The Owlkeeper Story

by: ageman | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 26, 2007

This story describes what happened to Owlkeeper.

Chapter 1
The Owlkeeper Story

Chapter Description: What happened to Owlkeeper

Owlkeeper was on her computer for college when she

decided to do a random search on her google. When

Owlkeeper did this she found a website named the

ararchive. She decided to go on this website and make fun

of everyone on it.

She was writing stuff like, cause you touch yourself at

night, on the message boards, and even though she was

an adult she was being childish . The owner of the website

(Heidegger) saw this and decided to give her a computer

virus. Everyone time she wrote a comment or a reply she

would lose one year of her life.

One day Owlkeeper had the day off from school so she

could be on her computer all day. She decided to go to the

ararchive and make fun of everyone again. While she was

doing this and she noticed that her shoes started to get a

little loose so she kicked them of and went back to

commenting. She was commenting for another hour and by

the end of the hour she noticed that her clothes where

baggy, her chest was flat, her feet weren’t touching the

ground, and her socks were flopping around.

Owlkeeper stood up and noticed that she was eye level with

the computer desk. She ran over to the full length mirror in

her room and saw that she was a 5 year old. She screamed for about 10 minutes and then ran back to the computer to

beg for forgiveness but Heidegger said it was too late and

Owlkeeper lost another year.

Police have been searching for Owlkeeper for a month now

to be arrested for the amendment of a four year old child.

When the police tried to ask the child questions, she

couldn’t remember a thing. This child now lives somewhere

in Colorado with a foster family.

Isn’t it ironic now that she can be childish she is a child.

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End Chapter 1

The Owlkeeper Story

by: ageman | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 26, 2007


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