lingering, but she knew that to be normal. Having the body of a kid tended to do that to a person. The one useful thing she found in the guest bedroom was an old Game-boy someone left behind. It helped pass the time after her afternoon nap. Supper came in the form of more chicken soup and Crystal went to bed early that night.

Samuel woke up in the middle of the night to find a certain child standing by his bed, looking flushed, hot, and sweaty at the same time.

"Sam, I don’t feel so good. " Crystal said once she got him awake.

"’Guess I will be taking that Christmas vacation sooner than I thought. " Samuel said picking up Crystal and taking her back to her bed.

"Sam, how did you know I got sick?" Crystal asked, very curious.

"My mom is a nurse, or a former nurse now. She looks after her two grandchildren most of the time. My older sister’s kids of course. " Samuel said laying the girl down gently.

"The jeans have to come off, but your shirt can stay. I am going to put a light blanket over you and get you some juices to drink. Dehydration right now is your worst enemy. For both of our sakes I hope you don’t start vomiting or get diarrhea. " Samuel said already stripping her small pair of jeans off.

"Couldn’t wait to get my pants off? " Crystal joked and as an adult it would have earned her a grin from any man.

"You know us guys. " Samuel said pulling the sheet up to her neck. The little exchange of jokes was the first signs of them starting to trust each other.

Samuel left and came back with apple juice in a child sized cup.

"Drink this when you want. I’m going to see if there is any medicine around there for children. " Samuel said quickly and left to go find something to help her.

The next few days were a blur of memories for Crystal. She remembered playing the Game-boy and blushed a little when the sponge baths came since she was weak as a kitten. She had to be topless for the baths and looking at her flat chest made her feel even smaller. The throwing up wasn’t as bad as she thought, but Samuel had cut her hair to shoulder length so he wouldn’t have to hold it back for her.

Three whole days later and she woke up feeling better, but still weak. Samuel was no further than a hear shot from her room during this time.

"You dropped a little weight, but I think you have recovered. We are still a few days away from Christmas day. " Samuel said coming in with more juice and some scrambled eggs.

"Sounds good. " Crystal said starting to really like this new position in life, but the adult life offered a lot more independence for her.

"There is something else you should see. " Samuel said, turning on the TV. An Adult picture of Crystal was on the screen.

"It is not known at this time if she is still in the area. But police have issued a warning to look out for this scam artist and thief with the holidays being so close. " The newscaster’s voice filled the room as they watched.

"I guess someone talked or maybe it’s a slow day for the news. Our little area doesn’t get much excitement. " Samuel said muting the audio on the TV.

"’Wonder what they would say if they knew I was just a little sick child now? " Crystal asked with a teasing tone in her voice.

"She may be consider contagious do not attempt to capture yourself. " Samuel said and Crystal giggled a little at the small joke.

"I’m feeling better. " Crystal said eager to get back on her feet.

"Good, I could use some little help with the chores. " Samuel said and left her alone with her breakfast.



End Chapter 4

The Uninvited Christmas Guest, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2017


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