Someone Your Own Age

by: UnknownARTG | Complete Story | Last updated May 27, 2012

Richard (a teacher) and Sue (his student) begin to form a romantic relationship. When others find out, they decide to do something about it.

Chapter 1
Complete Story

Chapter Description: A teacher and a student form a romantic relationship. But when others find out, they don't like it, and decide to do something about it.

It has always been a cliché that men like younger women. And whenever anyone sees an older man with a woman that is significantly younger than he is, they usually think of several different condemnations for him, such as pig or pervert. But people often forget that for this to be true, then it must be equally true that women like older men. And if a woman is seen with a man significantly older than she is, people often think she only loves him for his money or due to some father complex. But what is neither of these examples were true? What if there was a deeper love that transcended the age gap? However unlikely this sounds, it is a possibility. Yet we demonize and curse any who do not love within the proper confines of their age group. Yet every now and then, a couple will come along that will forsake the rules of engagement, and play the game of love according to their own terms. This is one such story. This is the story of Sue Banks and Richard Mercer. This is the story of two people who fell in love despite the major differences in their age…and the price they ended up paying for it.

Richard was a 40 year-old teacher of history at a local high school in southern California. He had been teaching for 15 years, and so had seen endless high school girls of varying levels of beauty come in and out of his class. He had believed he had seen enough high school girls to build a tolerance to what many of his colleagues joked about. Several of his fellow male teachers would talk in the teacher’s lounge (when void of any of the female staff) about particularly “hot” high school girls. And Richard had to admit; there was no shortage of them in this place. But nothing ever came of such talk, and none of the teachers ever thought anything would come of such talk. Certainly not Richard. He joined in such talk, but only to fit in. He had been married for years, and to him, no high school girl could compare to the beauty that was his wife Jennifer. Still however, he talked merrily with his colleagues about which girls in his classes were cutest, or hottest, or sexiest. But that’s all it ever was, just talk. That was, of course…until Sue Banks walked into his class.

At first, she was like any other girl in his class. Just another pretty face to discuss when in the lounge. Yet somehow, he found himself lingering on her more than the others. Sue, with her long blonde hair, her curvy body, her ample breasts for one so young, her angelic voice and stunning smile. These were the qualities he liked most in her. Soon, he forgot all other girls in the school, and she became the only student he’d ever talk about.

“Man, sounds to me like someone has a student crush,” said Mr. Anderson the algebra teacher jovially, nudging him in the ribs one afternoon at lunch, causing Richard to nearly choke on his Mt. Dew. Richard tried to laugh this off with the others, but he became genuinely unglued by the comment, because some part of him thought that it might be true.

From then one, he couldn’t stop thinking about Sue. During study time in class, he often found himself gazing longingly at her. Sometimes their eyes met, but when they did, Richard would pull them away drastically, flushing red as he quickly returned to his work, pretending as if nothing happened. And that was the way it went for one full year. He would steal quick glances of her young beauty, and then quickly go back to his own work. He soon became so embarrassed by this uncertain feelings, he stopped talking about her with his colleagues. Soon after that, he stopped taking part in their discussions altogether. Then, one day, everything changed.

It was near the start of Sue’s sophomore year. It was a clear fall day, showing all the signs of the changing season. The leaves were falling off their branches in varying shades of red, orange, and yellow, and a soft cool breeze was almost constantly blowing. Fall had always been Richards favorite season of the year. It always managed to keep his spirits up somehow, and that day was no different. He walked into class, chipper as ever, and breezed through the lecture. Perhaps that is why he didn’t even notice when she came up to him after the lunch bell had rung.

“Excuse me Mr. Mercer,” came a soft, almost shy voice. Richard was sitting at his office, getting ready to head to the cafeteria, when he look to see Sue Banks standing at his desk, holding her books against her chest. Richard was taken completely by surprised. He had never spoken to Sue one-on-one without a sea of other students to chaperone, and certainly never this close up. Still, years as a teacher and months of hiding his feelings for the girl helped him to keep his demeanor neutral.

