Little League

by: | Complete Story | Last updated May 12, 2007

Two guys feel to old to play baseball. Worked on this for two weeks hope yall like it

Chapter 1
Baseball Kids

Chapter Description: Two guys fell to old to play baseball

Sam Pierce eyed the pitcher, looking for facial movement, any twitch, any clue to what the pitcher might throw. The pitcher began his wind-up and fired the ball. Sam made a split second decision and ’POW’, sent the ball hurling towards deep left field.

He thought it might go out and slowed his pace. The ball surprised him by hitting the very top of the fence and bouncing back into the field.

"Oh, shit!" was all he could say and put it in high gear. He was around second when the outfielder flung the ball towards third base. Sam started to pull up and return to second, when the ball bounced out of the third baseman’s glove. At that speed, the ball shot back up in a high arc, catching everyone off guard, and scooted across the foul line between home plate and first base.

"Yes" , Sam thought, and broke back into a full gallop. He saw the third base coach motioning him home. "I’m going to make it" he thought, as he turned the base. Then it happened. He felt a sharp pain in his right hamstring, his good leg. "NO" he yelled, but kept charging.

The next few seconds seemed like an eternity. The catcher had retrieved the ball, and was getting ready to throw to the pitcher, who was now protecting home plate. "Almost there" he thought. Limping, gasping for breath, he realized that in spite of his desire to make it, he was slowing down. "Damn!" he wheezed.

The ball came to the plate just as he dived. It was no contest. "Yerh Ouuutttt!" chimed the umpire. Sam had missed an "Inside the Park Home Run" by one step.

Dejected, he pulled himself up, dusted himself off and limped to the bench.

His old friend, Chris, came over to offer comfort to him. "That’s okay, Sam. "You’ll get ’em next time".

Sam shook his head. "Nah, Chris, I’m through". My body can’t take it anymore. Even five years ago when I was thirty, I was still the softball league’s best player, and now look at me. "Even if I hit it good, I just don’t have the wheels to compete with all these twenty year olds anymore.

Chris could sympathize with him. He also was starting to feel his age. "Oh well, Sam, at least we’ve had a good run of it. " I mean, we met way back then when we were in Little League. That was a long time ago."

Sam thought, "Yeah Chris, those were the days. We weren’t very good, but we sure had a lot of fun. "How come, just when you start to get good at this game, you can’t play it anymore? "I sure do miss those days".

Chris thought for minute, then bit his lip. "Sammy.....What if I told you there was a way that we could go back to those days?"

Sam eyed him suspiciously, "Don’t tell me that you guys over in the defense department have finally built a time machine? "

Chris chuckled, "No, not exactly. "We still haven’t figured out a way to travel back in time, but we now have in our possession a device that can safely change a person’s age. "You remember that UFO crash that I told you about last year?"

"You mean Roswell"?

"No, it was much more recent than that. "This saucer crashed in Nevada and before the press could get wind of it, our Defense boys had carted it away to one of our secret air bases in the desert.

Sam whistled. "So, it’s true after all"?

"Yes, Sam, it’s true. "Anyway, in the wreckage, we found a device. "And this device has the ability to make a person young by twenty five years at a pop. "Why, we could even go back to the age that we were when we played in Little League.

Sam was stunned. "Wow, I can’t believe it. "I mean, can you imagine how good we would be if we were to go back and play the game with all of the knowledge that we have now? "Why, we would be unstoppable. " I say let’s do it!" "Not so fast, Sam", Chris cautioned, there is still one drawback. Sam looked at him quizzically "What drawback? " Like, we’ll wet the bed or something?" This made Chris really laugh. "No, no, nothing like that. "It’s just that we have to transfer our extra years to someone else. "That means, for us to get younger, someone else has to get older."

Sam was crushed. "Oh man. " There’s no way we could get someone who’s forty years old, to take on twenty five extra years. "Why that would make ’em sixty five years old. "That could be dangerous."

Chris looked at him. "Well, I had another thought on that. "What if it was somebody younger? "I mean much younger, like a kid or something".

