by: | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 3, 2007

Chapter 3
A New Haircut

“Megan, I ran you a warm bath sweetie. Its time to get up.”

I am really hard to wake up, usually quite groggy. I didn’t say anything, just slid down off my bed and shivered because of the coldness from my chest to my knees. I didn’t think the spot was that big, but I must have rolled around in it. I must have just stood there still in a daze because she gave me a nudge forward and said, “lets go.”

We walked into the bathroom next door. Without asking, she took my shirt and pulled it up over my head. You know the supergirl thing that your parents used to do to you, where they pull your shirt up and your arms end up straight up over your head like supergirl getting ready to fly. This got my attention, but before I could react, she took down my pajama pants and panties in one quick movement. And said,

“step out and hop in. I’ll bring you some clothes so you can get dressed when you are done.”

The last person to see me that naked since I was like 9 was my doctor. She acted like it was just supposed to be that way. I knew it was a possibility if my plan worked, but I guess I just wasn’t prepared. I hopped into the bath as quick as I could just to cover up.


It was then that I realized I was past the point of no return. For the past few days I had taken steps that would ultimately ensure that my life would change. And I don’t mean just change like moving across country to be with a family I didn’t know. It was going to be nice to be taken care of. To be cared for like Lily. Maybe the lady from the post was right and it was something I felt like I missed when I was that age. I don’t think that’s the case, but I’m not sure.

After I had a few minutes to soak, Sondra came back into the bathroom with a stack of neatly folded clothes. I could recognize them from the clothes she bought at her Wal-Mart shopping spree to correct my rebellious teen aged wardrobe. There were pink jeans and a striped t-shirt topped off with my underwear and some socks.

Over her shoulder she wore an unfolded towel.

“you about finished?” she asked me in a kind voice.

I nodded, the tension building in my belly.

“...well out you go then.”

I stood up ready to cover myself, but before I got a chance, she wrapped the towel around me. It felt amazing, all warm and fluffy soft. I must have made a face...

“it feels good doesn’t it. I ran it through the dryer when I put your bedding to the washer. My mom used to do that for me when I was little... um when I was younger. I always remembered how good that felt.”

She rubbed me dry with the warm soft towel and took my panties off the stack. They were just plain white briefs. She didn’t say anything, just held them out to step in. I did. She followed them up with the pink jeans and pulled the t-shirt over my head.

“Megan, I know things have been hard for you moving out here. We’ve hardly spoken in the last two days. I want you to know that I’m not trying to replace your mother, but you are a part of our family now. Me, your father, and Lily. We are family, and I want you to feel like you are a part of it.

Sometimes when kids have to suffer through their parents problems in a divorce, they have troubles of their own. Honey, I just want you to know that I understand and I am here to do anything I can to make this easier. Just let me know what I can do to help.”

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. I was still used to seeing myself in real baggy pants and hooded sweatshirts. Now I seemed not just small but tiny wearing clothes that actually fit. I ran my fingers through my wet hair. Still dyed black, it was the only thing left of the old me, not quite shoulder length all around, fractured and my bangs came down, usually covering my left eye.

Sondra must have saw me looking at my hair...

“can I trim your hair for you sweetie? I used to cut hair before I met your father, it could be fun. And you should keep it out of your eyes, you have such a beautiful face.”

I just nodded again.

“Megan, you aren’t much of a talker are you... well that’s ok, come in the kitchen and I will trim you up.”

Right about this time, I could feel a mounting pressure in my bladder. I hadn’t gone since I woke up. I had decided though that I would go, but only if I was reminded.

I went into the kitchen with Sondra. She had me stand on a chair with my head in the sink so she could wash it. I hadn’t had this done for a long time. It feels so good to have someone massaging your scalp with hot water and shampoo. She washed and rinsed, then washed and rinsed again.

That lasted a few minutes, then she dried it with a towel and sat me up at a barstool to do the trimming. Draped me in a leopard print smock so that only my hands were showing. She combed my hair out strait and then trimmed it evenly around the back. Then she went to the front and cut it into bangs. As she started cutting the front the first thing that occurred to me was that I haven’t had bangs like that since I was five. The second thing that I realized was that the hair she was trimming wasn’t black, but light brown. A lot darker than my natural color, but definitely not black.

Sure enough, over on the table was a bottle of hair dye remover. Then she turned on a hair dryer. It startled me and I lost a spurt of urine. I wasn’t ready for that and my hands dropped to my crotch.

“Megan do you need go potty... to use the restroom? Quick, run.”

I ran around the corner to the bathroom, dropped my pants and sat on the toilet without even closing the door.

As I sat there I turned and saw my image for a second time this morning in the bathroom mirror. She had cut my hair in a little girls bobbed hairstyle. A hairstyle that might have worked for a regular sized 14 year old, but for me it sealed the little girl image.

“did you make it?”

I looked down at my pants around my ankles. I hadn’t fully wet my pants, but there was certainly about a three inch circle where I had leaked a little bit. There wasn’t going to be any hiding it.

The tears came naturally... I stuck out my pouting bottom lip to add to the effect.

She already knew the answer. She had fresh panties and jeans in her hand already. These jeans were a little different. They didn’t have a button and a fly, but just an elastic waste band that ran all the way around. As I sat on the toilet, she tugged the damp pants down off of my leggs and gently pulled up the new panties and pants. All she said was...

“these pants will be easier to pull down for you if you in case you have to be quick.”


The rest of the afternoon, Sondra reminded me to go to the “bathroom” three more times, and “potty” once. Twice I went, twice I told her I didn’t need to go. Those times it was suggested in a very polite but forceful, motherly way that I go anyway.

As I watched TV, I moved onto the next step. Something I got from one of the email replies. I started sucking my thumb a little bit. I would do it until I knew that Sondra had seen me doing it, then I would quickly pull it out and look away.

After dinner I went to my room to find my pajamas laid out on my bed, all clean from the previous nights accident. I reached down to pick up the stack of clothes and felt the tell tale crinkling sound of a mattress protector.

I pulled back my sheets and got into bed. Sondra came in and sent me one last time to the bathroom. After I finished she said goodnight, gave me a kiss on the forehead (the first time she had ever kissed me) and told me to come get her if I have any “troubles” in the night.

She tucked Lily in and went off for the night. Lily was out before her head hit the pillow. I got my laptop to check my email.


[color=Blue]From : Sondra Jenkins


Sent : Thursday, January 13, 2007 11:52PM

To :

Subject : RE: Today’s Top Replies to your post at

Thank you all very much for your kind comments and suggestions. Megan has been an absolute dear since she has been here, but I don’t feel like I’ve been the best step mom so far. She is still having a real hard time adjusting.

She wet the bed again last night, and wet her pants once today. I’m starting to think you are right about her wearing some sort of protection. I’m just not sure how she will react to wearing a diaper. I also noticed that she was sucking her thumb a couple of times today, but she hides it from me.

She is so tiny it is hard for me to treat her like her age. I just want to pick her up and cuddle her when she has trouble, but I’m just not sure if she is ready for that with me yet.

Any Advice is welcome

Thank you for your support,





Members of the ABDL Story Forum, post your advice for Sondra here and I will be happy to forward it to her and let you know in the next chapter how it worked out.

Thank you...




End Chapter 3

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 3, 2007


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