Midnight Carnival, by Tainted Sins

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 11, 2016

Chapter 15
Please Don't Rub the Lamp!

Chapter Description: By Tainted Sins

Midnight Carnival (15/16): Please Don’t Rub the Lamp!

It was Nancy’s forty-third birthday, and needless to say she was depressed about it. She had spent most of the morning standing in front of the mirror criticizing every angle she could get a glance at. A wrinkle here, a bit of flab there, nothing was firm like it used to be. It was no wonder she was still single, she had decided, what guy would want to play with her old breasts when he could go out and get himself some bimbo in her twenties that still had perky tits.

In reality she was still a decent looking woman, one who did justice to her age. It was mainly a matter of lack of confidence that was her problem, as it had been her entire life. But try and tell her that, her friends had certainly all made the attempt and failed. In the end she saw her body through prejudiced eyes, and that was never going to change.

Nancy knew about the surprise party that was waiting for her at her house...which was exactly why she was at the mall instead. She hated to leave her friends hanging like that, but she just didn’t think she could stand another birthday party. Maybe just another half an hour of wandering, she told herself, then maybe I’ll feel good enough to go. It didn’t seem very likely, but as it turned out today was the day for strange occurrences.

While wandering through a shop that seemed to be some sort of antique store, a series of large bold red letters jumped out at her, drawing her away from her thoughts. "Please don’t rub the lamp!" It proclaimed.

"Why on Earth not?" Nancy wondered out loud. Looking around she noticed that no one else seemed to be in the shop at the moment. The manager must be in the back or on break, she thought as her curiosity started to get the better of her.

"Well, if they are stupid enough to leave their store unsupervised then they deserve to have a few rules broken." She said as she lifted up the lamp. "They’re lucky I don’t run off with a bunch of merchandise or something." After she had finished justifying her actions to herself her hands began to rub the metal sides.

Like something out of a cheap movie smoke bellowed forth and soon a large blue figure floated in front of her. "Greetings mistress. As you may have guessed I am a great and powerful genie and you may now receive three wishes."

Nancy said nothing, she only stared up at the man, the surprised expression never leaving her face.

"A bit of advice mistress... I am great and powerful, but the owner of this shop is even more so. He is a greedy merchant who does not like people using his magic. If he finds you here he will prevent you from gaining your well deserved wishes. So make haste, and speak from the heart."

The threat of losing the wishes she had so quickly gained set her mind in motion. And soon she found herself blurting out her desires as she saw them. "I wish for happiness, someone who will love and take care of me, and er...well for people not to get grossed out if I were to walk around topless."

"Granted!" The genie boomed before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Looking around and seeing nothing had really changed Nancy decided it must have all been some sort of bizarre daydream. Turning around and walking out of the store she let out a sigh of regret while inside the lamp the genie only smiled.

"Surprise!" The group yelled as she walked in the door.

Nancy forced herself to feign a look of unexpected happiness. But before she could even get a word out the feeling of surprise became all too real. The look of shock on the faces of her friends and family told her there was something very wrong. And looking down at herself she quickly realized what it was. She had just walked in her house wearing nothing but a big disposable diaper and a pink baby bonnet.

Her arms darted up to cover her exposed chest while everyone just stared at her, too stunned to move or say anything. How had this happened? She knew she had not been wearing this ridiculous outfit up until the point she had entered the door. Well whatever it was she certainly did not intend to stand around here looking like a fool while she figured it out.

She was just about to excuse herself and run up to her bedroom when suddenly an odd feeling overtook her. For a few seconds, while her older years vanished, she couldn’t quite figure out just what was wrong. So she just stood there dumbly while all the members of the party stared in amazement as the forty year old lost all the blemishes of age and passed all the way down to a gorgeous twenty year old.

Nancy felt the change in her breasts as she held them. They seemed to feel firm and perky like they used to be when she was a teenager. Was she just imagining it? Glancing down she was delighted to see that she wasn’t. They were magnificent! And then suddenly it hit her. The genie! He must have made her younger in order to fulfill her third wish. What a great guy! But that opinion was about to change as she realized something was wrong.

Still staring down into her cleavage she noticed that her breasts had started to grow smaller. Examining the rest of her body she realized with horror that she was still getting younger! Looking up to her friends for help she watched as they grew larger and larger. Oh no, the diaper! He wouldn’t turn me into a little baby would he?! I don’t want to be a little baby!

But it didn’t seem she had much choice in the matter. She felt her breasts dwindle away under her arms, and watched as her body quickly became that of a little girl. The diaper and bonnet both seemed to be shrinking to match her ever decreasing size, and pretty soon she found herself moving past five years old. When was it going to stop? It was hard to judge her age after that point, her mind had become somewhat clouded and muddled. Soon she found herself laying on the ground suckling one of her tiny fists. She was somewhere around six months old when she passed out.

Nancy awoke in her kitchen. She recognized it even if it was much larger than she last remembered it. She was laying in some sort of basket...apparently one of her friends had put her in there. She found it hard to think with her infantile brain, but she did manage to wonder where everyone was. This wondering led her to the only form of expression now available to her...she began to cry.

In answer to this plea a puff of smoke brought the genie hovering above her. "Greetings little mistress. I felt your confusion from the confines of my lamp and have come to explain myself."

Nancy could only gurgle and babble a bunch of nonsense. Even if it did sound like angry nonsense she did not feel very satisfied by them. She knew there were a lot meaner and nastier words out there, she just could no longer remember how to form them.

"I’m sorry if you are displeased little mistress, but your last wish was rather difficult to get around. Even if I had given you the most beautiful and sexy breasts in the world there still would have been many women and religious folks that would have been "grossed out" as you put it, if they had seen you running around topless. But not to fear. In this form I think you may run around with your shirt off all you like without upsetting anyone."

Nancy tried to protest but she only ended up squirming around uselessly as the genie continued. "Now, since you weren’t very specific in your wish for happiness I decided to integrate it with your new age. You will find that you experience an indescribable feeling of joy whenever you wet or mess in your diapers. For example..."

Suddenly little Nancy found herself uncontrollably peeing in her diapers, at first she tried to hold back, which was a useless gesture in the first place, but soon she didn’t care. She found herself smiling and giggling as she filled the entire thing up with warm liquid. It was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. She loved it! And as she finished all she could think about was doing it some more. She had to get some more water or milk or something so she could do it again, she just had to! Suddenly she forced her mind to stop. She laid there for a moment completely disgusted. Oh no! The genie had just made her addicted to peeing in her pants!

The blue figure only smiled down at her, as if he could somehow read her mind and he found such a thought very amusing. "And finally I have arranged for the person who will love and take care of you to arrive in about ten seconds which means this concludes our business dealings. It has been a pleasure working with you little mistress." With a burst of echoing laughter the genie vanished.

As soon as the smoke had cleared the door to the kitchen swung open and Margaret, Nancy’s best friend came walking in with a worried expression on her face. Nancy tried to say something to her but she could only whine and cry. In response Margaret lifted her up and began patting her on the back.

"Don’t worry Nancy," She began. "I don’t know how or why this happened to you, but I want you to know I will always be here to love and take care of you."

Nancy made a final attempt to communicate to her friend but only ended up pooping in her pants. And what an experience that was!



End Chapter 15

Midnight Carnival, by Tainted Sins

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 11, 2016


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