Sam jumped up. "That’s it, Chris! "And I know just the kids who could do it."

Chris looked at him blankly. And then it dawned on him. "You-you mean our kids? "No way, Sam. "It’s too experimental. "I-I mean, yes we have run hundreds of tests and have had no setbacks up to now, but...but, our own kids?........"

"Come on, Chris, you said yourself that it was safe".

"I know, but can you imagine what effect that could have on our kids? " I mean, your son, Charlie, is only nine years old. To have him grow to an adult in a matter of minutes.....that would have to be traumatic for a kid"

Sam looked at him. "Well, we could start the process out slowly and see how he responds. "If Charlie has any adverse effects, we’ll stop the process. "Besides, Charlie is a pretty smart kid when it comes to science. "If I explain to him that it would be like a science experiment, he would jump at the chance. "What about your daughter"?

Chris knew what Sam ment. His daughter, Christie, had lost her mother three years ago when she was only seven. "The shock had been too much for her. "She had quit talking, began to live in a fantasy world, and lately, seemed to be getting worse.

"Maybe this would be a good thing for her," ventured Sam.

Chris looked dejected. "I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try. "I mean, I’ve taken her to the best doctors and no one seems to able to help."

Sam brightened. "Well, then it’s settled. "Little League" tryouts start in about a week, so we’re going to have to hurry."

Throughout the next week they planned out the details.

"Look", said an exasperated Sam, "It’s simple. "Since the driver’s licenses in this state don’t require a picture I.D., It will be no problem for you and Christie to switch identities. "That is, if she is capable of doing so. "We can do the same with Charlie. He will become the adult named "Sam", and I’ll be his son, Charlie. "Hell, his name’s already on the waiting list for this baseball season. "Just stick with me on this, Chris. "All we need to do is take a three month leave of absence; just long enough to pull this until the baseball season is over. "Then we can change them and ourselves back to our original age. "Of course, we’ll have to give them instructions on how to live like adults; very personal instruction, if you know what I mean".

Chris’s face reddened. He knew what Sam was talking about. Neither Charlie nor Christie had entered puberty yet. There was a lot for them to learn.

One Saturday, Charlie heard his dad calling to him from the basement. When he got downstairs, he found his dad and Uncle Chris standing around a device he had not seen before. The base was a shiny bright material and on top of the base stood a large green, crystal looking pyramid.

Sam looked at his son. "Pretty cool, eh, son"?

Charlie gawked at it open-mouthed. "What is it dad".

"It’s a machine that has a very special power, Charlie. "If we stand in the right place and turn it on, we can exchange our ages. "You will get older, while I get younger."

Sam slowly explained the plan to his son. Charlie agreed excitedly.

Chris had them take their position, one on either side of the crystal.

For the first time, Chris noticed some doubt on Sam’s face. He looked at Chris.."Isn’t there anyway that I could be a little older than nine?" he asked, "I mean, that’s pretty young."

Chris face darkened. "I’ve told you before, Sam, the machine only works in twenty five year increments. "There is no choice. "If you don’t want to go through with it, I’ll understand."

Sam looked at him, and said "No, it’s not that. "It’s just that you’re two years older than me; and that means that when this is all over, you’ll be eleven, and I’ll only be nine years old."

"Look, I’ve offered to switch with you before, but you said you wanted the challenge. "So, what will it be"?

Sam took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let’s do it the way we planned. "You switch with Chrissy and I’ll switch with Charlie. "What do we have to do"?

"Well, first thing, Charlie will have to take off his clothes."

"What??" Yelped Sam

Chris sighed "Sam, Charlie is going to get bigger physically, a log bigger. His clothes might injure him. So, they’ve got to come off.".

"Do I have to dad?" Charlie whined.

"Yes son, Uncle Chris is right. "You have to".

"But, the floor is cold down here. "Can I leave my socks on?"

"Sure son".