“Yes Ms. Banks,” she said casually, referring her to the way he addressed all his students. The girl did not answer right away. In fact she looked away at first, almost as if she were struggling against her better judgment. Finally, after silently making up her mind, she answered him.

“I, um…well I’ve been having…you know…trouble with some of the timelines you wrote on the board today,” she said. Richard was a little bum-puzzled at the moment. Students who normally asked for help with the notes did not stumble this much with their words. Could it be she was embarrassed for having to ask for extra help?

“Yes?” he said, urging her forward.

“And I was kinda wondering if…if you have time that is…if you could maybe help me go over my notes after school sometime?”

The girl quickly turned her face away from him, and unless Richard was mistaken, he could make out the faintest blush on her cheeks as she started rummaging through her purse. Richard could himself forming a small blush. He and Sue Banks…alone?! After school?! It all seemed so sudden. But then he quickly shook the thoughts away. She was just asking for help with notes, that was all. Though personally he didn’t see why. She was a top student. One of the best in his class and the whole school. Even still, the thought of being with her was too tempting to pass up, so he ignored this contradiction.

“Absolutely,” he said happily to her. The girl turned to him, and couldn’t suppress a wide grin breaking out across her lips.

“Really?” she said, almost not daring to believe her own ears.

“Of course. Meet me in my office at 3:00 after the final bell leaves. Bring your notes and the textbook and we’ll go over whatever you don’t understand.”

“Thank you Mr. Mercer,” she said, then quickly ran out of the room and toward lunch. And that was how it all began.

Sue began asking for frequent private tutor lessons with Richard after school. But the more they had this lessons, the more suspicious Richard became. Sue seemed to understand everything perfectly, and there were times when he thought she was pretending to not understand things. But why would she do that? This went on till the end of the school year. Finally, Richard could not hold it in anymore.

“Ms. Banks,” he began, “Do you really not understand the material?” Sue looked up at him, a look of confusion on her young features.

“What do you mean?” she asked a little tentatively.

“We’ve been doing this tutor sessions for months now, and I get the feeling that you understand this a lot more than you’re leading me to believe.” Sue turned away from him, looking suddenly ashamed and afraid.

“I don’t understand this, I really don’t! History has always been a bad subject for me.”

“Then why do you manage to pass every test?”

“Because of your help.” Richard sighed. Looks like he wasn’t going to get the truth easily. He reached out to turn her face toward his. He looked deeply into those lovely green eyes that silently pleaded for him to stop. She was so beautiful.

“You’re trying too hard to appear you don’t get this stuff,” Richard told her, hoping this would put the crack needed in her defense to get the truth of why she was here. “Why are you really here?” Sue closed her eyes, and when she opened them, there was no more shame or fear in them. Instead there was resolve and something else Richard could not place his finger on.

“I’ve been watching you too,” she started. “I’ve caught you looking at me during class. At first I thought it was just you being kinda flirty. Most teachers can’t help looking at me that way at least once in a while. I don’t mind it, but I never thought much of it. But you did it so much more than others. I thought it might get on my nerves, but I never did. In fact, I found myself wanting to catch you watching me…because I wanted you to see me watching you.”

Richard could hardly believe what he was hearing, yet before he could voice his thoughts, Sue went on.

“After a while I kinda developed a little crush on you. I couldn’t tell anyone how I felt because I was afraid what my friends or family might say. So I just kept quiet about it. Then I thought if I got some alone time with you, however it was, I might be able to sort these feelings out better. But now I’m just more confused than before because…because…because I think I love you Mr. Mercer!”

Richard had daydreamed about what he would feel if a student ever told him that they loved him. He had several different ideas of how he might react, yet none of them came close to how he felt right at that exact moment. None of it felt real. In fact, it was as if all feeling had been drained from his body. He felt numb, both in body and in mind. He didn’t know what to say. Of course he was ecstatic about his feelings being felt back by this girl, but she was so much younger than he was. Not only that, but he was a married man! Was this wrong? Could anything become of this? SHOULD anything become of this? Something of his doubts must have showed on his face, because Sue began to talk again.

