Trim time with an e-mail

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 16, 2011

Inspired from a poem someone wrote. It's a basic AR story.

Chapter 1
Trim time with an e-mail

Chapter Description: Inspired from a poem someone wrote. It's a basic AR story

More snow, what a winter. Of course when she had been a kid the snow would have been fun, inviting. Now though it was just more lousy weather.

Snow, snow, snow.

"Going to mope all day or do something?" And behold the other thing that she hated about the lousy weather, she was stuck living with her parents again because the cold weather had iced up her boiler and she had to live with her parents until the boiler could be repaired, whenever that was.

"Moping could be fun" Laren replies, she had changed her first name to that of a character she enjoyed from a favourite TV show years ago with her parent’s permission since she had hated her old name.

"Moping might cause the cat to commit suicide just to get away from you" The aforementioned cat, a Miss Pinkynose, meows in agreement. "You used to love the snow, I remember when you were barely over two and chasing you around in the snow, you had so much fun"

"That was then, mum, a long time ago. I’m not in nappies anymore, I’m not spending my days wetting and messing myself"

"You used to enjoy doing that too"

"I was a baby, I didn’t know any better"

"You still don’t"

"He was a mistake, mum, like every other idiot male I keep hooking up with. Why can’t I find a man who isn’t interested in what’s between my legs, but my personality?"

"If you find such men, let me know, your dad is getting ripe" Laren resumes her moping.

After an hour of moping miserably, Laren fires up her computer to browse online for something to do, anything but be fed up. While checking her e-mails she spots an e-mail that isn’t marked as spam, and is oddly inviting for some reason.

Despite her better judgement, she clicks on it and a small poem appears.

’Consider this as a spell and once you read it, it will remain in your memory.

Do not trim the baby fat,

Give it back,

Soft and smooth

Shrink the body,

Trim time,

Take it back.

Allow the mind to wander,

See the colours,

Swirl and dance,

Watch the hand reach,

Feet kick and stretch,

Trying to catch the colours that dance.

Take it back.

Wander back down the road,

Back to teething times,

Shaking rattles,

Building blocks.

Take it back.

Dear little one,

Little one,

Hello again,

Taking back the clock,

Turning back the hands of time,

Back to the good old days.

Take it back.’

As she read it she felt a tingle, which faded away as quickly as it had appeared. Then she resumed checking her e-mails while the spell rattled in her thoughts.

She didn’t even question why it was doing so.

The mail had been received and read, good, now to wait a little longer.

As the day grew dark and the night settled in, Laren wondered what to do. Since reading that poem or spell, whatever it had been, she has been feeling more energetic, more playful.

"Mum, do you have any of my old toys in the attic?" She asks after supper.

"Yes dear, along with all of your old baby things. Why?"

"Just curious"

It hadn’t been hard to find them, many of her old toys had been donated but a few remained. A few were enough.

As she dug them out a small voice spoke up in her mind, almost drowned out by the repeating words from the e-mail she had read earlier: "Why am I wanting to play with toys? I’m a grown woman, aren’t I?" She ignored the voice and took the toys to her room where she plopped down happily and played.

She played, a fully grown woman contently sitting on the floor happily playing with her toys, smiling, laughing and enjoying herself.

She doesn’t notice that as she plays and the words from the e-mail continue to repeat themselves in her mind that things are slowly changing.

Her bedroom, barren and empty of all but a bed, a dresser, a small mirror and a desk, begins to brighten as the walls take on a more childish appearance, the bed turning into a crib. She doesn’t notice that her clothes are changing and a thick, soft nappy appearing between her legs.

All she notices are her toys and her fun.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, she hadn’t even noticed that while she was playing that things were changing. First it had been her room, the barren look had melted away to be replaced with the kind of room a young child might have, a very young child.

She hadn’t even noticed.

Her clothes had changed from her adult clothing and had become much younger looking, with a thick bulk between her legs indicating a thick nappy.

She hadn’t even noticed.

And she hadn’t even noticed that she wasn’t even an adult anymore. Within two hours of playing her height has reduced from being five feet, six inches, to around the size of a two year old baby girl. She hasn’t noticed at all, she doesn’t even notice that she isn’t even an adult anymore in terms of physical differences that had been gained from growing up.

Despite a small voice in her head telling her that something was very wrong, something that wasn’t supposed to be happening.

And she ignores the small voice which begins to melt away piece by piece, a more infantile mind taking over.

She watches her daughter play happily and smiles to herself, glad that her mum had taught her well when it came to using magic with modern technology. It was an old spell, one that had been used on many over the years.

She hadn’t expected to use it on her daughter but she found that she had enjoyed caring for her daughter, more so when she had been an infant like she was now.

"Beddy times, sweetie" Her daughter looks up, drool on her lips as her continuing slide into infancy slows down.

"Ma ma!" Her daughter calls out happily and she attempts to stand, only to wobble due to her weak legs which didn’t have the full strength to walk, and to plop down on her thickly padded bottom. She then crawls over to her mum, sits happily and opens her arms to be picked up.

"A nappy change first though, sweetie, your all wet" Laren just babbles happily, explaining, in a baby’s way, about all the fun she had been having. "It sounds like you had a lot of fun" Her mum remarks as she lays Laren down on the changing mat and tends to her daughter.

After a nappy change and being dressed for bed, Laren cuddles against her mum, her return to infancy now fully complete, the spell no longer repeating in her mind. She smells something sweet and instinct kicks in as her mouth finds the nipple, where she begins to suckle contently.

"No moping around now" Her mum comments quietly as she feeds her daughter.

The next day a happy mother with her adorable baby daughter can be seen playing outside in the snow, Laren enjoying herself immensely.

No one questions how a grown woman has disappeared, the spell had made sure that Laren had never been an adult at all and had altered things just enough.

Best be careful when checking your e-mails, hadn’t you? Unless you hope to find such an e-mail.



End Chapter 1

Trim time with an e-mail

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 16, 2011


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