Charlie did as he was told, and for the first time, Sam got a glimpse of what awaited him. This boy’s body was so frail; all skin and bone. It frightened him to think that in a few minutes, he would look like that.

"Let’s get this over with". he murmured.

Chris turned on the machine. An eerie green glow shot from both front and back, striking Charlie and Sam.

The light seemed to pulse, about once per second. Sam looked at his naked son. His body was rocking with each pulse that hit him. Slowly, Sam noticed that Charlie had gotten a little taller. Then the pulses seem to increase in strength. Charlie again got taller. His body stretched out and his hands got larger. "Is he all right?" said Sam.

"He’s fine" Chris said. "He looks as if he’s about to enter puberty."

Sure enough, fine black hairs started forming between his legs. At first, it looked thin and wispy, but soon, the hairs got longer, as did his penis. More pulses, and muscles began forming on his body. Chronologically, his age appeared to be about thirteen years old. ’That’s four years older’ thought Sam, ’that means that I’m four years younger. ’I’m thirty one again’.

The changes continued. Charlie shot up in height, and on his now teen-aged chin, facial hair was growing.

Sam noticed very little about himself at first. Then, when he regressed back to his late twenties, he felt a surge of newfound power. His legs felt strong again, powerful.

He looked at his son, now a strapping nineteen-year-old.

’Hmmm, ’ that’s eleven years. That makes me about twenty-four’

And he looked it to. His clothes were starting to get loose in all of the right places. "I want to watch this," he said, removed his pants and shirt. Clothed only in his underwear, Sam marveled at his newly returned youth. His body was supple and strong and looking more lithe by the minute. When he looked over at Charlie, Sam realized the passing seconds had changed them again. With amazement, he realized the he and his son were now the same age, both of them looking about twenty-one years old.

"Dad"? Said Charlie in his now husky voice. "Are you okay"?

"I’m fine son" said Sam, and was shocked at the change in the tenor of his voice.

Charlie was a full-grown man now, while his father was showing signs of intense youthening. The younger Sam got, the less confident he felt. There was a fear that was welling up inside of him, a feeling of helplessness. The world was starting to seem a lot bigger to him. For many years, he had control of his destiny. But now, as his muscles shrank, his height diminished, his own facial hair fading, Sam did not anymore feel like the confident adult that he once was.

Now a skinny twelve-year-old, Sam was beginning to remember what it was like to be a kid. The uncertainty, the fear, the sense of being lost in such a big world.

His underwear slipped to his ankles, revealing a small patch of pubic hair and ever shrinking genitals. Charlie burst out laughing, a loud, hardy, manly laugh. His own body was starting to show signs of middle age. Love handles appeared on his sides and his own muscles softened a bit.

All of this time, Chris watched them both, fascinated by the startling changes.

Sam’s view of the room lost a few inches. This feeling was not at all what he had expected. He looked down at his body. Now hairless and small. He was a boy. A little boy and becoming littler with each passing second.

"I-I would like to stop".....he started to say, but stopped in mid-sentence when out of his mouth came this child’s voice.

Chris anticipated his message and said "Come on, Sam, you know there is no way to stop this until the machine switches off automatically. "Anyway, I’d say that by the looks of you, that will not be too long now."

Sam closed his eyes. ’This can’t be happening’ he thought.

Then the machine shut down. The room was totally quiet. Sam slowly opened his eyes. Towering over him was now his full grown son, Charlie and his best friend, Chris.

"How do you feel?" said Chris.

"Fine", Sam said, in his child’s voice. ’How am I going to get used to this?’ he thought.

"It looks like it’s a complete success, Sam. "Why don’t you and Charlie go over to that mirror and have a look?"

They did. The reflection showed a father and his nine-year-old son. Only it was this little boy who was the father.

Chris headed for the stairs. "You guys get dressed. "I’m going to get Christie before I chicken out of this whole thing."

Sam and Charlie fumbled with their clothes until they realized that they would never get them on, and finally switched with each other.