“Anyway, I just wanted to tell you. I’m sorry. I’ll never bother you with this again.” She started to gently sniff and sob, and got up to leave his office. Then, acting solely on impulse, Richard got up from his chair and pulled the young girl into a kiss more passionate than either of them had ever experienced before. And from that moment, the two were nearly inseparable.

They continue to meet after school hours through the majority of her high-school education under the pretense of tutoring, although hardly any tutoring took place. When together, they would simply talk and gaze longingly into each other’s eyes. Then, as Sue came nearer to graduation, they became more bolder, going so far as to venture out alone together in public, going to restaurants, theatres, parks, and anywhere else they enjoyed being together. Sue always went off under the guise of hanging out with friends, and Richard with the claim that he was running errands. For a while, this fooled both Richard’s wife and Sue’s single mother, but soon they began to grow suspicious of these frequent outings. But neither Sue or Richard noticed or cared. They loved being with each other, and if anyone found out about their relationship, so be it. And that’s exactly what happened.

One day, Sue’s mother, Helen, having finally gotten so suspicious with her daughter’s strange behavior, called one of her friends, only to learn that they had no plans to hang out. Well if she wasn’t with her friends, who is she with? Her mother instantly thought it was a boy. She had warned her to be cautious with boys, as some were less than truthful about what they were looking for in a girlfriend. Still, she had never discouraged her from dating. So why would she be lying about a boy? With that in mind, her mother decided to follow her daughter for a bit, just to get a feeling about the boy she believed she was seeing. Imagine her surprise when she realized that her little girl was dating a man old enough to be her father. And one of her teachers no less! She was so taken aback she stopped in her tracks and completely forgot to follow them wherever it was they were going. How could this have happened? She had taught her daughter better than this hadn’t she? And that man! What was wrong with him to date a girl so much younger than he? He must be a sexual predator she told herself. But she’d still never have believed it off him. She’d met him a few times during Parent-Teacher meetings, and he seemed so normal. And her daughter always said he was her favorite teacher, although she guessed this might explain the sentiment.

So she sat down on a nearby bench, silently pondering what to do. If she confronted them, she would lose. She was outnumbered, she daughter was stubborn, and the man was eloquent; pervert or not. So she thought hard about what to do. Then it hit her. If she was outnumbered, all she had to do was even the playing field. And if she remembered, the teacher had a wife. Oh, she bet his wife would be interested to know about this. Jennifer she believed his wife was called. So Helen quickly pulled out her phone and dialed information for the home phone of Mr. And Mrs. Mercer.

* * *

“I can’t believe it!” shouted Jennifer Mercer, slamming her palm down on the table so hard it made her fingers ache. Helen had gotten in contact with Jennifer almost immediately and arranged a meeting at her home to discuss “something very serious.” After a few false starts, and guzzling half a cup of coffee, Helen finally voiced what she had seen. Then after Jennifer told her of her own suspicions, the two agreed that this must have been going on much longer than today, and perhaps even more than what they really thought. Maybe years.

“I thought all his tutor lessons with that girl seemed stranger,” Jennifer yelled, slamming her other fist down on the table. She didn’t seem to be taking this any better than Helen was. In fact, she appeared to be taking it worse. Helen was just shocked and worried about her daughter. But Mrs. Mercer’s fury was so apparent Helen was afraid she might lash out at her, so she moved her chair back a few inches just out of Jennifer’s reach. Jennifer looked up at her, fire in her eyes, and Helen moved back another inch.

“So what are we going to do?” Jennifer snapped.

“I-I don’t know,” Helen said, “I thought you might know what to do. He is your husband so I thought you knew him best.”

“Apparently not enough to know I married a pedophile pervert,” she spat. She rounded on Helen. “And what about your daughter?! Why is she with my husband?!”

But Helen had no answer. All she could do was looked at the kitchen floor is shame. She was so embarrassed right now she could almost see her own face reddening.

“You’re daughter must either be really screwed up or some kind of whore,” Jennifer said. Normally Helen would’ve gotten anger and argued this point. But given the circumstances, she had a feeling she might be right.

