Discuss: This month on sebtomato's ghost


This month on sebtomato's ghost

Sebtomato · Feb 5, 2024

https://sebtomato.ghost.io/ Classic commission, Mending Michelle - released in its original text, straight to your inbox.

RE: This month on sebtomato's ghost

Sebtomato · Mar 3, 2024

https://sebtomato.ghost.io/ Classic commission, "The Blame Game" - released in its original text with an exclusive introduction, straight to your inbox.

RE: This month on sebtomato's ghost

Sebtomato · Mar 27, 2024

A brand new commissioned tale, available at the free tier on Sebtomato's Ghost: The Making of Joanna https://sebtomato.ghost.io/new-commission-the-making-of-joanna/

RE: This month on sebtomato's ghost

vended · Mar 29, 2024

Very fun read so far. All the vague sentences of the friend in the first chapter, full of double entendre, make me expect a planned betrayal, maybe even with the friend being part of the affair. And yet, it sure would be even funnier if he really fucked it up by ARTG himself by accident, and will now be fully regressed by some Parkdale agent unaware it's not the real target. XD

RE: This month on sebtomato's ghost

Sebtomato · Apr 18, 2024

New commission, "The Ice Queen's Child" is now on my Ghost: https://sebtomato.ghost.io/new-commission/

RE: This month on sebtomato's ghost

Sebtomato · Jun 2, 2024

https://sebtomato.ghost.io/june-classic-commission/ Classic commission, "Daddy's Little Girl" - released in its original text with an exclusive introduction, straight to your inbox.

RE: New Sebtomato Commission | Tom's Blue Heaven

Sebtomato · Jun 20, 2024

New commission, "Tom's Blue Heaven" is now on my Ghost: https://sebtomato.ghost.io/new-commission-2/

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