Chris returned with Christie, dressed only in a terry-cloth robe, and leading her by the hand. The girl seemed oblivious to the world around her. He sat her on a chair in front of the machine. Christie was ten, and a very pretty little girl, though her stare was vacant.

Chris got into position and started the machine. Once again, the pulse lunged out, striking them at the same time.

Sam and Charlie watched as the girl began to age. The front of her robe started protruding outward as Christie entered puberty. Then she began to grow in height and fill out. Her body took on the shape and suppleness of a young woman. Her now full breasts pushed at the robe, revealing a full cleavage. Her body reached full maturity and then there was the point when both she and her father were the same age, around twenty-four.

As she got older, her dad was getting younger. Recognition began to enter her eyes. She looked around and spotted the young man just beyond the weird looking machine.

"Daddy"? she ventured.

The much younger Chris was moved to tears. "Christie, honey, you’re back"!

His daughter had blossomed into beautiful womanhood.

"Daddy, what’s going on?" she said, and he could hear the fear rising in her voice.

"Just wait a minute, darling, and daddy will explain everything to you."

Chris was shocked by his voice. After what happened to Sam, he didn’t dare take his clothes off, even though they now hung on him in waves of fabric.

Finally, the deed was done. The machine switched off automatically. Chris had fared a little better than his best friend. After all, he was eleven years old.

He seemed to be more teen than child. He instructed Charlie to take Christie upstairs to her bedroom. After they had left, he walked over to Sam. He was a head taller than his friend.

"Come on, Chris, strip! "I want to see just what we’ve gotten ourselves into."

Chris stepped out of his oversized shoes and easily pulled off his huge clothing while Sam shed his own clothes.

Standing in front of the mirror, he couldn’t believe what he was looking at. His eleven-year-old body was in the early stages of puberty. The signs were unmistakable. His hands were larger and between his legs there was a fine patch of pubic hair, but not enough to completely cover the pink skin underneath. "I...I can’t believe this" he said, "It looks like I’m going to have to go through puberty again!"

Sam looked at him and laughed. "Well, at least you don’t look like the shrimp that I turned out to be. "Jesus, look how tiny my Dick has gotten.

They re-dressed again and assembled Charlie and Christie in the kitchen. At the table, they laid out their plan. They would both remain children for the next three months so they could play Little League baseball, while Charlie and Christie would assume the role of their parents.

"Wow", said Charlie in his baritone voice "You mean I get to be the dad and you get to be the kid. "Does the mean I can boss you around and send you to bed without your supper?"

"Don’t get too cocky, son" said Sam. "You may be bigger then me for now, but remember, that will not last forever. "And I will hold it against you".

Charlie lowered his head. "I’m sorry dad. "I get ya".

Chris looked at his full-grown daughter. "How about you honey? "Are you okay with this?"

She looked at the young boy. "I...I guess so, daddy. But how are we going to act as adults. "We have never been and don’t know what to do."

"Don’t worry about that, Christie," said Sam, We’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know. "We’ll be at the ball field during the daytime, but will be here for you in the evenings."

"Remember everyone, our roles have changed. "For the next three months, You, Charlie, will be Sam Peirce; and I will be your son, Charlie. "And you, Christie will be the mother of your eleven year old son, Chris. "Have you all got that?"

They all nodded in agreement.

The rest of the evening was spent showing the "new" adults how to manage for themselves. Sammy showed his son how to shave and where all of his clothes would be. They decided to change rooms since most of the things they needed were now located in each other’s rooms.

Chris had bigger problems. He walked into Christie’s room, only to find her standing buck naked in front of the mirror. Chris stopped dead in his tracks. Up to now he hadn’t realized how much she looked like her late mother. He felt embarrassed and started to leave the room when Christie saw him. "Hi daddy", she said with a smile, "Would you help me with this?" In her outstretched hand was a bra. ’Of course’ thought Chris, ’Christie was only seven years old when she lost touch with reality.’ She has no concept of modesty.’ He slowly entered the room and took the garment from her. He straightened it up and held up the straps for her to put her arms through. She was taller then him, now, which was disconcerting. She put her arms through the straps. He couldn’t help but stare at her. She was so close. Feelings stirred inside of him. What was happening? This wasn’t right! His teen hormones were betraying him.