“So what can we do? I doubt we’ll be able to get them to stop seeing each other. I mean we can’t keep an eye on them all the time. And there’s school and everything. What are we going to do?” Helen was getting particularly frantic now. Jennifer’s anger combined with her own anxiety was adding up now. But at this, Jennifer finally seemed to calm down. She placed a hand under her chin and thought deeply about their options. There was silence for a long time, save for the sound of Helen’s hammering heart. Jennifer looked so intensely focused Helen could almost hear her brain working. Then, a sly smile crossed Jennifer’s lips and she assumed that meant she had a plan.

“I’ve got the perfect idea to deal with the both of them,” she said gleefully. She didn’t sound anger or furious anymore. Instead she sounded triumphant, and this somehow put off Helen more than her anger.

“What is it?” Helen asked, almost afraid to hear. Then, slowly and very carefully, Jennifer explained everything. Helen nodded, not fully getting or believing what she was hearing. But the more she listened, the more she liked the idea. At least she could keep that creepy man away from Sue, and her daughter wouldn’t get hurt. And it’d be a nice lesson for them too.

“Ok,” Helen said, “I’m in!”

“Great!” Jennifer exclaimed, “Now listen carefully. I have a way we can make this happen. But it’ll take careful planning and listening.”

Helen focused her mind and all her senses on Jennifer, and together the two discussed their planned.

* * *

The hotel wasn’t much in the way of style, and it was moderately comfortable. But it was the best Richard could afford on his meager teacher’s salary. But the room didn’t matter. Sue and Richard were together. It was what would be taking place in this room tonight that would make it the best room in the hotel. Ever since Sue and Richard had been secretly seeing each other, the two of them had talked longingly about sexual expressing their love for each other. But both agreed, just to be safe, to wait until Sue turned 18. Now, after such a long wait, Sue was 18, and both her mother and Richard’s wife were conveniently out of town at the same time, making this the perfect night together. And tonight, they would express such love for each other that the angels would look on in jealousy.

Sue was in the bathroom getting ready, and so Richard paced the room, hardly able to contain his excitement. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and he quietly wondered who that might be. He looked through the peep hole, and saw one of the staff carrying what looked like a bottle of champagne in a fancy bucket of ice, and two glasses. He opened the door and the staff member handed him the bucket.

“Compliments of the house,” the man said with a bow, and then was off without a word. Richard shut the door behind him, examining the bottle. It looked very expensive. He popped the cork, which came off surprisingly easy. He poured himself a small sip, gave it a tiny whiff with his nose, and sampled it. It was simply delightful. The kind of stuff reserved for the highest members of society. Richard then poured himself a full glass and proceeded to drink the whole glass. Then, he poured Sue one glass full and re-corked the bottle and placed it in the bucket. Of course, Sue wasn’t old enough to drink, but surely one glass wouldn’t hurt her.

At that moment, Sue came out of the bathroom, dressed in a bathrobe, her still slightly damp hair hanging down her back. She looked positively lustful.

“How do I look?” she asked, sauntering over playfully near Richard. This close to her, he could smell the shampoo in her hair.

“Exotic and sexy,” he told her, and then leaned down to kiss her. “Here, someone brought us up a bottle of champagne.” He offered her the glass.

“But I’m too young to drink,” she said, but only half-heartedly. Richard put he glass in her hand despite her protest.

“Come on. One glass won’t hurt you,” he told her. Then, without further protest, she drank the champagne. She coughed a little as the drink went down, not used to the strong, bitter taste of the drink. But she drank the whole glass all the same, savoring its taste. Then, when the glass was empty, she gingerly put the glass down.

“Well,” she said seductively, “shall we get started?”

She dropped her robe, revealing she was dressed in nothing but her bra and panties. Pink lace, covered with black polka dots, the almost youthful look of her underwear made him excited. He gazed at her perfect, shapely frame. Those lush hips and those sultry legs. Her flat stomach and ample breasts. It took all his self control to not rip off every stitch of clothing and jump her then and now. But he wanted this night to last as long as possible. They embraced each other, and began kissing each other. Their lips, their necks, their ears, every part of their face soon meet lips of love and passion. Then sue began to help Richard undress. First she removed his shirt, then his shoes and socks. Then she went playfully slow in undoing his belt and removing his pants as he lay on the bed. Finally she removed his boxers, leaving him naked in front of her, his giant member at full attention before her like a soldier.

