Something's Different

by: PieInTheSky | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 6, 2015

Chapter 5
A Lost Toy

Chapter Description: The girls have some fun after their nap, but then Shawna remembers something about leaving a toy behind.

Shawna awoke to see Ella and Jane under the covers of Ella’s bed. It looked like the latter girl was the little spoon, and judging by the purring, she was very happy about it. Miranda giggled at the sight, evidently having woken up when Shawna did.

"Look who’s awake. How are you feeling?" Jane asked.

"Good!" Miranda said. "Are you guys friends now?"

The cat and cow glanced at each other wish a smile. "I think so," Ella said.

"We do get along really well," Jane said before rubbing her face into the other girl lovingly. She then sat up, revealing herself to be topless. Shawna looked around the room, and she saw that Ella’s were tossed on the floor, while Jane’s were carefully folded on the desk. "Do either of you need a change?" She of course didn’t expect an answer to that from a baby, and she immediately got up and went over to the crib. She lowered the side and felt Shawna’s diaper, then Miranda’s. "I found the wet baby," she said as she picked Miranda up and placed her on the changing table. "OK, Miranda. I can just change you if you want. Or I can do my ’Kitty Bath’ after," she said suggestively. "Shawna can tell you how fun that one is."

Shawna looked confused for a half second, but then nodded in agreement.

"I like special diaper changes," Miranda said.

"As you wish, small mistress," Jane said.

Shawna looked down at frustration at her dry diaper as Jane wiped down her new friend, then stared jealously as Jane started to lick Miranda’s neck.

"So Shawna," Ella said, noticing the baby’s concern, "what brings you here?"

"" for some reason, she was having a little trouble putting it together. "We wanted to see pretty girls and get laid lots."

"You certainly picked a good place for that," Ella said as Miranda started to moan lightly now that the catgirl’s tongue had moved to other places. "How’s that going?"

"Jane got a bimbo and you guys and I just got some milk."

"Did you at least do some fun touchies during your milkies?"

"I...I didn’t think she’d like that."

"You should ask about that kind of thing, baby! It probably would have been OK."

Shawna silently looked embarrassed as Miranda got louder.

"Do you want some sexy milkies?" the cow girl asked, squeezing her breasts together. Shawna nodded excitedly. "Then get over here." Shawna laid across her lap and began to suckle as Ella slipped her hand into the girl’s diaper. The baby finished rather quickly. "Wow, someone was horny, huh?"

Shawna just blushed and looked over at the other two. Miranda now had a clean diaper on and Jane was carefully braiding her hair. "Ella," Jane asked now that she saw the other two were done having fun, "could you brush Shawna’s hair while I get Miranda ready for the day? I don’t think she’ll want to sit still for it if she already has to wait."

"Is that OK with you, sweetie?" Ella asked the baby.

Shawna thought it was stupid and pointless, but she did like the idea of the cow girl continuing to fuss over her. And besides, she probably wouldn’t take forever making sure every hair was in the exact right place like Jane could. She nodded, and the cow girl got to work. She didn’t expect that it would feel so nice. Which was weird, since she’d gotten her hair brushed plenty of times. She sighed. "Things still feel a little weird and stuff." Ella put her hand to the girl’s forehead.

"No, she means like me the other day," Miranda said. "It’ll get better soon!"

Ella gave the girl a hug, and Jane spoke up. "You really need to tell me when something’s wrong. I mean if something happened, your mommy might insist on finding a new babysitter, and I know neither of us want that."

That statement seemed really weird to Shawna. Jane was her best friend, not a babysitter. Well, not just a babysitter. Sure she got paid to hang out when mommy and daddy were out, but they still hung out plenty of other times. And besides, she usually used half the money on Shawna. Just last week, they spent half of the babysitting time shopping for comic books. And Jane even let her get some sexy grown up ones.

"So you’ll tell me if anything’s wrong, right?" Jane asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Don’t worry."

Soon both babies were brushed and dressed, and the older girls put their clothes on. Much to Shawna’s annoyance, Jane spent several extra minutes making sure everything about her hair, makeup, and outfit was in exactly the right place, but then she finally put her wallet and the two vistors’ cell phones between her cleavage for safe keeping, and they all went off to breakfast. They got their food, found a table, and the two babies and cow sat down at it. Jane of course placed her food and drink bowls on the ground, got on her hands and knees, and started eating.

"Are you sure you don’t wanna sit at the table?" Miranda asked. Ella was wondering the same thing, since it was weird seeing her down there, even if that’s what she always did.

"You girls can do what you want," Jane said, "but I’m going to eat on all fours like a civilized animal."

"Why don’t you just get on the table?" Ella asked. "You’ll be able to talk to us more easily and give the whole cafeteria a good look at your fancy underwear

Jane thought about that for a moment, then brought her bowls up and hopped on. "I really need to hang out with more clever girls like you."

As the cow blushed and giggled, Shawna looked at her tray of food. Some scrambled eggs and bacon, some silverware to the side of her plate, and a sippy cup full of juice. She picked up her fork and then wondered why she did that. She looked at the item. She’d definitely seen grown ups use these. And she was pretty sure her mommy used one of these to get food in her mouth sometimes. But what was she supposed to do with it? She gripped it near the pointy things and poked her food with the other side, but nothing seemed to happen. Looking at her companions, she saw two animal girls with their faces right in the food, and a baby that was cutely trying to shove a whole pancake in her mouth with both hands. What was she thinking? She dropped the useless piece of metal and took a handful of egg and moved it in the vague direction of her mouth. It was of course hard to aim that, but it felt like only a little got on her nose, so she was going pretty good.