He quickly moved around behind her and fastened the hooks. Chris looked around her shoulder to make sure her bra was on right. Her reflection showed a full grown, sexy woman, nude from the waist down. It also showed one more thing, an unmistakable bulge in his pants. ’Oh, God’, he thought, ’I’ve got an erection!’

His face flush in embarrassment, young Chris mumbled "There, ought to be able to make it okay from here", and raced out the door leaving his daughter confused.

’Tomorrow’, thought Chris, ’I’m going to have to have a long, long talk with that girl.

Several days passed. There was much to do. Teach them how to use a credit card; how to act in public; about sex and all of the feelings associated with that. The most harrowing job was teaching the adult Charlie how to drive a car. After all, they couldn’t be seen around town with children driving the family car. That took more than one session. Eventually, after plenty of near crashes, Charlie got the hang of it.

Finally, the big day arrived. Little League tryout day. Sammy was so excited, he could hardly sleep the night before. Chris was more subdued. He was beginning to wonder if this had all been one huge mistake.

"Wish us luck" called Sammy, as the two boys headed out the door. The ball field was only a half-mile from the house, so they decided it would be better if they walked.

They walked over to the dugout where the registration desk was set up.

"Name?" said a rather sever looking woman.

Sammm.....I..I mean, Charlie Pierce, mam. Whew, that was close. The woman looked at him oddly, but then wrote down his name.

"Position?" came the next question. "Pitcher" he replied.

The rest of the day did not go as the "Ex" men had planned. Chris was taller and more confident then most of the boys there, not to mention, a lot stronger. He swatted the balls, one after another, deep into the outfield. Some even went over the fence.

Sammy, on the other hand, was one of the smallest boys there. When his turn to pitch came up, he picked up the ball. It felt too big in his small hand. He couldn’t seem to get his fingers around it like he used to. The real shock came when he threw the first pitch. He wound up, and hurled it as hard as he could. The ball left his hand, and sailed in a slow, lazy arc. It bounced two feet in front of the plate.

"Oh, no’ thought Sam, as a panic gripped him. ’We’ve been so busy with the kids, that I didn’t get a chance to practice. ’I didn’t start pitching until I was twelve and a lot bigger.’

He tried again, and this time threw even harder this time. This time the ball went a little farther, but still bounced in front of the plate. ’It’s not use’, thought Sammy, ’I’m too weak to pitch. ’I never realized how small I was at this age’.

Batting was even worse. Every bat he picked up felt too heavy, like he was holding an eight-foot, two-by-four. Finally, he had to spread his hands apart just to wield the enormous weight.

The pitcher threw the ball. Sammy swung and missed it completely. Again came the pitch, and again, he missed. On the final pitch, Sam made contact. The ball dribbled on the ground and stopped just short of third base.

"Next" said the batting coach.

By the end of the day, the teams were chosen. Chris made the "Giants" squad. The teams were assembled in little groups around the diamond.

Near home plate were dozen or so kids that had not been selected. Sam was in that group. The disappointment was obvious on his face. To have gone through all of this trouble, only to not make it onto a team was devastating.

Chris looked on with sympathy for his long time friend. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He walked over to his coach and said: "Coach, I’ve seen that little guy over there play before and I’m telling you, he’s a really good player. He was just nervous today. "Can’t we make room for him on this team?"

"Sorry son" said the coach, but this team’s roster is already full. "Let me see if any of the other coaches still has some room for him.

Fortunately, there was one spot left on the "Pirates" team.

As Chris and Sammy walked back to the house, a dejected Sam said "I can’t believe I played so bad today."

"Ah, come on , Sam. "You just have to get used to the new body you have. Remember, you still have the knowledge. "Tell you what. "I’ll help you. "We’ll start tonight.