“Give him a kiss,” he whispered to her. And she eagerly obliged. For one so inexperienced, she gave a better blowjob than Richard’s wife had ever given him. She sucked and tickled his sack, with made him twitch with pleasure.

Suddenly, there door swung open, and two pairs of feet could be heard marching into the room. Sue and Richard jumped with a start, and there standing over them like hawks were Jennifer Mercer and Helen Banks. They were busted.

“Jenny!? But…how…I thought–”

“Mom!? You…this isn’t…weren’t you–”

They each spoke at the same time, but both were lost for words. Jennifer glowered at them, full of anger. Helen cast her gaze low, full of shame and pity.

“I see it,” Jennifer said, “But I still don’t believe it!”

“How did you two get in here?” Richard asked, not bothering to cover up his still erect penis.

“Asked the manager to let us in,” Jennifer spat scornfully. She did not elaborate further on how they had convinced the manager to let them into a room that was not their own. But at this point, it hardly mattered.

“I can’t believe you,” Jennifer said, her eyes now full of tears along with her anger, “How could you do this?! And with a little girl?” Sue didn’t take well to being called a little girl, but thought it better to voice an objection at the moment. “You’re sick! You’re completely sick!”

“I can’t help it Jennifer,” Richard said defiantly, apparently deciding it was best to be completely and painfully honest, “I’m sorry if I hurt because I still care for you and I never meant to hurt you. But I love Sue here, and I want to be with her. That’s all I can say really.” Apparently, Richard believed a simple explanation would be enough to quell his wife. He couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact, his lack of a more detailed excuse seemed to raise the ire of his wife even further. Then both Jennifer and Mrs. Banks turned their gaze onto Sue. She felt incredibly venerable in just her bra and panties under their dual accusing glances.

“Honey?” Mrs. Banks asked pledingly. The hurt and shock in her tone was worse than if she had yelled at her. Still, Sue had to be honest. The women across from her deserved that much now. So she inhaled deeply, as if the air gave her strength and began.

“I’m sorry mom, but I love him too. I know how much older he is than me, but I don’t care about that. You can’t help who you love, and I love him and want to be with him too!”

And you can’t stop us,” Richard added with just a trace of defiance. The two of them stood proud and assured, not backing down from either of them. They prepared themselves for another verbal assault. But it never came. Instead, the two women only sighed.

“I guess that’s that,” Jennifer said, with the slightest hint of triumph in her voice. Both Richard and Sue looked at Jennifer with confused looks. Was it really going to be this easy? But if so, why did she sound like she had won something? There was something unnerving about the way she was looking at the two of them.

“How’d you two like the champagne?” Jennifer asked randomly. Richard arc an eyebrow.

“Fine. Why?” he asked cautiously.

“Because I spiked it with a little something special. It was so easy to insert a syringe into the cork and spike it without you noticing.”

“What did you make us drink?” Richard asked in sudden alarm.

“A new formula my science lab has cooked up.” Richard was about to demand she be more specific, but at that exact moment, as if on cue, he felt a shudder run throughout his body. Then he felt an odd sensation that the room was getting larger. But it wasn’t just the room. The others appeared to be growing as well.

“What–” he began, but was in such shock at what was happening that the rest of his sentence got lost in his throat.

“We call it the AR Serum,” Jennifer explained, “Stands for Age Regression. It’s supposed to make whoever drinks it younger. It was going to be used to prolong the lives of experimental animals, as well as sold as cosmetics to those who fear getting older. The drug is highly addictive and does have some nasty side effects, so we’re going to sell it in measured doses. I gave you a particularly strong dose, so I’m not sure how young you’ll get. There is an antidote, but since you love this young thing so much, I didn’t figure I’d give it to you. This way you two can be closer to each others age now.”

