Ticket to Doom.

by: Jonny ARed | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 19, 2009

A witch gains revenge in a city in Medieval England.

Chapter 1
Power is good...

Chapter Description: ...in the right hands.

It was a cool Summer’s evening. The residents of Winchester were settling down in their wooden houses for another evening. The year was 1472.

One frequent visitor to the city was an old beggar. The residents turned her away from the city quite a lot, as Beggars weren’t allowed in the city. What they didn’t know, was that the beggar was a witch in disguise.

The witch in question was powerful in the "dark arts". She could manipulate any person’s DNA, mind, etc. to change it into something else.

Most witches and wizards strayed from using this art, as it was considered the most illegal of illegal magic arts. Anyone caught using it was burnt immediately.

She stood on the hill overlooking the city, St. Catherine’s hill, still in her beggar’s guise. As the sun lowered, she transformed into her witch form. It was time for revenge. There was one thing she had to do first.

The city had a mayor to rule the taxes. He had a wife, who helped him in times of great need. She was unknowingly going to be the Witch’s target for that night.

Sixteen imps, small, red creatures, set off from the witch’s cave to kidnap her. First, they broke in using a silence charm, so no-one could hear them, then they cast the same silence charm over his wife, so that no-one could hear her. They lifted her out of bed, and took her back to their mistress’s cave.

Uxoris woke with a throbbing headache. Such things tend to happen when you’ve been bludgeoned into unconsciousness the night before. Standing before her, was the beggar woman.

"You! What are you doing to me? And why?" Uxoris shouted at her, "Let me go at once! This is disgraceful!"

The beggar woman cackled malice fully. "Uxoris, Uxoris... You always were a stubborn one." She threw off her disguise.

"Hapora! It’s you!" Gasped Uxoris, recognizing her sister under the hood.

"Yes, sister, it is me. Skilled mistress of the Darker Arts.. and, now, wife-to-be of your husband."

"What... what do you mean?" Uxoris asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. Hapora changed her guise again, this time shape shifting to her sister.

"Now, Uxoris, i do not want you escaping to tell your husband that i am an impostor, oh no. So, i am using my magic to have some fun." Hapora/Uxoris chuckled.

She waved her arms, and cast a spell over Uxoris. The effects were almost instant. Uxoris felt her Vagina began to expand, as if she was giving birth again, and felt her ovaries moving downwards, as if they were to pop out, which is what they did. She began to yell as she felt a penis also growing, and her breasts were deflating also.

In a few minutes, Uxoris was a healthy male. Hapora looked her/him up and down.

"No, not enough." Again, she waved her arms, and cast another spell.

Uxoris felt herself shrink, slowly. It was an awfully odd sensation. As she grew shorter, baby fat appeared on her arms, legs, hands, feet and body. Her hair shrank even more, becoming nothing more than a few wisps of baby-like hair.

The one-year-old fell to the floor, looking her new body up and down in great sorrow.

"Now, Uxoris, you may not have the power of speech, ("baaagaaa..." Uxoris babbled in response, trying to prove her wrong) but you will gain it as you grow older, and will reveal who I am. By then it will be too late, but this is a precaution."

She snapped her fingers. Uxoris forgot she ever was a woman, forgot who her children and husband were, and was soon looking at his feet with great interest.

Leaving the baby boy to play on the floor, Hapora left the cave, now under the name of Uxoris, and eager for revenge.

The cock crowed. It was seven o’clock. The mayor opened his eyes. He saw Uxoris lying next to him. He could have sworn he’d felt her weight almost "disappear" during the night, but that must have been a dream.

"Mornin’, love." He said.

"Morning," Came the reply.

"You alright, Uxoris? Your voice sounds.... different... It must have been the way i slept." If he could see his "wife’s" face, he’d have seen an evil smile on her face.

The morning went as usual in the city. Local farmers brought their cows for market, and the women of the city haggled in the markets for jewelry.

The town cryer came up the street, ringing his bell, and calling, "Meeting in the Mayor’s house! Meeting in the Mayor’s house! All residents to attend!"

The residents were surprised; The mayor only called a meeting in a time of urgency, which there was none. But, they all went, leaving the farmers to go back to their own farms. The Town Cryer, and the children were not allowed to go to the meetings, so they all went elsewhere.

The Mayor had a slightly vacant look on his face, thought some of the villagers, but he probably had a bad night.

Uxoris rose to her feet, which was not common practice, as the Mayor always spoke first.

"Ladies, and Gentlemen, you may remember some time ago, an old beggar-woman came to this city...."

"Please do not say that old bitch is becoming a resident here!" Some man shouted, to raucous laughter.

Hapora was filled with rage. "And, who do you think you are, the Mayor?!?"

"Yes, actually! Look at him!" The man called back, again to laughter.

"Well, my friend, it’s time i told you something." Hapora lunged, at supernatural speed towards the man, and grabbed him at then throat, lifting him clean off the ground. She threw him across the room, and he landed in the Mayor’s lap, bringing him out of the trance Hapora had placed on him.

"I say! Uxoris, just what..." He began.

"Silence, you old fool!" Hapora cast a spell on him.

"What did you thay to me, Uckthorith? Wad de! Wad hab yoo dunn......gaaaaa goobaba." The mayor lost his powers of speech, and began babbling.

The crowd rose to its feet, and ran for the door. Hapora waved her arm, and the door locked immediately.

"Now, I think you all want to pay attention, or else, you will end up like the Mayor!" The crowd looked at the mayor, whose mind was now completely infantilized, and was sucking on his gold chain around his neck.

"Excellent." Hapora threw off her disguise, momentarily becoming the beggar, and then becoming Hapora once more.

"You turned me away from here, when all I wanted was shelter! Now, I am in command of this village, and i will refuse your pleas of mercy!"

She began picking each of the villagers off, one by one, turning men into girls, women into boys, regressing here, mentally regressing there, and one poor man was even transformed into a tree!

Looking down at the poor, transformed people in front of her, completely devoid of the powers of speech, she felt a small amount of pity. But, they had turned her away, and that was that. As for the children, the thought of looking after their infantilized/mentally infantilized parents was an even worse punishment the the adults’.

Years later, Hapora sat under a tree. She was reaching the stage of a Magi, where they had to vent their power in order to die naturally without being crushed by magic.

She took out of her pocket, a small, blue crystal which Uxoris had owned, and filled it with her power. She dug a small hole using her hands, and placed it inside, covering it up again. She then died peacefully.

Five Hundred years later, a man named James dug up the crystal. He kept it, until he realized what powers it held. He passed it onto a friend, Bill, who was also turned into a pensioner, however, unlike James, he was an old man at the end of his transformation.

He then passed it onto Tom, who accidentally reverted himself and his wife, Emma, to babyhood. Bill found it again, and when he died, seven years later, left it to his "older" brother, who gave it to his seven year-old son, Sam, who regressed his sister to babyhood.

It was then taken off him by a Man Called Harrison, who had it in his possession for ten years, and then his mind was turned into a newborn’s, and Sam gained possession of it again.

The future of this crystal is still uncertain.



End Chapter 1

Ticket to Doom.

by: Jonny ARed | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 19, 2009


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