Sure enough, by the end of the week, Sam was a lot better. He could no longer hit a ball out of the park, but adopted a "Pete Rose" style of smacking line drives.

Meanwhile, the two "ex" kids were struggling to become adults. They spent a lot of time together and even went on drives to get ice cream. One evening before the boys got home, Christie said "Gee, Charlie, I just don’t understand this whole sex thing."

"Neither do I" was his response. "It has something to do with taking your clothes off, I think".

Christie looked puzzled. "Taking our clothes off? "That’s weird".

"Well, that’s what my buddies at school told me. "Why, do you want to try it?"

A smile spread across Christie’s face. "I suppose it wouldn’t hurt, would it?"

They went upstairs to her bedroom, where there was a full-length mirror, and took off all of their outer clothes.

They stood there nervously, not wanting to be the first to go on. "Well" said Christie, "I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours."

They stripped off their underwear and stood looking at one another. "Wow" Christie said, "You have a lot of muscles. "It makes me feel tingly inside".

Charlie didn’t say anything, but he also felt something. A feeling he had never felt before. It started in his groin and sent shivers up his spine. In supprise, he watched his penis begin to rise up. Pretty soon it stood up and pointed straight out. The feeling was fantastic.

"What is that?" said a shocked Christie, pointing at him.

"I..I don’t know, but it sure feels good."

Just then, they heard the front door slam. "It’s our dads!" shouted Charlie. "We better not let them catch us like this."

They quickly dressed and went downstairs. Later on at supper, they exchanged quick glances and smiled at each other. They had a secret, and for now, it was just between them.

The weeks went by. The ball playing men, disguised as boys, were having the time of their lives. Each of their teams was winning.

Christie and Charlie, in the meantime, grew closer together. They took long, hot baths together, and snuggled each evening on the couch. Eventually, one of them suggested that they kiss. Neither of them liked it at first. But, they kept at it, and soon enough, the kissing turned into touching and petting each other.

One evening, after everyone had gone to bed, Chris heard a noise from Christie’s room. It was a quiet moaning and got progressively louder. Chris realized that Christie was masturbating. He smiled to himself. His little girl was all grown up now. Why shouldn’t she please herself. As a matter of fact, why shouldn’t he?

At the ballpark today, he had seen a woman that he had once dated. Becky Henderson was there with her son, Todd, who played for the "Red Sox".

Becky was so pretty. And they had never really gotten to the point of making love before the relationship ended. Chris had befriended Todd, who in turn introduced him to his mother. Then she invited him over to their house for a swim in the pool.

Becky had worn a very sexy bikini, and Chris had found it difficult not to stare at her. ’Yeah, Becky Henderson", he thought back in his bed. He began rubbing himself and in a very short time, a spasm of pleasure washed over him.

On the other side of the house, there was other things going on. Sam was in bed, a look of disgust on his face. There were noises also coming from Charlie’s room. It was obvious he was masturbating. There was nothing Sam could do about it. He couldn’t watch him all hours of the day.

"Oh, well" he sighed. Come to think of it; in the weeks that Sam had been a kid, he had felt no sexual urges at all. ’That is too bad’, he thought. ’God, I hate being this young’!

After a month, Charlie and Christie became lovers. They reveled in their daily discoveries of each other’s, and their own bodies.

They began to spend all of their waking hours together, not letting on to their fathers that there was anything going on.

Two and a half months later, they declared their love for each other. As each day went by, they felt more and more like adults.

And each day, Sammy and Chris felt and acted more and more like kids.

"Do you feel it too?" asked Sam one day. "I mean, I used to read the paper all of the time. "And now it seems boring. "I find myself watching cartoons".

"I know what you mean" said Chris "Hell, I get a hard-on just looking at the women’s underwear section of the Sears catalog.

"Well, at least it will be over soon" said Sam. "Then we can be our old, and I do mean old selves again."

"It will be a welcome relief" agreed Chris.

The last week of the season was upon them. Chris’s team was unexpectedly eliminated early in the playoffs. Sammy’s team did make it to the final two. The entire season came down to one game to be played that Saturday.