Richard’s years began to melt away. His skin, which was showing early signs of old age, was growing tighter and more defined. His hair, which had a few tints of gray, was becoming a more uniformed brown. Pretty soon he had goon from 43 to 23. Sue gapped in wonder at how good-looking Richard had been in his youth. Soon, she felt herself go moist between her legs in sexual excitement. This wasn’t a punishment, it was a gift. Although still a bit older than she was, they could now be together without drawing accusing eyes. That was, until…Richard’s regression did not stop.

Richard was continuing to slip backwards in age, coming closer and closer to Sue’s own age. Richard seemed to finally notice, and the realization of what it meant hit him.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice now a different pitch than it was just moments ago. But nobody answered him. He just stood there in shock as he regressed to a naked 18 year-old…and just kept going! He was soon only 16, and his physical differences were starting to show. His body was losing muscle mass, leaving him gangly and skinny. He was shorter than Sue, and his facial features were making him look his current age. Worst of all, his penis was beginning to get smaller and the pubic hair surrounding his shrinking manhood was thinning. Richard looked down to watch his physical transformation, too shocked to do anything. He was 14 now and still getting younger. His penis was quickly switching from manhood to boyhood, and his pubic hair was thin enough to suggest a boy who only recently begun puberty. Finally, the last whisps of hair vanished, leaving him hairless between his legs. The sight made his still withering look even less mature.

“NOOOOooooo,” he cried, his voice now considerably higher as he turned 11. Shorter and shorter he became as the serum’s effects started to pick up speed. Before anyone knew it, there was a 7 year-old by standing before them, his peepee hanging impotently and innocently limp. Sue could now see the tears forming in his young eyes, his situation too much for his younger emotions to handle anymore.

“What’s happening to my weenie?” Richard asked childishly, taking it in one of his hands and playing with it briefly. The scene made him look extra childlike.

“It’s getting smaller genius,” Jennifer answered with a laugh, “Looks like you won’t be ready for sex for a long time.”

Sue had to agree. His package was now a pathetic size, even for a child that age. She couldn’t believe this was the same penis she had been only to excited for mere minutes ago. Richard was now completely obsessed with the size of his peepee now, not seeming to care about any other part of his regressing body as he kept his gazed focused downward. As Richard reached 5, the skin of it began to elongate until it covered his tip and he became no longer circumcised. At this point, Richard lost it. He cried openly now, falling back onto his baby fat butt, throwing a wild tantrum.

“Me no wanna be a wittle boy,” Richard cried, but it was too late. He quickly regressed to 4…then 3…2…

“I want mommy,” he wailed. Then, with one last look into the eyes of the young girl he loved, he fell onto his back, arms and legs waving in the air, now a naked and innocent 1 year-old baby on the hotel room floor.

Sue looked on in shock as baby Richard cooed and garbled. Briefly, she wondered if he still had any memories of who he was, or at least who he had been. She scooped up the infant and held him in her arms like a mother holding her newborn. This seemed to comfort him a little, which led Sue to think he did hold onto at least some of his memories. But it was little comfort to her now.

“Still love him like this?” Jennifer spat at her scornfully. “Looks like he’s the jailbait now.” Richard raised his chubby arms and began patting at Sue’s breast, almost as if asking for a drink. “Looks like he’s hungry. Better feed him quick before you lose those perky boobs of yours.”

Jennifer’s constant taunting had finally become more than Sue could handle. She but baby Richard gently down onto the bed and puffed out her chest against Jennifer.

“Now you listen to me! You change him back right now. You have no right to do this, so if you don’t change him back right now or – wait – what do you mean before I lose my perky boobs?”

Jennifer smiled in answer.

Then Sue felt an odd sensation run through her body as well. Then she remembered. She too had drunk the champagne, and thus the serum as well. Fearing the worst, she looked to Jennifer for an explanation.

“Did I forget to mention…it takes the serum a bit longer to affect younger subjects?” Jennifer said with mock concern in her voice. Sue looked at her mother, but her mother remained ever silent. She too began to feel the room become larger around her. Then, her panties, even with their elastic waistband, began to slowly slide down her hips. And within her bra, she could feel her breasts were shrinking, making her bra a cup size too big. It felt weird wearing panties that were not tight around her waist, and to be wearing a bra that felt cavernous to her boobies.