"Damn it," Jane said once Shawna was about done eating. "I forgot to put a bib on you." Shawna looked down to see bits of egg and drops of juice all over the front of it. She shrugged and finished eating the last bit in her hand. Jane pulled the girl’s shirt off of her. Jane turned red. Everyone was going to see her... innocent baby chest? Sure she had nice boobs that probably turned on plenty of girls here, but at her age, there was no particular reason they needed to be covered up. But then why did she feel that way?

"Do you mind if we put this in your diaper bag for now?" the catgirl asked the other baby. "It’s a bit too big for me to store without it looking silly." The baby nodded in approval, so Jane slipped it in. "We’ll have to see if we can wash that before we go home."

"When do we do that, anyway?" Shawna asked.

"I was planning on heading back around 8 or so, unless your mommy wants you back sooner or something.

"Can I have my phone?" Shawna asked. "I should see if she sent me a message."


Shawna fished it out from between her friend’s breasts and was surprised that her phone’s speaking function seemed to be off. She of course could read, but no self respecting baby would reject the option of a device like this treating her as if she were helpless. But she could turn that back on later. There weren’t any texts, so she opened up Facebook to see if she got a message there. She was surprised by what she saw. It was showing her s bunch of boys’ posts for some reason. She wouldn’t have friended so many. Then she noticed the top bar. Sean? Who the fuck was that? She blinked. Shawna. It said Shawna. And not a boy in sight. She put her finger on the first post.

"Paula Edwards," a robotic female voice read. "17 minutes ago. Look what finally came in. I’m totally wearing this to D&D tomorrow." She looked at the picture of her friend Paula in a chainmail bikini top.

"Let me see," Jane said. She took the phone. "Nice. Hope it doesn’t pinch, though." She handed it back to the diapered girl, who looked at it frustrated. "Is something wrong?"

"It was being weird before." She tapped another post.

"Roxy Morrison," the voice said again. "58 minutes ago. So I gave it my all on the pole, but the owner really didn’t look impressed. I swear I’ll never get hired at this point. This econo-" The voice suddenly stopped. Shawna looked at her phone. There was a post about some guy named Rocky trying to interview for an actuarial position. "It’s doing it again, see?" She turned the screen toward the catgirl. "I don’t even know who this ’Scene’ guy is."

Jane scrolled through herself and was soon just as confused. "Maybe you got a virus. Wait, I think it’s back to normal." Sure enough, it was back at her regular page with her regular friends again. "Wait, you weren’t messing with your phone, were you?"

"Um..." there was something she did. A program she made. For here. "I, um, made a toy and put it here and...and I think I made a program for it." For some reason it was all kind of hazy.

"Made a toy?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah," Jane responded, "she likes to tinker. I mean you saw the friendship bracelets she made us earlier." She sighed. "Shawna, you can’t just leave your toys all over the place. Remember what happened when you left that rocking horse you made at high school?" Shawna thought about it. She remembered that she built something and left it at the school. And she got in trouble for...something.... "It wasn’t good!"

"Don’t be too harsh," Ella said. "She’s just playing and figuring things out."

"You haven’t had to deal with her toys. Anyway, can you show us where you put it?"

"I think so?" Once they all finished eating, she led them through campus until a building finally looked familiar. "I think it’s in there."

"The library?" Ella asked. "They probably would have cleaned up any toys you left in there before today."

"No, I hid it really good!" She was sure of that. She brought them into the stairwell and went down two flights.

"But this is the furnace room. Isn’t it locked?"

Jane sighed. "I thought your daddy confiscated them."

Shawna smiled as she pulled two long thing pieces of metal out of her phone case. "Not all of them." She then got to work on the lock.

Ella looked stunned, and Miranda just looked confused. "Yeah, there’s a reason I get frustrated with her," Jane said flatly.

"Kay," Shawna said after a few seconds and opened the door. Inside, there was this large box with wires and lights all over it.

"You made dat!?" Miranda asked. Shawna nodded proudly. "Cool! Whatsit do?"

Shawna raised a finger and opened her mouth to explain... wait, what did it do? "It’s uh...." She definitely wanted to change something with it. But what? "It’s a rediscombobulator," she finally said, hoping no one would ask further. That answer seemed to satisfy Miranda, who ran over and started hitting buttons. "Be careful!"

"Come on, you can share your toys with other babies," Jane said. "Be a good girl."

"But...OK." She did want to be a good girl. She joined Miranda and starting hitting buttons as well. It was kind of fun.

"Ow!" Miranda suddenly said as she withdrew a finger. Shawna touched it as well and got a small shock.

"Damn it, Shawna! What did-"

"Updated range parameters accepted," came a robotic voice from the device. "Expanding to maximum." The two grown ups pulled the children away as the lights began to blink faster and faster. The device started to hiss, and a few sparks flew off. Then it suddenly went dark and silent.



End Chapter 5

Something's Different

by: PieInTheSky | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 6, 2015


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