On Thursday, Sam and Chris decided to skip the final practice and head home early. They walked in the door and heard a noise upstairs. Upon investigating, they opened the door to Christie’s room and found her and Charlie in the throes of lovemaking.

Sammy burst into the room "What the hell’s going on here?"

Shocked and embarrassed, the two hastily gathered up their clothes and sat there in silence.

"I can’t believe you two" Screamed Sammy in his high tenor. "That’s it! "As soon as the game is over Saturday, we’re changing you two back to kids.

Christie jumped out of the bed and fumbled with her clothes. "But...But you can’t do this to us. "We love each other and want to be married. "How can you take that away from us?"

It was Chris who replied....."What would you have us do? "Stay the way we are forever? "You’re asking too much of us."

This time it was Charlie who stood up. There was anger on his face. It was the first time that Sam had seen it on the man-child.

"Hey, it was you two who turned us into adults in the first place. "How can you expect us not to act like adults".

Sammy was undeterred. "So what, that doesn’t give you the right to go screwing around like a couple of animals."

Charlie stomped over and stood towering over his diminished father. Sammy recoiled and almost thought his son might hit him. But he didn’t.

Charlie gritted his teeth and said "Well, what are you going to do about it, little man? "You may be my father, and you may get your wish to turn us back, but until then, we are the only adults in this house. "So, from now on, we are going to act our ages. "That means you two Kids get the hell out of our room and leave us alone. "You don’t have any power over what we do; at least not until Saturday."

With that, Charlie shoved the boys out of the room and slammed the door. It was obvious that he intended on spending the night in Christie’s room.

"What are we going to do, Sammy"? wined Chris.

"I’ll tell you what" said Sam. "We are going to do exactly nothing. "Let them have their fun. "We’ll have the last laugh on Saturday when we change them back. "Then everything will be allright.".

The next two days they stayed away from each other. Charlie and Christie took long walks, talking intensely to one other.

"What are we going to do, Charlie?" said a sobbing Christie. "I can’t go back to being a ten year old. "It would kill me. "I love you too much for that. "On the other hand, we can’t leave our fathers the way they are. "They would never forgive us."

Charlie kissed her "Don’t worry, honey, we’ll think of something."

Saturday came. Chris went to the game to root for his old friend. Around the middle of the game, it looked as if Sammy’s team would win easily. Chris spotted Todd, standing by himself behind the home plate fence.

"Where’s your mom, Todd"? he asked.

"Well, she had to work last night, and was pretty tired, so she decided not to come out today."

"Oh" was all Chris said.

Todd wandered off.

’Hmm’ thought Chris. ’maybe I’ll go pay a visit to "old" Becky.

He walked over to her house and went back to the pool area. Becky was laying on a deck chair in her bikini. ’God," he thought as he looked at her, "She is beautiful".

He walked over to her. She was asleep, but Chris didn’t realize it.

"Rub some lotion on me, darling" she murmured in her dream state.

Chris, at first shocked, quickly recovered and found the lotion. He put some in his hand, which he placed on her warm stomach and began rubbing.

"Mmmm, that feels good" whispered Becky.

Emboldened, Chris began widening his circles. Finally, he moved his fingers up to the strap between her breasts. He could bearly contain his excitement. He pulled at the string and the bikini top gave way, exposing her to lucious mammies. Chris’s erection was complete. It could not get any harder. He was struggling to remain in control, but he could not pass up a chance like this. After all, she had invited him.

He placed his trembling hand on her right breast, and began rubbing. She sighed softly.

Then he lost it. On came the greatest orgasm that he had ever felt. He left out a loud grunt. This startled Becky awake, who screamed and covered her tits.

"How dare your!" she wailed.

"But...but..." he stammered, "You invited me".

Becky was aghast. "What? "I invited you? "Why, you’re just a kid. "I wouldn’t have sex with a mere child. "You get the hell out of here, you pervert, and don’t come back. "Or, I’ll call the cops".