“Nooooo,” she squealed, echoing Richard’s , as a bra strap slipped down over one shoulder. Her panties continued to slide further down her hips until they fell completely to settle at her ankles. She looked down, not noticing that her thick bush of unshaven pubic hair was starting to withdraw back into her skin. She was 14 now, and her bra was way too big for her. She watched as the boobs she had waited so eagerly to develop became less and less sexy with each second.

“Please! Stop,” she begged. At that moment, her bra was so big, and she so skinny, that it was able to slip down her torso, past her hips, and pool along with her panties at her ankle with her having to unbutton from behind. Now she was completely naked. She continued to gap in horror as her now budding pre-teen breast vanished, leaving her with the flat chest of a little girl not yet in her puberty years. This was made even more prevalent by that last vanishing wisps of pubic hair which left her with a hairless vagina. Look at her, she couldn’t have been any older than 11. She moved her hands to cover her nipples and vagina, not out of modesty, but to try and hide her lost maturity.

“How can you do this to me mommy?” Sue asked in a high pitched, girly voice.

“It’s for your own good,” Mrs. Banks said with a hint of regret, “I clearly didn’t raise you well enough to know you should be with someone your own age. So I’ll have to do it again.”

Sue was 7 now, and she let her arms drop, exposing her naked child’s body. Her arms and legs were beginning to become pudgy with lingering baby fat, and her belly was growing rounder with the same fat. Desperate to escape, Sue began pacing up and down the area between herself and the women trying to think of a way out of this. But walking was starting to get harder now. And thinking was too. She was finding it harder to concentrate on her plight, and easier to think about ponies, the color pink, and Barbie dolls. But before she lost herself completely, she had one final act she wanted to do. As she reached the tender age of 4, Sue used all her fading strength to pull herself onto the bed. There, asleep on the bed, was Paul, his legs spread apart wide to expose the level of his regression. Sue began to crawl toward him as she reached 3 years old. Finally, as she turned 2, she found herself at his side, and feeling unusually sleepy. She soon found herself laying next to him, her eyes drooping shut.

“I wuv you,” she whispered.

Then, as she finally reached full babyhood, she laid down her head and fell asleep. And the two lovers were finally able to share a bed together.

* * *

After the events in the hotel, both Jennifer and Mrs. Banks took the new infants and left. Jennifer sent in a letter if resignation on Richard’s behave, and then went to the court offices to file for divorce. She never did explain the whole situation to their children. All she told them was that their father had left her for some “younger thing” and that anything that happened because of it was his own fault. Seeing how upset it made their mother, they never pursued it any further than that. The child, she explained, was left on their doorstep abandoned. From a combination of not wanting any more children responsibilities, and from disgust with what Richard had done, Jennifer immediately took him to a Children’s Home. Mrs. Banks withdrew her girl from the school, and then both of them disappeared without any further word. Unlike Jennifer, she had decided to raise her little girl all over again. And so the two children were forced to grow up all over again. As the years passed, they were able to retain some memories of their past lives, although some also disappeared with their age. But what stood out in both their minds was one particular face. Neither of them knew the face, nor could they explain why it was so strongly in their minds eye. Yet somehow the image felt familiar to them, and strangely peacefully. As if they already knew the person, which was of course impossible. Yet the image just felt right somehow. So when times were hard in their growing years, they frequently turned to that mental image to give them strength or to comfort themselves. And who knew, perhaps this image that made them so happy was a real person. Perhaps they already knew them somehow. And perhaps, one day, fate would bring them together again.

NOTE: I based this story off of a real life relationship between a teacher and student I saw on the news. However, I DO NOT support these kinds of relationships. I romanticise it here, but only for the shake of the story.

Also, I am accepting commissions, so if you have a story idea you’d like see done, hit me with a message and we’ll talk. Hope you liked the story!



End Chapter 1

Someone Your Own Age

by: UnknownARTG | Complete Story | Last updated May 27, 2012


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