Chris was one huge ball of fear and embarrassment. He bolted for the pool gate and never looked back.

Finally after a few blocks, he slowed down. ’What the hell was that all about?’ he wondered.

By the time that Chris got back to the ballpark, the game was long over and everyone had left. He was about to leave himself, when he heard the sounds of a child crying. He walked around one of the dugouts and found his friend Sam. He was sobbing he eyes out, looking so pitiful and helpless.

"What in the world’s the matter, Sam?"

"We..we lost the game..." Sammy said through his tears... "I can’t believe we lost the game."

"Come on, Sam, you’re a grown man. "It was only a game, you know?"

Sammy quit crying and wiped his eyes. "I..I know, Chris, but I don’t feel like a man anymore. "Every day that goes by, I feel more and more like a kid."

"I know what you mean, Sam. "But now it’s all over. "We can go back to being grown ups again. "I’ve almost forgotten the what beer tastes like."

"Yeah" sniffed Sammy. "Grown-ups. "Let’s go".

Back at the house they found Charlie and Christie and went to the basement. Christie was crying. "Don’t cry, honey" said her father "It’s for the best, you know".

"I have some good news dad", said Charlie. "I’ve been studying the instructions, and I think I know a way to make all four of us change at the same time."

"Good work, son" said Sammy, trying to mend fences "I’m proud of you."

Charlie had the boys strip and get into position. For modesty’s sake, they each warped a towel around their midsection. Then Charlie and Christi took their positions behind the crystal.

"Ready?" said Charlie.....and without waiting for a response, pushed the button.

This time the crystal split apart and four beams emitted from the pedestal. Each person in the room was again struck by the beam of pulsating light.

Seconds passed.

"Man, is it every going to feel good to be an adult again" said Sammy.

"You are so right partner", said Chris.

There was something in the way Chris responded that bothered Sam. Then he realized what it was. It was his voice. It didn’t sound right. It was higher pitched, not the cracking teen voice he had gotten used to.

He looked over at Chris and was startled to see that his friend looked younger, a lot younger, more like the nine-year-old that Sam was. Or was he?

"Chris" yelled Sam, his voice sounded like a baby’s. "Look at yourself". "Something’s gone wrong".

Chris did so, and as he was watching, the towel dropped from his hips. Gone was the pubic hair that he had grown used to in the last few months. Gone were the muscles of a young teen. He was rapidly de-aging, getting younger with each passing second.

He looked at Sammy. A child of kindergarten age stared wide-eyed back at him.

Quickly, Chris glanced over to the other side of the room. Christie and Charlie stood there, but there was something different about them. There were more wrinkles on their face then before.

Then he figured it out. They were not going to return him and Sam to their original ages. They were siphoning off even more years from them, stealing even the precious few that they had left.

And then the machine shut off.

Chris was not a six-year-old boy. He looked at his long time friend. Sammy was now a squat, tiny three-year-old. The two tikes just stared at each other.

Finally, Chris turned back to the adult couple. "Why"? was all he could say.

"It’s simple" said Charlie. "We really do love each other and wanted to start and life and a family together. "But, we knew that you would never agree to that."

"Yes" chimed in Christie. "But we figured if we made you into really little kids, you couldn’t stop us."

"And, now you can’t" said Charlie.

"That’s not all, daddy," Charlie here was able to make one more adjustment on the machine. He has set it so that it will regress you two mentally as well. In a few short hours, you and Sammy will not remember that you were ever once adults.

Chris, whittled down to just a child, could only stare at them.

Little Sammy began to cry.

Six months later, the little boys were playing in the back yard.

The smaller one picked up a plastic whiffle ball and flung it at the bigger kid.

"I be a basey-ball player".

"No you won’t either" said the six-year-old. "I’ll be the base ball player. "I only have to wait three whole more years and then I’ll be old enough to join the Little League.

"Lit...tle whig." Said the toddler.

The end.



End Chapter 1

Little League

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated May 12, 2007


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